I just watched an old video of Mango vs. Ken. I noticed Ken would occasionally fthrow Puff then wavedash to utilt instead of Fsmash. Seems like a logical choice, then again, Anthony is beast? Missed my acrobatic knee I did to a CPU last night guys =(. Friggin uthrow Doc to nair to uair to uair ledge cancelled off the edge to fast fall quick double jump knee. I dunno, it just looked cool, me typing it out doesn't do it any justice.
Oh yeah, Anthony...I got 3 nukes the other night, so I'm at 5 rofl. One being the funniest one thus far. It was Invasion CTF and the whole other team is running around with SMGs and Marathon/Lightweight/Commando, and I'm getting wrecked with my Tar 21 because I'm getting stupid challenges done for it. Mr. Try Hard comes out second round with my lovely FAMAS, and I use some logic and I'm like...wait...they don't have stopping power, so 1 shot burst = YESZ! Proceed to get a harrier without noticing, then a chopper gunner, I spawn kill them literally like a bajillion times and got like 16 or 17 kills LOL. While all this is happening, the score went from 1-7 to 4-7, and I'm like oh crap, tactical nuke just ends the game so we're going to lose!!! and there's 30 seconds left, so I use it with like 11 seconds to go, and we win!? I guess nukes = insta win, so I was lol'ing hardcore, I got like 7 titles that match. Good times, good times...
Yay for my long posts of me rambling!