The Eternal Will of the Swarm
The good thing about the time gimmickI'm confused. Thoughs on Pokemon.
Type: Null looks like a monstruosity from MOTHER 3. Worst name ever.
Jangmo-o: Looks silly.
Alola Raticate: I'm done.
Time gimmick: Doesn't sound good on practice, on theme it is alright.
Am I the only one who thinks Aether foundation are the real bad guys and Team Skull are just some disrespectful dudes that want to have fun? Just look at the leader, she looks sinister and her opening line is suspicious. Faba is so Lex Luthor. Wicke's back must hurt as Hell.
Gladion is so Leo from FE Fates.
Zygarde? Not to my interests.
Photos: Pokemon Snap meets 2016. Decent.
What the devil are Ultra Beasts?
Dusk balls
Dusk balls all day