So there is not much from Roxy tbh, but I have a feeling that a lot of his time he was more or less ignoring his scum buddies. Here are the very few reads he has:
So asdioh i'm going to -try- to do some of the information you asked me, and add my own little segments here and there.
My read on Evil Soup - Evil Soup seems okay to me, all bias about previous matches aside (and DH being a **** post game of DKR) they have solid views on things, and by 'things' I mean their views on what to look for in gameplay is town. The only thing i have a problem with is when he voted you (asdioh) for a pretty dumb reason; to say that someone shouldn't be getting further clarification on anything seems dumb to me, but he's already gone and off that vote. I guess he was just doping it for pressure purposes.
Asdioh you're doing a lot of legwork, but I don't see much when it comes from what all of this information is actually giving you. Care to (because i'm too lazy to re-check) tell me your stances at this moment.
Smarg wagon is silly after she got angry. I'm too lazy to re-check, but can anyone tell me if someone ignored or disregarded the fact that smargaret was legitimately upset (save Ryker)? I have my reasons for knowing this that I will explain once I get an answer.
Gheb's aight, the fact he told smarg that she could deliberately ignore Ryker seems fishy, but I guess it's warranted? :/
Ryker's an ***, I don't see what the reads are getting him though. I also agree that I probably won't be able to fully read into this game as he said before (I skimmed a bunch). I will probably have to constantly ask questions to get up to snuff for toDay.
I missed J, but that's because he wrote a bunch of walls and I'd rather have condensed versions than having to read that piss yellow garbage.
Reads on the rest will come along as I slowly but surely read more stuff.
This is his first post with actual substance, tries to cast doubt on Asdioh and Gheb although it didn't get him anywhere. The only other interesting part about this post is he asks about Smarg/Zen, and I remember answering his question but he never explained what the significance of that question is.
Zen's acting like an buttface
He's town imo
I'm not Roxy.
I'm purple.
I ain't lynchin that Zen negro.*
I ain't lynchin that Gheb negro.*
ES is closest bet, but trying to wrap my head around all the possible claims,
2 + -2 = T-Block
July lookin mad cute aaay
Time to swag it up and find scum yeee.
So he gives a town read on Zen, Gheb, null on T-Block, and hits on me, which later on he says is a "pro-town" thing to do (btw its not unless you are Ran).
Glyph ES dyin yeeee
This is the only time he mentions Glyph, he infers he supports him dying but never actually directs the Gova to shoot Glyph.
asdioh lookin mad scummy right now. like yooooo.
Pricks thrive in Dgames.
Calls Asdioh scummy, which is pretty much the only scum read he gives.
Cop that dun exist don't waste an investigation on Gheb. Do it on Roxy. Or Glyph.
Gova shoot Tery.
Doc protect me. Or not
Zen doesn't necessarily reciprocate the town feelings that Roxy expresses for him, and he encouraged that the cop investigate Roxy last Night. However he doesn't encourage that Roxy be vigged, so idk how I feel about this relationship tbh.
People are seriously passing off Zen? This is ******** as ****.
Also, I've long said that Glyph and Roxy are similar, but Glyph has actually provided some content (from his active period), and Roxy is just hitting on July.
Also, someone mentioned before, so I'll reiterate that town Roxy usually talks a lot more. Yes, this can be due to inactivity, but I've also previously commented on this, so. But I'm a bit too late. Curse tennis and ultimate frisbee!
Tery also casts some doubt on Roxy, but it's really in passing and admittedly sheeping off someone else's comment. Also Roxy communicates with Tery, asking and answering some questions, but doesn't give a read on Tery OR Glyph.
Right now my reads are:
Gheb- town, was the main advocate of having Gova shoot Roxy last Night
T-Block- town, also expressed strong doubts about Roxy, supported Gova shooting Roxy and Roxy went out of his way to call T-Block null and just ignoring anything pro-town he did to put him as null for literally no reason
Asdioh- town, was okay with Gova shooting Roxy and is the only person that Roxy went out of his way to call scum, once again on very weak reasoning
Gova- is either vig or sk, but as long as he is working with town then he's cool
Zen- was called town by Roxy multiple times, didn't reciprocate but also didn't explicitly support him being shot if ES flipped town, he wanted Tery shot instead. I believe that
one of Zen and Tery is scum, although right now I am leaning Tery because...
Tery- was never directly mentioned by Roxy, he never gave any type of read on him and only communicated with him to answer questions such as those about ES being a "hunter". I think that one of Tery/Zen should be vigged toNight as their interactions with each other and with Roxy reek of S v. T.
Glyph- is my strongest scum pick right now and the person I think should be lynched toDay. He has been inactive, jumped on the Evil Soup wagon with weak reasoning, and he and Roxy avoided each other like the plague. I think that there is definitely scum distancing going on here.