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**** peach

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Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I was referring to a "national" tournament like Pound. I didn't say she couldn't win tournaments, but if your going up against the best Marth or the best Fox at a national tournament, you CAN win but its just almost impossible(in my opinion). Also, I never said that I was near Forward's skill level but I probably would have had an easier time if I had picked Marth/Fox/Shiek/Falco.

Again, this is only my opinion.

I realized this and I agree.

I always knew thats how it was. When when this is true. I was People like Mike G still try. Thats why he is my favorite Peach in melee. Dude still went at it. Even thought he did not win a big tournament, he still beasted and beast some tuff players. And he created Peach.

I found that really cool. Thats why I only use Peach in tournaments. I could uses my Fox or sheik. and increase my chances to win AS A PLAYER. But I dont want too. I wanna do itAS A PEACH PLAYER. All alone. I know how tuff it is and stuff. But thats just me. I'm going for that 1% chance Peach has to win a tournament nation wide. Dont care how long it takes or else I would have quit Peach years ago.

But KOS-MOS and Cort have thier points that stand clear. Lets just let Brawl tournaments do the talking.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Ugh....why is everyone still *****ing? :o

Look, Cort and the others isn't saying Peach is bad. It's just she's not as rapable as she was in Melee (or at least, some are assuming that right now. I dunno)

All Cort is trying to say is that you can't go just Peach in a tournament anymore. You have to actually think about the matchup and counterpick on what you do. In Melee, there were characters for Peach to go on par with or just **** (IC), but we never had a chace against characters like Marth or Fox. In Brawl, things are different. very different. Peach can't hold her own that well or effectivly enough with characters.

So instead of going just Peach in tournaments, pick other characters to play with as well. If you wanna win of course. That's what all the pros did before, and that's what they and new potiential pros in the future are gonna do now.

common sense beats fanboy/fangirlism anyday.
Maybe Peach will be middle tier in Brawl? Yeah...maybe middle tier. In which case you should def switch to a high or top tier if you want to do well. I mean why would you play a middle tier like, say, Jigglypuff in tournament? Eventually you're going to lose, because there are like... 9 characters better than Jiggs.

*waits for someone to get it*?


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Raleigh, North Carolina
As was observed several times, certain characters are counters for other characters, and some characters can counter them.

While she may be worse off overall, there may be a few characters that she does absolutely amazing against, which she would be the ideal counterpick against. So it's not like we won't be able to use her at ALL in tournaments, but she won't be as useful against as many matchups.

Plus, I'm going to field a guess and say that you'll likely have the "inexperience" handicap a lot of the time from people underestimating her, or not having gotten enough practice against her. Such is the case when so many people decide to drop her because she lost so much in the game transition.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
I already know picking Peach puts people at a disadvantage when playing against the best when they are playing Marth, Sheik, but Peach is a very solid character and she is very much capable of winning major tournaments. Are the odds stacked against her vs amazing Fox, Marths, Sheiks etc...yeah of course the odds are stacked against every character/player that are not using those three lol. That doesn't mean Peach CANNOT win I mean hell look at what Mango just did with Jiggly puff lol...but seriously if you DO want the best chance of winning then pick the top tier and practice with them, plain and simple. If you want to play the character you like and feel most comfortable with practice with that character.

Thats really all that matters.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
if you DO want the best chance of winning then pick the top tier and practice with them, plain and simple. If you want to play the character you like and feel most comfortable with practice with that character.
This. THIS.

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
I realized this and I agree.

I always knew thats how it was. When when this is true. I was People like Mike G still try. Thats why he is my favorite Peach in melee. Dude still went at it. Even thought he did not win a big tournament, he still beasted and beast some tuff players. And he created Peach.

I found that really cool. Thats why I only use Peach in tournaments. I could uses my Fox or sheik. and increase my chances to win AS A PLAYER. But I dont want too. I wanna do itAS A PEACH PLAYER. All alone. I know how tuff it is and stuff. But thats just me. I'm going for that 1% chance Peach has to win a tournament nation wide. Dont care how long it takes or else I would have quit Peach years ago.

But KOS-MOS and Cort have thier points that stand clear. Lets just let Brawl tournaments do the talking.
Dark Pch That's what I want to achieve as well. That's my goal with Peach. I want to show that peach is more than what people like Cort think of her.

I already know picking Peach puts people at a disadvantage when playing against the best when they are playing Marth, Sheik, but Peach is a very solid character and she is very much capable of winning major tournaments. Are the odds stacked against her vs amazing Fox, Marths, Sheiks etc...yeah of course the odds are stacked against every character/player that are not using those three lol. That doesn't mean Peach CANNOT win I mean hell look at what Mango just did with Jiggly puff lol...but seriously if you DO want the best chance of winning then pick the top tier and practice with them, plain and simple. If you want to play the character you like and feel most comfortable with practice with that character.

Thats really all that matters.
Mr. C You have all my respect. I've been gone for sometime but I've been reading the post. I was about to reply to a couple of things but you've already summed it up quite nicely. This is what I wanted Cort to understand, but as I can see he like the sound of his own voice so I'm not gonna bother with it. Anyways Great Post. *Thumbs up*


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Ken's Peach Theory said:
All peach players who main peach are either, effeminate, metrosexual, homosexual or a big fat (fill nationality in here) guy and some are in denial of it.
lol what?

All Peach players are either effeminate, metrosexual, homosexual, fat, or in denial.

*pokes Cort's head*

*braces for impact*

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
i'm really starting to hate this thread <_<
how in the world can you hate this thread? i find it pretty humorous. i mean, it's like that Family Guy joke when Peter comes in on a donkey and says, "Hey Lois, it's a representation of our nation's two largest political parties. A donkey and a fat, white guy who's afraid of change."(something to that extent. i might have messed the quote up at the beginning). we should do a tournament promotion, though. if Cort or Yuna get beat by a Peach player at a tournament, they have to go to the local gym and eat some guy's jock strap.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
*sees discussion comprehension/funny Family Guy jokes fly over Cort's head*
*starts to break down statement so Cort 'might' be able to understand*

point 1: this thread is funny. the people that are saying, "blah blah blah, give peach a chance, she might end up being good." these are the Donkeys, or Liberals, the ones with Liberal thinking. the ones saying, "blah blah blah, i've played the game for less than a month, so i know it in and out because i was good at Melee. Peach blows ****. (i.e. you, Vidjo, Yuna)" are the fat, white guys afraid of change, or Conservatives, the ones with more naturally closed views.. pretty inspired joke, imo. plus, Family Guy can be amazing at times.

point 2: i didn't think i'd have to explain this, but i think it would be funny if you went to a tournament after leaving your soapbox, and got handled by a peach player. it would be FUNNIER if we did the tourney promotion where you had to eat some sweaty guy's jock strap after you lost to peach. i mean, if they beat YOU, then they HAVE to place well/win the tourney, right? then, she won't be proven useless in high level play. i think that would inspire many players to train really hard with peach to beat you. that way, you'd be taking one for the team. sacrifices are sometimes needed to help the greater good, Cort. be a good American and help out your countrymen.

my point is this. Melee and Brawl are 2 different games. Melee has had 7 years to develop techniques and metagames, where as Brawl has had less than a month. Cort says that, from his Melee experience, he can tell who is going to be good and who is not. I guess the people who were good at Super Turbo automatically knew who was good in Street Fighter 3, right? Haha, j/k, they didn't. Personally, I don't care if Peach is good or not, as I main Dedede. She's fun, and I'll play her, but I played Roy in Melee, and god knows he sucked, he was just fun to use, and cooler looking than Marth(Marth wears a tiara...real manly...). I just got annoyed by people who think they know everything about everything because they are decent at a video game, like people should bow to their will or something. I'm only concerned because you are influencing others, because, unlike me, they actually respect you for being good at Melee, while I definitely do not. You should think about that before you go spouting off potential nonsense.

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
*sees discussion comprehension/funny Family Guy jokes fly over Cort's head*
*starts to break down statement so Cort 'might' be able to understand*

point 1: this thread is funny. the people that are saying, "blah blah blah, give peach a chance, she might end up being good." these are the Donkeys, or Liberals, the ones with Liberal thinking. the ones saying, "blah blah blah, i've played the game for less than a month, so i know it in and out because i was good at Melee. Peach blows ****. (i.e. you, Vidjo, Yuna)" are the fat, white guys afraid of change, or Conservatives, the ones with more naturally closed views.. pretty inspired joke, imo. plus, Family Guy can be amazing at times.

point 2: i didn't think i'd have to explain this, but i think it would be funny if you went to a tournament after leaving your soapbox, and got handled by a peach player. it would be FUNNIER if we did the tourney promotion where you had to eat some sweaty guy's jock strap after you lost to peach. i mean, if they beat YOU, then they HAVE to place well/win the tourney, right? then, she won't be proven useless in high level play. i think that would inspire many players to train really hard with peach to beat you. that way, you'd be taking one for the team. sacrifices are sometimes needed to help the greater good, Cort. be a good American and help out your countrymen.

my point is this. Melee and Brawl are 2 different games. Melee has had 7 years to develop techniques and metagames, where as Brawl has had less than a month. Cort says that, from his Melee experience, he can tell who is going to be good and who is not. I guess the people who were good at Super Turbo automatically knew who was good in Street Fighter 3, right? Haha, j/k, they didn't. Personally, I don't care if Peach is good or not, as I main Dedede. She's fun, and I'll play her, but I played Roy in Melee, and god knows he sucked, he was just fun to use, and cooler looking than Marth(Marth wears a tiara...real manly...). I just got annoyed by people who think they know everything about everything because they are decent at a video game, like people should bow to their will or something. I'm only concerned because you are influencing others, because, unlike me, they actually respect you for being good at Melee, while I definitely do not. You should think about that before you go spouting off potential nonsense.

1: You are my hero. God I love your post! I think I may want to print it out and stick it on my wall. You deserve some praise for this. Well done.

2: Even as great as this post is, Cort has the attention span of a Cow. He won't read a big wall of text like yours because he doesn't have the time or patience to read or he just hates reading in general. It could possibly be that if your opinion isn't like his your not worth his attention. I'm not sure how he thinks, but this what I can gather from reading his posts.

Be warned to may get jumped by Cort, M2K, and other pros. You may need to put up the shields. lol


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
lol, so much hating and fanboyism in this thread.

This "discussion" is stupid.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
on contrary, ankoku. i think this is getting fairly interesting. and, master peach, even if m2k and the like come to flame me, i don't really care. i'm not scared of them because they are good at smash. some, but not all, of these guys think they are better than other people because they play video games well, and it irks me slightly. some guys i have met are mad chill, and i like them(i.e. Mikey G, Azen, Chu, KDJ). but, a prick is a prick is a prick. arrogance is arrogance is arrogance.


Smash Master
Dec 21, 2006
**** MD/VA. I have no region. no really...
i beat m2k in a peach ditto recently and i'll never let him forget it. stitchface ftw

really who cares who you play. people do what you want. vidjo cort obviously feel that other characters have more potential than peach(which is true...) in brawl and theyre choosing to play other characters. Some of you guys worship the ground peach walks on and are getting upset over this. really, its pretty sad. Do what you want and stop catchin feelings over what someone else thinks

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
i beat m2k in a peach ditto recently and i'll never let him forget it. stitchface ftw

really who cares who you play. people do what you want. vidjo cort obviously feel that other characters have more potential than peach(which is true...) in brawl and theyre choosing to play other characters. Some of you guys worship the ground peach walks on and are getting upset over this. really, its pretty sad. Do what you want and stop catchin feelings over what someone else thinks
i agree with the statement you should play who you want wholeheartedly. my problem, as stated before is not that i love peach so much, but the fact that Cort and Vidjogamer's opinions are swaying others to just drop a character because they did, and they need to realize that, instead of coming into a thread and just saying stuff, knowing what will happen.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I've never been disrespectful personally to any user thus far (especially the ones that have blatantly tried to flame me, who also COMPLETELY MISSED the point of any of my posts thus far in this thread)... but this is essentially only helping my cause.

So, I'll go ahead and say it: GA Peach and Peach Master are complete and utter scrubs. How can I possibly attempt to force any sense into users with 'Peach' already in their names? You guys have little to no reading comprehension and have only made yourselves look like flaming idiots. Your posts are a pain to read, you understand little to nothing of what I'm actually trying to inform people in this thread.

I thank Dark.Pch for at least understanding my viewpoint while at the same time respectfully explaining his, while not telling me to eat a jockstrap or think I have the attention span of a cow, wow that's quite mature...

Vidjo and I's opinions SHOULD be swaying you guys. Afterall, we're the ones actually placing at major tournaments (let alone making it out of pools... >_>)

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
I've never been disrespectful personally to any user thus far (especially the ones that have blatantly tried to flame me, who also COMPLETELY MISSED the point of any of my posts thus far in this thread)... but this is essentially only helping my cause.

So, I'll go ahead and say it: GA Peach and Peach Master are complete and utter scrubs. How can I possibly attempt to force any sense into users with 'Peach' already in their names? You guys have little to no reading comprehension and have only made yourselves look like flaming idiots. Your posts are a pain to read, you understand little to nothing of what I'm actually trying to inform people in this thread.

I thank Dark.Pch for at least understanding my viewpoint while at the same time respectfully explaining his, while not telling me to eat a jockstrap or think I have the attention span of a cow, wow that's quite mature...

Vidjo and I's opinions SHOULD be swaying you guys. Afterall, we're the ones actually placing at major tournaments (let alone making it out of pools... >_>)
Man you Really do love the sound of your own voice. lol Ah whatever. I already know I'm no where near pro lvl yet, but your the kind of person that won't let me forget that. You really think your words have any influence on us. You really are a sorry person.

Your opinion SHOULD be swaying us? Don't make me laugh! Who died and made you King. You should really hear yourself talk. It's pathetic -_-.

Also I'll repeat myself since you DIDN'T Read my wall of text from before. I like Peach but I don't Main her because of that. My skills shine when I use her. She's my best Character and that how it's going to remain no matter WTF you or anyone else says.

Oh yeah before I forget... Who gives a **** where YOU place in a tournament. Whether or not YOU place high or low in a tournament I could care less, all I care about is how well I do with Peach. I'm still in development so when I enter these tourneys I just enter to see how well I've improved and how far I can take it with peach.

Really now you need to go crawl under a rock a just play melee all your life and stop trying to jam your words down our throats. Your acting like a noob -_-


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
Peach's Heart
Man you Really do love the sound of your own voice. lol Ah whatever. I already know I'm no where near pro lvl yet, but your the kind of person that won't let me forget that. You really think your words have any influence on us. You really are a sorry person.

Your opinion SHOULD be swaying us? Don't make me laugh! Who died and made you King. You should really hear yourself talk. It's pathetic -_-.

Also I'll repeat myself since you DIDN'T Read my wall of text from before. I like Peach but I don't Main her because of that. My skills shine when I use her. She's my best Character and that how it's going to remain no matter WTF you or anyone else says.

Oh yeah before I forget... Who gives a **** where YOU place in a tournament. Whether or not YOU place high or low in a tournament I could care less, all I care about is how well I do with Peach. I'm still in development so when I enter these tourneys I just enter to see how well I've improved and how far I can take it with peach.

Really now you need to go crawl under a rock a just play melee all your life and stop trying to jam your words down our throats. Your acting like a noob -_-
Master Peach have a point....Cort


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
A lot of stuff
I dunno, it's kinda odd that you're accusing Cort of liking to hear himself talk and being so arrogant, yet you make these giant posts and say that you only care about how you think you'll do with Peach.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Why is this thread still here? "Slaps the computer"

Ok, do everybody get the point of this thread or what?

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
I must say, Cort, I'm having a little more fun with this than I should. But, I'll continue it.

1st point: I didn't miss the point of your posts. I understand that your opinion is that, based on your experience with Melee, you feel that Peach will not perform well in tournaments. While i disagree with your opinion and your reasoning for your opinion, it is in fact your opinion, and you are entitled to it, and i respect that. I even see your points in your reasoning, but since I don't agree with them, and I have Peach in my name(COMPLETELY moot point, and i'm surprised you had to fall back on that, lol), that makes me a "scrub" automatically. You've never even met me, much less played me. Good logic. You get a gold star. Also, with your logic, it doesn't make too much sense to people that have played any other competitive game besides Smash. I'm DID NOT ask anyone who played GGXX Slash who would be good ahead of time in Accent Core. It would not make sense to take their opinions to heart. The system was changed along with character balances. Some characters even developed a new fighting style and beasted, becoming much better than in the previous installment of the game. Of course, the game was out for more than a month before any major judgement was made.

2nd Point : I didn't tell you to eat a jock strap. I tried to COERCE you to eat a jock strap, and I thought it would be a good motivator for a lot of the peach players in this thread, but I never told you to eat one. Who has the bad reading comprehension again? I think that go without answer, but since I had to explain the Family Guy joke for you, I'll go ahead and say you. Seriously, as passionate as a lot of people in this thread are about playing Peach, you don't think the jock strap thing would be a good motivator? It should motivate you to be awesome to, so you won't have to eat it. Win/Win situation, imo. Also, making a joke during a discussion does not make someone immature. I think you take yourself way too seriously, so i thought i would poke fun at that aspect.

3rd Point : You have to give respect to earn it, man. Again, I have zero respect for you because of a video game. I don't care if you were good at Melee, and you don't automatically gain my respect because of that fact. I agree that Dark Pch gave his opinion very respectfully...but you didn't. Calling people 'fanboys/girls' simply because they don't agree with you is ludicrous. I am not a Peach fanatic, but the character is funny, so I like her. And, *gasp* I don't agree with you. See, I thought that, while being competitive, a game is indeed that, a game. The main purpose of a game is to have fun, so people are going to have fun with the character they like, obviously. Telling them that it is a waste of time and tournament experience is not only a false statement, it is extremely pompous as well. And so far as my posts being a pain to read, either learn to deal with people disagreeing with you, or get a new prescription for your glasses, if reading is the problem.

4th Point: I don't think you have the attention span of a cow. I think you are a very intelligent person, maybe even cool to a point, but I feel also that you ignore people you feel are "beneath" you or don't give you "proper" respect, and that I'm included in the "beneath" you group. Again, very pompous to say that you and Vidjo SHOULD be swaying our decisions in a new game. If it were Melee, I could understand that, but not in Brawl, and it is MAAAD arrogant for you to think so. I'll consider your opinion, sure, but I'll take it with some salt, not flat out obey it. I will apologize, though, because i think i included Vidjo's name in this, and he really didn't do that much outside of voice his opinion. So, my b, Vidjogamer. However, this does lead me to...

5th Point : Regardless of how I feel about it, what you top players say to these other guys really affects their decisions, and you should think about that before posting things. If you really LIKE them hanging on your every word and mindlessly following you, or you just don't care, then please ignore this point. But, you should really think about things before you say them, and how they will affect other people, not just yourself. Also, I don't think i ever presented myself as an idiot. Flaming you, ok, but an idiot? Nah. People can present their points well without you agreeing with them, regardless of what goes on in YOUR head.

I think I'm done for this post. Comments?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Whoa whoa whoa!

Hold up now. I have Peach in my name. its just "Pch" for short. So what that make me? > . >
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