Okay, so to paraphrase: The Alola starters--plus Rockruff--may be symbolizing the four Classical elements. Litten is fire, Popplio is water, Rowlet is air (which is why it's part Flying in its base form, the second starter ever to start off dual-typed and the first since Gen 1's weirdness, as well as possibly being a nod to how the Chinese wood element includes wind), and Rockruff is earth. The Aether Foundation and its name basically confirms that there's a far reaching alchemy motif going on here, to the point where the design team may have dug deep under the surface for ideas.
Well, while I was looking around and doing research for the thread, I stumbled across this:
Apparently the elements of fire and air were associated with the masculine, and water and earth with the feminine.
Now look back at the leaked starter evolutions. Litten ends up big and tough and boiling over with testosterone. Popplio's outright feminine appearance has drawn some backlash, and it was the biggest reason there were people doubting the leaks prior to last month. Rowlet has the fewest complaints--while its design is kinda masculine, it's in a more subdued way since it's built around coolness rather than toughness--but this is mainly about the other two.
What if this is why Litten and Popplio's final forms are the way they are? What if they're knowingly matching them up with the gender their corresponding elements were associated with?
And if this is true, does this mean Rockruff's evolution is going to be mildly feminine?