ok, its done.
pretty much every question here has been a joke of some form or another, so I added a few more serious questions in of my own.
Luke... Why Snake? Is it because you secretly want to be him, or because you can predict the future and knew that Snake is my personal worst matchup and decided to main him so that several months later, when I joined the scene, you could repeatedly demolish me at tournaments?
first of all, yes I do want to be snake, but thats no secret.
no I cant predict the future, and also it wasnt several months later that the joined the scene, it was several years.
Luke what went wrong in your childhood that led to you being such a pathetic human being?
Just pick the most important/first thing that comes to mind.
first thing that comes to mind? being born.
most important? I dont think I can even begin to explain...
if you've managed to forget who I am, its probably better for you if dont remember.
Your free buddy!
Mr Luteyo, when do you plan on becoming a house hold name as the luchador "El Gingero"?
after I travel the land and crush all those who oppose me.
When are we going to resume our **** training that we use to do?
when I stop trying to gain ahold of my life and give in to the fact that smash has my soul and it will never let me go.
Is it true that your life is engineered by Jon to be a complete joke for us, the Smash community, to enjoy?
yes its completely true.
well most of the smash community to enjoy, as your well aware.
well some of the smash coummity...
Have you ever been far even as decided to use even go want to look more like?
nothing you'll ever experiance ******
what are you wearing?
are you alone?
how big do you like it?
ever tried 3 at once?
a luchador mask, a scouter and a headband, and thats it (dont even ask)
no, I'm never alone, I have dekar tattoed on my heart.
as big as it gets
have YOU ever tried 3 of 'as big as it gets' at once?
that **** isnt pretty.
I actually have a serious question(SUPRISE)
Why/What made you want to main/use Snake?
my favorite game growing up was metal gear solid, and snake was a childhood hero for me.
Last time I mentioned that to someone, they laughed at me "so you had an inbred, chainsmoking mass murderer as a childhood hero? yeah that explains alot"
so yeah, I've always really liked the character, and played him the day I got the game (a few days after the japanese release) and really enjoyed playing him, even if he was low tier (at the time lol)
Did you invent the saying "That's what she said"?
Where did your great taste in music come from?
How long have you been a ninja? Who was your sensai?
thats what she said is actually an anciet saying, derived from the orginal, "thats what scabe said" I'm not sure the rest of the details, as its shrouded in mystery, but its a fair call to assume it came from pepsi-jon
my great taste in music came from my older brother paying me out and beating the **** out of me for listerning to **** music.
Do you think it worked?
I cant divulge that information, but I can tell you my sensai was the internet
Do you actually have big thigh muscles?
you dont even know, drink some more protein please.
Thats probably THE unanswered question of the universe, scientists WOULD be hard at work trying to uncover the answer, except they dont give a **** hey.
what colour do you like your snake?
Snow camo for me.
do you like snakes cypher?
yeah, its such a dumb bull**** move, I love it.
due to my profound awe and respect for kratos, I refuse to mention his name when smash is involved, he's too good for that.
didnt like that?
arnt we clever?
What's your most favourite thing ever?
I really dont know... I thought about this for ages and couldnt come up with anything
probably because my life is full of hate and dispair.
I'll ****ing tell you what isnt my most favourite thing ever, smash.
**** you sakuraaaaaaai
Do you think you could do Snake's Utilt IRL? (Serious questions later)
well I probably could, but it would involve alot of pain and serious irreversable damage to my scrotum, so I think I'll pass thanks.
Do you think you have a soul ?
sure, why not.
gingers dont have souls sure, but my hair isnt ginger, nor has it ever been.
I can understand why you made that mistake though, poor perth.
kane, get out while you still can.
Apparently you and mic are secretly best friends.
How long has it been going on for?
how do you guys keep in touch?
Would you say that mic is the best person in the world?
well I have a picture of him on my wall if thats what you mean, its been going on for a while now.
we keep in touch regulary, and I mean literally in touch because I punch the picture everytime I look at it.
I would say mic is the best person in the world at being the worst person in the world.
Why are you and Attila the only Snakes I lose to with ICs?
Is Ted like the worst person ever or what?
Should I even go to Genesis??!!
because everyone else is ****
yes ted is the worst person ever, since he's also me, and he needed to be the worst ever to balance out who good I am
also how could you not ****ing see that?
What would you say is your greatest attribute when it comes to the ladies? Would you say it's showing them your thigh muscles?
no, I think it would be my unbrideled hatred of anything and everything stupid.
now, the funny thing about women is...
you know what, nevermind.
I heard Luke, Mic, DJB, and Atlas are all secret best friends, and they call themselves "The Awesome Foursome." Once a week they get together and throw blankets on gamer chicks.
Luke how good are you with a blanket? Who is your favourite secret best friend and why?
why dont you come over and I'll show you, fufufufufu.
hmm, I dunno, deffinently not mic, djb and atlas are both up there, I think in the end its atlas, he's world class. (worst joke ever)
Mr. Lutyeo, do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?
Yeah. I do. I think at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. But if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them.
Snake, Boss or Plisken? =)
Do you know what today is?
definently snake plisskin, the orginal and still the best.
today? the day we first met?
So why the outrageous hate for Scoot?
So why the outrageous hate for...everyone, really?
Coke or Pepsi?
Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur?
your one of the nicest guys I've ever met unreon, dont ask me those questions, I dont want to ruin your perfect happy innocence with the sad truth of the world, you deserve better then that.
(but serisouly just walk into a brawl tourney and look around you)
thats a tough one, since I dont drink alot of either.
one on hand, coke has vanilla coke which is like the best thing ever, but pepsi has pepsi twist which is even better, except you cant find it anywhere anymore.
pepsi also has mountain dew.
charmander because charizard.
What was your childhood like?
would you like to experiance it? its a journey that will mar your very soul.
Did u get that thing i sent ya?
No! No I didn't! I never get that thing you sent me! I never have gotten that thing you sent me and I'm beginning to wonder if you ever sent me anything! While I'm at it, if I HAD gotten that thing you sent me, EVER, I doubt I'd be interested in what it said.
Why will I be jealous of your controller?
Watch this video.
Do you now feel your life is meaningless by comparison?
not particuly, because it probably took a whole life time to get that, whereas I can triple misfire on command.
why the hell would you choose fox over falco?
because falco is gay and I'm not a ******.
you've been to japan and seen foxes potential, so I dont know why you even need to ask this.
Does Luke HAVE to answer these questions?
If so:
What is this super secret awesome thing you are planning for Robocop?
yes luke does, what else will he do with his time?
the super secret awesome thing has been very anticlimatic.
see, orginally m2k was being sponsered to come, and everyone was exicited, so I decided to get my own secret weapon and went and talked to havok and offered sponser him myself and to pay his entire flight over here, that deal then extended out to havok and oates aswell and the whole plan was for it to be a lols secret where they show up on the day and blow everyones mind.
however they then decided to pay for their own flights and publicly announce it, which is probably better really. (and havok has disapeared and wont answer my messages
so it WOULD have been an awesome suprise.
instead of sponsering them now though we're just going to take them around australia and see the sights.
yeah, its pretty gay really, I dont mind it as much since snake has a good matchup against mk, but fundimentally I am totally against people having such an unfair advantage, espcially when they win with it and then think they are hot ****.
Are you going to quit life? Would prolly be a good strat imo.
Who do you think is the best smash player in Australia?
from a results point of view, tedeth, on a good day he's unstoppable.
from a more general view, I think its scabe, what he's acomplished with the second worst character in the game is unbelievable, and he's still improving.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
aha, little do you realize it is infact you who is my hero.
actually you do realize that, how do you stay so modest deks?
Would you drink Gannontiser?
yes I would.
and do, how else would I become the best ganon in australia.
Are you going to quit Smash?
I really really wish I could scabe...
maybe after robocop?
Thatguy said:
who are your favorite players?
has anyone inspired you?
I've never really been a huge fan of the american scene, I dont watch it too closely and dont care much about most of them, espcially after meeting them in person.
but Havok hall and oates are of course bloody legends, as is lain, and automatic.
as far as actually playing goes, the small amount of footage I've seen from yui (best japanese fox) is amazing, as is tkd (best american fox)
both of them have really inspired me to main fox over snake.
but forget about america, australia is where its at.
some of my favorite aussie players
Meteor master: has been around as long as me and has always been the ****, his ness is unbelievable, and he can play pretty much any character in the game. deffinently would be the best if everyone was forced to play random characters.
he's also amazing in doubles and can work with anyone.
Toby: has achieved the unachivable with pokemon trainer, and would be the best ever if he bothered to actually try.
The smartest smasher I've ever met, everytime he plays serious against me, he just gets in my head and controls everything I do.
Ted: who am I kidding, I hate him.
Jon: so much unlocked potential, also is the anti-luke, I pretty much have no chance against him anymore
Scabe: scabes dedication to stick to link is very admarable and he's such an amazing player.
best player ever.
Foxy: you ask foxy to try and discover a new way to do something for you, and he comes back with like 7 new AT's.
There is nothing this man cannot figure out. (excpet an answer to why I was born)
Ilag: come back buddy!
Viva: your mario is amazing, I wish you'd come down here and inspire jambo to get back into the scene.
come to act!
Piesaac: coolest guy to hang with, and without him, I never would have been able to create the act smash scene.