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Event - E3 Invitational 2014 Possible Newcomers and Veterans reveals at E3.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
I thought we just found them out because Japan got it earlier? Even so, it still means that Sakurai was trying to keep some secrets until release. So my point still stands.
Except your point doesn't stand. Good try, though.

Sakurai isn't keeping secrets. If the Gematsu leak is right, we're looking at the full list of newcomers already. Funny thing is, both the Melee and Brawl leaks had people just like you figuring that there had to be more to it. Guess that really does prove that history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
Everyone has got to stop putting Mewtwo in the "Newcomers" listing. Some people just cannot distinguish him as a veteran, and people think he has not been in a Smash Bros. game. Mewtwo's a veteran, not a newcomer, no matter if people say, "He wasn't in Brawl, so he is a newcomer in the next game." If he's going to return in SSB4, he will be called a "Skipping Veteran" (called it), in which he skipped a game in the series. Of course, that's only if he's going to be in Super Smash Bros. 4.

Also, to those who want Snake in, unless Konami, Namco and Nintendo decide to pull the biggest troll they ever did on us, he's most likely not going to be in, and will probably be replaced with Leon, if by any chance. Again, theoretical.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Everyone has got to stop putting Mewtwo in the "Newcomers" listing. Some people just cannot distinguish him as a veteran, and people think he has not been in a Smash Bros. game. Mewtwo's a veteran, not a newcomer, no matter if people say, "He wasn't in Brawl, so he is a newcomer in the next game." If he's going to return in SSB4, he will be called a "Skipping Veteran" (called it), in which he skipped a game in the series. Of course, that's only if he's going to be in Super Smash Bros. 4.

Also, to those who want Snake in, unless Konami, Namco and Nintendo decide to pull the biggest troll they ever did on us, he's most likely not going to be in, and will probably be replaced with Leon, if by any chance. Again, theoretical.
So your opinion is objective fact, how utterly pretentious. The most accurate term would probably be "returning veteran" which is applicable to all veterans.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Except your point doesn't stand. Good try, though.

Sakurai isn't keeping secrets. If the Gematsu leak is right, we're looking at the full list of newcomers already. Funny thing is, both the Melee and Brawl leaks had people just like you figuring that there had to be more to it. Guess that really does prove that history has a tendency to repeat itself.
What I'm saying isn't that if the leak came out. What I said was that Sakurai tried to keep information secret until the game released. Which he seemed to try and do, but failed. If he himself leaked the information than I would agree with you.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
What I'm saying isn't that if the leak came out. What I said was that Sakurai tried to keep information secret until the game released. Which he seemed to try and do, but failed. If he himself leaked the information than I would agree with you.
Ah. I didn't really understand your origin post there. Sorry. That's my bad.

Yeah, naturally they're going to want to keep some secrets, but the leaks for both Melee and Brawl made that impossible, sadly. Worse still is that we're looking on history repeating itself again here with Smash 4. Really a shame.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Except your point doesn't stand. Good try, though.

Sakurai isn't keeping secrets. If the Gematsu leak is right, we're looking at the full list of newcomers already. Funny thing is, both the Melee and Brawl leaks had people just like you figuring that there had to be more to it. Guess that really does prove that history has a tendency to repeat itself.
Rosalina refutes that point thoroughly enough. Even if the Gematsu leak is entirely correct, we still have the very overt possibility of having more newcomers.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Rosalina refutes that point thoroughly enough. Even if the Gematsu leak is entirely correct, we still have the very overt possibility of having more newcomers.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I hope the Gematsu leak is wrong, or at least that there's things the leaker didn't get beforehand, but I'm not sure what to make of the Rosalina thing. There's evidence in favor of the Gematsu leaker not knowing, or knowing and that it wasn't supposed to be at E3 and thus not added to the leak, etc. etc..

Plus, who knows? Rosalina could be just the only one the guy didn't know about.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Oh, don't get me wrong, I hope the Gematsu leak is wrong, or at least that there's things the leaker didn't get beforehand, but I'm not sure what to make of the Rosalina thing. There's evidence in favor of the Gematsu leaker not knowing, or knowing and that it wasn't supposed to be at E3 and thus not added to the leak, etc. etc..

Plus, who knows? Rosalina could be just the only one the guy didn't know about.
That is also a possibility; but I am 100% confident that Mewtwo is on the roster, and fairly certain that Ridley is also on the roster. So it is hard for me to fathom that the Gematsu leak is all there is too it. I am not asserting that it isn't possible. But I feel like the history repeats itself portion of your post was mostly a hasty generalization fallacy. For instance, I did not believe that there was more to Brawl's roster. I was actually surprised to see Toon Link, Jigglypuff, and Wolf. In this case, I will go on the record and state that I expect more out of Smash 4's roster.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
That is also a possibility; but I am 100% confident that Mewtwo is on the roster, and fairly certain that Ridley is also on the roster. So it is hard for me to fathom that the Gematsu leak is all there is too it. I am not asserting that it isn't possible. But I feel like the history repeats itself portion of your post was mostly a hasty generalization fallacy. For instance, I did not believe that there was more to Brawl's roster. I was actually surprised to see Toon Link, Jigglypuff, and Wolf. In this case, I will go on the record and state that I expect more out of Smash 4's roster.
Well, it's only a generalization fallacy because I don't have evidence back it up. I'm just like Sal Romano, man. You just gotta trust me when I say that the majority reaction to the Melee and Brawl leaks were that people vehemently denied them on the assumption that there was more to the roster and game than was being leaked to us because we didn't like what we saw, then got disappointed later when we realized that's really all we were going to see. It's the MAJORITY reaction, again, 'cause not everyone reacted that way. A lot of people saw some of the picks on the roster and were like 'Whoa, cool!'.

Only difference is that the leaks we have now have some basis to them and have had time to simmer. People aren't denying it as vehemently as they did from the beginning because it's not like the Melee and Brawl leaks, dropping days/weeks before the game actually launched. However, I don't feel like it's a coincidence that the three leaks line up in such a convincing way that I can't help but feel like history is repeating itself. There's subtle differences, but the majority comparisons are there.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
Everyone has got to stop putting Mewtwo in the "Newcomers" listing. Some people just cannot distinguish him as a veteran, and people think he has not been in a Smash Bros. game. Mewtwo's a veteran, not a newcomer, no matter if people say, "He wasn't in Brawl, so he is a newcomer in the next game." If he's going to return in SSB4, he will be called a "Skipping Veteran" (called it), in which he skipped a game in the series. Of course, that's only if he's going to be in Super Smash Bros. 4.
Also, to those who want Snake in, unless Konami, Namco and Nintendo decide to pull the biggest troll they ever did on us, he's most likely not going to be in, and will probably be replaced with Leon, if by any chance. Again, theoretical.
Did you just say LEON. A CAPCOM CHARACTER. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease tell me that was a sarcastic comment.


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2014
Union City, New Jersey
At this point I honestly don't even care if there are more Newcomers.
I just want to see more Veteran reveals like Ness, Lucas, Falco, C.Falcon, Ice Climbers, or Ganondorf.

Moldy Clay

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
My Grandpa's Womb
What I really want is for Ice Climbers, Ganondorf & Ness OR Lucas (do not care which) to be shown off at E3, as far as veterans. I don't necessarily expect them, but those are the vets I am hoping for most (Lucas more than Ness, but I've accepted his fate long ago).

Newcomer-wise, I want Pac-Man, Palutena, Shulk, Tingle/any Zelda character EXCEPT Ghirahim, Isaac (adult) and/or any new female (aside from Palutena). Really, I don't care what newcomers are announced at this point. I want tons, but I am so happy with the ones we have, that I am not concerned with who gets added too much and I'm more concerned with my favorites from Brawl not getting cut.

As for who I actually expect:
- Pac-Man, Palutena & Chrom, with a follow-up reveal of Mii later on. Pac-Man almost HAS to be revealed at E3, otherwise I will doubt his inclusion.
- As for Veterans, I expect to round off any returning "previously starter" characters. So if Wario, Ice Climbers, Meta Knight, Ness/Lucas, Captain Falcon and Ike are returning, I expect them to finally be revealed, or most of them. Meta Knight, Ice Climbers, and Ness/Lucas are top picks simply because they're characters that I could see changing dramatically.
- If any "previously secret" characters are revealed, I would bet on Ganondorf, Falco (or Wolf), Captain Falcon and/or Ness (C.Falcon and Ness fall into both categories, hence naming them again).
- If Mewtwo is returning, this would be THE place to reveal him. However, I also feel like it would be really weird to have spammed 3 Pokemon reveals. But this feels like the right place for it.

I'm expecting a bulk of the reveals to be spread throughout the Digital Event & the evening conference/Q&A or whatever, but I would be extremely surprised to not see a character revealed at the Smash Invitational (similar to how Mega Kangaskhan was revealed). If I had to guess, it'd be someone like Meta Knight, Mewtwo, Falco, Captain Falcon or a newcomer. Mostly because most of them are popular, and some of them tie to Melee hype.

We'll see.

I also hope we'll see a bunch of costume reveals. Either officially, or via press/demos. While costumes aren't new characters, if we get stuff like Dr. Mario for Mario, it's as good as a vague character reveal/comeback to me.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
We'll probably see veterans who are long overdue, as Yoshi was before. But I think it'll be characters who have been hinted at already, like Wario, Ice Climbers, Captain Falcon, Ness / Lucas (?) and Meta Knight. Am really hoping for the likes of Ike, Ganondorf and Falco / Wolf however. But I doubt we are going to see him.

Honestly, I'll expect there to be more semi-clone newcomers if the next set of veterans revealed will all be original characters. If they do not show old semi-clones as Lucas, Falco and Wolf I expect them to be revealed in another update, possibly with semi-clone newcomers. Am personally thinking we'll still see a few semi-cloned newcomers. If Ganondorf will be revealed, am thinking he'll have a different moveset. Think of this update as a similar one to the one revealing Zero Suit Samus, Sheik and Charizard. It could be featured in a Direct after the E3.

Also, if Mewtwo is in, I'll expect him to be shown at E3. If he's not shown, am going to assume he's out. Same with Snake.

As for actual newcomers that could show up:

King K.Rool


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2014
At this point I honestly don't even care if there are more Newcomers.
I just want to see more Veteran reveals like Ness, Lucas, Falco, C.Falcon, Ice Climbers, or Ganondorf.
Seeing how close we are to the release of SSB3DS and the amount of characters that are currently are in the roster, I doubt we'll know about any more than about 3/4 new characters before the game comes out. This is on the assumption that the other 12-15 characters we won't know about are secret characters, which nintendo hadn't released for SSBB until the game was out in Japan.

With that being said, I'm sure at least 2-3 of the characters on that list will be announced during E3 along with a couple of Newcomers.
High hopes for E3 this year. High hopes.
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Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
He does realize Resident Evil is made by Capcom and not Konami right?
Did you just say LEON. A CAPCOM CHARACTER. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease tell me that was a sarcastic comment.
Yes, I know he is a Capcom character, and I'm not kidding about him being in Smash Bros. 4, either. A theory holds that there can be two characters from the same 3rd party company in the next Smash Bros. game, but they'd have to come from different franchises; henceforth, Leon, being a Resident Evil character, could fit in alongside Mega Man, a Mega Man character, as they are both from different franchises.

Now if Konami's Snake is completely pulled from the game, Capcom (or Namco) could take the chance and add another character of theirs in the game; though, if this were true, the character would have had to been made around the time of the announcement of "Snake's removal" from the series. I'm not saying, however, that Snake may not be in or that Leon will be in, it's just a hypothesis I created. I mean, Sakurai could disprove all of this at E3.

So your opinion is objective fact, how utterly pretentious. The most accurate term would probably be "returning veteran" which is applicable to all veterans.
Actually, I use the term "Skipping Veterans" to refer to any of the 5 characters from Melee that weren't in Brawl, that come back to Smash Bros. 4. So if Mewtwo came back to Smash Bros. 4, he'd be called a "Skipping Veteran", as he didn't appear in Brawl, hence he "skipped" being in a game.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Yes, I know he is a Capcom character, and I'm not kidding about him being in Smash Bros. 4, either. A theory holds that there can be two characters from the same 3rd party company in the next Smash Bros. game, but they'd have to come from different franchises; henceforth, Leon, being a Resident Evil character, could fit in alongside Mega Man, a Mega Man character, as they are both from different franchises.

Now if Konami's Snake is completely pulled from the game, Capcom (or Namco) could take the chance and add another character of theirs in the game; though, if this were true, the character would have had to been made around the time of the announcement of "Snake's removal" from the series. I'm not saying, however, that Snake may not be in or that Leon will be in, it's just a hypothesis I created. I mean, Sakurai could disprove all of this at E3.

Actually, I use the term "Skipping Veterans" to refer to any of the 5 characters from Melee that weren't in Brawl, that come back to Smash Bros. 4. So if Mewtwo came back to Smash Bros. 4, he'd be called a "Skipping Veteran", as he didn't appear in Brawl, hence he "skipped" being in a game.
Tell me how your theory holds. I still think your crazy for even considering Leon.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
Yes, I know he is a Capcom character, and I'm not kidding about him being in Smash Bros. 4, either. A theory holds that there can be two characters from the same 3rd party company in the next Smash Bros. game, but they'd have to come from different franchises; henceforth, Leon, being a Resident Evil character, could fit in alongside Mega Man, a Mega Man character, as they are both from different franchises.

Now if Konami's Snake is completely pulled from the game, Capcom (or Namco) could take the chance and add another character of theirs in the game; though, if this were true, the character would have had to been made around the time of the announcement of "Snake's removal" from the series. I'm not saying, however, that Snake may not be in or that Leon will be in, it's just a hypothesis I created. I mean, Sakurai could disprove all of this at E3.

Actually, I use the term "Skipping Veterans" to refer to any of the 5 characters from Melee that weren't in Brawl, that come back to Smash Bros. 4. So if Mewtwo came back to Smash Bros. 4, he'd be called a "Skipping Veteran", as he didn't appear in Brawl, hence he "skipped" being in a game.
Okay, then it's more or less a fanboy theory. You should've said that in your first statement. In a way, that'd be like me saying "Oh, since Sega has Sonic in the game, then they should add in Kevin Durant cuz he's appeared on more Nintendo consoles than Snake has." You see the big hole with this? I don't think Sakurai has the mindset to do that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2007
Yes, I know he is a Capcom character, and I'm not kidding about him being in Smash Bros. 4, either. A theory holds that there can be two characters from the same 3rd party company in the next Smash Bros. game, but they'd have to come from different franchises; henceforth, Leon, being a Resident Evil character, could fit in alongside Mega Man, a Mega Man character, as they are both from different franchises.

Now if Konami's Snake is completely pulled from the game, Capcom (or Namco) could take the chance and add another character of theirs in the game; though, if this were true, the character would have had to been made around the time of the announcement of "Snake's removal" from the series. I'm not saying, however, that Snake may not be in or that Leon will be in, it's just a hypothesis I created. I mean, Sakurai could disprove all of this at E3.
Just because it's a possibility doesn't mean it's at all probable. I would say if Snake is not in the game he was 'replaced' by Mega Man or Pac-Man, the chances of them choosing Leon of all characters is practically 0. Snake is several orders more likely than Leon.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
It's possible that we may possibly see possible characters. It's impossible that we won't, or is it possibly possible after all? Anything has the possibility to be possible or impossible.

Okay I'll stop. Possibly. :troll:


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Yes, I know he is a Capcom character, and I'm not kidding about him being in Smash Bros. 4, either. A theory holds that there can be two characters from the same 3rd party company in the next Smash Bros. game, but they'd have to come from different franchises; henceforth, Leon, being a Resident Evil character, could fit in alongside Mega Man, a Mega Man character, as they are both from different franchises.

Now if Konami's Snake is completely pulled from the game, Capcom (or Namco) could take the chance and add another character of theirs in the game; though, if this were true, the character would have had to been made around the time of the announcement of "Snake's removal" from the series. I'm not saying, however, that Snake may not be in or that Leon will be in, it's just a hypothesis I created. I mean, Sakurai could disprove all of this at E3.

Actually, I use the term "Skipping Veterans" to refer to any of the 5 characters from Melee that weren't in Brawl, that come back to Smash Bros. 4. So if Mewtwo came back to Smash Bros. 4, he'd be called a "Skipping Veteran", as he didn't appear in Brawl, hence he "skipped" being in a game.
"Returning Melee Veteran," that is the more ideal term in my opinion. "Skipping Veteran" just sounds unnecessarily specific.

Moldy Clay

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
My Grandpa's Womb
Yes, I know he is a Capcom character, and I'm not kidding about him being in Smash Bros. 4, either. A theory holds that there can be two characters from the same 3rd party company in the next Smash Bros. game, but they'd have to come from different franchises; henceforth, Leon, being a Resident Evil character, could fit in alongside Mega Man, a Mega Man character, as they are both from different franchises.

Now if Konami's Snake is completely pulled from the game, Capcom (or Namco) could take the chance and add another character of theirs in the game; though, if this were true, the character would have had to been made around the time of the announcement of "Snake's removal" from the series. I'm not saying, however, that Snake may not be in or that Leon will be in, it's just a hypothesis I created. I mean, Sakurai could disprove all of this at E3.
Here's the thing, why Leon, and why Resident Evil? Leon's last appearance on Nintendo was Darkside Chronicles. Why would Capcom go for that, or Sakurai, though, over another Mega Man character or something? To take Snake's moveset? Is that the logic?

And this is making the assumption that SSB4 has almost 4 third parties (SEGA, Capcom, Namco and Leon or Snake, or another Namco guy). If anybody had 2, I don't think it'd be Capcom. They're the least connected to Nintendo right now.

Actually, I use the term "Skipping Veterans" to refer to any of the 5 characters from Melee that weren't in Brawl, that come back to Smash Bros. 4. So if Mewtwo came back to Smash Bros. 4, he'd be called a "Skipping Veteran", as he didn't appear in Brawl, hence he "skipped" being in a game.
Regardless of what YOU use, Melee cuts are still 'returning veterans'. They are returning, from Melee. Sakurai's not going to call them something you made up, nor would there ever be a time where that terminology doesn't sound awkward. It's not a thing.


Smash Rookie
May 17, 2014
Hagerstown, MD
I don't think Mewtwo will be returning, sadly. I think that with already with 4 Pokemon characters on the roster, I think that if there's a 5th slot, it'll be filled with longtime character Jigglypuff (even though I'd much rather see it filled with Mewtwo).
Also, I think Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers (especially because I thought Sakurai said something about having difficulties programming them in the 3DS version I think? I could be wrong), Ness, and Falco have a good chance of returning. I think Ganondorf could be replaced by Ghirahim or Demise, but that's also up in the air. I think Chrom should replace Ike, and I think a new Namco character should appear (but I'm not a huge fan of Pac-Man taking that slot). I also think Meta Knight's return is up in the air along with Wario's, and I think they probably won't return (because Sakurai said early on that they would be cutting some people's favorite characters and I would assume they would cut the newer ones rather than older ones). Also, no Snake, Wolf, Pkmn Trainer (in any form), or Ike. I really do wish they would have another Metroid representative in, but I don't think they will appease us with Ridley (or anybody for that matter..)

Jigglypuff (no Mewtwo)
Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
Namco character
No Meta Knight, Lucas, Rob, Wario, Snake, Wolf, Pkmn Trainer, Ike, or another Metroid rep.

I know probably everyone has something or other to what I said, but I wanted to put out my opinion if anyone cared to know.
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Deleted member

I personally believe that Mewtwo still has a chance even if Jigglypuff comes back (which is quite likely). Going back to the Brawl Roster, if you count all 3 of Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon, there were 6 reps, so although cuts are being made this time around, I think that 6 Pokemon reps is still a plausible idea.

On a different note, I hypothesize that Wario will be revealed either with the Mario Kart release or at E3 and that Ness, Captain Falcon, and Ganondorf will make an appearance at E3 as well. Furthermore, I believe that E3 is also the "Do-Or-Die" moment for both Mewtwo and Ridley, being that they are such greatly hyped characters, it would make sense they would be revealed here instead of remaining as unknown unlockables like the 12 characters from Brawl. Because of the importance of a Ridley and/or Mewtwo reveal to the hype-building for Smash 4, I can even see only these two being revealed at E3 (with maybe Captain Falcon) and the other characters (Ness, Jigglypuff, etc.) being kept secret until release (assuming they are in).

On the status of other newcomers such as Chrom and Palutena, I feel they will be among the group kept secret until game release if they are indeed a part of the final roster (although I definitely think Palutena is in now due to the infamous "Palutena Troll" that Sakurai pulled during the Smash Direct).


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Sakurai's skill is giving us characters we didn't know we wanted.

I'm curious to see if he has anything WFT level on the cards.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Sakurai's skill is giving us characters we didn't know we wanted.
The only unexpected character he gave me that " I didn't know that I wanted" was the WFT.

Nevertheless, I expect a curveball addition at E3. I don't want it at all at this point, considering I already got WFT (and Rosalina and Greninja weren't exactly super-obvious shoo-in characters, though they weren't as shocking as WFT) and I would be much more satisfied having characters that I expect such as Mewtwo and Pac-Man.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2014
King K Rool
Surprise ending with Pac-Man

Meta Knight
Ice Climbers


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Sakurai's skill is giving us characters we didn't know we wanted.

I'm curious to see if he has anything WFT level on the cards.
I can actually agree with this sentiment. I didn't know that I wanted Wii Fit Trainer or Greninja; however, I find them to be superb additions. I am still on the fence about Villager, albeit he is a character that I didn't know that I wanted. I actually knew that I wanted Rosalina and Little Mac as I adamantly supported both of them. Other than that, everyone and their grandmother's cat saw Mega Man coming from a mile away.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Except your point doesn't stand. Good try, though.

Sakurai isn't keeping secrets. If the Gematsu leak is right, we're looking at the full list of newcomers already. Funny thing is, both the Melee and Brawl leaks had people just like you figuring that there had to be more to it. Guess that really does prove that history has a tendency to repeat itself.
You know i feel like theres going to be a repeat performance of a leak like that for smash 4, just before the release of the 3ds version


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
You know i feel like theres going to be a repeat performance of a leak like that for smash 4, just before the release of the 3ds version
I wouldn't be surprised. There's almost inevitably a reviewer that anonymously breaks NDA and releases that information in the last forty-eight/twenty-four hours.

Mind Ranger

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2013

I think for veterans we will see:

Captain Falcon
Jiggly Puff
Maybe Ganondorf
and not Mewtwo because I dont think its likely even though everyone thinks it is.


Another Donkey Kong charactere
Fire Emblem character
Possibly mii
and not ridley because like mewtwo he's not likely even though he would be really cool


Smash Clown
Feb 3, 2014
Tazmily Village
I say Sakurai will reveal Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, and Ness all in one! Or they could do it like brawl, and not reveal anything about them. As for newcomers, I say they'll reveal Chrom and Palutena.
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