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Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
It's funny...how you mention all of this about Alex. How he is considered a 'backstabber', a snake, disrespectful, and so much other stuff, you still spoke to him like he's your friend. I don't understand that at all. You even let him use the brackets once or twice despite the fact that he 'said' these things. So why all the bitterness now?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
yea u wanna know y he was tired of givin me chances? cause in training grounds like the day u ain't pay n it was like 15 people n u was one of them, i let u go did i not? then he force me to make u pay. the times u came i didn't even make u pay nor d.a nor vanz, alot of people period. i always look out n pay the price, but i seen it like this.

ya my friends and the price was high. i rather lose my job and know people have a good time then to get backstab the way i did. those were the chances he gave me.... cause i always look out for ya.... you included. go ahead throw more insults or watever u got. it just proves to me how people like to take advantage and then when sumthin is attackin them or sumthin close to them, they wanna act like the person never look out. that is wat i call fake people ladies n gentlemen.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
a fanclub of wat? a fanclub of me defendin me and the truth that went down? crimas u shouldn't even be in this. not only do u not know wat u talkin about, i just heard info about how ya three are. so this isn't ur first time bashin people


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Oh bum, come on now. You know what, I went into w2z and I went downstairs and what did I see. I saw you playing teams with ppl and you never turned your head ONCE to see who walked in. Who's fault is that? That's not my fault. It's your JOB to check on ppl and make sure they've paid and enforce the rules. I know where my faults are, do you?

But you're nothing but a sacraficial angel...

it just proves to me how people like to take advantage and then when sumthin is attackin them or sumthin close to them, they wanna act like the person never look out. that is wat i call fake people ladies n gentlemen.

You pretty much did the same thing.

Bum, honestly your personal insults mean nothing to me. I can read right through you.

Also, a fanclub would be about...i dunno 4 pages back.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
Well if people don't wanna be truthful and say they only payed 5 bux then shouldn't they get less money anyways. Shouldn't they be to blame. The pot should be reflective of what the entree fee was. so say everyone only payed like 5 bux, then they should get half of what they would get for paying 10 to enter. So yeah they should only get like 20 dollars for winning if they payed only 5. I actually went upstairs and payed the other 5 that I owed. So honestly I don't think any money should have been taken from the register.
Just cause u payed the other 5 doesnt mean everyone else did. Ur going around the point. When there are 50+ people going to a tourny and the advertisement says you get 80% for winning you will expect 250 dollars for winning first. but wait 80% of the people only payed door fee and not the tourny fee hmm so class 20% of 250 equals?
remember to change the percent to a decimal


Now Tell me would you ever go back to that place that clearly promised that much. Maybe cause your friend is there or maybe cause u lost and dont care. But the person that won will tell his friends and they wont come losing people. So how do you keep the people. you take money from the company to make the people happy and have them come back cause thats what they were expectin. Let me make this a bit simpler...

If you buy a big mac meal and get fries and a soda. you paid for the whole meal now wheres the big mac...o we dont have it thanks come again :)

will you go back? no you will get the law enforcement. or never go back and keep to yourself

dude this is not just about the weeklys this is about the business as a whole. people stop defending your friends and learn what it means to run a business then talk.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
rockin we made up cause we're humans, everything was ok till i told him don't approach the situation. let me n jeffery try to handle it. me n jay0yea heard him say he wouldn't go till things are clear up and he still went anyway and now jeffery is banned from there. who knows wat alex really said. thatz wat got me mad that he still went when all i ask for him to do was don't go till the situation was resolved.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Try to keep in mind that I do have money to pay, and even when you offer to let me in free, I be like 'no no, it's okay' cause I would have the money. If I didn't have the money, I would just walk out. I had no problem with that, considering I just came over to see my friends and do a Hi and bye.

Bum, I'm not trying to start no drama and such to you. I'm just saying from what I've heard after both parties. Yes, wednesday's toury wasn't your fault, but past others on Friday were. If you felt it was too hard to run tournaments at that such given time, you should've worked out something from your boss.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
yea and that shows how grimy u r and i knew u was there... thatz how come u had to pay dumbazz along wit the 7 other people that i called out such as wes, kubuu, vanz, hoyo, cass, ect. i just let u in cause i ain't that type to charge people. people came in all the time. but ur dumb cause i just said i didn't like chargin people. it shows that u a sneak cause u thought i aint notice u n u thought u was gonna sneak ur way in n b like yayyyy i got in witout payin.... the room ain't that big n it wasn't more than 15 people for me not to notice lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
Oh bum, come on now. You know what, I went into w2z and I went downstairs and what did I see. I saw you playing teams with ppl and you never turned your head ONCE to see who walked in. Who's fault is that? That's not my fault. It's your JOB to check on ppl and make sure they've paid and enforce the rules. I know where my faults are, do you?

But you're nothing but a sacraficial angel...

it just proves to me how people like to take advantage and then when sumthin is attackin them or sumthin close to them, they wanna act like the person never look out. that is wat i call fake people ladies n gentlemen.

You pretty much did the same thing.

Bum, honestly your personal insults mean nothing to me. I can read right through you.

Also, a fanclub would be about...i dunno 4 pages back.

He actually did enforce the rules. Right or wrong when people played friendlys he DQ'd them. He Dq'd me and we are close but i dont mind cause i shuldnt be treated any different from anyone of you. The fact is it wasn't his event. Clarissa and Sally got everyone to pay door fee. That way they can go downstairs and not wait outside for 2 hours. They looked out for the smashers and what happened...they end up getting takin advantage of. Since this is Jefferys event he wants it to go smooth but couldn't take it anymore. So bum takes over and what happens he gets fired along with jeff and daphney. so why didnt Sally and Clarissa who had a part in the whole chaos get fired. cause they wrote an email which was directed to bum and jeff and daphney. obviously choi is guna go by what he has cause i know the lazy type of person he is. his desicion was they cost me money, they get fired. since it was Sally and Clarissa who wrote it they get it easy while the other 3 pay the consequence.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
past other fridays? rockin u play the game, how can u not know the game is extremely slow? even if it's 7 mins ur not includin the banning the stages and then when u lose the person has to decide stage n then counter wit a character n then sumtimes the game takes long to load, oh lets not 4get if people ban neutrals the stage that got ban might come up so then u got to go bak which can be another 20 seconds just to go bak and then do it again n then if 4 neutrals were banned u had 3/7 chances of gettn that non ban stage. oh lets not 4get the new kids that always came n didn't know rules so they came to me for me to go the station so they can know wat stages are in and wat was legal n wat was not. lets also not 4get people like wes use a wii-mote to synch in there wiimotes just to get the game started...... oh lets not 4get people made names n fix their controls just so they can make sure their comfortable n can play good. i ran the tournaments well n fast considerin all that. that was a every friday thing. look how many things i had to deal wit rockin.... go ahead say why the game took long? cause of me? yea ok rockin i just stated facts that makes the game awhole lot slower


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
LOL.. snakeee answered the question I was thinking of.. hahahaha

also, there are only 2 other venues (excluding NyClan) in the lower manhattan area I can think of. one of them is actually holding a brawl tournament .. today. I doubt they'd want to make it a weekly affair, but someone could try and ask.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
anyone that wants to know why brawl takes so long go to page 1249 in the bottom i stated y regardless the game took long. i wanna see people say oh but bum took long doin 2 events which i did witin 6 hours with 40 plus people and a game that most people camp in. if i'm wrong please tell me


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Well, I can't be a sneak, since I like had no problem paying. If anything, I would ask if I could go downstairs, see who's down there and maybe tell them hi and then leave. or if not that, pay the spectator fee. It's not like I'm broke. I have money and I will pay if need be.

Brawl may be a slower game, but despite that you took the job when knowing these things. If you didn't like the stress and such you was getting, you didn't have to take it. You could've gave it to someone else to deal with it. A Tournament may not be able to run like you wanted, but no matter what, you have to take responsibilities for what was set up and going down. It's all I'm saying. If you knew it was a slow game, you could've put more effort into fixing that problem.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
vanz i'm already on the job for that. someone put me on for that but if people really feel i shouldn't go for that then please speak on that.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
LOL.. snakeee answered the question I was thinking of.. hahahaha

also, there are only 2 other venues (excluding NyClan) in the lower manhattan area I can think of. one of them is actually holding a brawl tournament .. today. I doubt they'd want to make it a weekly affair, but someone could try and ask.
if your talking about play n trade im already winning it and me and bum are already on it. were guna see if we can today so stay tuned for scenes from the next episodes of SMMM ASHHH BOARDS DA NA NANNN


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
how can i fix a problem rockin seriously... i wasn't mad n didn't care. the game is to freakin slow. i was gonna tell people not to banned stages? not to fix control settings? to hurry up n decide stages n don't camp? you pick metaknight n spam tornado, so should i ban the tornado so u can stop campin wit that? be serious rockin


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Wow this is going in circles. Like really, I guess we should just leave it at that everyone is wrong except for Bum and Jeff who has done no harm upon any of this situation whatsoever. Cause that's what really has to happen in order for this arguement to end.

Also, Leo you are defending your friend as well.

Anddd in regards to why it took so long to end the weeklies b/c of brawl. There had been several solutions that were posted up manymanymany times in regards to helping the situation out. For instance, one week doubles, one week singles. Nothing was ever taken into consideration, thus if you're blaming brawl for being brawl solely then that would've been a good solution.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
the game took long cause of sakurai decision to add all that stuff from instant grab on the stage to jigglypuff like floatiness wit every character. so i should go the hq of nintendo n be like yo mr sakurai, i can't run tournaments cause u made it to slow lol. rockin i'm not mad that it ran slow cause we all know brawl is a slow game. the boss ain't like it oh well of course he not gonna understand that, he gonna want it to finish at a certain time thinkin its like one of his business meetings.... and its not. i'm not mad rockin


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
ur right crimas but u didn't read the part where the boss complain if money didn't come like it should. i couldn't crimas. he didn't even know wat he wanted. if i brought in 150 dollars, he gonna say why the game didn't bring in people this week. the day melee brought in 15 people the man said no more tournaments and wanted to end them lol.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
Do you even know exactly what went on or what all the issues are? You blindly follow Bum and Ace, and are definitely biased as all the people posting in this thread. You all know Bum and that's why you follow him. It's stupid and not progressive.
your fu&ked up dude. did you not read the convo Bum posted?

I heard about the w2z situation. From what I heard ppl wasn't doing their jobs to begin with. Also bum that convo with sally was not needed. I couldn't even read it to care plus she has nothing to do with it. So y bring that crap in the boards. Also who ever was getting on Alex, that is also not needed cause he finding out stuff and he also likes the weeklies so he was pretty much neutral. People getting fired is a big thing so it had to be something a lot more serious than the current situation now. Personally I felt the weeklies was mad disorganized for a long while when brawl came out. The only time it was organized was when Jayoyeah or Alex would run the brackets. I would want the weeklies to come back at the same time i don't care if comes back(mad ******** logic right=) ). What I really want is apex to become regional cause NYC needs a regional tourney badly. Right now they're 3 jobs up for grabs at w2z right now does anybody want them lol cause I'm sure as hell interested lol
Jump thats a really low thing to say. I thought you was cool. Im mad this ***** bum tired his dam hardest and u come here and say something like that. Thats reall fu&ked up and i wouldn't even do that to my worst enemy. Ya need to need to at least congradulate bum for at least trying. And if you felt the weekly was outta place,why didn't you voluntary to help bum's @$$ out? He'll i would of helped if some1 complained about the weeklies being disorganized but nobody opened their mouths. So don't go playing the hypocrite.

There is no johns if it was a slow game or whatnot Bum. It was still a tournament. It was 7 minutes compared to the 8 in Melee. Infact, it didn't matter because there was a timer in it.

You have to understand that the tourys from the past was in your responsibility and that you ran them past or nearly past the closing time. There were some matches in the finals where you cut the matches from 5 to 3. And of course people had no problems joining it. They just had problems with it ending longer then it's suppose to and sometimes unfinished. You're suppose to hold and work the brackets at all times. That's the difference between a tournament director and a smasher. One runs. The other competes. You CAN'T do both Bum. I've been trying to tell you that >>
Rockin, if you read that long @$$ reply that bum had on aim, you would see that 75% of the convo was bum saying it wasn't his tournament and he doesn't deserve it. How would u like it, if someone said u no longer can be in a tournament cuz you decide to go easy on someone and use peach instead of Meta Knight and lets say you win the matches but at the last min some1 says sorry, u cant participate anymore. It doesn't make sense right? And don't try to make sense out of it. I know its human nature to defend themselves. Point is it doesn't make sense

Seriously though...

People should have been coming early at like 4 and the weeklies start at like 4:30 or 5:00 the latest. It was really a pain when things started at like 6. I had my plans ruined a lot and that's one of the reasons I didn't come as much.

^ That's me *****ing.


Everyone stfu and start thinking of a way to move forward and not complain. That was my last complaint, lol. At this point, it doesn't matter whose fault or who was to blame. Just think of what we should do from now.

I support Bum, Alex, and everyone else in the community. So how about everyone else starts doing the same?
Eli, good point. you guys need to become more black and start showing up late.

Bum I never even had a prob wit you or thought you deserved to get fired. I'll also say that I'm definitely holding back on you right now, cause I can go there if I want to.(I know mad ****) Jeff, I feel bad he lost his job, but honestly I see no reason for him to have taken out money from the register to make up for the small pot. That **** is probably what got y'all fired. Sally and Clarissa were told to charge the players, cause Alex set them up downstairs. Jeff was late for his tournament and when they tried to call one of you they got no answer so they charged everyone door fee, until you guys got there. Sally nor Clarissa took money out of the register and that email is one person's view of another employee. It would never get y'all fired. The thought of that is dumb. And I'm not defending Sally cause i like her or Clarissa even, it's because i think it's ****ed up that you and Jeff would act like that especially when she did mad **** for y'all. Like those tournament fliers Sally helped you make. She has her own personal work and she took time out to help you do that ****, but yet you forget that and quickly turn on her. And this one is to Jeff, who the hell bought that pregnancy test for you!? Sally went with you and bought that, making herself look like she sleeps around and ****, cause you were too embarrassed to do it yourself. She also would stay up and chat with you about mad **** at night and try to give you advice and comfort about ****. She's a true friend and I ain't gonna let you talk **** about her and run her name through the dirt. That's ****ed up. I really don't care if you don't got respect for me, cause I'm always respectful and i'm only talking truth.
Hmm. Hoyo is talking about something different... ok... bum read this side of the story
Bum, take responsibility for your own mistakes. Alex NEVER stole money ever and you all been through this all that **** drama. But it's good to bring up old crap just to cover up for the mistakes that you and Jeff made at w2z. But you're acting like a hypocrite when people start posting anything against you remotely. You should blaming ppl like WONNY who was friggin accused for real for stealing back then.

I guess people aren't supposed to have opinions, or say what's really going on? Like seriously, there wasn't a time when I went to w2z and someone else had the bracket. What the heck kind a organization is that? There was no progress at all. There was so much inconsistency, and tell me how you can say Alex had it easy when he CAME to help you out one day and the event ran faster. Right, it's so different?

No one is two faced, no one is backstabbing you. It's just people are coming out and telling you what they are feeling finally without all the meatridin BS to go along with it. You know, I don't want to start drama, but when it comes down to it, you making everyone else look like it's their fault and you did NOTHING wrong. Then everyone meatridin you real hard, like why?? Just say "look I messed up and let's move on". This should be about the community, not about "who did this, who did that, well everyone should be blamed for what happened and not me!"

How can you even say that it's none of Vlad's business. It's EVERYONE's business after all the stuff that was posted about Sally, about Clarissa, about Alex, and everyone! This isn't coming just from me, but from a lot of quiet heads right now. And when I saw your post I just felt like I couldn't stay quiet anymore myself. It's not right that you're pointing fingers. And I see it in your post that you're nothing but angry and bitter about it. You know what, no one is perfect, but none of these people you are talking about are snake's or two faces. NONE of them! The only person you should be looking at right now is yourself. But I mean seriously, if Alex is a snake I'm just as much of one as well.

I don't care at this point if I get a billion flames. I just had to say my peace. Then again it's none of my business.

edit: Also, during WEEKLIES Alex had 25 kids, please don't forget he's held larger scale tournaments and done just as good.
See? Cris, i dunno y you involving yourself. It's like you told me when I defended Christina. It's doesn't concern you, so you should mind ur business. And just like you told me, you only doing this cuz Alex is ur bf. Exactly wat u said when i defended Christina. RIGHT!? we're even
Like i said, how are u gonna accept responsiblity for something u had no clue about? and if the situation has to do with coworkers and old friend who tried to help aa bit, alex, then it's their business,. not ours.

Dude u when they would run the weekly that **** would end at 11 no matter what when they ran things. U saw it don't even lie. When u ran things we leave around 12 or 1 every weekly. Unless it was STD it would never go that far. Plus when u ran things everyone and their moms had the bracket which shouldn't happen to begin with. I'm defending anybody, but you are pointing mad fingers.
you dont defend anybody. ur like IKe. "I fight for my friends" and only ur friends. I always see that u meatride Cris whenever she voices an opinion

Hey Bum did you ever think the reason you got fired had very little to do with WEDNESDAY alone? Or just that Mr. Choi was done give you chances. It had to do with a WHOLE and not just one thing.

I'm leaving that money situation alone, I'll let Alex speak for himself. Because god knows I was with him all the time and he would never steal money. lol I find it funny you'd even bring PC's name up considering PC supported Alex till he stopped running them.

I'm not clouded because I'm not speaking just for myself. Trust me.

My name is Crismas btw.
haha hey who reads the bible? does anybody remember something called the Passion of Christ? Thems are starting to seem a bit similar

Well if people don't wanna be truthful and say they only payed 5 bux then shouldn't they get less money anyways. Shouldn't they be to blame. The pot should be reflective of what the entree fee was. so say everyone only payed like 5 bux, then they should get half of what they would get for paying 10 to enter. So yeah they should only get like 20 dollars for winning if they payed only 5. I actually went upstairs and payed the other 5 that I owed. So honestly I don't think any money should have been taken from the register.
you speak well. Ur alright

Just cause u payed the other 5 doesnt mean everyone else did. Ur going around the point. When there are 50+ people going to a tourny and the advertisement says you get 80% for winning you will expect 250 dollars for winning first. but wait 80% of the people only payed door fee and not the tourny fee hmm so class 20% of 250 equals?
remember to change the percent to a decimal


Now Tell me would you ever go back to that place that clearly promised that much. Maybe cause your friend is there or maybe cause u lost and dont care. But the person that won will tell his friends and they wont come losing people. So how do you keep the people. you take money from the company to make the people happy and have them come back cause thats what they were expectin. Let me make this a bit simpler...

If you buy a big mac meal and get fries and a soda. you paid for the whole meal now wheres the big mac...o we dont have it thanks come again :)

will you go back? no you will get the law enforcement. or never go back and keep to yourself

dude this is not just about the weeklys this is about the business as a whole. people stop defending your friends and learn what it means to run a business then talk.
wow Leo is actually posting words instead of long blank sentences lol


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
i even did a vote whether to do it on saturdays or sundays n people said no leave it on fridays. i did a vote when 65 people was there, the amount of hands that raised was under 20. that would be a bad business move on my part from makin 1200 to makin 300. am i right?


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
PHD seriously, you meatridin SO HARD. Like really LOLOL!

How are you even gonna tell me none of this was my business when he made it everyone's business.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Asking for help. Get tips, suggestions, whatever from other people who has experiance running tournaments. Not just Alex, but Woz, Zro, and many others in the east coast. If not asking other east coast members, then talk to the smashers of NYC themselves.

In anycase, it doesn't make sense for a tournament to be run like this. Giving other people or randomly letting 2-3 people run a bracket is not cool. Remember that day I was running brackets? Why when singles was going on that it was in the hands of a RANDOM? Answer that. And I messed up cause there was some matches not put in that was already done with, so it made doing brackets a bit harder. No johns from me though. I accepted my midstake and hope that next time it won't happen like that.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
i didn't even notice jumpman posted that they finished at 11 lol. dude they did not finish at 11. trust n believe that cause i got scolded for it ended late. ur right people had the paper wanna know y? cause they about the community and didn't mind helpin me out. i always told those people thx. when rockin mess up the bracket for one person n i had to refund the money, i didn't say **** rockin u mess up. at the end of the night i thx rockin. he try n thatz wat matters to me. i'm glad people help me cause thatz wat a community does.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
naaa rockin it was like ur first time ever doin brackets lol. i gave it to u cause u decided to help. the reason why i show everyone was to let ya know wat happen to me. i look at the community as family. i show the email to point out it wasn't my doing. just in case people thought wrong. then ya four come in like the four horsemen and start attacking. i went after alex only under the impression that he might of done sumthin sneaky cause they told me he talk 2 clarissa a week before. so i thought he probably had sumthin to do wit it. plain n simple. i was wrong on that n i can admit. everything else i speak the truth


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
PHD seriously, you meatridin SO HARD. Like really LOLOL!

How are you even gonna tell me none of this was my business when he made it everyone's business.
becuz its not of ur business. nuff said. This also proves my point that i dont just defend my gf. Its like i said. I'll defend anybody that gets attack. Bum is getting attack. and may if you even up in one of these position i'll defend you. It's like wat a lawyer does. and no its not called meatriding. It's called proving information to ignorance by so proving the good stuff beased on an individual. But apparently u guys aren't realizzing "well at least he did try to keep things running" and dont tell me that Bum hasn't been yelling at ppl to get to their matches. Hell, Ninjalink and other smashers got sent to loosers' bracket becuz of Smashers just dont listen and bum's being strict. nuff said.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
i don't need to leanr from other people rockin. i can stand on my own two feet n when i fall i can get up myself. i also know how to accept help from other people cause everyone needs help at one point. no one can't say they will finish a 60 plus man bracket in 4 hours for both events for brawl lol. wit all the selections thats in that game n the camping it's impossible. i ask nyc how they would like rules n the rules became that. we didn't wanna be like other states. nyc wanted to be nyc. rockin u even agree wit the rules. u was there that day. so now sumthin is wrong wit them? lol funny


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
Wow this is going in circles. Like really, I guess we should just leave it at that everyone is wrong except for Bum and Jeff who has done no harm upon any of this situation whatsoever. Cause that's what really has to happen in order for this arguement to end.

Also, Leo you are defending your friend as well.

Anddd in regards to why it took so long to end the weeklies b/c of brawl. There had been several solutions that were posted up manymanymany times in regards to helping the situation out. For instance, one week doubles, one week singles. Nothing was ever taken into consideration, thus if you're blaming brawl for being brawl solely then that would've been a good solution.
I wouldnt call it defending. all im doing is stating facts. you three are jumping on bum for stating facts and updating us on the situation. You will know when im defending. The way i see it you three are defending Sally cause shes your friend. thats understandable. But not when 3 people are jumping 1 person over someone who admitted she was wrong. i forgot how this arguement started buts its really stupid to continue it. The facts are clear. She admitted she was guilty. and yet you three dont let it go. thats like saying i shot someone i admit it...3 stooges come along OMG YOU DID NOT I KNOW EVERYTHING THAT HAPPEND O_O!!! you did not shoot that person i was there no way nething is happening to you. Lets be real. We are not in anyway involved with this situation. If you feel you are because your close friend is getting the blame fine. But likewise people who think the other party is right wont stay shut. As of now ima part of the Bum crew. lol. Unless you have facts to backup your statements keep it shut.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
PHD, lmao if this situation is none of my business. Then it's none of yours either and you shouldn't have posted ANYTHING you did above.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
yes i even dq leo n nl and starz ended up payin the price. i even dq people and the game still went slow. sumtimes more than 4 people got dq. it's not me or anyone being host. the game is slow. plain n simple. the boss limit me regardless and made it even worse cause he wanted a good amount of money.

if i did one event, he said charge em 20 dollars every week when wonny was there. i wanna see rockin or crimas pay that every week..... i wouldn't even do that. i wouldn't dare do that 2 ya. check this out.

prices to play downstairs is 14.50
bum reduce it to 7.50 for tg.

one event at one point they wanted 60 percent for the percentage taken out the pot.
bum reduce it to 40 percent.

things were constantly missing.
out of his own pocket includin the help of web2zone we purchase games such as mario kart wii, 3 discs of brawl, extra nun chucks and wiimote for the wii. wwe for the xbox360 which i didn't input anything for mario kart or wwe.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
PHD, lmao if this situation is none of my business. Then it's none of yours either and you shouldn't have posted ANYTHING you did above.

I shouldn't have to but i want ppl to know their place. My job is "hey guys, its none of our business. These guys are grown and Bum said he got this so we shouldn't worry" But instead, everyone wants to bash. The weeklies is over and arguing about it wont bring them back. It's time to learn from all of our mistakes and start afresh. They way i see it, it just a bunch of heads that have nothing better to do this time of night. So if you guys want to keep smash alive, you would come up with alternatives or help other ppl trying to find alternatives. Im doing such as we speak


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
i really feel this got way out of hand and we should all be friends. the fact of the matter is sally admiited she did wrong and did nothin about it. thatz like me goin to icm n i make a mistake then sally is the one at the register n gets blame for it when i know it was me. the boss fires her for my mistake. she is my friend at the time. should i let her pay the price? lets see how the people defendin answer this one.

further news sf4 coming out in ctf this tuesday oh yea lol


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
It's nice for the community to help. I can understand that and this is good, but there are some fields that shouldn't be tampered with. If someone was to blame for the brackets and such, they won't be the one getting fired/punished. It'll be you. And yes, I agreed with the rules and such. That wasn't what I was talking about. I'm talking about trying to get others to be more co-operative and such. You have to understand that business and personal cannot and will never be blend together. There will be times where you have to put your foot down, while still being compassionate.

And alex hasn't done anything. All he was planning to do was know what the heck was going on and to see about his APEX tournament, that's all. I dunno what gave ya the impression that he would try to screw ya over like that. He's not that type of guy. I may not have known him like ya have, but I known him long enough to know he would do this and never do that.
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