I don't know, guys. I think Angiance is luring everyone into a false sense of security, and will then reveal himself as a 28 year old Peach main. At this point, everything he's learned from this forum section will turn the Peach-Pikachu matchup into a 90-10 experience that nobody is ever able to win again. The signs are all here.
There's just this eensy, weensy bit of discordian bastardry in me that wants to see this happen purely for the surprise.
I think it's funny that outside of a few exceptions (mainly Doll and Day), most of the Smash females act more masculine than a lot of the guys.
My guess for you is late 20's, purely because you have a steady job. Which automatically sets you apart from most of the community lol.
Mid. Mid 20's.
And steady is not the word, sadly.
Then again I don't look 25.
You're blacker than I thought you'd be.
Ain't he though?
I get ethnic gay man a lot.
I lost it.
Finally went to my first tournament...
I also don't understand most of this page, so... yeah.
This is the place where I get to post stuff like that, right? Otherwise I'll change this to something about something random.
Nice, and sure, and common reaction.
I never understand, personally, but I'm excellent at disguising that fact. Shades help.
I feel excluded from the Professor Pikachu, Psychology Ph.D. analysis going on here.
Ditto. To my credit, though, I've got two more pages to slog through, so the conversation should move on to something I can follow again soon.
Also, where did you get that soul gem? Did you take it from one of my girls? I know they don't sell those at Target homie; 'fess up!
They sell 'em at Walmart.
Go check the home department. I'll wait.
Lost it count: 2/2
Drawing pisses me off, can anyone else draw?
Here, to a degree. Rarely do nowadays, and I'm getting rusty. My photomanip skills, on the other hand, are sharp.
Anyone can play Ganon, it takes guts to main and use him for reals.
I'm going to have to disagree on the grounds that guts are squishy and terribly ineffective at holding a controller of any sort. I should know, I have some.
Instead I would humbly suggest that it takes solid brass balls.
They're similarly ineffective during play, but much better for bludgeoning
opponents with.
False, I'm both sensible and ordinary. But for those other guys, yeah, that fits.
I call shenanigans.
easy test to tell if you're "weird":
I answered perhaps.
I suspect following the pattern I'll receive the same result, but I would prefer to say perhaps.
From the pikas I met id say pika mains are actually more of trolls than weirdos.
I'd agree, and I haven't even met any of you properly.
because ive never seen Thor I read that as Midgar, as in we are all lameos trapped under a pizza. This train can only go on the rails its on
Lost it count: 2.5/3
I can't seem to become part of whats going on now so I am going to continue my lurking procedures. Oh yes, the train picture was invigorating would confuse self by looking at it intensely for meaning again.
My thoughts exactly.
My punctuation, less so.
H-how did this title happen...?
Alcohol. Alcohol is how it happened.
I will brawl til my fingers disintegrate into ash; this valient, yellow tail
Boasting well is a lost art. I think Bell might've found some of it.
Getting older has me thinking about the next life, or afterlife, or whatever the hell comes next...... & I get the feeling I have a lotta 'splainin' to do. 
EDIT: Avi is pretty much my face when I have my meeting with the Big Man Upstairs (...or Downstairs).
Amen sister.
This rate I'm headed to hell so fast they're putting in an express lane for me.
Wondering.. Will the pika social move onto the smash4 pika forums or just keep going on in the brawl section?
Wondering the same. My guess is both, with the former gradually becoming the norm.
Yes, not one single person is okay with change
I'm okay with change.
I'd prefer at least small bills, though.
Also I'm cool with change. If everyone gave me all their change, I'd probably have like at least $10,000 USD.
This guy gets it.
What I like best about his post is that he clearly didn't hit the reply button to quote those posts. I can tell because he misspelled "phoenix" both times, but oddly enough remembered to add the unnecessary apostrophe at the end of my name.
...wow. My mind is legitimately blown right there, I completely missed that.
Taking the time to hand-type that out, though - that's some dedication.
You can tell I hit the reply button, because I clearly can't be arsed to retype all the quotes in these INPOs.
Are you implying that tall people are bad and a random guy in a dark alley inviting me to his place isn't creepy as ****?
See, you get to the end of a page, and you get this. This is the kind of stuff that makes reading the next page mandatory, just to see what happens next.
I love you guys so much right now.
Well. Just actually got there. A bit disappointed now really, but I guess I can be patient.
Well, girls actually like badboys; chivalry is dead
Scoundrels. They like scoundrels.
I know this from personal experience - being a scoundrel has worked wonders for me.