Anyone else notice how I get these little bursts of INPO nowadays? Yes? No? Anyway.
In no particular order:
It's a
nice day for a
Red weddi -
I refuse.
That reminds me, would it be at as feasible for me to use Smashboards and not know about all of the new content before the new game comes out? Will the discussion be leaking from the Smash 4 designated forums?
It'll almost certainly trickle down in some regards, yes. For example, I give it an hour or two before I come up with a new avi after the E3 reveal.
In a more practical aspect, while the social has been languishing in the competitive aspects recently because the competition aspect has more or less stagnated, that's liable to revive when the new game brings fresh blood to the discussions. When it does, there'll no doubt be speculation based on what we learn, if not to the point of overwhelming the usual silliness.
A good portion of this silliness will be my fault. I'm on a mission from dog.
Bottom line, though, yes, it's quite feasible. After all, I'm useless at Brawl, yet here I am.
[EDIT] Oh, you mean no
spoilers. Well. Afraid you're proper ****ed there, chap.
If knowledge is power, just pretend you're levelling up.
Do the people who propagate the tourney *** and elitist stereotype of this site really make us appear intimidating to casuals?
Nah. You haven't run me off yet.
Choke on my giant electric
<redacted, but imagine it drawn out and sung happily>