Wow, this thread is long now . . .
Well, I still stand by my first post here.
^^^I like fire attacks so I chose Blaziken. . .
Really, he seems like the perfect fighter for such a game. Lucario looks coo and all but that seems to be his calm to fam. . . he just looks coo (not too strong from what I hear).
Plus, I don't really like the whole movie thing. It seems way too easy for a pokemon to get popular just by being in a movie. . . plus if pokemon were choosen by movie than we would only get Deoxy and Lucario (don't likey Deoxy). Blaziken is great imo because it's just a greatly popular popkemon that has nothing like a movie/ anime specail to give him the fad fan fav I see with Lucario. People have always (and still do now) wanted Blaziken in and that says something more than "new movie pokemon!!! Coo!" imo.
Funny, I would have supported Char had he not been pokeballed before in smash. Char=better than any pokemon not already in melee and now i get to kick some *** with my fav pokemon dragon
Was this poll restarted or is it just really slow? Funny, the highest thing here is in the 600s after like a year. . .I usualy see fan polls hit the low 1000s pretty fast for characters like Megaman and Geno so I guess this is more of a poke-fan nich poll thing and less general smash fan-ish.
Well, what has happened till now? I feel sorry for Meowth. . . . but at least we now know anime=/=get into smash free card. Deoxy sucked bad soo Im happy it got balled. Atleast we now know that popular with a movie=/=get into smash free card either. I think Lucario will be the next to be pokeballed. . . .comes out, throws it's ball and goes away . . . seems like a Ok action.
Any more new pokemon to choice from. Humm, Dragonite would be cool if we get the pokemon master as a character/ boss. Im guessing it would be a 1st gen seeing as Sakurai doesn't see them as "off limates" like we all thought and everything else isn't as well known. Raichu would be nice. . . or Eevee.
Humm, I actually like Eevee. Pichu's speed and stats sound about right for it. But he**, I don't even think we will get any more new pokemon seeing as we basicaly got 3 new ones already. Char is all smash really needed as fare as I could care.