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Pizza Mafia - Over! Who lived happily ever after in the land of Tito's refrigerator?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
There isn't really anything scummy about JTB in RVS and he seemed to be trying to stimulate discussion but his last couple of posts are just so bleck.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
about to leave, but show me where you claimed one shot, because I don't see it

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
post 598 and I apologize but I never fully said it was one-shot but it seems people picked up that it was a one-shot ability. Like T-Block.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
okay, i've chilled my head and i'm gonna start posting.

J - i hate your claim like i hate my coffee but i am just gonna go with it for now, watching you though.
AM - same stuff.

other stuff later.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Yeah, I have a town read on smarg. If this is your approach to find out whether she's scum or not though then you're kind of bullshitting me tbh. You say that none of her posts scream "not scum"? What the hell does this mean? That *all* of her posts scream scum to you? That none of her posts scream town to you? Be more specific.
It should be obvious. You made it seem like you had a clear townread on her, I said that I reread and could find nothing that stood out that strongly to me. Not scum, super town, whatever you want to call it, I couldn't find it, and I wanted to know what you were basing that read on.


There, that should be clear now.
You waited an awfully long time to claim that...
1. Evil Soup (Dark Horse/Soupamario) - Scummy
2. J - 100% town
3. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/Washed Laundry) - 100% town
4. Roxy - Townish
5. Glyph - Scummish
6. Asdioh - Town
7. Smargaret Zen - Meh
8. JTB - Scummy
9. July - Townish
10. Terywj - Meh
11. T-block - Town
12. Gheb_01 - Towny
13. -Joey- Scummy
I... find myself agreeing with most of this list. I don't really think J is scum, for once. I could easily be wrong. If AM really is town then cool, I guess. Joey's probably my top scumpick right now. Hasn't presented many stances besides me and Smarg, and goes out of his way to put a lot into defending himself against "a weak attack" when there was really no need to if it was so weak.

Roxy looks alright so far.

JTB... looks alright except stuff like
super defensive and trying to redirect back onto Asdioh

i'll do more reading tomorrow
where he says ES was redirecting onto the wrong person...

And yes, I said Joey's my top scumpick, but for now my vote's going on Glyph because we realllly need more out of him, and he's looking kind of scummy from his one post. I'd like clarification on his reads, which he said he'd be able to provide, and also his reads on other players.

Vote: Glyph

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I don't really think J is scum, for once.

Guess there is a first for everything.

Asdioh, do you agree to JTB pressure or would you like to sway more attention Glyph's way?

Also I'd be up to helping you push some Joey pressure.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
J thinks I'm scummy because of flip flop'n and my tone. Okaay. My tone is something I won't change because I'm having a bit of fun :p. I wasn't flip flopping, either. Was catching up and stuff.

537 was me trying to be nice and give advice to Soupa. If you take it in any other way, then its your loss, not mine.

I'm not going to pull quotes for people that I think are town. I said that I like the way July is posting and even if I may not agree with everything she's doing, I agree to her intent. I'm going to re-read ES when I get home so I don't forget anything.

Have I even mentioned Roxy, Ryker? Is that why you find me scummy? Whaaat?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J thinks I'm scummy because of flip flop'n and my tone. Okaay. My tone is something I won't change because I'm having a bit of fun :p. I wasn't flip flopping, either. Was catching up and stuff.
I never pegged if it was scummy or not, I said it was weird. Also I elabaroted more on this so don't strawman it Joey.

Joey said:
537 was me trying to be nice and give advice to Soupa. If you take it in any other way, then its your loss, not mine.

Joey said:
I'm not going to pull quotes for people that I think are town. I said that I like the way July is posting and even if I may not agree with everything she's doing, I agree to her intent. I'm going to re-read ES when I get home so I don't forget anything.
What intent specifically and why would you not do that for those you think are town?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Gheb: If I told you that if J flipped town, I would feel strongly that you were scum, would you be okay with that?
I wouldn't be OK with that if you told me that without any reasoning. Depending on your reasoning though I may or may not have to accept it.

Yo. J who should I be voting? JTB? ok

Unvote; vote: JTB

Will read up later.
-dead- @ asking the scumbag who to vote XD

It should be obvious. You made it seem like you had a clear townread on her, I said that I reread and could find nothing that stood out that strongly to me. Not scum, super town, whatever you want to call it, I couldn't find it, and I wanted to know what you were basing that read on.
I base that read on the fact that she hasn't done anything scummy or suspicious. That adds up to a town read quite nicely.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Somebody remind me why the Asdioh wagon is dying? He makes a pretty decent lynch.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I literally have no idea what the hell happened to this thread while I was asleep. However...

Asdioh- I do appreciate you are rereading and answering questions, but I would really like your opinion on what has just happened and the new wagon (?) on J.

Smarg wagon- I feel like I really missed the reason why this is starting up again. Also I just realized the Smarg wagon is only AM and J right now. AM, do you actually find J suspicious? Do you believe his claim? Can you explain your current vote on Smarg? Basically I'm confused about your stances right now, please enlighten me.

J wagon- I love how Gheb comes in and says that he finds J scummy and everyone secretly had an inclination that J was scummy as well. I believe Gheb finds J scummy, and I believe T-Block's crumbs/suspicions as I remember him saying this

which makes sense with what he presented toDay. Evil Soup, however, was by far the sketchiest person on the Asdioh wagon and just hopped right over to J on the first signs of suspicions towards J. Really dislike Evil Soup's play so far.

@Tery, opinion on Evil Soup and AM? (if you gave these already sorry I missed it)

@T-Block- Who are your scum picks other than J?

@J- I did not find your behavior yesterDay suspicious or scummy other than maybe pushing for an Asdioh claim. The claim however is just sketchy and super convenient, and something I could see scum J doing. J did you crumb at all

Vote: Evil Soup

That right there is the strongest scum read I have right now. Still not convinced of Smarg scum, Asdioh/J scum are both possibilities but I really don't see them being scum together.
She came back into the game asking quite a few people for their opinions on the people active, and her view on scum was really obvious thanks to the quote. Plus she commented on most if not all (can't remember) of the active stuff going on at that time, which I also really like. That's kind of what I mean by good intent.

Why would I? I have no reason to pull quotes on the people that I think are town when I could be looking around for more scummy posts instead. Waste of time, really.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
It's really not a waste of time to find out who is town.

Also if that's why you think July is town, comment on those who have been doing catch up posts as well and your thoughts on whether it is town or scum intent.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well Gheb, I'm not you, so I'm gonna have a different train of thought. I also think your train of thought is initially wrong since you find me as 100% scum.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I base that read on the fact that she hasn't done anything scummy or suspicious. That adds up to a town read quite nicely.

Hold on, let me fix that for you.

I base that read on the fact that she hasn't done anything. That adds up to a town read quite nicely.

Now it's more accurate. Reread her if you disagree.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
She replaced out before she got to do anything worthwhile. Her stances had more pro-town implications than anything else. It's other people that are doing nothing much.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
J: Maybe later. Not being able to open new tabs = NOPE

People that are scummy to me at this point:

Asdioh: Weak attack, Weak defense, Using meta to defend people... yeeeah... You scummy!

J: WTF. His whole claim is blech. One shot? Using it on Day 1? Whaaaaaaaat. Plus his whole change of views is just ********, especially since his points on Asdioh scum were actually legit vs Asdioh fitting "town meta".

AM: >_________>. Hasn't explained any of his reasons for any of his recent scum picks except "Do more you sideline bandwagoner" and "isn't that what Joey did with Roxy". Seriously? Yeah... okay. Plus his being really vague doesn't help town much at all. He never even explained his huge flip on J or anything.
Plus the **** needs to die X:!!!

Vote: Aggressive Mediation

Putting my vote right here!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Your funny saying I am not doing much. Kindof sounds hypocritic to say others aren't doing much.

I'd replace myself with you in that category. =P


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006

Sooo what are your other reads then? You had ample time to respond to me but not enough to continue to give reads. Why is that? Sue you?

I posted reads, how did you even miss them?

Again, wrong term. Also you know for a fact that was what I was doing? I had no other motive besides wanting to lynch Asdioh? Your name may start with a J but you certainly aren't the same person. =P
I don't know for a fact what you were doing and that is why it is WIFOM.

So it's hard to read? I'm sorry? I'm sorry I like to type/write and like to say things. So you are saying it's scummy to post large amounts? You do realize how weak that statement is correct? Also idc cuz it's Roxy and that's just him. I find it ridiculous you are trying to use how I post against me. I have always typed large amounts before and I plan on continueing to do so because that's what comes natural to me. So sorry for that. ^.^
Guess I never really never noticed the way you posted before now?

Why are you so against having cleared towns? T-Block already adressed this but I did have a reason to claim and I was planning on doing it D1 regardless.
I'm in no way against cleared town. Stop saying that I am.

Explain why it is better to have cleared townies than confirmed scum, because you obviously think that.

It's funny cuz there is a reason to everything and you are obviously ignoring that point. It's close-minded.
And you are ignoring the point that it is better to out scum than confirm town.

What in the world are you talking about? I'm a one-shot for one, and also I didn't see you pulling this when in DKR mafia when X1-12 said he was the Day Cop and Soupa claimed Night Cop. In fact you agreed to it and went along with it. However when I claim a one-shot ability that I can die from that can clear or condemn a townie, you say it's OP. You are so full of bull it is hilarious! xD

btw, you claimed one-shot after two things
1) I said it was OP to have a role that, in conjunction with Cop, can clear 2 townies per day/night period
2) T-block mentioned seeing you claim 1-shot when you actually never did

Now, onto the validity of your claim.

The fact that you claimed one-shot is even more bull****. Now, we have no way of proving your claim, even if AM flips town. You used your one-shot with intentions of clearing town, not finding scum. So if you are really intent on clearing town over scumhunting, let us lynch you, see you flip whatever your supposed PR is, then clear AM.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Oh, and to clear this up. The quote from ES, I took that as him trying to redirect J back onto Asdioh, not trying to redirect people back onto J.
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