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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2011
Gensokyan Embassy, Munich, Germany
You probably can't train your physical reaction time too much (there isn't a conclusive scientific answer though), what you can do is working on the time it takes you from reacting to your response.

What I want to say is, that you probably can't do much for the time it takes your eyes to realize something, and your brain to process that information.
What you can do is work on
a) realizing early in the animation what is happening (e.g. catch the roll on the soonest frame with movement in a direction and not only realize what's going on when he's already half through with it).
b) doing your response as soon as you realize what's happening and not wasting time figuring out what to do next. E.g. you see them jumping at you at a spacing what will allow you to dash dance grab their landing, so you go to that instead of looking at them for a split second and then being forced to shield instead because you don't have time to dash away anymore.
c) simply do the M2k and figure out strats that don't require good reaction times.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Shine grabbing is good, but if you never do actual shield pressure, they're just gonna get away with spamming buffered rolls and you'll never get stupid-huge combos by hitting them with dairs or a quick double dair by the ledge. If you feel like you can't capitalize, just look at how they are escaping and start covering that option more. It's as simple as that, really. If they are just holding shield until you drift away, stay on them or cross them up. If they're WDing OoS, use more early aerials and lasers.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hey PP/ other falcos, I'm having difficulty with the peach and marth matchups, and I would like input

Marth: should stay back or charge in? should i pressure him or let him come to me?

Peach: just need a lot of tippers for this matchup, esp from PP. Yeah I know KK, dair dair blah blah blah I need something other than that dumb dairy queen post
Marth is more about patience and baiting than anything else. You can still go in quickly if you want, but you might have to fake a little first since you could run into sword otherwise. You can hang back some, but if you do then watch out for dash attacks and Marth getting more chances to PS lasers. I like patient play at a reasonable distance from Marth, it tends to work well.

Peach: Laser. Did she float before you got there? Top platform fall with laser. Did she take the laser? Hurry and take your stage and pressure her/hit her/grab her before she floats.

Do not fear Nair OOS it can only go backwards and whiffing it is really scary for Peaches.

Don't jab unless you're really confident about it.

Do not panic while offstage.

Not sure what else you might be struggling with so I'll leave it at this for now.

I would also be interested in when to approach vs Marth and Puff, especially Puff. When should I run in there and put pressure versus playing it safe against a campy ball?

Also, this may sound like a noob question, but what is the proper response to bair spam?
Approach them when they're in lag lol, especially if they moved forward before going into lag.

Puff after landing from Bair so shoot her then and turn her around to start throwing off her spacing and setting yours up. If she shields the laser then you get to approach usually.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
The Stale Moves Queue works like this: It tracks the last 9 moves that you used that hit an opponent (shielded hits don't count) and each slot has a value. For each attack, the values of each slot the move is in are added up, then subtracted from 1 to find the Stale Moves Modifier. Slot 1 is the most recent, while Slot 9 is the least recent. Slot 1's value is 0.09, Slot 2's value is 0.08, ..., and Slot 9's value is 0.01. Because of this, Shine can be in your queue a few times and still end up doing more than 7.00 damage, so long as the Stale Moves Modifier doesn't go lower than 0.88. For example, Shine can be in slots 2 (0.08), 7 (0.03), and 9 (0.01), adding up to (1-0.12)=0.88. Shine does 8 damage, so 8*0.88 = 7.04, so the opponent won't get knocked up with no hitstun and weird floatiness.

good info SB.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
I seem to screw up the timing of shffling bairs into shine pretty often, can anyone help me figure out why? It feels like it's just enough to be different from the other aerials that it messes with me.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
it has more land lag than nair/dair by a few frames, he also wiggles more so maybe you're lcanceling at the wrong time

more info: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=300397
Thanks. Perhaps I'm trying to cancel it just as fast as the other ariels and that's the problem.

Another question: I was trying to moon walk with falco earlier because I love watching mango do it, but I couldn't do it without like smashing the control stick. I don't want to damage my controller but is this how he does it?


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Yeah, you have to slam it pretty hard when you're first learning to moonwalk. lol

Or at least that's how it was for me. I still hit it pretty hard, but not really much harder than a dash input.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Don't ever tell anyone that. You never NEED to be more violent with the controller. Its better to get used to the quick timings than to try to muscle/brute force them. Everything is just a matter of change in stick/button position over x frames.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
Don't ever tell anyone that. You never NEED to be more violent with the controller. Its better to get used to the quick timings than to try to muscle/brute force them. Everything is just a matter of change in stick/button position over x frames.
Hmm didn't think about it that way. I guess I should be thinking about how to more effectively manipulate my controller.

Btw is there a channel or something I can subscribe to to see videos of your gameplay or at least some highlights, bones?
I don't think I've ever seen any of your stuff.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD

All of the videos in the My Matches playlist are in chronological order, so you can watch about half of the tournaments I've attended from my third to my second to last.

If you have time to burn, I also have quite a spectacular collection of videos in my Favorites playlist. :D


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I got destroyed by Vist, a great Luigi player, and felt horrible because I was losing to a low tier. Then we played laser tag (cause that was the venue, and we had to purchase a game in order to use the party room). lol

Advice: Stay away from Luigi mains. Nothing good can come from it.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
my first tourney I went 2-2, beating my training partner who i thought was better than me but then losing an 18 minute best of 3 set vs a kirby player lol

my advice: ask for advice from anyone better than you, don't be afraid to ask good people for friendlies, try to find TVs with no/small rotations so you can play more, HAVE FUN and don't sweat the short term results because it's all about improving in the long term.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I got destroyed by Vist, a great Luigi player, and felt horrible because I was losing to a low tier. Then we played laser tag (cause that was the venue, and we had to purchase a game in order to use the party room). lol

Advice: Stay away from Luigi mains. Nothing good can come from it.
Always good to know the matchup and then you can combo even luigi! =D


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2010
St. Louis
How do I follow-up an upthrow against fast fallers? Low percentage, high percentage, how the lasers from the throw affect their trajectory/stun, etc. I usually jump up with a shine to catch them and that sometimes works but I also want to know when I can shffl an aerial at them and when I have to fullhop with a bair or dair.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
How do I follow-up an upthrow against fast fallers? Low percentage, high percentage, how the lasers from the throw affect their trajectory/stun, etc. I usually jump up with a shine to catch them and that sometimes works but I also want to know when I can shffl an aerial at them and when I have to fullhop with a bair or dair.
I'd say it all depends on the di. At low % is when you can follow up with a shine or a shffl. It is just hard to tell which way they will go. If you get a quick throw off at low % and they aren't expecting it, I believe the default direction is forward. That's why you can jump forward and usually catch with shine. You have to read which way they will di though. At higher % is when you will fullhop bair or dair.

Try u-throwing at the beginning of the match and mixing your follow up, this will allow you to gather your opponents reactions while not giving away too much of your own. Then you can make predictions on where they will di later.

One more thing, If you are u-throwing someone and there are platforms, always look for the tech, they will probably di to the platform and roll away. This is another opportunity to full hop bair/dair.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Always good to know the matchup and then you can combo even luigi! =D
I actually took a game off of him at the last tournament we played at. It was cool to see the fruits of my progress from my first tournament getting wrecked to my 30th or so tournament and taking a game. Next step is to win, ofc. ;D


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
I actually took a game off of him at the last tournament we played at. It was cool to see the fruits of my progress from my first tournament getting wrecked to my 30th or so tournament and taking a game. Next step is to win, ofc. ;D
You mean, he is still better than you? :troll: lol just messin.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Who won laser tag
Hova's a beast.

Laser Tag results:

Team overall results Round 1:

Red Team: 236690
Blue Team: 178670

Team overall results Round 2:

Blue Team: 244880
Red Team: 233230

Rounds were 18 vs 18 players

Player Results (Overall between both games)

1. Hova (69640)
2. Waffle (58690)
3. Black Venge (56610) (some little kid)
4. Chinesahh (55520)
5. Winner (46310)
6. Raptor Ham (44070)
7. Treegodown (43360)
8. Loser (39940)
9. JCaesar (37580)
10. Avalanche (34830)
11. HAT (34620)
12. Tantalus (34170)
13. Frozen (33400)
14. Blue Superman (32580) (not a smasher)
15. Bones (28220)
16. Thumbs (25580)
17. Vassago (25310)
18. Griffin (24070) (not a smasher)
19. Mcboobie (21280) (not a smasher)
20. Shinku (17610)
21. Mastercds (16600) (not a smasher)
22. Vist (16290)
23. Jake (14890) (not a smasher)
24. Karazor (13860) (not a smasher)
25. Btree (11130)
26. Tastee (10410) (none of the below are smashers)
27. Shera (8530)
28. Daijah (7930)
29. Raden (6240)
30. Dada (6020)
31. Beets (5770)
32. Monk (5010)
33. Red Superman (4990)
34. FalconS56 (2910)
35. Boobie (200)
36. Kris (-580)

Red Team: JCaesar, Chinesahh, Frozen, Bones, Avalanche, Hova, Treegodown, Tantalus, Griffin, FalconS56, Kris, Jake, Karazor, Daijah, Tastee, Winner, Red Superman

Blue Team: Waffle, Hat, Vist, Shinku, Thumbs, Raptor Ham, Loser, Vassago, Btree, Beets, Monk, Raden, Dada, Blue Superman, Mastercds, Black Venge, Boobie, Mcboobie


Sep 30, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
My first few tournaments were pretty awesome.

First tournament I went 18-10 in round robin full sets. Got a better controller from a friend and beat 7 of the 10 people I lost to in money matches.

Second tournament I went 2-2.

Third tournament I got 4th out of 30 people. :3


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
No one cares about first tournaments if you play with other tournament players all the time. That's lame. lol I legit played only one friend (Ganon main that didn't L-cancel or WD) and computers before my first tournament.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
I got 2nd at my first tourney, beating the TO and he turned to me and said "You're actually terrible at this game, but you're gonna win because of jigglypuff." and a bunch of other awful stuff... and the guy who won 6-1d me in gfs and said a bunch of awful things about me as well

then i didn't go to a tourney for a while...

and i think the last 3 tournies i went to were in 3 different states and i got 2nd at all of them... so not much has changed

always the bridesmaid never the bride :( :( :(


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Mint Hill North Carolina
No one cares about first tournaments if you play with other tournament players all the time. That's lame. lol I legit played only one friend (Ganon main that didn't L-cancel or WD) and computers before my first tournament.
YES, up to a few weeks ago, I've been playing cpus and scrub sisters that got pissed every time they played. (for the past year)


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2009
Rochester, NY
retreating under platforms, good idea or bad? i do it a lot vs falcon, fox and sheik, is this an ok strategy or should i be fighting more for mid-stage?


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Yo PP I got like $60 on you to outplace wes at Kings

should be a sure bet

but they seem really confident in him so he maybe has some NEW TECHNOLOGY or something?

watch out d00d

don't get sick
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