Bum, take responsibility for your own mistakes. Alex NEVER stole money ever and you all been through this all that **** drama. But it's good to bring up old crap just to cover up for the mistakes that you and Jeff made at w2z. But you're acting like a hypocrite when people start posting anything against you remotely. You should blaming ppl like WONNY who was friggin accused for real for stealing back then.
I guess people aren't supposed to have opinions, or say what's really going on? Like seriously, there wasn't a time when I went to w2z and someone else had the bracket. What the heck kind a organization is that? There was no progress at all. There was so much inconsistency, and tell me how you can say Alex had it easy when he CAME to help you out one day and the event ran faster. Right, it's so different?
No one is two faced, no one is backstabbing you. It's just people are coming out and telling you what they are feeling finally without all the meatridin BS to go along with it. You know, I don't want to start drama, but when it comes down to it, you making everyone else look like it's their fault and you did NOTHING wrong. Then everyone meatridin you real hard, like why?? Just say "look I messed up and let's move on". This should be about the community, not about "who did this, who did that, well everyone should be blamed for what happened and not me!"
How can you even say that it's none of Vlad's business. It's EVERYONE's business after all the stuff that was posted about Sally, about Clarissa, about Alex, and everyone! This isn't coming just from me, but from a lot of quiet heads right now. And when I saw your post I just felt like I couldn't stay quiet anymore myself. It's not right that you're pointing fingers. And I see it in your post that you're nothing but angry and bitter about it. You know what, no one is perfect, but none of these people you are talking about are snake's or two faces. NONE of them! The only person you should be looking at right now is yourself. But I mean seriously, if Alex is a snake I'm just as much of one as well.
I don't care at this point if I get a billion flames. I just had to say my peace. Then again it's none of my business.
edit: Also, during WEEKLIES Alex had 25 kids, please don't forget he's held larger scale tournaments and done just as good.