You get a PSP-3000. For more than just PSP games.
You get Vita if you want an expensive paper weight with touch enabled density modifier.

No, seriously. Wait for the Vita. There's nothing about it worth the price tag it's going for, and you would likely fall into Early Adopter syndrome. You will verily want to avoid that, I'm sure.
If I get a psp it'll be tommorow so I can play MHFU with my girlfriend problems:
-Almost EVERY game coming out this year is a port/on ps3. it's like "Why?"
-It'll take a good year to pump out apps
-nearly double the 3DS price atm to get it going
I know Sony can barely afford to drop the price, but I think they're going to have too tbh.
Now...why I want Psp3000:
FFIV Complete
Crisis Core
PS1 Classics portable (prolly play FF8, Chrono Cross)
Idk what else a 3000 can do, but yeah.
I have a 32GB iPod, soon to have a Smartphone, and an iPad..The "Specs" of the Vita outside of gaming barely impress me it seems. And...the ps3 is utter trash to my PC, so where does the Vita Stand? Lol
Iunno, it's still a hard choice. I was looking at it like this: "~170ish to get my psp3000 going, 250 for Vita" then I realized Card+Game+etc its well over 300+...
On top of that only mhfu and CC are on psn. Like Blegh mayne
Early Adaptor Syndrome?