First, she's a goddess. If they put in an allpowerful goddess, there'd be no point in playing other characters.
Raiden is a god, and he's still in Mortal Kombat. You can kill him too. Video games don't have to make sense.
Second, shes been in two games, both of which involved her being kidnapped and sending Pit weapons.
I like how your first objection is that she would be way too powerful, and then you contradict yourself by saying how helpless she'd be.
She's the Goddess of Light. How hard can it be to make up moves for her?
Lastly, it'd be impossible to make a moveset out of her
No, it wouldn't.
Zelda already has the magic user position taken up.
She doesn't use magic. She's a goddess, not a sorceress(I sound like some Dungeons and Dragons nerd). I picture Palutena using light attacks the way Pikachu uses electric attacks. I don't think of Pikachu as magic.
Even if they nerfed Palutena to be a regular fighter, she'd be a carbon copy of Zelda, minus Shiek.
What are you basing that on?
You wanna know what my point is for Palutena only sending weapons...? That's just it; If all she can do in the games is send weapons and get captured, think of how much fun she'll be as a fighter!
All Captain Falcon could do was drive a car. All Dr. Mario could do was nothing.
Moveset: Post a good moveset for her and we'll debate this.
Why does anybody need to post a move set? We're not making the game, we don't have to make move sets.
It's not that Zelda has it taken up, just that it'd be impossible to make a moveset for a magic user who doesnt do anything. And I'm guessing the sigh is because you can't think of a good argument?
No, the sigh is probably because you're to unable to comprehend anything remotely intelligent.
Pit is her servant. That would make it kind of dumb to see them fighting against or together in brawl.
Yeah, that would be like Mario and Peach fighting each other. Or Link and Zelda fighting each other. That couldn't possibly happen in a Smash Bros. game.
I'm skipping most of the things people have said, because it's mostly people repeating themselves or others...
Storyline character = character who is not playable but there for story.
Which is all she will be. They need to have some sort of a back story for each characters single player.
So I guess Peach is just a storyline character too. All we've seen of her so far is an appearance in the story mode cut scenes.
How would they make a moveset for a girl whos powers dont allow her to fight?
You make her fight anyway. Nothing about Super Smash Bros. makes sense any how, so what's the difference?
And isn't the storyline of Brawl that all the characters are brought to "this world" and forced to fight each other? So maybe she has no choice.
Or maybe she's just really PO'd that she hasn't been in a game in like 20 years and she want to kick some a#$.
The reason I said make a moveset is so I can see what kind of moves you imagine for her. What she'll be able to do, and stuff like that.
She uses light based elemental attacks. There you go.
RyuDragonKing has a point. How can they make a non-fighting character into a playable?
You're right. That would take some kind of magic. And they can't use magic, because Zelda has it taken up.
Ok I've changed the title of this thread, so if you don't have supportive views about Palutena for Brawl, don't bother posting.
I'm pretty sure you can't ban people from your thread for disagreeing with you.
Edit: Ok, Vanity. Adios.
Well, maybe you can...
Yeah,but you guys have been debating so much over this,and didn't see her face! I think it's kind of ridiciuoloius(sorry,I don't have spell check right now) to argue over an arm and dress,that's all.
There are like a hundred topics arguing about characters that we haven't seen anything of yet.
they didnt even put Samurai goroh in this. the second most important character in F zero.
Samurai Goroh sucks, and so does F-Zero.
o why would they put her.
She's better than Samurai Goroh.