I really hope "Timburr, Gurdurr, and Conkeldurr" are NOT the real names, there are plenty on the list at pokemondb.net that I really hope are not genuine. Lillipup [Yorkie]? Yamask? Woobat [It even sounds like the name of the one it's replacing. >_>] Vanillish? Eelektross? [It's not even related to a freaking eel -_-] Cubchoo? Pawniard? Vullaby?
How the heck are these names even considered?
On the flipside, there are a
few clever ones that I thought were pretty interesting. ("Remember the Alomomola" "There's a Foongus Amoongus")
Another funny thing is, I posted that I thought that one of the pokemon was going to be named "Watchog", but it was for the other member of the line that it ended up being used in. lol
Well, 5 generations in, one would think they'll eventually run out of ideas for names... and Pokemon for that matter. I mean, they can't even use "Pidgey" for the Pokemon that looks like an actual pigeon, seeing as there's already a Pidgey. I'm just rambling here.
I don't know about that, the community has come up with some pretty creative names in the past, heck, it only took me 90 minutes to make this list of potential Black & White names a few months ago:
I was hoping that names wouldn't be an issue until at least generation eight . . . . . .