Tier Lists? Foolish...
'But hey, if you think you are smarter then everyone else, then keep up and "preach." It's cute watching people who think they speak on the behalf of everyone not know how silly they are.It is always funny watching random newcomers from Nintendo fandumb fanboy sites talk to me like I don't know diddly squat.'
I can't help but point out that this is exactly what you're doing. The only credibility you hold is that you're a businessman, but that doesn't change that you're looking at the situation subjectively and then claiming things such as 'True facts: Most smash players play with the GameCube controller'.Personally, I would love to be able to use a wired, gamecube controller for the wii u. I grew up with the gamecube (and n64, but i mostly watched my older brother play until the gamecube came out) and i can't stand it when I'm forced to play smash on a wiimote or classic controller when there's no other option available. However I happen to have a lot of friends that are casual smash players as well (did that catch you off-guard?) and most of them prefer using wiimote + nunchuck because it's the control scheme that they are most familiar with, as most of them never owned a nintendo console until the wii came out. Your personal experiences does not make your opinion an undeniable fact, and neither do mine. So with all of these personal experiences floating around, all that remains is speculation, and as a business man I'd hope that you don't make decisions based on speculation. I wish it was a pure fact, because I would personally enjoy the living crap out of smash 4 if I got to use a 1st party, wired gamecube controller, but it doesn't seem to be a viable or realistic option. Now, with all of that said, can anyone confirm if this gamecube attachment will be consistent with all games? I.e. does nintendo need to manually support the option or can I juust automatically set up which buttons sink with which and play smash bros on a gamecube controller willy-nilly?
I won't get on any side of the argument although I can see mistakes being made from both sides.
The adaptors are not wired, none of the adaptora that have been released until now are wired and what they do is that they read the Gamecube's signal and then transform it into a CCP signal and send it to the Wiimote which then wirelessly (this is where the wireless comes in) sends it to Wii U.
Technically the GC controller is seen as a CCP (or CC), so any game that acceps a CCP will also accept a GCC with an adapter.
The thinh is that these adapters will have higher lag than a regular wireless controller as not only is there wireless involved but there is also a conversion of input signals involved, so everyone who is scared of wireless lag should be aware that there is even higher lag. (Although in my opinion the lag is negligible anyways, but people think we still live in 2000-2005)
As a last comment I will say that all of the people who think the GCC is superior should really try to analyze the Wii U Pro a bit and think outside the box. You should actually think about your options and try to compare systematically which allows you more options.
If you like the GCC its cool, if you don't want to change, thats cool too. If you find the GCC more comfortable, thats also just as fine as liking the octagonal Control sticks more, but technically that is all subjective. I can actually prove with 3-5 different setups how the Wii U Pro can be objectively superior in terms of speed and efficiency (and in my opinion also much more comfortable, but that is subjective).
Anyways I still signed the petition as I already said, because I believe if someone truly likes something better, why not give them the option, but really, analyze the U Pro a bit more.
Also, you guys talk a lot about Nintendo making money out of this and smart business decisions. Remember that releasing this controller is competing with its own product. They would also need a guarantee that they will sell enough to warrant their building, using and maintaining a machine that makes these controllers. Bundling the game with a controller is a good way to guarantee this, but what happens when people complain because they already bought a Wii U Pro and they are being forced to buy this new one? You have to think about production costs vs net gains.