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Pokemon Trainer (Red!) Discussion


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I'll do my best to argue why I think Red belongs in Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

If you look at the list of characters in SSBM, you'll see that most of them are playable in their own games. Mario, Link, Donkey Kong...you are the one controlling them as they go on their adventures. There are some characters like Ganondorf who are never playable, but we'll ignore him. >>;

Then we get to Pokemon. The four playable characters Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff and Mewtwo are playable in a sense in their own game. When you think about the actual story though, the trainer is the one who calls the shots and tells the Pokemon what to do and how to react against the enemy. Like Link in a Zelda game, there is a character who represents you. Focusing on the first Pokemon games Pokemon Red/Green (Blue), we will call this character Red.

He's an 11 year old boy who left his home to become a Pokemon Master. He goes through any length to capture Pokemon. He'll fish for them. He'll ride his bike through grass. He'll go into the Safari Zone and lure them with candy or hit them with rocks. Whatever it takes, in the end he reaches his goal in the final showdown with his rival at the Indigo Plateau, and he uses his well trained Pokemon to reach his goal. Then in the Gold/Silver/Crystal games, you face him in Mt. Silver. Silent as always, he takes you on...and when he loses, he disappears to take you on another day.

Why do I think Red should be in SSBB? Well, for one...this year is Pokemon's 10th anniversary in Japan. I think he'd be the perfect character to celebrate such an occassion with. Red/Green were the games that started it all, and Red was the trainer you journeyed as.

I'm sure your next thought is, "Why would he be playable? He doesn't even fight, and the story doesn't call for it." That is also true, but there are characters in SSBM that never really fought and made their way in. I'm looking at you Peach, Zelda and Mr. Game and Watch (at the time SSBM was released, these characters didn't really fight).

Now the next problem, how would Red fight? Many suggest that by using Pokeballs, he would be overpowered. Not a problem. Just have him throw Pokeballs that don't open. It could be a projectile. Forward B could Red riding on his bike and tackling into the enemy. Up + B could be a Pidgeot helping him up with Fly for a little while. Down + B could be similar to Peach's counter, with Red holding out an item like a Poke Doll. Red's throw can be done with the fishing rod.

I'm just using quick examples, and I know there are many that can come up with better ones. Red could be a long range character, having fixed Pokemon for his moveset attack for him. As a tradeoff, Red could have lag and be a lightweight character. Yes, another lightweight character for the Pokemon series does suck, but he is a human and Mewtwo should have been heavy in the first place.

I apologize for the long post, but I feel that Red would be a great Pokemon character to add into SSB:B. On a final note, I am talking about the hero of the games, not Ash Ketchum from the Pokemon anime. Ash, although based off Red, originates in the anime, and he does not belong in the game.

Now I look forward to your thoughts and ideas!
simply no, that is a horrible idea.
dammit i was gonna say that 1st. but uh seriously...how do i explain this.

red needs pokemon to fight. he cant just go around throwing :item9:s everywhere.
ssbb would b so gay if they put ash or red in.they can just trow pokeballs everywhere and a pokemon would come out. and one might b a legendary.

This thread needs to die and get tossed in the ocean metaphorically.

Than Meowth? Than Deoxys? Than Lucario?

Because the idea is self-evidently bad, and people are too shocked that anyone would ever even think of it to refute it.
No way Red will be in Brawl. There was like 4 playable characters in Melee and it will probably stay like that in Brawl, which will likely include:


Oh, and Red would suck in Brawl.
That is, without a doubt, the WORST idea i have ever heard. It's so bad i feel dirty from reading it.

I hope bad things happen to you, you are wasting everyone's time.
O.o ..........

kk....WHY did this thread have to come back!!!! I thought it was gone, and we had seen the last of this madness......but no.....I must retourn to flame.....again....

I swear, I am so annoyed seeing these "ash for brawl" or " red for brawl", "blue for brawl" , "insert colour here for brawl" threads/posts.....they have got to be some of thee stupidest, agonizing, childish, pointless ideas I will ever consider responding to....

Whoever thinks, that out of the overly large selection of 400+ pokemon there are, that a TRAINER will be playable in brawl is DEAD wrong, and possible some of the saddest "fanboys" I have ever heard from......and many others have heard from aswell.....and I'm 100% sure what I'm about to argue, MUST have been said before, because it scares me to think there are no sane people who would have already mentioned this.

first off.....so many of these posted movesets for ...(I'll just go with red) Red, involve summoning pokemon for certain attacks.....hmmmm.....seems logical, and a good idea for gameplay to add to smash..........................................................................................
THAT'S WHY THE POKEBALL IS A FREAKING ITEM!!!!!! SO ANY CHARACTER CAN THROW ONE, AND A POKEMON APEARS!!!!!! ANY character can throw a pokeball, ANY, so how origional would it be to just be able to do that for "Red's"moves? Pretty dull......

Second....Red is not popular.....infact he's MAJORLY UNPOPULAR.....like....go to any random person....say the word "Pokemon" and what comes to mind? Well, probably things like Pickachu, Mewtwo, Meowth....because they are ACTUAL POKEMON!.....NOBODY, will ever think of "Red".....WHY, because it's just a name...a POSIBLE naem at that......it is a character, who really has no character (he just walks.....he dosn't talk- he has no personality- he dosn't battle, he let's his pokemon do that) If there's is going to be any character representing the "POKEMON" series, then wouldn't it be logical that it would be an actual "POKEMON" !!!!!.....you know....HENCE THE NAME POKEMON!

Thirdly- Now, other movesets i've seen have included moves such as punching and kicking....which brings me to another point.....WHY WOULD RED ACTUALLY BE FIGHTING?!?!? I mean.....that's kinda the point of being a pokemon trainer....YOU DO NOT FIGHT! YOU LET YOUR "POKEMON" FIGHT! YOU TEST YOUR "POKEMON'S" STRENGTH IN BATTLE! NOT YOUR OWN! so WHY! would Red actually be fighting, and getting hit? HE WOULDN'T WHEN THE TRAINER'S FREAKING BATTLE, THEY DO SO WITH .....POKEMON!!! NOT THEMSELVES!........Even at the begining of each frickon game.....the "Professer" always says the same stupid thing "oh, don't step in the grass, you might be attacked, you need to have pokemon to battle with first" ........ why would he say this, unless the trainers could f'n fight for themselves......:mad:

Red WOULD NOT IN THE LEAST BE ANY FORM OF "GOOD" REPRESENTATION FOR BRAWL! If there will be representation for "Pokemon" it WILL BE A "POKEMON" why? BECAUSE THE GAME IS ABOUT """POKEMON"""! He would also be bad representation, because when poeple see him/play as him, they will think it is so incredible lame & unbearably stupid, the Pokemon franchise would be leaving a bad image for itself

:mad: so there, once again I had to respond to this POS idea of trainers in brawl....and, As Iv'e said on other "Red flamming occasions" ( a fellow smasher once said) " unless he is the alternate costume for the sandbag in the homerun contest, then there is NO good reason for him to be in Brawl" ....

PS: It's not often I make longer posts about things, because I am somewhat of a dyslexic (though I think i've come quite a long way, I DO try to catch my errors, and have become fairly good with a keyboard).....so if anyone tries to BS my points due to my spelling errors, then A: your getting personal, and B: It's a lousy excuse in the first place
thats like putting ****in paperboy in brawl
Okay, I'm gonna say this clearly, and bluntly (AGAIN):

No, just no. Don't take this TO harshly, but this is probably the most ridiculous character suggestions I've heard. Not only would he be one of the weakest, it would be hard to make a move set for him that would make total sense (seeing as how we have POKEBALLS for POKEMON). You fan boys can keep on dreaming, but I think even YOU know he does not have a chance of getting in.
As cool as a trainer sounds, he won't be in brawl. Can some one say "hell no?"

Gotta be F*n kidding me

..........LIKE WHAT THE **** MAN?!
Yukiwarashi (and anyone else who kept the faith) owned us all! Great prediction skills dude! *Salutes*

Boo Ya! 1000 posts!


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2006
Was it really that hard to believe Red could be in brawl? I mean, sure it was kinda iffy, but it couldn't have been impossible as we all see now.

TM Revolution

Smash Cadet
Aug 24, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
PT, PT ditto matches. different costumes! different pokemon colors! Maybe sunglasses on squirttle, charazard with stripes, Ivysaur with different colored flowers. And PT has green, blue, and yellow costumes :p


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2007
Ok everybody red is the main character of fire red and red right? well if you've played red version you's know that an alernate default name is Ash so Red is Ash and anime ash is basedof of red from the origanal game. k?


Smash Rookie
Aug 1, 2007
I'll be depressed if variations of Pokemon Trainer do not include Green.

Green is my angel. ;-;

dan smith

Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2004
Lawrence, KS
Why were all the people who posted in this thread against the idea of Pokemon Trainer SO insistent that it wouldn't happen?? Man, talk about having over confidence in your blind assumptions.

This thread really is hilarious after last nights update.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
PT, PT ditto matches. different costumes! different pokemon colors! Maybe sunglasses on squirttle, charazard with stripes, Ivysaur with different colored flowers. And PT has green, blue, and yellow costumes :p
Yeah, I wonder how team battles will work...Charmander is always red and Squirtle is always blue, what will they do? Falco was always a little unsettling in teams because no matter what color he wore, that blue stood out so sharply :laugh:

I hope shiny Pokemon will be an alt costume :chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
i dont think each pokemon will have its own final smash, but rather the Trainer will have a newer pokemon to summon for a brief persiod of time. kind of lik ehow u can play giga bowser for a short while. just my opinion of course, since after this morning's update, you cant really shoot down much from ppl anymore.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
I've heard some people say that he could stand on platforms, move with the stage, and maybe even fight some with. Just look the pics on smashbros.com, he's part of the background of the stage.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Wow, this is... like Game & Watch all over. Or something.

If the poke-change can be done in mid-air, I predict cheap-*** recovery. Charizard jumps, double-jumps, up-b's (Fly?); POKEMON CHANGE! Squirtle uses jump, double-jump, up-b (Rapid spin/Fortress knock-off?); POKEMON CHANGE! Ivysaur uses jump, double-jump, up-b (no idea)... etc. Could also stall.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2006
I'm thinking three things; one that Ivysaur's grab might be like Link's and Samus's, two that Squirtle will have Bowser's up-B, and three that Charizard will have Bowser's fire breath.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
i take it charizard might not be in a pokeball this time
Well, uh.... yes.
And the same probably goes for Venusaur and Blastoise.
I'll be depressed if variations of Pokemon Trainer do not include Green.

Green is my angel. ;-;
...I must admit I'm looking forward a lot to at least a single female trainer.
And, you won't be disappointed, I'm sure!

The purpose of this trainer is to create immersion.
It is the best possible Pokemon representative, really.
You play the trainer you play in the games. You play yourself. Not as Red or Ash, but as a "Pokemon trainer", who is you. And you play exactly as you do in the games.
As such, it's only natural that you get to choose whether you're a boy or a girl. That's a staple in the series and absolutely necessary for immersion.
They are trying to broaden their audience to include, for example, female gamers.
Consequently, Sakurai is supposed to have said that he'll include more female characters.
And given that the trainer doesn't do a whole lot, replacing the model would be easy as cake.

There are so many things hinting at more than one trainer model it's not even funny.
Why were all the people who posted in this thread against the idea of Pokemon Trainer SO insistent that it wouldn't happen?? Man, talk about having over confidence in your blind assumptions.

This thread really is hilarious after last nights update.
Well, almost nobody wanted to have Ash as an actual fighting character who throws hits and kicks and stuff.
Sakurai seemed to concur, no?

@ChronoSquare: That won't work. Sakurai would have thought of that. If the Pokemon share the same damage, it doesn't seem far off that they share double jumps, doesn't it?




Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2007
Finland, the land of Beer, Deer and Sauna!
To day i woke up and checked the newest smash bros update and emidiatly i knew this was going to be the craziest and most fun fighting game ever! and i thougth the fact that zelda could turn into sheik and the ice climbers double team was crazy in melee but no they had to make even weirder characters! ^_^
im just thinking what will hes smash move be? another pokemon? 0_0


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
What.................... how...........when.........where...............WHY?

im so shocked this is incomprehensis thible to me my jaw hit the floor when i saw this update................ so says everyone else in this thread except for the people who kept to their predcitions...........................


Congratulations to everyone who stuck to this thread and got shot down repeatedly but stuck to their ideas..................

Kudos to the person who started thread. what a guess!:ouch::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::burst::smiliegor


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Wow, this is... like Game & Watch all over. Or something.

If the poke-change can be done in mid-air, I predict cheap-*** recovery. Charizard jumps, double-jumps, up-b's (Fly?); POKEMON CHANGE! Squirtle uses jump, double-jump, up-b (Rapid spin/Fortress knock-off?); POKEMON CHANGE! Ivysaur uses jump, double-jump, up-b (no idea)... etc. Could also stall.
And you've completely forgotten that using UP B to recover usually prevents your character from doing anything else.


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
And... how would you do that?
No, seriously. He'll just run around and follow his Pokemon and shout ( silently? ) and wave his hands.
No. He could just run into the background after throwing his Pokeball. :p


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2005
Charleston, WV
Yes! Yes!

YES!!!! :D

This is the best news I've heard all day.

Okay, this guy's gonna be my new favorite character in SSBB!! ^_^

(seeing as how Red's the closest I'm actually gonna get to be able to play as Ash, lol) XD


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Few problems:

Where will the trainer go on stages like Rumble Falls? What about the Bridge of Eldin? Can he stand anywhere? It's long, flat, and thin. I don't see where he could stand.

Also, how will Ivysaur pick up items? Vine Whip? (That would be neat)


Smash Champion
Dec 18, 2002
I don't know if anyone realized this, but the addition of Red Trainer as a multi-character implies that they MAY be bringing back custom intros. It makes sense, since it would look very odd to have Red Trainer appear on a platform then hop into the background and throw out the first pokemon, which itself would mean whoever is Red Trainer would have to wait an extra 3 - 4 seconds before being able to attack. The most logical thing would be to have him be in the background already and just throw out the first pokemon at the start of the match. That means other characters will likely have custom intros.

Also I hope the stamina of the pokemon gets reset if they get KO'ed.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
I don't know if anyone realized this, but the addition of Red Trainer as a multi-character implies that they MAY be bringing back custom intros. It makes sense, since it would look very odd to have Red Trainer appear on a platform then hop into the background and throw out the first pokemon, which itself would mean whoever is Red Trainer would have to wait an extra 3 - 4 seconds before being able to attack. The most logical thing would be to have him be in the background already and just throw out the first pokemon at the start of the match. That means other characters will likely have custom intros.

Also I hope the stamina of the pokemon gets reset if they get KO'ed.
I mentioned the custom character intros earlier and yah, that was my argument. They could probably work around it but hopefully theyd just realize that it would be so much cooler to have intros.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I still think I was the first to think of the return of intros.

It really doesn't make any sense for Squirtle to be out when the match starts. That's now how Pokemon games work! They have to throw the Pokeball and release them first.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
Few problems:

Where will the trainer go on stages like Rumble Falls? What about the Bridge of Eldin? Can he stand anywhere? It's long, flat, and thin. I don't see where he could stand.

Also, how will Ivysaur pick up items? Vine Whip? (That would be neat)
He will need a flying pokemon Pidgeot or Swellow

But read this
I see its one of these

1.Charizard or/and Squirtle or/and Ivysaur Evolve to Final Forms
2. Charizard or/and Squirtle or/and Ivysaur Use The Ultimate Move Frenzy Plant, Hydro Canon and/or Blast Burn
3. All 3 are released on the stage and attack with crazy randomness
4. Red switches up his choices

To represent all generations, And come on think about it on stages like Rumble falls Red needs to ride on something.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
This update rocks so hard. It seemed really dumb at first but think of the difference that will come with playing as a character like this.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
See the 1st pic where the traine ris holding the pokebvall, im sure thats the intro, he falls, shows the shnniy ball, and then jumps, runs wahtever to thr background, and summons squirtle, the pokemon of death!
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