K. I didn't list it since it wasn't a concern for me.You forgot pikmin 3. Stupid raichu.
That list was how the conference went imo. I named Ubisoft for Nintendo cause they had the bigger titles that brought hype to the WiiU (even though it was mentioned twice).
It's simply this:
Nintendo fulfilled the prophecy:

However, Nintendo tried to do too much. Promises made from last year about bringing in the hardcore audience wasn't up to appropriate levels (c'mon, Batman is an old game. Most don't want a remake unless there's bigger changes than what was presented). They spent a huge amount of time explaining verbosely about how the controller interacts with the system, with a decent amount of the information being said last year. A turnoff is Reggie saying there'll be more content on the 3DS than the WiiU (my guess is to boost the sales of the 3DS, then come back to boost sales of the WiiU).
Nintendo didn't do bad, but not a lot was brought to the table, which Ubisoft did. Nintendo at least covered things better than Sony (PS Vita???) or M$ (Entertainment system) did.