Yea, my GameStop did the same thing.
Said today is the ship date...
My thought: Why wasn't YESTERDAY the ship date considering that TODAY is the day it was announced to be released.
Things don't ship on Sunday. At least not in America. So they wouldn't make Sunday the ship date.
Games come out Tuesday here, nearly always. If it says it'll come out Monday, it's lying. It'll come out Tuesday.
Also, Ferro De Lupe, I think the last couple pages proved my point that Midna
is controvers
ial, as controvers
y again broke out about it.
(sighs) Will someone just recap all the points on each side and we'll pin this thing? Or, better yet, can we just forget about it?
This thread has been a great source of interesting character ideas. I've learned about tons of potential characters for Brawl because of it, and I've researched nearly all of the characters I didn't know about. So, what I'm saying isn't that this thread is pointless- it's that arguing
trite or over-opinionated arguments is pointless.
I think I may have consumed all the originality the roster discussion threads have to offer at this point though.