Actually, with the Legendary I had in mind, you do not capture it. You help to restore its power so you can return it to the people that worship it, but you do not get to capture it ever. There are other Legendaries that would not tie in with the plot that you can capture - mysterious Legendaries, and the only way to catch them is to: 1) catch wind of this "legend", 2) seek out clues regarding where it could be located, 3) travel to the destination, enter its "lair", so to speak, traverse through the lair, whether it be caves, a building, a forest, etc, etc, then FINALLY you can battle and capture it, or trigger it to do something else like escape to another location or something. However, to go back to our "Legendaries should just be extremely rare Pokemon rather than one-of-a-kinds," idea, that would probably come into play regarding the Legendary Pokemon in the game - which means that perhaps a few other trainers in the world ALSO have a Legendary.
I'm all for the other legendaries, and while legendaries being catchable is a little fishy to some extent...having it non-catchable to be worshipped and such would be like some sort of a god, which would be bad. Now, what I would like is if you save it and then it returns to its lair, hidden far away, with a similar "hard to find" system. But perhaps it shouldn't be so important and worshippable, since that'd go into unrealistic, how-the-heck-can-a-kid-catch-this territory.
Now, I was not saying that the organization that I was referring to was not Team Rocket, rather just pointing out the actions that they would partake, whether they be Team Rocket or not. I was just trying to point out that they are indeed worse than Team Rocket was in 1st Gen, so if they are TR, then they have certainly grown worse.
Well, that's a good point, and I'd like that. But I'd want it to be Team Rocket for sure. Because they're bound to have some hokey costume (Magma/Aqua/Cipher) or a weird hairstyle AND some hokey costume (Galactic). Team Rocket's outfit is a bit weird, but, um...if I had to pick the most normal looking one, it'd
definitely be them.
I'm not saying that you're saying that Team Rocket wouldnt' be it (now, I was confused before), I'm merely expressing that I want Team Rocket.
EDIT: Oh, and for the city idea. I'm actually designing this world right now, drawing out a custom map like Ilex did (which I have to say, I was entirely inspired by your work, Ilex). The city will be a metropolis, but will only take up a small portion of the map, with most of it still remaining as wilderness. However, the cities will for the most part be more industrious with factories and tall buildings/skyscrapers. Only Pokemon can be found in the Metropolis, not in the other normal-sized cities, and even so, they will be sparse. For instance, you may find some Grimer, Muk, members of the Magnemite family, Slakoth, Munchlax, etc in the alleyways. The sewers would be home to Grimer, Muk, and perhaps some other dirty Pokemon... like Feebas.
A portion of the map, that'd be great. That'd actually be very interesting. I just wouldn't want it to be the whole world, which is what it sounded like to me initially.
And yeah, Feebas for sure. Although, is it just me, or is Milotic really not that fascinatingly beautiful that it should evolve by beauty up? And a random statement, that is officially the MOST ANNOYING set of Pokemon. Feebas is impossible to find and then once you find it, you've got to do things JUST RIGHT or it doesn't evolve. It's stupid. I don't particularly like either. Feebas feels like too much of a replacement for Magikarp (despite that it can learn some moves besides Tackle and Splash) and Milotic is just...okay, but not worth the hassle.
Do you think that Pokemon games have to be more sinister? I mean experimenting on Pokemon is enough and inhumane as it is, but what about HUMANS them selves? What if they make like a super soldier/trainer kind of enemy trainer? One that almost acts like a real Person in real life?
I think i toook it a little too far on that one but its possible right?
I think they should be more sinister. Testing on humans, eh...that could be a little weird. But Pokemon definitely needs to drift away from its extremely kid-friendlyness. I was reminded of this today especially when I saw a "Be sure to ask your parents' permission to go to" notice.
what if you could start as part of the evil organization instead of a 10 year old kid
I've actually thought of this before. After I played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and it gave you the option to "Save the world--or destroy it", I thought of how that'd work well in many situations. Perhaps they could still have dual versions, but it's a "Save the world--or destroy it" situation. One could be you playing as the normal, good trainers, and the other could have you as part of Team Rocket. (And please, only Team Rocket. I hate Galactic but at least I can fight them in Diamond/Pearl. I refuse to have that trippy costume for
my character.) And this could fix that legendary issue. Instead of having a legendary or starter on the game, it could have the good boy and girl on one, and the bad ones on the other. Just an interesting concept I just thought of.
We need another final boss, not the Elite Four and the Champion. That's gotten really old now, and frankly, I don't want to fight the Elite Four anymore. We need a solid story that continues on and on. The story of D/P just ended before you even got the last badge pretty much, when you confront Palkia or Dialga. It just ended. What the hell? I want an epic story, and yes, with TEAM ROCKET and perhaps the return of Giovanni, or even the induction of Blue (Gary) into Team Rocket in which he runs the organization.
Mm...another one
after the Elite Four and Champion, sure. It was nice how Red was there as this epic, legendarily powerful trainer at the end of your treks across two different regions. But the Elite Four and Champion are like...the given final boss of the games. I know you take issue with the starters, but I find them to be as much tradition as the starters. To remove them would remove the Pokemon feel. Now, would it be nice if they would go back to the original Elite Four and stop adding one new one after another, but I still think that anything but the Elite Four and Champion would be...not Pokemon.
The story shouldn't end like it does. It'd be nice if they had done something similar to Gold/Silver, but with a little more Team Rocket in Kanto. You do meet the one trainer in Cerulean, whom you have to get that, uh...what was it again? Oh yeah, the part for the Power Plant. In any case, if they could do something where that Team in the version doesn't go away after that encounter, which is why it would be nice if they wouldn't be all "Oh noez, I made a mistake!" at the legendary encounter, that would make me happier. Perhaps it could be something like Gold/Silver (I know I keep going back to it) where Team Rocket runs into you a few times, and then they say they will disband or they're done for now or whatever. But, once you beat the Elite Four, you hear news of an attack by Team Rocket, or something similar. It shouldn't stop there, but it certainly shouldn't change there.
Although I'm a little irked by the Champion. It was awesome in Red/Blue, where you fight the Elite Four and you're like, "Yeah, I did it!" and then all of a sudden, "...but you're not done." and you have to face your Rival one final time, with epic music playing in the background. No more of this "ZOMG, the person I saw earlier in the game that was stalking me is the Champion! I would never have guessed!" Who the hell cares about Cynthia or Steven? Or Wallace, that was so stupid. I really hope that doesn't happen with Volkner. It would make sense, unfortunately, with his comments about getting boring challengers and, if you hadn't beaten him, he was going to challenge the Elite Four. But I really hope they'd just make your rival the Champion again instead of this set Champion who is a PART of the Elite Four. It's expected now.
I like the idea of the protagonist starting out in Team Rocket. Maybe he steals a rare Pokemon (You have a choice of 3), escapes and Team Rcoket is trying to catch him throughout the story. The legendaries shouldn't even be a part of the story, just kinda in a side-quest or whatever. I would like it to involve more politics regarding the inner works of Team Rocket with different admins having their own agendas and ambitions in the group. This is a really cliche storyline...but maybe the protangonist is expecting to succeed his father as Rocket Boss but he doesn't want to. Then of course, some of the admins of Rocket want to claim the title so they're trying to hunt him down (Kill him, but it won't state that) while his father is trying to get him back into the organization.
That has Colosseum written all over it, though. It starts with an explosion made by you, who was part of Team Snagem. You blow up the giant Snag Machine and steal the portable one.
Wow, this is actually really nice. The plot is really interesting, and multiple endings adds for, throughout the whole game, value. That's a new concept to Pokemon. Now, what'd be awesome if this were implemented as I thought of earlier--in one game you're Team Rocket, in the other you're good. That seriously is a great idea, and a well-thought out plot.
That's why there would be other legendaries to compensate for it not being able to be caught. Can you not handle a Pokemon being unobtainable? I surely can. There's no way for me to obtain Deoxys, Jirachi, Arceus, Darkrai, or Shaymin, but I don't care.
Well, the only one of those you care about is Deoxys, so it's not necessarily a good comparison.
And it's not that he can't handle it--it's that, it's Pokemon. "Gotta catch 'em all". If you can't catch one, doesn't that defy the rules of Pokemon? Change is needed in Pokemon, but I think there's a difference between change and altering the whole idea.
If you read my story, you have to battle it aboard Team Rocket's ship (but cannot catch it) so you get the Pokedex entry for that, just as you did for Dialga and Palkia from the old woman or whatever (can't remember exactly what it was, but something that did not require an actual sighting of them entered the Pokedex entry for you).
He means a "catch" data. Although I suppose you could simply get the data when you save it, there could be an exception.
This is copied from another thread.
My idea for the opening.
(I'll just use my name)
Yaya walked the streets of Flybird City, nearly bawling his eyes out. When the morning arrived, he was fired up, ready to begin his Pokemon Journey, just to find out that he was too late. His rival for pretty much everything, Gimpyfish (I just had to, Okay?), obtained the last Pokemon, a Punchat (Punching Rat).
When walking through an alley, a shortcut back to his house, he heard the cries of a Pokemon, followed by laughing of multiple boys. Yaya followed the cries, it wasn't a short run, he then found 4 boys, pelting an Eevee with slingshots.
Yaya gasped at what he saw, then, disaster.
One of the boys turned around, "Hey! You!" he yelled.
Yaya growled at himself, what was he thinking!? Panic ran through his mind, his hands were shaking, sweat drenched his face. Yaya knew there was only one thing to do.
Yaya bolted out of there. Unfortunately for him, the panic he had made him completely forget where he was going.
The boys were chasing hard after him, Yaya was constently looking back to see them glaring him down. Yaya turned a left, to have his face crushed against a wall, he had hit a dead end.
The boys closed in, Yaya had nowhere to run now, and was now receiving punches to his face.
Yaya had 3 teeth punched out, and the boys were nowhere near to stopping, his nose was bleeding, he was drifting in and out of reality. One of the boys winded up one last punch, Yaya knew this would ne the one that finished him, he closed his eyes and braced himself.
"What the- Ahhh!!!'
The Eevee tackled the boy, Yaya opened his eyes, the Eevee just looked back and smiled at Yaya, one boy, which Yaya assumed was the leader, approached him and sent out a Kitire (Fire Kitten) Yaya knew what to do at this moment.
"Go! Eevee!"
I hope you like it, it took a while to write.
We need to stray away from the extremely happy go-lucky world, we need to make this series have a backbone, then again, I originally pu that in Meta-Kirby's How Explicit Can Pokemon Get Thread.
Ah yeah, I knew it sounded familiar. I don't remember if I commented on it then, but I'll do it here just in case.
I like it. I really like Eevee being the starter--see, Eevee is practically the perfect starter. It has so many possibilities in just one. Eevee is awesome, and I love its evolutions, save for the newest ones. I wanted a Grass Eeveelution, but they did it along with the worst set of Pokemon yet, and just like every other normal Pokemon and evolution to old Pokemon in that generation, it was generic and stupid looking. Heck, Leafeon and Glaceon look like almost exactly the same...
WOAH. I just looked at all of the Eeveelutions, Jolteon and Vaporeon look like they were made off of the exact same basic sprite (their position is almost exactly the same), and the same goes for Umbreon and Flareon and Glaceon and Leafeon. What the heck is with Nintendo's lazy spriting? I never did like those positions for the original Eeveelutions anyways, but...argh. That's so annoying.
In any case, as I was saying, they look almost exactly the same with different features based on their type. And they don't even come off as Eeveelutions. When I first got a hold of the Diamond/Pearl sprites off of The Spriter's Resource, I went through looking at the Pokemon and took note of Pokemon that looked like evolutions of previous ones. I got pretty much all of them, but not the Eeveelutions. They just...don't look right.
But back to the actual topic...yeah, I like that story. It kind of reminds me of the beginning of the Anime, minus the long period of hatred between Pikachu and Ash.