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Pizza Mafia - Over! Who lived happily ever after in the land of Tito's refrigerator?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@Asdioh: Why did you disagree with the mass claim idea initially? Now that ES has flipped town and Roxy has flipped scum, what is your stance on Tery? Do you still think he is scum? Why do you think Glyph is scum?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I just think that it's possible that ScumJoey ****ed up with claiming. And so scum gambited last night and killed Roxy to keep Gova on through. Just saying it's a possibility.
So they would not only give up their night kill but also run the risk of having Gova lynched in the process anyway as he is still accused to be SK? That'd be the dumbest idea I've ever heard of - if you look at it from the mafia's PoV you're suggesting that they killed Roxy in order to keep the [already hardly existing] idea alive that Gova could actually be mafia as well. Where's the sense behind this idea?

Despite all this, I have him leaning town based on his wanting Roxy dead, combined with meta from DKR. I don't think Tery is a strong enough player to jump on Roxy for his hammer vote if he were scummates with him.
So who *is* scum in your opinion?



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
At this point maf already knows who everyone trusts. It's day 3 and it's a small game. I'd agree to this if it were a large game or early on, but clear reads should be pretty much known at this point.
Which is why it is a good point to do this. All we have to do is lynch scum.
Hmm. Good point.

Though it is very unlikely there is a godfather though if there is a cop. I mean siblings and miller and roleblocker already seems pretty scum sided.
Agree with most of this. Also, I reallllly doubt the existence of miller without a cop.

Elaborate please?
Eh. I had a strong town read on you most of the game, but you could just be a good player. It also seems like you stepped down on scumhunting attempts after D1, and your "I hate this game" seemed like pointless AtE.

@Asdioh: Why did you disagree with the mass claim idea initially? Now that ES has flipped town and Roxy has flipped scum, what is your stance on Tery? Do you still think he is scum? Why do you think Glyph is scum?
The cop+doctor(?) claims might give us insight about who is definitely town... and if that includes players who are in the limelight the most (mainly Glyph, Tery, Zen) then we can focus our attention elsewhere.
Tery's hard to say. I keep having a stronger scum read on Zen than on Tery, but it keeps fluctuating.
I think Glyph is scum because he's provided absolutely nothing to use, and I think he would be a little more helpful as town, or at least I hope :/

So they would not only give up their night kill but also run the risk of having Gova lynched in the process anyway as he is still accused to be SK? That'd be the dumbest idea I've ever heard of - if you look at it from the mafia's PoV you're suggesting that they killed Roxy in order to keep the [already hardly existing] idea alive that Gova could actually be mafia as well. Where's the sense behind this idea?
Yeah, this. Plus, it's pointless to speculate whether he's one kind of scum or another: either he's the vig, or he's scum.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Eh. I had a strong town read on you most of the game, but you could just be a good player. It also seems like you stepped down on scumhunting attempts after D1, and your "I hate this game" seemed like pointless AtE.
Agreed that I didn't scumhunt as much as I should have Day 2. I was behind for most of it, and then when I caught up you guys basically ended the Day right after lol.

I was expressing my frustration at the early lynch, sure, but how is that AtE really? It's not like I was trying to convince anyone of any sort of plan/course of action.

The cop+doctor(?) claims might give us insight about who is definitely town... and if that includes players who are in the limelight the most (mainly Glyph, Tery, Zen) then we can focus our attention elsewhere.
That explains why you support it now. Why did you disagree with it initially?

Tery's hard to say. I keep having a stronger scum read on Zen than on Tery, but it keeps fluctuating.
Can you comment on his 1336?

Also, what is your reasoning on Zen? I can't really find any. I see 1424 where you say he's hard to read, and then 1439 where you just say he is likely Glyph's scumbuddy. Is it still based on early Day 2 play?

I think Glyph is scum because he's provided absolutely nothing to use, and I think he would be a little more helpful as town, or at least I hope :/
That's enough to make you think Glyph is scum with that much confidence? In 1439 you state outright "We are lynching Glyph toDay".


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
That explains why you support it now. Why did you disagree with it initially?
I just felt it was too early. I don't know, though, how early is "too early" when we've lynched town two Days in a row.
Can you comment on his 1336?
This is still dumb. Asdioh never responded to my post. Zen just wants me dead because he/she's a prick. Someone kill Roxy.
Ok... the only thing I can gain from this is that Zen and Tery are probably not scum together, and, due to Tery's insistence on killing Roxy, it seems unlikely that Tery is mafia.

Also, what is your reasoning on Zen? I can't really find any. I see 1424 where you say he's hard to read, and then 1439 where you just say he is likely Glyph's scumbuddy. Is it still based on early Day 2 play?
1439 is more of a theory, but look at who Glyph mentioned: 4 players, 3 of them are already dead and confirmed town. Now, I don't know the statistics, and every player could do it differently different times, but if Glyph's scum, do you think he would completely exclude scumbuddies from his lists like that? Doesn't it seem more likely that he would throw in just one buddy in there?

That's enough to make you think Glyph is scum with that much confidence? In 1439 you state outright "We are lynching Glyph toDay".
Can you think of a better lynch? He's been playing outright scummy and useless... if he's town, he's not going to help us find scum, and if he's scum, we're giving him a free pass for doing nothing?

I'm cool with dying today
and he claimed VT... he's either apathetic town, or scum trying to get by by pretending not to care >_<

What do you suggest we do toDay, T-block?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Is this your reasoning for thinking Glyph is scum? Because by this logic you're scum as well. Asdioh: that guy who lynched two confirmed townies; JTB and ES. And you don't even mention that they become confirmed after the fact. You're not even taking into consideration that Glyph didn't know their alignment at the time.

...You justify being on the ES lynch by saying he was scummy, but then you call out Glyph for thinking ES was scum?
Since you wanted me to answer this... my reasoning for Glyph being scum is not "he listed town as scum and possible scum as town"
I'm only looking at those reads with the thought that Glyph is scum, and what it could mean.
It's possible that he's not scum, however if you look at what he's done all game (nothing), you'll see why I think he is the scummiest player here by far.

Let me summarize what he's done:
-gave some reads on J/ES/AM/Zen
-called ES scum and went along with his bandwagon (yes, I did this and so did others, but Glyph just coasted along on it the hardest)
-talked a bit about how NK speculation doesn't help
-said he's fine to kill.

That's literally it. How is it bad that I want him lynched?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I wanted the other question answered and because, you basically just summarized his play which doesn't really tell me anything. Why is he scum for doing those things?

@July and Asdioh?, what happened to one of Zen/ES being scum?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
1439 is more of a theory, but look at who Glyph mentioned: 4 players, 3 of them are already dead and confirmed town. Now, I don't know the statistics, and every player could do it differently different times, but if Glyph's scum, do you think he would completely exclude scumbuddies from his lists like that? Doesn't it seem more likely that he would throw in just one buddy in there?
Seriously? That's your reasoning? You think Zen is scum because you think Glyph is scum and Glyph mentioned Zen's player slot in an earlier post?

Why do you have a scum read on Zen? I find it hard to believe it's just because of the interaction with Glyph.

Can you think of a better lynch? He's been playing outright scummy and useless... if he's town, he's not going to help us find scum, and if he's scum, we're giving him a free pass for doing nothing?

and he claimed VT... he's either apathetic town, or scum trying to get by by pretending not to care >_<
So are you sure on your Glyph read or not? I quoted part of your 1439 down below. Can we really afford to lynch a useless townie at this point?

What do you suggest we do toDay, T-block?
The day just began. I suggest we scum hunt instead of settling on a lynch choice already.

so for the record... 13 player game, with a claimed vig, and a mafia roleblocker dead... i'm guessing there are 3 mafia, with a vig or SK. There are 8 of us left. We mislynch, we have 7 left... worst case scenario, vig is actually SK, and he and mafia both kill town. 5 players left, 2 of them being mafia, one being SK. That would require SK cooperation to lynch mafia.
So basically, it's pretty bad if we don't lynch mafia toDay. I wish there was more to go on with Glyph.
That's literally it. How is it bad that I want him lynched?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
What exactly do you want me to answer?
I guess I don't remember saying Zen OR ES is definitely scum... as you can tell by who I pushed the lynch for, I thought ES was far scummier of the two. However, I never said that Zen is definitely town, I still think it's entirely plausible for him to be scum, just that Glyph is scummier.

Ugh... let me ask you guys this: what has Glyph done that makes you think he's possibly town? That's what's confusing me, you seem to be defending him or something. I was similarly confused when Gheb had a townread on Smarg early game, and I said she hadn't done anything that blatantly screamed "not scum" to me. It's the same situation with Glyph: he hasn't done anything that I can clearly label as pro-town, but he has done plenty of nothing, and what little he has done feels scummy.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
It's more of the fact that you're calling him scum for essentially null reads. For example, "he lists two confirmed town as scum", which you've also done to a degree, i.e, lynching JTB and ES. So if you were town you would know that Glyph could have just been mistaken, but it looks like you're going out of your way to call him scum without differentiating as to why he's scum compared to people who have done the same things as him.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Okay... Glyph's lack of content genuinely feels like lack on interest rather than scum coasting to me. His claim of VT aligns with that. In this game players have been fairly active, and there has been pressure on inactives - I don't see scum thinking coasting would be a good strategy. Dangerous line of thinking, I know. I advocated a vig shot on Glyph last Night because he was inactive and useless, but I don't think using a lynch on him Day 3 is a good idea.

However, that was before I re-read his post 1324, which honestly feels like a legit scum slip to me. Opinions from the rest of town? Evaluate that post without letting a scum vibe from Glyph bias you please - does anyone else see it the way I do?

He states he is "cool with dying" in 1440 - that post is null to me. I could see both townGlyph and scumGlyph doing that.
I agree that Glyph seems uninterested, but he could be uninterested scum or town. And even though you say that coasting isn't a very effective strategy in this game, the problem is he's coasted the whole time and already made it to Day 3. It's not the best strategy but I've seen it work before, in Celebrity mafia, where two scum coasted to the end, one who was blatantly scummy, and one scum who was active. I don't think that coasting is a good reason to rule him out.

As for Glyph's 1324, I feel like it was off. I don't feel strongly that it was a scum slip, but I feel like he was trying to hide behind his inactivity in a way.

Tery is confusing the hell out of me, but I have him leaning town for now. In 1336 he states outright that Roxy should be killed, which is the firmest I've seen him all game.

However, he keeps bringing up wanting to die in a way that feels almost as if he is attempting an "i'm okay with dying" gambit that's not really being picked up. Twice he brings it up to "prove" Zen is mafia. Once he does it saying he wants to focus on exams. See posts 1275, 1364, 1369.

I also really dislike this post:

Wants Zen dead, but think Zen could possibly be town, but thinks Zen being town is unlikely. Brings up Roxy, and then says he doesn't get anything from it. Brings up Glyph, and then doesn't say much about him. Elaborates on a null read on Gheb. Lastly, possible role fishing/scummy night action speculation with bringing up doc.

Despite all this, I have him leaning town based on his wanting Roxy dead, combined with meta from DKR. I don't think Tery is a strong enough player to jump on Roxy for his hammer vote if he were scummates with him.
I do agree that Tery took a strong stand on Roxy towards the end of the Day. However, I'm not sure if he actually believed that Roxy would be the vig/sk target, and it wasn't until Gheb said it that the options really got narrowed down to Roxy on an Evil Soup town flip.

Furthermore, you point out that Tery brings up Glyph but doesn't say much about him; this is one of the reasons a Glyph lynch would also be helpful. If Glyph flips scum, I'm much more inclined to believe that his scum buddy is Tery than Zen, because neither dealt with Roxy much but Glyph has avoided Tery much of the game. Zen seems to have no problem with a Glyph lynch and that makes me think Glyph/Tery is more likely than Glyph/Zen.

Also, you brought up meta from DKR. What do you think of Asdioh and Glyph's play here as compared to DKR as well?

I just felt it was too early. I don't know, though, how early is "too early" when we've lynched town two Days in a row.

Ok... the only thing I can gain from this is that Zen and Tery are probably not scum together , and, due to Tery's insistence on killing Roxy, it seems unlikely that Tery is mafia.

1439 is more of a theory, but look at who Glyph mentioned: 4 players, 3 of them are already dead and confirmed town. Now, I don't know the statistics, and every player could do it differently different times, but if Glyph's scum, do you think he would completely exclude scumbuddies from his lists like that? Doesn't it seem more likely that he would throw in just one buddy in there?

Can you think of a better lynch? He's been playing outright scummy and useless... if he's town, he's not going to help us find scum, and if he's scum, we're giving him a free pass for doing nothing?

and he claimed VT... he's either apathetic town, or scum trying to get by by pretending not to care >_<

What do you suggest we do toDay, T-block?
Agreed with the bolded part, Zen and Tery do not seem like scum buddies together; either could be partners with Glyph scum, although I think Tery is more likely.

I do believe that Glyph needs to be either lynch toDay or vigged toNight. T-Block, if you have another lynch to propose then I am willing to listen, but I do agree with Asdioh that Glyph is either disinterested town or scum and I can't get a strong enough read on him to tell the difference. I would think his flip would also help people with their reads on Asdioh, Zen, Tery, and myself as we have all taken stances (or in Tery's case, avoided stances) on Glyph yesterDay and toDay.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
It's more of the fact that you're calling him scum for essentially null reads. For example, "he lists two confirmed town as scum", which you've also done to a degree, i.e, lynching JTB and ES. So if you were town you would know that Glyph could have just been mistaken, but it looks like you're going out of your way to call him scum without differentiating as to why he's scum compared to people who have done the same things as him.
Glyph has done a lot less to back up his statements. He has presented few stances, and what stances he did present were pretty much just bandwagons. If we're going to play Ignore The Inactives because "they haven't done anything scummy" then we're going to lose. AM's prediction about inactives screwing us over seems right :|

And again, I'm not calling him scum because of his town/scum list. I'm looking at his town/scum list with the thought in mind that he is scum, and what it would mean. If he is really town, then those town/scum lists were just that: lists of his thoughts. If he's scum, then there are bound to be fake reads in there.

Yes T-block, if we lynch town toDay that would be bad. Scumhunting would be nice, where should we look? When I think one of the scum is an inactive, what scumhunting is there to do?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Seriously? That's your reasoning? You think Zen is scum because you think Glyph is scum and Glyph mentioned Zen's player slot in an earlier post?

Why do you have a scum read on Zen? I find it hard to believe it's just because of the interaction with Glyph.
When did I ever say that was the case? I made a mistake early game and thought Smarg was town based on meta, later realized she was null. I saw some potential scumminess in there, but not enough to go on, and then she replaced out. I don't remember Zen doing anything D1 except
I'm vanilla townie.
which may or may not be a scummy thing to do. Why would he say this if he really were VT? All claiming (out of the blue, and very early on) is narrow down the list of potential PRs for scum to choose to kill from. This isn't a huge scumtell, but it definitely didn't sit right with me. Moving on though, here is his D2 play that I thought was outright scummy:

Gova so you're saying that mafia didn't kill?
Doubt it.

Vote: Gova
votes gova on NK speculation. At this point in the game, and also now, I believed Gova's vig claim (or that he was SK, but definitely not mafia) so lynching him could be win/lose for town, but win/win for mafia. Zen seemed willing to risk it, yeah?

unvote; vote glyph

@asdioh, no i didn't. im really busy. probably nothing interesting anyways but i will eventually.

glyph is most definitely scum.
votes Glyph, doesn't give reasoning until he's asked later on

Asdioh, no offense, but you're dumb.
this was after I voted for him

I don't think Gova is scum anymore.

Glyph is scum because of meta.
doesn't really say why, finally talks about how Glyph is scum, but still very weak reasoning.

Well more than that really.
It was as if Glyoh was prepared to say this. I first poted the mafia not killing hing in #1066. After 6 posts Glyph calls out the "discussion" over whether or not mafia killed when really no discussion was really going on. Just like two comments. It's like he was just waiting for this to get his brownie townie points in. And then he continues with more brownie bs about looking over J and AM's posts which is like duh. It's fake. Glyph is scum.
This is a lot better, but he had to be pressed to say this.

Nothing else.

Why are you being so scummy?
suddenly thinks I'm scummy for no apparent reason.

Ah man I might want to lynch Asdioh instead. Will think bout it later. Have work to do though.
Unvote; vote: Asdioh
votes me, and I don't recall him ever backing it up. The scummiest thing about this is that he said Glyph was "most definitely scum" but then switched to me in OMGUS fashion, without explanation. Do you agree?

Like July.
Additional scumminess, in simply saying he likes a player (who is generally considered townie) after ignoring my question about how I was scummy.
I don't know why people have such a hard time grasping the concept of me being extremely busy and not having read yet. People keep asking me questions about stances and biz and expecting me to answer them when I haven't even read most of the game and then calling it suspicious that I am not answering. I can't answer something that I don't have an answer to lol.
Is this not scummy?
His play after this point improved slightly, but he's still a top suspect in my eyes.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Seriously? That's your reasoning? You think Zen is scum because you think Glyph is scum and Glyph mentioned Zen's player slot in an earlier post?

Why do you have a scum read on Zen? I find it hard to believe it's just because of the interaction with Glyph.
Response to this, Asdioh?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
spoilers: I posted 1495 before 1497 even though I started writing 1497 first


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
July, you should answer my question.
Evil Soup was my scum pick from Day 1 and going into Day 2 that didn't change. Zen however came in taking literally no stances and just sheeping off of J at the end of Day 1, which was really unhelpful and threw off my read on his player slot (previously Smarg). Evil Soup was my top scum pick, and my Zen suspicion was partly because his play was erratic and made me uneasy and partly to pressure him to take stronger stances. He's done that, resulting in the Zen v. Tery battle we've seen take place, and that places him in better standings with me as i have noticed Tery being scummy as well. Gheb, Asdioh, and T-Block are my town reads, and you are either scum or vig. That still leaves most likely two scum lying in Glyph/Tery/Zen, with a Glyph/Tery scum team more feasible than Glyph/Zen and then the least suspicious of those three.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I mean, you said one of ES/Zen is scum, what changed that? Shouldn't Zen be scum to you now?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I still think a mass claim would help at this point :/ especially if the doc or cop or whatever dies toNight without being able to give their results...


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@July: I don't have Glyph cleared town by any means, and I know there are valid points brought up against him. However, I don't like that people are saying Glyph is clearly the best option, as if they would be okay with ending the Day right now. I don't necessarily have a stronger lynch proposal at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to look for one. Could you elaborate on your Asdioh town read? And could Tery/Zen possibly be TvT?

@Asdioh: I asked for your reasoning on Zen, even explicitly mentioning early Day 2, and the only thing in your response was Glyph's mention of him in that post. That's why I thought it was your only reasoning. I even I had to ask you again before you responded with 1497.

Asdioh seems like he's having trouble defending the stances he makes... quite a bit of his play I pointed out in my recent posts don't line up for me. Thoughts?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Also, Asdioh, you should explain why you changed your Smar to read from town to null at best.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I'm day cop. I had an inno on J d1 and have guilty on Tery from d2. I also have a guilty on Gova from today. Also this isn't serious.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I mean, you said one of ES/Zen is scum, what changed that? Shouldn't Zen be scum to you now?
Zen's change in play changed that, like actually taking stances and scumhunting. I'm not saying he is now a town read, but I'm not stubborn enough not to notice the difference in his play from the end of Day 1/beginning of Day 2 and just keep my reads static even if my reads HAVE changed.

@July: I don't have Glyph cleared town by any means, and I know there are valid points brought up against him. However, I don't like that people are saying Glyph is clearly the best option, as if they would be okay with ending the Day right now. I don't necessarily have a stronger lynch proposal at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to look for one. Could you elaborate on your Asdioh town read? And could Tery/Zen possibly be TvT?

@Asdioh: I asked for your reasoning on Zen, even explicitly mentioning early Day 2, and the only thing in your response was Glyph's mention of him in that post. That's why I thought it was your only reasoning. I even I had to ask you again before you responded with 1497.

Asdioh seems like he's having trouble defending the stances he makes... quite a bit of his play I pointed out in my recent posts don't line up for me. Thoughts?
I understand, I think that you have been legitimately scumhunting all game. My Asdioh read comes from his reaction to pressure Day 1 from J and myself, and his reactions fluctuated from good to alright but he continued to scumhunt and pursue his reads which I liked, and that made me feel better about his play going into Day 2. Day 2 I honestly paid less attention to him because I was pursuing a very strong scum read on Evil Soup, and Asdioh found him scummy as well, and a lot of his reads lined up with mine. I didn't have much to question him about because our stances were usually quite similar. Generally I've seen his actions as having pro-town motives, although I do feel like one recent posts infers that his support for the mass claim and a Glyph lynch may have more a sinister motive; that does make me uneasy about his motives for toDay. I am willing to reread Asdioh, although not until after the 5th and the end of my finals.

As for Tery v. Zen being T v. T, I'm just really having trouble seeing any scum team that could remain without one of those two people.

I believe that you, Gheb, and Asdioh are town. When Gheb asked you who is scum, you said Asdioh atm. Even if I am wrong about Asdioh and he is scum, I still can't see you or Gheb as scum, nor an Asdioh/Glyph scum team. Despite Zen's theory, Gova might be scum but is probably not mafia. That still leaves one of Zen or Tery as scum.

As for Asdioh recent play, I don't feel like he is explaining himself very well, but I need to reread him and put everything in context. I asked you about DKR meta because I also feel like Asdioh here is very similar to DKR Asdioh, which I know doesn't hold much weight but it's something I've admittedly considered.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
@Asdioh: I asked for your reasoning on Zen, even explicitly mentioning early Day 2, and the only thing in your response was Glyph's mention of him in that post. That's why I thought it was your only reasoning. I even I had to ask you again before you responded with 1497.

Asdioh seems like he's having trouble defending the stances he makes... quite a bit of his play I pointed out in my recent posts don't line up for me. Thoughts?
I've been consistent in my stances (Glyph, Zen, Tery the most likely scum) Sorry if my reasoning doesn't seem clear. I'm rereading D2 right now in an attempt to help my reads.

Also, Asdioh, you should explain why you changed your Smar to read from town to null at best.
I'll say it because you weren't here... Smar hadn't posted much, but I used a bit of meta to get a read on her, and then J and Joey blew it out of proportion and made it look like everything I did was based on meta. They exaggerated, but they did make me realize that the townvibes I got on Smar were just because of another game. Looking back, I realized that she hadn't done a whole lot, and I should be taking her as a null read.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
btw you should shoot Tery or Asdioh or Glyph.
excluded Roxy :c

I'm not sure if EvS was coached into that post but I like them much more from it. If you guys are town, then I'm impressed. I agree with all your reads. Though Gheb is simply town.
Now, this is interesting... he unvotes ES after Dark Horse posts all his reads. As scum, Zen could have easily just kept going along with ES being scum.

Unvote; Vote: Tery

I'd like to see this in action. Or Asdioh. Glyph > Roxy definitely good for Vig kill.
Aside from still defending Roxy, he focuses on Tery instead of ES. We don't know what Tery is yet, but we know ES was town. This is a pretty strong towntell on Zen, isn't it?

Zen's play still frustrates me though :urg: (look at his last post and how much it contributed to everything)


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Perhaps a Roxy lynch could be in order.
Ok.... would mafia suggest lynching a scumbuddy, for legitimate reasons (because he had been inactive, and what he had done resembled scum meta?) especially if that scumbuddy was a powerful role like roleblocker?
Zen's acting like an buttface

He's town imo
Would Roxy mention his scumbuddy first and foremost after being prodded?
I am liking Zen now - I don't see a need for him to die.

I have a scum read on Roxy though - I read DKR where he was town, and I was his scummate in another game, and his play definitely aligns more with scumRoxy at the moment. This is obviously all meta (there's nothing else to go on), so I don't consider it a strong read so much as a gut feeling. However, I would be fine with seeing him gone, considering his inactivity. I wonder if he'll be able to change my mind with his "reading now"
I was going to consider the possibility of T-block being scum, but then I saw
Actually... might prefer Roxy over Glyph.

vote: Roxy

Give me more, Purple.
Were you done, Roxy? Is that all you have? If so, I wouldn't mind lynching you right now, even over ES.

Glyph should be vig'd imo.
So I'm pretty sure he's not.

I ain't lynchin that Zen negro.*

I ain't lynchin that Gheb negro.*

ES is closest bet, but trying to wrap my head around all the possible claims,

2 + -2 = T-Block

July lookin mad cute aaay
@T-block, July: is there any way you can see Gheb being possible scum?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Sweet! Good shot Gova (and good pun), and deff getting a town read on Gheb for advocating the Roxy vig shot last night.

Gheb, you said toDay should be between Glyph, Zen, and maybe Tery. Who are you leaning towards out of those three?

Going to go back and look at Roxy's connections, he only had 32 posts but I know T-Block and a couple others called him out on being quiet and said that he was leaning scummy as well.
Unless that's what he WANTS you to think!

...anyway, I can see townie intentions coming from practically everyone in this game... except Glyph. The problem with Glyph is that he is giving us absolutely nothing to work with, so he's being really antitown either way. I'd love to lynch him, but if he flips town then we're pretty ****ed.

Are you guys still against a mass claim? I would love to know who the cop is in particular, and their results >_< sorry if you think I'm rolefishing, but I think it would help a lot.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Unless that's what he WANTS you to think!

...anyway, I can see townie intentions coming from practically everyone in this game... except Glyph. The problem with Glyph is that he is giving us absolutely nothing to work with, so he's being really antitown either way. I'd love to lynch him, but if he flips town then we're pretty ****ed.

Are you guys still against a mass claim? I would love to know who the cop is in particular, and their results >_< sorry if you think I'm rolefishing, but I think it would help a lot.
Nah I think that Gheb's call that Roxy be shot last night was legit.

I also think that he raises a really good point that if the mafia isn't getting night kills, then someone, probably the doc, is doing something right, and we don't want to give them any advantages which we would through a mass claim revealing the doc.

As for the cop, I would think at this point if they wanted to claim they would since there has been so much speculation about it, the only way to force the cop's results out is to mass claim and once again that seems like it would be giving up an advantage we have over the mafia right now.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Oh, and for the record, I think Zen was saying that there were probably 2 mafia, but I'm much more inclined to think there are three, do you agree?

Also, I consider Gheb skillful enough at seeming townie that him bussing Roxy is entirely a possibility. I'd rather get reads on Gheb based off of the other stuff he's done.

...which looks townie overall. I called him as scum in Dissidia, but in this game I've been thinking he's townier. Doesn't mean I'm right, though.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
so what, two mafia and a serial killer?

I've never seen a 2-person mafia team in a 13 person game, so you'll need to elaborate on why you think that.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

I think we should just lynch Glyph. Who ever said that Glyph isn't scum because his inactivity is silly. T-block was it? You can be scum and busy. Plus EvS said he was scum.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
This is everything Glyph has posted that remotely resembles content. Also note that he hasn't been posting in here, though he's done a bit of posting elsewhere :c
Scum reads on J and ES. They can die.

Smar and AM are probably town. They cannot die.

I hate making posts like these when you've fallen behind since everything you say can pretty much be cited at parroting, but if you guys need my reasoning to any of those stances I can present it. Oh, I will note that Smar's request for replacement is something she's done before (...pretty sure it was her at least) while ES's just feels like a deflection of attention to me. J's still a better target since we get fun toys to play with tomorrow though.

vote: J
This discussion on whether or not the mafia targeted one of J/AM is really going to end us up in a mess of WIFOM and nothing more. If we choose to believe Gova/Joey's claim, then he is responsible for their deaths and that is literally the only thing we can take away from it.

What we can do, however, is look back on the stances J and AM took, evaluate them knowing their alignment, and work from there.
Zen your #1066 is

Now tell me how that's not encouraging discussion of something that would lead nowhere? Here, let me lay out the possibilities as I can see it:

Scum and Vig both target J/AM
Scum and Vig each target one of J/AM
Scum targets Doc protected player while Vig targets J/AM
Scum did not submit a NK/was roleblocked

We have absolutely no way to know which of those happened. We cannot gain any information from it. You're reaching super duper hard.
vote: ES ?

Jester maybe?
That is a horrible plan, if true at all
I said that jester thing with a question mark, ie directing it towards other members.

Like, do you think he's a jester.
I think you should be dead and that's about all I've read in this thread recently.

I think it sucks to have people be inactive in games but it happens. If its any consolation, I should be back to mafiaworld in like 5 days after badges wrap up.
Soup you should die because you have been playing really bad and are probably scum. If you need examples read this page.
I already did, and its hardly bolting out of the thread when I don't respond 3 minutes after you post something.
What about all the posts Zen quoted
Responding to prod

So is Soup lynched now? He should be lynched if he isn't.
That's actually probably for the best since I had accidentally unsubscribed to this thread thanks to mobile browsing and forgot it existed until I got a prod.

Soup's dyin all over the place
I'm cool with dying today
I'm all for a mass claim, I've just got no investment in this game heh.
VT up in this
I'm canadian bacon btw, kinda spaced that whole "you claim flavor with your role" thing
With the way he's been playing, it doesn't look like we'll get a defense, or scumhunting, out of him. It's really frustrating >_>
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