Assuming poyo isn't serious, which I did before, I decided to not care.
But I can relate with being depressed and having nothing. When my dad died, I basically thought up some pretty stupid stuff. I wasted more money on material items to make me happy for the moment than anybody I think. It was bad.
I basically dropped out of school about a few months ago. To say the least, a big part of what people know me as, is completely different, and I am doing what they call, living a lie, in a way. However, I am also home schooled in a way over the internet, I have a solid amount of friends, and family members that care about me. How? I changed. I saw that if I didn't change, something would happen. It may take awhile, but that change will indeed come to you.
Poyo, I've seen posts from you, and this, coming from at a point one of THE MOST hated members of the FL smash community, is advice. You can take it or leave it. For your sake, I hope you do take it.
The posts you make are not necessary. If somebody like korn or chaos knight respond to you with flames, don't respond. Thats called flame bait, and its also spam, which doesn't help at all and only makes the problem worse. You are clearly impulsive, which would ALSO make things harder on yourself. Don't always respond, and instead, just report posts like those to the mods. This is what they're there for.
Try not to be dramatic and stuff over the internet. Nobody cares that you say you're quiting for the 10,000th time, and it does no good but make you look bad, and attract more flames, which will in the end make you feel like ****.
Suicide is not an option because you're socially inactive, or have no actual friends. Infact, start over from scratch. Make a new name for yourself. Change. You can't go to events? Too **** bad. Wait it out, save up money, and then go to the events you actually want to go to. Due to being in problems with money and such, I had to stop going to tourneys for basically half a year. before this, I was very active, or I should say as active as possible.
I played when I could, even with the closest smasher being an hour and 30 minutes away, and the average smasher being 2 hours away. It was all very hard, but I learned to get over it.
I'm always here. You can PM me for anything. Chances are, I can answer it. I've been through more hate than probably any other member here, and if it wasn't for that, I can easily say I'd be in a far more worse position that I am now.
Good luck, Poyo. I hope this topic wasn't actually just a cry for attention.