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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Suuure that's why you were singing it, Mike. ;)

Someone needs to like, secretly record those things so we can catch him going off singing "Snake Eater" :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Harold: We should try to get a All-Brawl Doubles tourney going as well seeing how we didn't get to do that last All-Brawl. What do you guys think?


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I think that LBT is way to expensive for my blood.

and I'm up for that doubles thing too.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
If a handful of us were willing to bus/drive down, I'd be extremely interested in LBT.

I'm not gonna trek down by myself, but for sure if a few of us are going I would be down.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i'll see what I can do for accommodations so we don't have to stay at a hotel, but i mean, if we all get one room and sleep on the floor there, it'll be about the same level of comfort as nikko's and still come to <20 per person lol


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Okay, so there is a fest this Friday or a bi-weekly? I can't remember as OiN kinda messed up my schedule...

Also, what exactly is this "Go" tournament or w.e you speak of? I have nothing planned on sunday, and would be interested in going, if its not too complicated and cheap :p


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol, go is an ancient chinese board game that I have been playing since I was 4 and am not nearly good enough... it's likened to chess, but if you are interested in learning I can teach ya, and I know cam would love more people to play against...

mostly, sunday will be hangin' around a whole bunch of old asian dudes lol...

cam -- I'd be really interested in joining you sundays at the club :) again, what's your mode of transportation?

it's a smashfest that happens to be running an all-brawl tournament too


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
i'll see what I can do for accommodations so we don't have to stay at a hotel, but i mean, if we all get one room and sleep on the floor there, it'll be about the same level of comfort as nikko's and still come to <20 per person lol
Sounds like a plan stan.

Let's officially start gauging interest, state your intentions guys! Who all is willing to trek to Toronto for Nov.22, for LBT.

For those of us who are interested, does anyone have a car available? If not we should look up how much it would be to bus.

Here's the Tourney thread:



Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Bus is too much for me unless there is some group deal that we can get.

Cameron: Is it ok to bring a non swfer to the smashfest this Friday? We will be leaving early though, I just want to get in a few matches this week and he wants to know what the fest is like. Thx.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Jobin: Since there aren't that many people interested in the All-Brawl tournament (you no-fun jerks! :p) I can't see there being enough interest to actually have a doubles tournament. I mean, if there's enough people, of course we should though. It takes a lot of skill and intelligence to use those Final Smashes when your partner's getting in the way. That being said, we'll be sure to do doubles at least as basic friendlies. If you thought that I was a horrible partner without items, just wait until you see me with!

I'm officially out of the running for the Toronto tournament since I've decided get a 360 (thus setting me back for a few years). Now to just find one (at Zellers only since I want to use my 15% discount). Orlando, I'm not really up for splitting on it anymore but since MK vs. DCU will be my only game for a long while you can be sure that you can borrow it when you'd like (you'll have to play me for it at MK vs. DCU though ;)).

Out of curiosity, would any of you possibly be interested in trying to start out a MK vs. DCU scene here in Ottawa? Seriously. I'm not quite sure how but I'd like to see one similar to how the Brawl one has come out. Joker needs to kill things (off camera now, stupid ESRB)!

Oh yes, and no registration for the All-Brawl tourney since I doubt that that many people have good taste. :p


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Out of curiosity, would any of you possibly be interested in trying to start out a MK vs. DCU scene here in Ottawa? Seriously. I'm not quite sure how but I'd like to see one similar to how the Brawl one has come out. Joker needs to kill things (off camera now, stupid ESRB)!
Sorry, I don't play crap.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I'll lend ya SC4 for a bit if you want, Harold. You can brush up a bit so when I slaughter ya you might be able to get a hit or two. :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
MK vs DC doesnt look as polished as the capcom games. Something I can never get over is the weird movements that are in the 3d MK games. The game also doesnt interest me.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
I'll consider it based on cost. What are the details?

That aside I'd really like another chance to team with you.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i know that I have somewhere that the 2 of us could stay... don't know if more could though

and depending on that, it may just prove worth it for us all to pitch on a room... mostly it's getting down there // back that'll be expensive... if we book the bus far enough in advance it's not tooooo much lol


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Like I said, I may be interested in going if there's a ride set up. Let me know if anything like that is sorted out and pricing and such.

Random thoughts of the night [posted to perhaps provoke discussion]:
Man I've let myself go. I'm trying to get back into fighting shape and holy crap. I lasted 15 minutes tonight and I'm mega tired. like, ready to fall asleep. (FYI 15 minutes *solid* of fight training takes its toll regardless of fitness, but I'm far more tired than I should be). I've brought back my dumbbell training a while ago, but now it's time to step it up. The weights I have now (15 lbs) aren't enough. I can do triple the recommended reps for my routine and not feel anything. Plus I think I need to get back into bench pressing.

I figure if I can throw in at least 15 minutes of fighting 3-4 times a day 3 times a week, and bench pressing 2 times a week (weight and reps to be determined) along with my regular routine with slightly heavier dumbbells I should be golden. With winter pretty much here, I know I won't be running, so I def need more cardio. I think the fighting and the drumming should pretty much take care of that.

Anyone want to be workout / sparring buddies? Eh? I need to get myself back into shape and having someone to correspond with generally helps out with motivation. Everyone I've talked to doesn't seem interested. :( It doesn't even have to be IRL. Just discussion of reps, schedule, and stuff to make sure we (I, lol) stay committed.

I also have to change my diet from my current high fat intake, high sodium diet back to my old diet of pretty much just rice, vegetables, iron, and protein. Iron and protein are hard to get being all vegetarian and such. Gotta love nutrition. It's give up comfort food or alcohol, and I stand by my choice :chuckle:

Let's whip Ottawa into shape!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Ive been working out for a while now. Im just looking to cut some fat and ill be like King leonidas :p. I can help you with whatever it is you are aiming for. Ive done different styles of training and I would say until recently Ive only actually started getting serious (since summer) now that ive started eating clean. I can give you routines and meal plans although itll be kinda tricky since you are a vegetarian. My meals contain various types of meat for protein. But youll have to substitute.

Personally I would say drop the dumbbells and start doing Crossfit. I started doing that at the beginning of summer and its alot better and funner than regular weights.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Me too, I actually work out quite a bit. I don't fight, but I'd love to get into some sort of basic sparring, easy stuff, could be fun. :)

OH EDIT: My freakin boss already booked me to work over the weekend of the 22nd :(

So I'm out for LBT, cuz 3 sick days isn't really an option right now.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm in the opposite camp, I'll spar but I won't really work out. Tell me a date/time/place and I'll see if I can make it for some good old fashioned sparring. I have a pair of boxing gloves as well as two pairs of shin pads. I know that Carleton has a 'combat room' or something of that sort (whose mats feels like cement...) so perhaps that's an option. There are a couple of gyms around Ottawa but they're all pretty expensive. If Cameron's ok with it, we could just beat each other up in his living room, no doubt completely rearranging it in the process. :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Crossfit isnt the conventional workout, its similar to circuit training, you technically dont even need a gym if you can find a bar to hang from.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
It specializes on functional strength which will be more beneficial for a fighter than doing weights which are usually done in linear movements. The official website is


which is a good starting point. They post workouts which you can do everyday, however my friend and I just pick a variety of exercises and do them as fast as we can.

An example of a crossfit workout for us is:
3 Rounds of:
Clean and Jerk (olympic type lift) 135 lbs (5-10 times)
Toe to bar (ab workout) 10 times
Handstand push ups (5-10 times)
10 Kipping pullups (special pullup movement for power)
10 pushups (different each round)

This is a pretty advanced routine and took a while to work up to. But itll leave you dead and fullfilled.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Squash is a great cardio workout that is 10 time more fun than any workout. Stretches you up pretty good too. We should definitely try to get it going again. I know Harold and I are still interested.

Cross Fit sounds crazy and fun. I just want to climb things.

Oh a workout fit for a king: Dance Dance for half the day, RockBand Drums the other half. Make sure you have an automated drinking dispenser.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The only thing I don't really understand about those workouts is the kipping pull ups. I've always thought they were an easier version of a pull up, since you're using your momentum to move yourself rather than your muscles.

And yeah, Joblin, DDR for half the day is pretty crazy. Definitely more intense than almost any other cardio workout when you're playing the high level songs.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I looked briefly at the Crossfit site. The only thing about the routine I was looking at that really bugs me is the amount of squats they do. I have juvenile arthritis already, so squats are pretty much out. My knees can't take the repetitive motions. I can do leg presses and stuff, but absolutely no squats. I'll check it out a bit further once I have some time off work. I'll also post my current and amended schedule.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Orlando: Hah cool, I do free-weights and certain powerlifting exercises, the goal is functional strength, so crossfit definitely piqued my interest. If ever it works out, I'd love to come and try it. I'm certain I'd be far below your level, but I'm definitely interested.

I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna buy a PS3, either this coming Friday, or two weeks after. It sorta got my thinking though, if I buy a PS3 arcade stick for SF4, will that be compatible with a 360? or is there a way to make it so. Ben has a 360, Harold will have a 360, and I definitely wanna have a stick for SF4.

Niko: Awesome combo video, I've never actually met you in person. Do you find weed makes you play better? A cousin of mine is absolutely beastly with games when he's high.


Smash Rookie
May 22, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hello, everyone. I haven't posted or been to smashfest in a couple weeks, so I'll probably show up tomorrow. Though seeing the new James Bond movie would be fun but not nearly as much fun as videogames.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada

oh snaps! I cant believe this works out :) I totally forgot about it but I am for sure going to that...

I have all the books with me, if you are driving to the tourney I would love to get a ride with you... if not, I guess I'll see you there (as I can get a ride with my dad, who may also be going)
lol, go is an ancient chinese board game that I have been playing since I was 4 and am not nearly good enough... it's likened to chess, but if you are interested in learning I can teach ya, and I know cam would love more people to play against...

mostly, sunday will be hangin' around a whole bunch of old asian dudes lol...

cam -- I'd be really interested in joining you sundays at the club :) again, what's your mode of transportation?
Just so there's no misunderstanding, I don't own a car. The car I used when we drove to the Montreal tournament a few months back was my dad's, which I had to explicitly borrow. My parents live in Ottawa South, about an hour/hour-and-a-half bus ride for me, so I usually only borrow the car when I have to go out of town.

For the Go tourney I'm just going to be bussing, and same for when I go to the Go club, so I can't help you with any lifts. Sorry :(

Also just FYI, I won't be at the club for the next few weeks:

next Sun = Go tourney, club is cancelled anyways
Sun after that = Out of town for a family wedding
Sun after that = On call :(

As per some of your comments above about the people who go to these things: I went once about 4-5 years ago, and it was mostly old asian guys playing each other and they mostly ignored my friends and I. It wasn't really that fun, and I didn't end up going back. I mean no disrespect to the people that ran the club at the time; I just didn't really feel welcome.

Now, there's a pretty big variety of people and age groups. There are a surprising amount of young teenage/preteen kids who are really good (IMO at least, definitely better than 10k) There was a girl, couldn't have been more than 12, who beat my friend (11k) with a 9 stone handicap (and no, she wasn't asian)! Of course, the crazy old guys are still around too :)

I'm about 15k at this point, and I think I was one of the worst/the worst there; the competition level seems pretty high. Admittedly, 15k is pretty bad in the grand scheme of things, but it means everyone there mostly knows what they're doing. Despite that, the environment was pretty relaxed, which I enjoyed. It seems like the kind of place where you can have serious business or lulz if you want, which is always good (kind of like my smashfests, I hope).

Bus is too much for me unless there is some group deal that we can get.

Cameron: Is it ok to bring a non swfer to the smashfest this Friday? We will be leaving early though, I just want to get in a few matches this week and he wants to know what the fest is like. Thx.
It's cool with me, since it isn't an official biweekly I doubt there will be more than 16 people anyways.

I'm in the opposite camp, I'll spar but I won't really work out. Tell me a date/time/place and I'll see if I can make it for some good old fashioned sparring. I have a pair of boxing gloves as well as two pairs of shin pads. I know that Carleton has a 'combat room' or something of that sort (whose mats feels like cement...) so perhaps that's an option. There are a couple of gyms around Ottawa but they're all pretty expensive. If Cameron's ok with it, we could just beat each other up in his living room, no doubt completely rearranging it in the process. :laugh:
With you, sometimes things I think are jokes turn out to be serious, so I'm going to explicitly say here that I'm not going to allow IRL fighting in my house.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
With you, sometimes things I think are jokes turn out to be serious, so I'm going to explicitly say here that I'm not going to allow IRL fighting in my house.
LOL! This was too good. Harold you're so wacky and crazy you make Cam (anyone really) take everything you say so seriously, what a mindgame :p

Ben: I remember talking to you a month back about Snake's lack of a glide toss. Turns out he has one! It's actually really really good, not like Rob or Diddy good, but it can set up some really cool mindgames.
Snake can stay at this really nice mid-distance, then glide toss into F-tilt, U-tilt, or grab. I'll have to really try some of this stuff against humans, but this could hugely advance Snake's Metagame.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hahaha! Cam, you've made my day! :)

Mike, are you coming tomorrow? I still owe you $40.

Randy, assuming you've read them by now (and you certainly should have - how could anyone not?), please bring Y.
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