Today, once again you're misunderstanding what I am saying. I agree playing patient vs MK is your best option, but your initial claim was that playing patient vs MK works, but not really vs snake, which is complete BS. Also, I don't really know if there is any way to vs MK without getting absolutely **** on. The only thing that saves us in the match-up is the fact that him using tornado is actually risky, but then again he really does not need it at all to win.
Also, your advice for playing against MK was pretty much to try and mindgame him into doing stupid stuff... I mean sure that's a good idea, but if that's all we can do to win, then we have absolutely no chance.
EDIT: You talk about a perfect snake lol. Perfect snakes wouldn't be that good, considering none of their aerials would help at all. Perfect GaW would beat a perfect snake, because once snake got in the air it should be a stock. I am not even gonna consider snake's dthrow due to the talk of perfect game play, and GaW's air game is more than good enough to avoid getting grabbed. Either way, bringing in "perfect" X vs "perfect" X is silly anyways, and I don't think has much to do with any sort of discussion.