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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol that's Anna, i guess she's legal now, though I met her when I was 19 and she was like 15, so in my head she'll always be too young... as for the single part, i don't care so i don't know, i haven't seen those guys in at least a year so its not like i'm up to date on who's dating who... it's a long story that I'd have to fill you in on in person, but she's part of the SRK scene (so are a few more girls actually)

(by the way that puts her at 19 now i think)
off topic, i had intended on having drunken smash at my place tonight, though I haven't heard back from murderface, and my housemates aren't really cleaning, and we're also postponing our epic party tomorrow for a month (weekend of the 1st) so I'll probably be making it out tomorrow... if people wanted to get together for some beers and some smash tonight at my place, i'd be down


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613

I didn't happen to leave my wallet in your car, did I? I can't find it since you guys came down. . . -_- The last place I used it was the Tim Horton's we stopped at, I'm going to call them now. :(

Wasn't turned it at that location, or any Tim Hortons in Port. Also hasn't been turned in to the police. I haven't *been* anywhere since the tourney, and haven't had a chance to use it.:urg:

HUGE EDIT: Nevermind, tracked it down.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol as long as you're down with us having some beers... murderface is going through some, interesting trials (read. lost glasses and a kitchen table) so i'll know about him at around 7...

randy is coming over sometime withing the next hour to chill, and well, anyone who wants to come and play vidja games (including other games) is welcome :)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Mike, just letting you know my brother's wondering when he should expect to get his money for the concert ticket back? Not like, trying to be all "must get it now!" or anything with it, I'm just wondering what timeframe I should give him.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I could wire it through Western Union as early as today, but I can physically give you $$$ August when I come up.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
No worries man, he just wants to make sure he has it before he goes back to school in September. Also, still have no idea where you heard about that MGS4 PS3 pack thing because I haven't found anything about it anywhere I've looked.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Random SF4 tourney? Huh?


I didn't happen to leave my wallet in your car, did I? I can't find it since you guys came down. . . -_- The last place I used it was the Tim Horton's we stopped at, I'm going to call them now. :(

Wasn't turned it at that location, or any Tim Hortons in Port. Also hasn't been turned in to the police. I haven't *been* anywhere since the tourney, and haven't had a chance to use it.:urg:

HUGE EDIT: Nevermind, tracked it down.
Glad you found it! Where was it?

lol as long as you're down with us having some beers... murderface is going through some, interesting trials (read. lost glasses and a kitchen table) so i'll know about him at around 7...

randy is coming over sometime withing the next hour to chill, and well, anyone who wants to come and play vidja games (including other games) is welcome :)
If he does show up, please let Murderface know that he forgot his hat at my house last time.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Thanks for the link Mike. Hm, looks like 1. it's just in the US stores at the moment and 2. in USD, so it'd be like $470 pre-tax and $520-$530 after. Hm, I suppose that's not too bad at all. Ah, if only it was $399 CAD. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Anyone care to indulge me on the features of chrome os? I read it was coming out but didnt look into it. Could it beat out Windows just for being non Microsoft and therefore non gaytarded like Vista? Although personally I didnt hate Vista that much, just a few things but they were kinda major things.

Also since itll be open source itll be free right? This could end up being similar to the case where MS destroyed the internet browser business by including IE with windows.

Deleted member

Google has good intentions with a dash of humour. Check their Gmail blog... I love them. Here's hoping they buy a country or something one day.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Anyone care to indulge me on the features of chrome os? I read it was coming out but didnt look into it. Could it beat out Windows just for being non Microsoft and therefore non gaytarded like Vista? Although personally I didnt hate Vista that much, just a few things but they were kinda major things.

Also since itll be open source itll be free right? This could end up being similar to the case where MS destroyed the internet browser business by including IE with windows.
It doesn't seem like it's being designed to compete with windows. It's more of a lightweight OS designed for like, people with those small laptops that people take notes with and browse the net between classes.

I think their concept is integrating the web experience seamlessly with the OS or something.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
basically... what chrome has going for it is their sandbox concepts, and even then if they ever get successful there's mad lawsuits available i think... they basically reverse engineered IE to do it, and unfortunately that's against the law... at least, last I heard there were some random shenanigans to do with their security features (like how the !@#$ they managed to do it in the first place, using undocumented functions)

and there are other linux based-os that do the same thing, just not by google... as I said, they have security (and money for marketing) behind them, but that's really it...

they also won't get that big, because as soon as they break into the more "powerful" computer market (ie. not just surfing the net) they will have to develop drivers for everything, and the chances of the big companies supporting linux now, after all these years, is pretty small... it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom for chrome-os... it won't be widely adapted until it supports everything, and it won't support everything until it's widely adapted...


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
@Ben, Riley, Bryant
Canal days start August 1st. Also, I'm gonna need you guys really high / drunk / whatever for a project I'm undertaking. I need some out of the box thinking goin on, of the musical nature.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I don't know what's more hilarious about that thing, Mike. The fact that you asked 3 people to get drunk and high for you, or the fact I was skimming over it at first and at first glance didn't think it said "canal".


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Basically, I have a whole bunch of stage texture hacks. I need 2-3 songs to hack in per stage for epicness.

Yoshi Island Brawl(Night hack: Flashing Stars)
Will likely have:
- Stairway to Heaven: Symphonic rendition by the London Orchestra
- Flashing Lights: Kanye West
- Something else?

Basically, I need to work out a list like this for each stage to hack into my Wii. Then I'll have the most epic wii ever, and when I move back to Ottawa we can use it for awesome recording purposes.

EDIT: LMFAO @ Tyler's comment

EDIT2: Thoughts on this song as the main theme for Final Destination: Dataflow texture?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Since my post is the last in the biweekly thread, and I don't want to double post there, I'm going to say here that this coming Friday (the 17th) will be a regular biweekly for once :) No leaving town johns from me this time.

Since I doubt Ben or Randy will call registrations, I will. Start registering in the biweekly thread now!

I don't know what's more hilarious about that thing, Mike. The fact that you asked 3 people to get drunk and high for you, or the fact I was skimming over it at first and at first glance didn't think it said "canal".
Lol, well played.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
unfortunately, i work that weekend, and the following weekend is a cottage party, and then the next one is havoc in the hammer (which I am hoping to get to) so, can't make it down for "canal" days...

and alans musical adventures are, entertaining :) don't know if i would want to listen to them while playing an epic match, sorry alan


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
I sign up.

Also, that idea is awesome, Mike. I'd love to contribute to the project. I'm pretty musical inclined and know some pretty epic songs.

One that comes to mind is using Explosive by Bond on Battle Field. It's an awesome song imo, and I feel that it's ups and downs go well with the changing of the time of day on that stage. It would also go well other places too.

So are you doing this for every stage, just the legal stages, or only the ones you have texture hacks for?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Pretty much every stage haha.

I'm thinking my songs will go along this line:
1 - classical / symphonic
2 - electronic / hip hop
3 - rock / metal
and on certain stages
4 - comedy

I don't mind videogame music, and if it fits I'll put it in, but I want a variety of music. So if you guys can help, that'd be great. I'll get a list of the stage textures I use up soonish

Listening to Explosive now, I definitely see it fitting. . . but I'm not sure as 1 or 3 lol. . . I think category 1.

EDIT: Genesis results

1. Ally - $2,336
2. M2K - $1,460
3. Tyrant - Meta Knight - $876
4. Dojo - Meta Knight - $584
5. ADHD - Diddy Kong - $233
6. DEHF - Falco - $175
7. Fiction - Wario - $118
8. SK92 - Falco - $59



Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol i saw those results... too awesome... ally definitely is a cut above everything...

metaknight is the ultimate killer, and snake is the ultimate survivor... though replace mk with m2k and snake with ally and i think it would be just as accurate...

it's too bad that those two characters are so unique, as I'd love to see ally and m2k compete with some other chars, just to see what it would look like


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hi everyone,

I don't know if this is just my perception or not, but I'm sensing that a lot of people aren't as into the Friday night smashfests/biweeklies as they used to be. It could just be that my more frequent traveling out of town/physio is messing up everyone's rhythm, and if so please tell me, but I get the feeling there's more than just that. People who used to show up pretty much every week are coming less often, and a couple have quit entirely. Everyone knows Harold left, but there's also Joblin and Justin who haven't been here or posted for quite a while (I may be forgetting one or two others as well).

What I'd like to find out from everyone is whether there are ways we could improve things. I'd like everyone involved in the Ottawa scene to post their opinions on things in general; I'm open to any suggestions. Even if you think things are going fine and don't have anything to say, just a quick "s'all good Fogel!" kind of post would be nice. Consequently, if you have things to say and aren't comfortable posting, please PM me and we can discuss. I'd prefer a post so that we can get some discussion going on this.

To try and get things started, I've thought of some sample issues that might be giving people grief (various options are in brackets):

  • smashfests and biweeklies (more often /less frequently) than once a week
  • tournaments (more/less) often
  • the scene (isn't serious enough/is too serious)
  • (more/less) (swiss system/double elim) tournaments
  • (more/less) playing games other than Brawl or Melee
  • smashfests and biweeklies on different weekdays other than Fridays
  • tournaments (start/end) (too early/too late)
  • are you just getting tired of Brawl?

These are just examples to get people talking; if there's another issue, please let everyone know. I figure if there are enough people with the same concern, we should do something about it as a community.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I think it's that other fighters are coming out, and also that since it's the summer, friends want to hang out more.

As well, a number of people have wanted to sway some Smashfest time away from video games and do more outdoor activities. Which I support, too.

My suggestion is:

One week: Biweekly: Smash Tournament (Melee and/or Brawl)
Other week: Friendly gathering (not necessarily a Smashfest, just meeting up somewhere and letting things flow from there)

In my view, the Ottawa community isn't "serious" enough to stick so close to its core of Smash. I find we're a lot more "laid back" than other communities are, and we should embrace that we're not quite hardcore. As such, normal Smashfest weeks should be dedicated to luls of multiple sources.

Suggestions as to what people would agree on for these lulsweeks could get the ball rolling.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Now, I may not have been out as much of some of you (well, even with being around since last fall), but for the most part I've generally liked the way things have been. I do admit that there's quite the possibility that with the warmer and nicer weather, people want to be outside and doing things like swimming, biking, running, baseball, soccer, or whatever, but I still look forward to being able to go back out when I get my license. I don't think I'm having a "tired of Brawl" bit (though I've been liking Melee more since I've been playing it to improve my reflexes and will probably get into SCIV and SFIV when I get them), but that could be because I've never been down to like every bi-weekly/smashfest/gathering due to the drive down. So yeah, just my brief 2 cents of nonsense.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I suck at soccer. No dice :laugh:

And every time I play it, I break my ankle. (For serious)



Oh, and I'll probably be coming up end of August for a weekend. Get hype.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
best game ever:
capture the flag

well I guess
but very very close behind it:
capture the flag

waiting for CvO to jump in with "capture the fag" :dizzy:

hmmm that would also be fun


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Manhunt or Capture the Flag would be hilarious. Though now I'm having flashbacks to that one time Mike, Dave(? I think) and I went paintballing with a couple other friends against some of my bros friends and we played that. It was completely epic in so many ways. Just showing up at some paintball place would be hilariously awesome. :laugh:

Oh, and no football for me, I have the world's worst shoulder.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Hahaha! Sorry Mike, that's not what I capture, since all pokemon are straight.

I know a sport that is guranteed to get you pumped. It's sort of like Man Hunt, only you're being hunted. I call it 'Provoking then evading the police', or Police run. It's very fun. It also incorporates lots of creativity.

EDIT: I am also fine with Soccer, Football, Dodgeball and mostly whatever, keeping in mind my age and the restrictions therefore placed upon me because of it.

EDIT 2: To bring things back to Cam's query, I assume what PNDMike meant was that we need activities besides Brawl.
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