Thank you D1. me 2.
Bum something has to seriously be done about starting time or ending time of the weekly. like i always say not everyone can stay out as long as they want and its even causing people to have to leave the tourney before their matches are all played.
Luck, you were there.
When doubles was getting to the point where only half the TVs were being used, Bum said he was getting the singles bracket done so that while Teams was only taking up one or two TVs, singles was getting started.
Now from what I heard, it was 27 teams and like 57 in singles. Now that's just ******** to try and squeeze into a weekly. ZENITHs were that big and they started at noon.
If weeklies are gonna keep being that big, then we just have to start earlier. The weekly moved as efficiently as it could on Friday. There were like five people on Tio and mad people going around and issuing out matches. And from what I was told, there were mad less friendlies going on during the tournies because everyone knew when a match was done and knew who had to go next.
Looking at the numbers, this was for all intents and purposes a Zenith. I don't care what you say, this was the size of a Zenith. And because of that, trying to fit a tournament of that size into a span of seven hours is just impossible, just straight up.
In order for things to wrap up around midnight, either weeklies'll have to get smaller, or we'll have to start earlier/on another day. That's all there is to it.
EDIT: Steroids, ArtieBoy, Blackanese, Luck, Dionis, Shin THX, Reno, D1, Dial and NinjaLink have yet to confirm me on Wifi. Get on that, plz.