Working at the store can be boring at times, but the people who work there make things worthwhile. Every person you meet, I think is an honor for ours lives to have crossed paths. What I enjoy is providing my service as a person, a human being to make myself useful. Regardless how I get paid (minimum W2Z), I put my best smile and attitude towards anyone and everyone.
What brightens my day at the day at the store I seeing kids around age who have a passion for a game and be able to come together and share it with one another. These people were known as the Smashers. I’m familiar with the game considering I do own a wii and have Brawl. What disappoints me is when I have to turn away early Smash players away from the store from loitering, even though they are going to be paying for a tournament or training grounds. Everyone I’ve met so far who plays Smash are very friendly and easy to get along with.
I can’t believe how low Bum had to stoop to think he can prove his point why he got fired. All he has been doing was pointing fingers and lightly throwing the fact that it was Ace’s event and he took over.
I’m glad you stepped up to help out Ace and take over. I know running events is really hard, and to do it yourself is even harder. Even before I got to know you, I was in awe at the fact that you can handle tournaments with which seemed like millions of people. I’ve even seen you play and coined the term “Genius” player. I can see why.
What’s bad?
The finger pointing. Ace doesn’t see it, because he’s too nice as a person to notice. You haven’t covered for him at all. I like how you speak of it, but all you have been doing in all your posts is talking about yourself. All of your posts sum up to “support bum”, “blame sally & clarissa”, “jeff’s event”. That you’re all innocent in the whole thing.
I do support Bum myself. Even if he had milked me of my kindness when he IMed me with higher motives in mind. I finally realized why he IMed me and actually responded in a matter of seconds. To be able to have some what he thinks is “evidence” about Sally. He put me up on a pedestal in the smash boards and what was a private IM became broadcasted on a forum I’ve never been on. Even now, I can say I think Bum runs a tournament as well as he can for one person. As much as he can tatter my name and smear it on the ground or curse at me for how he got fired “because of Sally”. I can say that I have nothing to hide on the IM. Bum can show the IM to Alex (the manager) or even the whole world. If he had just asked me, that would have been nice morally speaking.
I don’t really know…
What’s unfair is how Bum has been buttering me up to talk on Aim so he can post it up on a forum. Do you think I wanted to get you fired Bum? Read the e-mail. I wanted you to be here on time so your Smashers could stop waiting for you or Ace to be here. I don’t like seeing lateness, I’d never want to be late for work or on my friends. If you can get here on time for the paycheck, you can for a tournament. If kids are showing up early, then accommodate them. If you really talked to Mr. Choi, things would have turned your way. I hate telling people to stop loitering or come back in 30 minutes.
If you respect your community of friends then come earlier and set them up. Come earlier and wait with them if Mr. Choi is really being unreasonable. On Wednesday, I wanted to set your “friends” on cubes or wii’s because they were all trying to play on one stinking cube. I was forced to make them pay and as more kids came in it seems unfair to let 5 kids play and have paid. Why should they have VIP treatment?
Clarissa and I called both Ace & you (Bum). We wanted to know how to punch in the codes or go about this tournament. I know and admit that what ever we punched in was WRONG. But we collected the fees that were necessary. Everyone had paid at least what they had to pay. I never knew there was a POT involved. When you said you took over the event, it starts to become your event.
Since you were involved with Jeff when he took out the money for the pot. that was when you were involved. Jeff did you a “favor” by taking out the money and involving you. Once you’re associated and you could have reacted and told him to put back the money. It’s under what is now “your event.”
The Email…
We knew we made a mistake at punching in things. But we knew we had the entry fee down. We made the best of the situation and treated everyone with respect and serviced your clients when you weren’t there with what we had. I apologized to your clients for having to wait, for having to deal with one cube, etc.
When you guys never responded to the calls. We emailed Andrew, because Alex (manager) was not helping. Anyone in our situation would have done so. I did what was right. What would have been more right was to report it to Mr. Choi. I did you a favor and didn’t do that. If I wanted to get you fired, I would have told him. Because I was your friend, which I don’t know how you consider what friends are. Which I disclosed the email to you. It didn’t say FIRE BUM, ACE, DAPHNEY. It said for you guys to stop slacking. You run so many tournaments and know what’s wrong and right.
Like I said, I hate seeing kids go back outside to try to kill time waiting for you. You might say you’re not late, but it’s not cool for me to feel like ******* turning away people. Why do I turn away people. Because Mr. Choi says so.
Why are you entering tournaments?
If you’re holding a tournament, why are you entering it? If you’re holding an event for your friends, I’m pretty sure they want to know that you’re really being a referee in everything. Yes, you are the top player in smash and if people want to play you, they can play you during training grounds.
I slaved away…
Helping you photoshop and comply to your demands of the Combonation poster. I offered my free 2 hours I had before I had work to do that. You nagged at every little detail, which was understandable because you wanted your poster to look perfect. I even stayed in late for my other job just to help you out. It just goes to show you can quickly throw on a safety blanket and deem yourself innocent.
“Sally got me fired”
I really at this point don’t care if you poin the finger. I rather you point it at me, because I don’t want to get Clarissa involved with it. I rather take the blame.
Fine I’ll be your scape goat.
Even if I didn’t write the email, you still would have been fired because of what was on the security cameras. Because I wrote the email, you have someone to point your finger at.
If you want to yell at me, curse at me, fine. You can even do it in a live video chat. Are you going to record it and post it up on youtube and this board. Go right ahead. What are you going to get out of me? I might tear, because I didn’t want you to get fired, but I’ll smile because I know you’re a good person at heart.
I’m on this board to tell anyone whose willing to listen what’s been going on from what I know. I don’t care if you guys flame me, yell at me, it’s fine. You can IM me if you’d like because Bum took the courtesy not to take out my real sn.
The last thing I wanted was to see what made my day brighten to be willowed away like the Sakura trees at the end of summer.
I go through hardships, losses, and mistakes like every normal human being. At least I admit it and don’t point fingers.
P.S. Why is everyone bringing Alex into this? He has nothing to do with anything. If you guys had a chance to work at W2Z you’d know Alex is a good kid and didn’t steal money. If he did steal money, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be wherever he is at the moment.
You’ve changed man. The randomness how we met in Halo through friends. How we nded up staying up late with my clan. The times I’d want to sleep, because it was 8 AM in the morning and I had class to attend, but I was there to listen to your story. I didn’t want you to suffer your pain alone. It was odd itself that I didn’t really know you, but felt the compassion to be there for you because of your wonderful personality. I’ve grown to known you as Ace, but not as AceMarth. My clan and I worship your godly Halo 3 skills as it compares to our mediocre skills. We were shocked to know you were not only extremely good at one game, but also in Smash.
I never meant to get you fired in anyway, since you’re the one who got me this job. I took this job, because your workforce needed someone. When I took on this job, I treated it with respect and did the best I could so you wouldn’t look bad that you referenced me. Even before you got me the job, I’d sit through your countless problems with your ex. We talked about how you should have a abortion and that you should get a pregnancy test to make sure that she was safe.
I had to snap at you to get the pregnancy test. And when you agreed to get it with my accompaniment. You blew it off yourself and told me to get it for you.
Because I valued you and your future.
I bought the pregnancy test for you. As much as a ****, *****, I looked like to the cashiers. I did it even though I was embarrassed. It was for a friend that I truly valued.
Give it a few weeks, and when Mr. Choi calms down. I will, if I have to get on my knees to get the tournaments running again. If you are angry or have questions feel free to post it up or IM me.
I’ll be waiting to service you the next time you come into Web2Zone and smile and try my best to accommodate you.