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Petitioning Nintendo: Develop a Gamecube controller style Wii U controller

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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
'But hey, if you think you are smarter then everyone else, then keep up and "preach." It's cute watching people who think they speak on the behalf of everyone not know how silly they are. :love: It is always funny watching random newcomers from Nintendo fandumb fanboy sites talk to me like I don't know diddly squat.'
I can't help but point out that this is exactly what you're doing. The only credibility you hold is that you're a businessman, but that doesn't change that you're looking at the situation subjectively and then claiming things such as 'True facts: Most smash players play with the GameCube controller'.
Personally, I would love to be able to use a wired, gamecube controller for the wii u. I grew up with the gamecube (and n64, but i mostly watched my older brother play until the gamecube came out) and i can't stand it when I'm forced to play smash on a wiimote or classic controller when there's no other option available. However I happen to have a lot of friends that are casual smash players as well (did that catch you off-guard?) and most of them prefer using wiimote + nunchuck because it's the control scheme that they are most familiar with, as most of them never owned a nintendo console until the wii came out. Your personal experiences does not make your opinion an undeniable fact, and neither do mine. So with all of these personal experiences floating around, all that remains is speculation, and as a business man I'd hope that you don't make decisions based on speculation. I wish it was a pure fact, because I would personally enjoy the living crap out of smash 4 if I got to use a 1st party, wired gamecube controller, but it doesn't seem to be a viable or realistic option.
Now, with all of that said, can anyone confirm if this gamecube attachment will be consistent with all games? I.e. does nintendo need to manually support the option or can I juust automatically set up which buttons sink with which and play smash bros on a gamecube controller willy-nilly?

I won't get on any side of the argument although I can see mistakes being made from both sides.

The adaptors are not wired, none of the adaptora that have been released until now are wired and what they do is that they read the Gamecube's signal and then transform it into a CCP signal and send it to the Wiimote which then wirelessly (this is where the wireless comes in) sends it to Wii U.

Technically the GC controller is seen as a CCP (or CC), so any game that acceps a CCP will also accept a GCC with an adapter.

The thinh is that these adapters will have higher lag than a regular wireless controller as not only is there wireless involved but there is also a conversion of input signals involved, so everyone who is scared of wireless lag should be aware that there is even higher lag. (Although in my opinion the lag is negligible anyways, but people think we still live in 2000-2005)

As a last comment I will say that all of the people who think the GCC is superior should really try to analyze the Wii U Pro a bit and think outside the box. You should actually think about your options and try to compare systematically which allows you more options.

If you like the GCC its cool, if you don't want to change, thats cool too. If you find the GCC more comfortable, thats also just as fine as liking the octagonal Control sticks more, but technically that is all subjective. I can actually prove with 3-5 different setups how the Wii U Pro can be objectively superior in terms of speed and efficiency (and in my opinion also much more comfortable, but that is subjective).

Anyways I still signed the petition as I already said, because I believe if someone truly likes something better, why not give them the option, but really, analyze the U Pro a bit more.

Also, you guys talk a lot about Nintendo making money out of this and smart business decisions. Remember that releasing this controller is competing with its own product. They would also need a guarantee that they will sell enough to warrant their building, using and maintaining a machine that makes these controllers. Bundling the game with a controller is a good way to guarantee this, but what happens when people complain because they already bought a Wii U Pro and they are being forced to buy this new one? You have to think about production costs vs net gains.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
... I mean, if you can bundle a freaking Wii Fit Balance Board with that trashy game for fat old people, why can't you do it for Smash=???...

I lol'ed :laugh:
it's also a good point.

I was wondering though... is a Gamecube controller remake HARDER or EASIER to make/Bundle with the wii U, compared to the Wii fit balance board?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I lol'ed :laugh:
it's also a good point.

I was wondering though... is a Gamecube controller remake HARDER or EASIER to make/Bundle with the wii U, compared to the Wii fit balance board?
Well it is harder to BALANCE, but it isn't harder to bundle. I mean, if you bundle it, some of us would love it, especially if it was marketed right. I know I'd be willing to pay over $100 for a GameCube controller remake/upgrade and Smash WiiU, easily, and I know that hundreds of thousands of other individuals would agree.

I mean, more controller options aren't going to kill anyone; heck, Nintendo still continues to support that stupid Nunchuck/Wiimote combination that is clearly outdated (they oughta redo them to where they don't feel so dang awkward to use).

Edit: Oh, and I signed it, and if you hate that I signed it, well you can line up to kiss my white rear you freaking anti-consumerism communists!!!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
Well it is harder to BALANCE, but it isn't harder to bundle. I mean, if you bundle it, some of us would love it, especially if it was marketed right.
i see what you did there. :p
i was kinda looking for a technical answer really. i should have specified. but oh well.

like.. is manufacturing a gamecube controller cheaper than making something larger that has to be made to support the weight of a person, be precise when used, and not break within 3 months of buying it?
i don't think it would be too costly.

I mean, more controller options aren't going to kill anyone..
i agree 100%


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
I don't understand all the angry posts about controllers still. Seriously people grow up. If you wanna live in the past, then stick with the cube controller. If not, let the others "adapt" orbin other words, get used tons controller. There's no need to upset. Human aren't dumb, they lack interaction skills.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
i see what you did there. :p
That's because you looked down.
i was kinda looking for a technical answer really. i should have specified. but oh well.

like.. is manufacturing a gamecube controller cheaper than making something larger that has to be made to support the weight of a person, be precise when used, and not break within 3 months of buying it?
i don't think it would be too costly.
I think just making a new controller for $50 is a better option than making a GameCube controller. And it should be easier to sell than a Wii Fit Balance board, which only works for a few games, and quite frankly is a brand of technology that will probably be obsolete in a few years.
i agree 100%
Plus if Nintendo doesn't want that money, Madcatz or other 3rd party controller making companies will.
I don't understand all the angry posts about controllers still. Seriously people grow up. If you wanna live in the past, then stick with the cube controller. If not, let the others "adapt" orbin other words, get used tons controller. There's no need to upset. Human aren't dumb, they lack interaction skills.
No, "humans are probably the dumbest creatures alive" because it is self-evident. As for the controller, we just want a new GameCube-esk controller. People keep coming here and telling us to "evolve," which is exactly what we want: we want an evolved GameCube controller. We also want them to "evolve" by accepting other peoples' relevant opinions and consumer wants, instead of telling them no and to conform like we're in some sort of quasi totalitarian state where Nintendo is apparently never wrong, and anyone who likes to win is automatically a he/she/it devil.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
we've been using the wheel for thousands of years.. I think its time we changed guys.
agreed I say we use Ovals now

funny thing is the wheel will probably be obsolete in a couple of hundred years when we can just levitate every thing


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Signed. My Wii broke and I bought a Wii U. For whatever reason, I decided against getting an adapter for my beautiful Gamecube controllers and opted to buy the Wii Classic Controller Pro. That was an extremely stupid decision on my part. The controller is clunky and glitchy. I main Sheik, if you try to down Smash on a platform she instant air jumps into a d1. It is beyond annoying. I can't even fight against level 5 computers with it. I used to be able to take out 3 level 9 enemies with more stocks than me... now I struggle at the game. It feels like I am learning Smash all over again. I would love a Wii U GC controller. Or at least something similar.

Player -0

Smash Hero
Jun 7, 2013
Helsong's Carpeted Floor
I've been looking through this thread a bit and honestly have wanted Nintendo to make a GCC for Wii U as I don't think the Wii U Pro Controller will be as good as the GCC. Honestly the Wii U Pro Controller looks like it's geared for more First Person games like Zelda or CoD but the placement is still awkward to me; I would rather have my thumb resting on the buttons and not the control stick so if you're looking around or something you can quickly move your thumb closer to your hand (instead of trying to hit the buttons which are farther away). Both look like very capable controllers just for different things (Analogy :D - A Pickaxe and a Shovel).
In my opinion the X-Box controller is almost perfect except that you should make the Right hand control stick less intrusive so you can flick it and change the Left Hand arrows so they're separated. I think that the Triggers for the X-Box controllers are better because they're not that hard to press but you could probably configure it to read whether the trigger is down all the way or only partially (Although it can hurt your fingers if you mess with it for a while so maybe make it wider).
Anyway: That's my opinion of a good controller, I do not own a Wii U Pro Controller so I'm going off of what I see and assume, the X-Box controllers I am referring to are from the X-Box 360, and finally for the people who are saying that the Wii U Pro Controller feels better: The petition is for Nintendo to make a better GameCube controller for the Wii U not an exact copy, so they would be able to make it smooth and feel good.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Two things some of you still objecting should know.

1. The Wii U isn't designed for wired control at all. Every controller the console can use is wireless. It would probably be possible in a system update to make it compatible with USB controllers, but the system isn't really designed for it and I doubt Nintendo is going to go in that direction if they haven't already. Wireless control is just a part of what the Wii U is. Luckily, modern wireless controllers tend to be pretty fast and only usually introduce a few milliseconds of delay versus wired options. Unfortunately, button latency for a Wii Remote is something I'm failing to find on google so I don't have an exact number here, but I can tell you that measurements for the 360 and PS3 controllers showed around 2 ms as worst case scenario (that's 12% of a frame).

2. The adapters are better measured. The one I own has a worst measured adapter added lag of 2.84 ms which is 17% of a frame.

3. Gameplay in smash is quantized to 60 frames per second. That means that the idea of "any lag is too much lag" is not really true; sufficiently little lag "rounds" to zero since there's a hard limit on how fast things can go in the game due to the 60 fps. For the purpose of human gameplay, anything less than 50% of a frame should be considered zero. Adding together wireless controller lag and the adapter almost certainly gives you that result; if the Wii Remote is equal in speed to a wireless Xbox 360 controller (which is somewhat worse than a PS3 controller if you didn't know, but it's very close and most actual software runs better on 360 which is why you might think the opposite about performance), we're looking at 29% of a frame of lag total. For reference, the display lag introduced by the absolute best HD monitors on the market right now is 9 ms which is 54% of a frame, and almost all actual players report them as feeling instant.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
signed it. I think we've gotten based evolving the traditional controller. Both PS and Xbox have been sticking with a similar control scheme so I'm not sure why nintendo feels the need to change the traditional controller layout every system considering they aren't adding or taking away anything major.

And why is there so much whining against this petition? No one is forcing anyone to sign anything. If we want to waste our time with something like this then that is our time to waste. In the end everyone is just arguing opinion which is completely pointless.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2013
Malmö, Sweden
But hey, if you think you are smarter then everyone else, then keep up and "preach." It's cute watching people who think they speak on the behalf of everyone not know how silly they are. :love: It is always funny watching random newcomers from Nintendo fandumb fanboy sites talk to me like I don't know diddly squat.
Why are you so hostile, we are just having a civilised discussion? Atleast I thought so :(
Isn't it in reality you talking to me like you know it all? While my points seem to just fly by without your notice. Even though this argument technique of yours is childish I will look past it, once, in hope that we can keep a discussion. Not a battle to "be right" with insults flying around (you do come of as someone who can never admit fault or change his opinion. i.e not discussing to learn, just to eb right no matther what. I hope that isn't the case).
Seriously, where did "Random newcomers from Nintendo fandumb fanboy sites" come from? What are you, 12? Stop that shi t and lets go on with the discussion instead? =)

First off: "A smart business man will realize that people want an upgraded GameCube controller or a bundle with it, because over ten million people use and prefer it".
So how can we know people wont accept the WiiU pro controller as an "upgraded gamecube controller" or a sufficent replacement? When N64 came, that controller was new and everyone thought it was as good as it can be, even for smash. What an idiot that made the gc-controller and didn't just keep the N64 one for gamecube, right? As Ive said, if everyone feels the g-cube one is alot better after they tried the wiiU pro controller for a while, then get a petetition going. No one can possibly know, at this time, if the majority prefers a g-cube controller over the WiiU pro controller. Not even you mate, not even you.

"True facts: Most smash players play with the GameCube controller, and nearly all of them prefer it to the other control options in Brawl (including Sakurai, who probably only made the 2 Wiimote options to appease the Big N), and probably feel the same way about the Pro Controller and the CC Pro=??? How is that 100 outsiders=???"
I like how something you start of with "true facts:" end up with "probably feel the same way about...". So that he "probably feels the g-cube controller is better than the pro controller too" is just something you made up and has no substansial facts behind it, at all. Excluding that part.
I would like some info about the real, not just probably-facts, facts. Since all I know is what you claim. Not that I can't believe you, it seems very plausible, as it still was and still is the only "real" classic game controller option for the game (along wiht the wii classic controller pro, but I never felt that that controller really exploded on the market? Unlike the g-cube, where everyone with the gcube system had that exact controller). However I do consider the new WiiU pro controller a very good example of a "real" classic console controller. So there is a new option now and you can't keep judging by the past. If everyone thought like that we would, as mentioned before, still be stuck with the N64 controller.
About "100 outsiders". I think you took it a bit to literally. If the new controller is fine for smash it will be a smaller group of people still asking for a game cube port. Such a small group is probably not worht catering to financially considering how many of the will use the new controller anyways. From a financial aspect. That was what I ment. I ofcourse didn't mean that right now there is only 100 people that wants a g-cube port.

"I've tried all the alternatives in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and they felt not fit for a fighting game, sorry."
No need to appologise. You can have whatever personal opinion you want. If it, however, also becomes the general opinion, we can only wait and see. Im sure, as a buisnessman yourself, you know not to base a marketing descision on one guys opinion, even if he screams the loudest. This is not about you being ignorant, Im actually not talking about you our me personally at all. We are a very small part of what descision will be best or make the most sense for Nintendo.

As for the topic I think Nintendo knows what I know. And that is that no one has tried to play smash with the WiiU pro controller yet. They are trying to push that controller as one of the main controllers/the hard core game controller for WiiU, so why would they want to introduce yet another controller at this stage? That they have to many different controllers is already an issue for them. Or maybe not issue, but an inconvenience.
If we get a huge petetition going, after Smash4's release, about how we dislike the controller and want to buy an additional g-cube controller to use instead. Then maybe, just maybe, they will listen and see it profitable/worth it to appease the community and its fans.

Finally I just hope you realize I don't mind this petetition or people making one to get what they want. I'm just trying to show you guys how redundant it is and that Nintendo probably will ignore it. Since you send it before you could even have possibly tried out smash with the new controller yet. What if Nintendo does as you wish and pushes out a new gc-controller. Then when people try they actually prefer the WiiU pro controller. You have to see this from Nintendos stand point. Don't you agree?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2013
Malmö, Sweden
Seeing as how there are millions of casual smashers, I guess that means that there is a potential for good business, especially as a BUNDLE!!! I mean, if you can bundle a freaking Wii Fit Balance Board with that trashy game for fat old people, why can't you do it for Smash=???
I don't think that "million of casual gamers" want to buy a 3rd or 4th type of controller to their console. I think they would rather use the already existing WiiU pro controller they have and is also intended for many other games on the console.
Packaging the controller with the game could be smart (depending on price) but even in that case I think it would be smarter of Nintendo to make a bundle with the WiiU pro controller. Making them able to massproduce it more and get it out there, instead of pushing out yet another new controller for the system.

and finally: LOL at the WiiFit bundle thing.
You made me laugh out loud at work where I read it :laugh: Cheers mate!


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
I don't think that "million of casual gamers" want to buy a 3rd or 4th type of controller to their console. I think they would rather use the already existing WiiU pro controller they have and is also intended for many other games on the console.
I think that if they did release a "gamecube pro controller" it would probably be a limited release much like the Kongo drums or nes gameboys which is perfectly cool IMO. I get why the wii pro controller exists (its an easy switch from the gamepad) but it still doesn't take away the impact that the gamecube controller had as what I feel is the definitive traditional experience. Anyone who got this controller would probably purchase it to replace the wii pro.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
we've been using the wheel for thousands of years.. I think its time we changed guys.
This. It's time we stick with the wheels (unless we can "fly" with our controllers), and just make them better, faster, sleeker, better at everything, and importantly, longer-lasting.
I don't think that "million of casual gamers" want to buy a 3rd or 4th type of controller to their console. I think they would rather use the already existing WiiU pro controller they have and is also intended for many other games on the console.
And yet millions of people bought Rock Band guitars when they had Guitar Hero guitars that were almost the same, or because it was a bundle.

Here's the answer: Nintendo doesn't have a "standard issue" controller from generation to generation. They rely on the gimmicks of their controllers too much and don't invest in their traditional controllers too much, and this time, it has backfired. That is a big reason why the WiiU has been a huge failure thus far.
First off: "A smart business man will realize that people want an upgraded GameCube controller or a bundle with it, because over ten million people use and prefer it".
So how can we know people wont accept the WiiU pro controller as an "upgraded gamecube controller" or a sufficent replacement? When N64 came, that controller was new and everyone thought it was as good as it can be, even for smash.
Not even the same; the N64 controller is a huge reason why that console failed in so many regards. The games were great for the N64, but that controller sucked, especially compared to the PS1 controller. The only reason people accepted it was because it was the generation that "jumped" to 3D, and it had a joystick, while the superior SNES controller did not. What next, are you gonna call the Wiimote an "upgrade" of the GameCube controller=???
"True facts: Most smash players play with the GameCube controller, and nearly all of them prefer it to the other control options in Brawl (including Sakurai, who probably only made the 2 Wiimote options to appease the Big N), and probably feel the same way about the Pro Controller and the CC Pro=??? How is that 100 outsiders=???"
I like how something you start of with "true facts:" end up with "probably feel the same way about...". So that he "probably feels the g-cube controller is better than the pro controller too" is just something you made up and has no substansial facts behind it, at all. Excluding that part.
Sakurai stated many times on the Brawl Dojo and in interviews the GameCube controller is the best. He has been known to suck up to Nintendo before, like he did until he quit in 2003 with all the sequels, or how he did it with Brawl (he didn't want Melee 2.0). Now Sakurai is basically an independent contractor again, he has his "thing" going for him, and he does whatever the heck he wants when he wants. He still loves that smash bros originality and money, but he can live without it; quite frankly, because of that, now Nintendo must suck up to him; he is now the boss!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I've played Melee with a GCN controller since 2004 and always played Brawl with a GCN controller too since 2008 and I'm not bothered at all by having to change the controller. People are making this too much of an issue. I am mentally prepared to change and adapt to a new controller. It's not that hard and it's definitely not going to ruin the new game's experience.

Yes, the GCN controller is great and I like it a lot, but that doesn't mean I'll reject any other controller. I'll just adapt to a new one and enjoy the game nonetheless. I might consider adapting to a new controller as a new experience of this new game. The 3DS version will have to use the 3DS itself with no way to use a GCN controller either.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
That's because you looked down.

I think just making a new controller for $50 is a better option than making a GameCube controller. And it should be easier to sell than a Wii Fit Balance board, which only works for a few games, and quite frankly is a brand of technology that will probably be obsolete in a few years.

Plus if Nintendo doesn't want that money, Madcatz or other 3rd party controller making companies will.

No, "humans are probably the dumbest creatures alive" because it is self-evident. As for the controller, we just want a new GameCube-esk controller. People keep coming here and telling us to "evolve," which is exactly what we want: we want an evolved GameCube controller. We also want them to "evolve" by accepting other peoples' relevant opinions and consumer wants, instead of telling them no and to conform like we're in some sort of quasi totalitarian state where Nintendo is apparently never wrong, and anyone who likes to win is automatically a he/she/it devil.
Typing on mobile makes me look uneducated. Grrr. Anyway I don't like "humans are the dumbest..."because it generalizes humans as everyone. If it said most, then I'd be okay.

On the evolve debate...their attempt at a Wii U Pro controller was lackluster, but it was their "evolved" gamecube controller. It's not similar at all but, alas, it was their core gamer controller. That's their answer to the core gamer community's cry for a normal controller so people need to accept it. Honestly the only reason I like the cube and also 360 controller is the stick layout. If they had that, I wouldn't even care. Won't lie though, cube controller is my favorite controller out of all systems.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Maybe Nintendo should just invert the right stick on the pro controller? I think it would be pretty great after that. As it stands the Wii U pro controller looks like it would do great for first person shooters instead of a fighter.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Two things some of you still objecting should know.

1. The Wii U isn't designed for wired control at all. Every controller the console can use is wireless. It would probably be possible in a system update to make it compatible with USB controllers, but the system isn't really designed for it and I doubt Nintendo is going to go in that direction if they haven't already. Wireless control is just a part of what the Wii U is. Luckily, modern wireless controllers tend to be pretty fast and only usually introduce a few milliseconds of delay versus wired options. Unfortunately, button latency for a Wii Remote is something I'm failing to find on google so I don't have an exact number here, but I can tell you that measurements for the 360 and PS3 controllers showed around 2 ms as worst case scenario (that's 12% of a frame).
There is still the issue of big tournament environments. With all the interference from wireless controllers, it would prove to be bothersome with having several setups.

I can think of one reason as to why Nintendo would think of including an update to support wired controllers - prices. Just looking at Amazon's pricing for the 360 controllers, the MSRP for the wired and wireless controllers is about a ten dollar difference. A budget option is not a bad idea to have.


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
McGuire AFB, New Jersey
Although I think the petition is kind of silly, SSBu can be the excuse to launch a new controller style, kind of how Goldeneye for the Wii was used to promote the CCpro. (Although I will admit it may be kind of early for nintendo to launch something that competes with a current and fully capable product) Something as simple as this really:

Of course, you can easily just buy a GC adapter for 17 bucks and save yourself 30 dollars while still remaining with the controller you've been so accustomed to all these years. I know I have it and it works beautifully considering there's no button delay when using it. The only drawback is dealing with the extra wires but it's not a big deal.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
I've played Melee with a GCN controller since 2004 and always played Brawl with a GCN controller too since 2008 and I'm not bothered at all by having to change the controller. People are making this too much of an issue. I am mentally prepared to change and adapt to a new controller. It's not that hard and it's definitely not going to ruin the new game's experience.

Yes, the GCN controller is great and I like it a lot, but that doesn't mean I'll reject any other controller. I'll just adapt to a new one and enjoy the game nonetheless. I might consider adapting to a new controller as a new experience of this new game. The 3DS version will have to use the 3DS itself with no way to use a GCN controller either.
You're right it shouldn't be an issue. If they don't release it, it'll be fine and we all will simply adjust. However if there is a slight chance at bringing it back I see no reason not to support it.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Typing on mobile makes me look uneducated. Grrr. Anyway I don't like "humans are the dumbest..."because it generalizes humans as everyone. If it said most, then I'd be okay.
Meh, I was just thinking taking it as face value; as a species, we are rather destructive, both towards our environment, our fellow humans, and ourselves. It's also a reminder of people not to act like know it all's, because as a species with as much potential as we have, we're pretty freaking stupid and lackluster.
Maybe Nintendo should just invert the right stick on the pro controller? I think it would be pretty great after that. As it stands the Wii U pro controller looks like it would do great for first person shooters instead of a fighter.
The WiiU Pro Controller is incredible for shooters; I have tried it, and I honestly prefer it to the 360 and PS3 controllers. I think it will also work well on action RPG's (that don't need the touch screen obviously).

I tried it on NEW Super Mario Bros. U, and it didn't work quite as well; it felt kinda stagnant. I also tried it on Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and it felt ever worse. Since smash Bros. is a fighting game with a ton of elements of platformers, I think that is all the proof I need that I don't think (at least for me) the WiiU Pro Controller is an ideal controller (for me) in regards to Smash WiiU. As for the Classic Controller Pro, eh, the SNES controller 3.0 I don't think is ideal either.

Heck, wireless controllers aren't ideal. That and the fact Sakurai loves his GameCube controller is why I am positive he will push for a new controller, hopefully to be wired. And if he doesn't, Madcatz or a 3rd party controller designer will; and if they won't, we the fans will make one. Whoever jumps on that first will make a lot of money. I know I would like 2-4 copies of said controllers ASAP, possibly without much hesitation.

Mind Ranger

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2013
I like the idea. I like the GC control too, but I dont see this becoming a reality.
Nintendo will do what they want and make us live with it.....I am honestly bothered with how high the stick is on the WiiU CCP.
It only has 1000+ signs so far and it will need a whole lot more to even get a glance from Nintendo.

I was reading past post on how we need to move on, well...why should we need to? The GC for some was what we used for years, Nintendo know everyone loves using them and they can even make a profit from selling them. We will give them our money with smiles on our faces. (well, some of us) Also, the c stick is so lovely and I would love to use it again, the WiiU CCPs stick is high and looks awkward for the thumb. If not the GC maybe they will give us something resembling the GC? Probably not...

Even if we get nothing, we will adapt....
I kind of don't want too, at least not with this game.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
I thought I might share this while im at it for people who haven't read it before.

We've already seen how a number of games plan to integrate the Wii U's GamePad, but we've yet to hear how the fourth instalment of the all-star brawl 'em up will do the same. While Sakurai wasn't ready to reveal everything, he explained to IGN that the company was looking into ways that worked specifically with Wii U's new hardware, explaining "The GameCube controller is not the only way to control Smash Bros., so we will look into ways that fits the Wii U."

i think that possibly means that they're simply expanding the variety of usable controllers instead of leaving everything else in the dust. (that's just the way I interpret it)


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Meh, I was just thinking taking it as face value; as a species, we are rather destructive, both towards our environment, our fellow humans, and ourselves. It's also a reminder of people not to act like know it all's, because as a species with as much potential as we have, we're pretty freaking stupid and lackluster.
Agreed completely. Just dislike generalizations and stereotypes because they're unfair to the small few to whom said stereotypes don't apply.

I really think Sakurai giving the option for it in Brawl was a bad idea because it allowed us to stick with the old instead of the new. Now we'll just have such harder time leaving the cube controller. They shoulda just made a regular new controller during the Wii era to help us transition out.

Not gonna lie though, I even use the cube controller for Mario Kart Wii...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I really think Sakurai giving the option for it in Brawl was a bad idea because it allowed us to stick with the old instead of the new. Now we'll just have such harder time leaving the cube controller. They shoulda just made a regular new controller during the Wii era to help us transition out.
No, because Nintendo tried to make a good idea like the Wii and make it make as little sense as possible, by making it weak as heck, have dial up internet stuff, no memory, and no traditional controller (The CC is a classic-era controller). They should have definitely had a new updated GC controller then; I 100% agree. However, this is all Nintendo's fault for a lack of vision or care for their traditional controllers (and said controllers' brands), and not the fans' fault at all.
Not gonna lie though, I even use the cube controller for Mario Kart Wii...
Everyone does.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Everyone does.

I use the Wii Wheel....

Don't hurt me...

As for the gamecube controller? I would love for it to happen, but at the same time, we should all prepare to adapt as well. Just in case.

And it won't be bad if we have to adapt. I learned to play with the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck when friends didn't have enough GC controllers. Playing Brawl effectively is certainly doable and while clumsy at first, feels almost as natural as a GC controller after a while. I'm not saying that the GC controller isn't the best controller for smash (so far it is), but moving to another controller isn't nearly as bad as some people are saying it to be.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2013
Malmö, Sweden
And yet millions of people bought Rock Band guitars when they had Guitar Hero guitars that were almost the same, or because it was a bundle.
Here's the answer: Nintendo doesn't have a "standard issue" controller from generation to generation. They rely on the gimmicks of their controllers too much and don't invest in their traditional controllers too much, and this time, it has backfired. That is a big reason why the WiiU has been a huge failure thus far.
Isn't this what they are trying to do with the WiiU pro controller thou? A standard core gamer console controller. Seems like they have invested alot more into it than any of the wii alternatives, wich I agree came of half assed and as you descirbe them.
Not even the same; the N64 controller is a huge reason why that console failed in so many regards. The games were great for the N64, but that controller sucked, especially compared to the PS1 controller. The only reason people accepted it was because it was the generation that "jumped" to 3D, and it had a joystick, while the superior SNES controller did not. What next, are you gonna call the Wiimote an "upgrade" of the GameCube controller=???
You do realise that this has nothing to do with the N64 controller in itself right? It was an example, maybe a poor one, but you should be able to see through that and get my point. Change the example to N64 controller and Playstation controller then, or whatever you see fit.

Again you come with these childish quotes out of the blue: "you gonna call the Wiimote an "upgrade" of the GameCube controller?". I haven't said anything ever in regards to that and why would anyone think of it that way? I don't know if you are trying to put words in my mouth or what the purpose of that comment was. Do you yourself think a wiimote and a gamecube controller isn't much much more of different controllers than the gamecube and WiiU pro controller are... GC - Wiimote isn't even comparable to GC - WiiU pro controller.
Sakurai stated many times on the Brawl Dojo and in interviews the GameCube controller is the best!
Again I don't see the relevans to our discussion? I'm pretty sure most here would agree, the game cube way of controlling was the superior way by far in Brawl. The wii didn't have a real succesfull standard controller comparable to the good ol' game cube controller. Sakurai have never stated that the G-cube controller is the best for Smash4. That it would be better than the WiiU pro controller. As said, even if he thought so that might not be the case. He might be part of a minority.

What the topic, we started discussing, really is about: I still think that pushing a mass produced wiiu pro controll might be better for Nintendo then releasing yet another controller (that fills the exact same functions) on the market. If the crowed is over all pleased with it (wich I think most will be, it has everyting a core game controller needs). As I've said before:
"If we notice that we don't like the wiiu pro controller at all, then get a petetition for this going after. But not before the game is out, I think Nintendo will ignore it since they know that no one has even tried the wiiU pro controller yet. No one could have, the game isn't out.")
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