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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Unless things have changed since February...then often yes. A good number of people still like to play Melee, so I don't think you'd have any trouble finding people to play Melee with here.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
U of T
awesome, just a few questions:

so these lil smashfests happen every other week at fogel's place?

is there an entrance fee if you don't plan to attend the mini brawl tourney?

and, any other miscellaneous things one should know about before coming to these?

is pre registration mandatory for a biweekly?

can you bring a friend?

thanks in advance for any responses, hope to make it to the next biweekly :p


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Whether you can bring a friend is usually something you have to clear up with Fogel, but typically:

-there's some sort of smash at Fogel's every week, usually Friday nights.

-It alternates between a smashfest and a bi-weekly. in a sort of week A is smashfest, week B is bi-weekly, etc type format.

- Typically if you're going to play in the bi-weekly it's preferred that you register beforehand. Sometimes there's spaces left and you don't need to pre-register, but I'd recommend doing it just in case.

- My understanding is that it's typically best if you can bring your own controller. If you sometimes can't there are occasionally 1 or 2 spare ones there.

- Also, I don't know if you're used to playing by say...Niagara or Montreal rules or something, but "Ottawa rules" tend to be slightly different. Nothing too over the top to where you'd be all "OMGWTFROFLYCOPTERROCKOFWIN" (10 points if you know where that's from) about it, but just something you might want to check out beforehand.

Hope that helps!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
U of T
Whether you can bring a friend is usually something you have to clear up with Fogel, but typically:

-there's some sort of smash at Fogel's every week, usually Friday nights.

-It alternates between a smashfest and a bi-weekly. in a sort of week A is smashfest, week B is bi-weekly, etc type format.

- Typically if you're going to play in the bi-weekly it's preferred that you register beforehand. Sometimes there's spaces left and you don't need to pre-register, but I'd recommend doing it just in case.

- My understanding is that it's typically best if you can bring your own controller. If you sometimes can't there are occasionally 1 or 2 spare ones there.

- Also, I don't know if you're used to playing by say...Niagara or Montreal rules or something, but "Ottawa rules" tend to be slightly different. Nothing too over the top to where you'd be all "OMGWTFROFLYCOPTERROCKOFWIN" (10 points if you know where that's from) about it, but just something you might want to check out beforehand.

Hope that helps!
thanks man,

so there's a diff between a bi-weekly and a smashfest? Didn't know that, which is which? (I assume one is slightly 'serious' where the other is more friendly-oriented?)

Is the get-together 2 weeks from now a smashfest or bi-weekly?

Thanks again man, will definetly come out next time to meet y'all :)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hi BananaTrooper! You are welcome to come out to these, but just so you know, the Biweekly tournaments are for Brawl. If you're mainly interested in Melee, you would want to come on the smashfest weeks, since we don't really have a lot of time for other games during the tournaments.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
U of T
Hi BananaTrooper! You are welcome to come out to these, but just so you know, the Biweekly tournaments are for Brawl. If you're mainly interested in Melee, you would want to come on the smashfest weeks, since we don't really have a lot of time for other games during the tournaments.
awesome, will do

Will there be a smashfest in 2 weeks?


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
May 15th will be a SmashFest, yes.

However, I might not be making it to that one. I plan to be at Agora's practicing teams.

May 8th will be our small-scale 16-people-max tourney.

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
I will be making it out. everyone come out and meet the community's cute remilia!

wtf did I just write that out loud.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
my wonderful lover, does that mean we can finally team?

we need to play more before you go across the world for a while, meet a nice japanese person and start a family there, never to return to my arms again...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I demand that this biweekly be done in the style of the Japanese:

Final Destination

Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise

The starters being on random of course. Yes I am being serious.

ok, I can't really say you guys HAVE to do this, but I request that any matches done with me be done JAPANESE STYLE! I guess you don't have to agree, but I just wanted to try it out.



Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol just remember that whatever rules we play with, i'm in :)

also cam -- i've been rediculously busy trying to finish my stick, so I'll have the xml thing to you tomorrow


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Sign me up for this friday

Ariel: Do both players still get a stage ban? Or are there no bans because there are already so few stages. Also can you counterpick to a stage you have already won on, or is that rule still in effect? If it is, 5 game sets would get a little hard to counterpick (especially with bans, you could end up having to pick to a stage where you already lost). Finally I'd like to put in a good word for delfino plaza. If lylat is counterpick, so too should delfino be. If we play on friday, we can play japan rules + delfino, but thats my best offer :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
lol just remember that whatever rules we play with, i'm in :)

Or CPing a different game(such as tetris)?

Sign me up for this friday

Ariel: Do both players still get a stage ban? Or are there no bans because there are already so few stages. Also can you counterpick to a stage you have already won on, or is that rule still in effect? If it is, 5 game sets would get a little hard to counterpick (especially with bans, you could end up having to pick to a stage where you already lost). Finally I'd like to put in a good word for delfino plaza. If lylat is counterpick, so too should delfino be. If we play on friday, we can play japan rules + delfino, but thats my best offer :p
There are no stage bans. As for CPing a stage you already won on, I'd go with a no since I'm unsure. Uhh... I guess we can do delfino too if you want. Just for you =P

Also, if anyone ever wants to play with Final Smashes in a biweekly match, I am fine with it. I'm also cool with Skyworld. And assist trophies. I don't think most of you will agree to this, but I find playing with the broken final smashes adds a lot to the pressure which I find very fun.

EDIT: In case you're wondering why Derek does so well, it is because he is tier whoring. Read my sig for the sacred wisdom.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
idk about homo hammer or gay sex. Those stages are pretty... self descriptive. I am fine with Final Smashes wherever on normal stages however. Also, I won't be playing as Sonic if you want Final Smashes because I play with honour and taking off two stocks in one final smash redefines broken.

Alan, if you want to CP me on Skyworld with Final Smashes, sure thing. I will only be CPing the allowed japanese stages though.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I have to say, reading the stage list that Ariel posted makes a lot of sense to me. I'm really fond of it, actually, and it's interesting to see how the Japanese tiers have developed around such a restrictive level set.

That makes perfect sense, and if I come back to Ottawa
I won't know for about 2 weeks
I would join Ariel's crusade for this stage list to at least be tried out. A lot of gimmick characters and characters based around counterpicking would be crippled, but characters that are versatile are notably much higher on the tier list in Japan. Hell, Pit is top 4.

I think this also cuts down on a lot of the stuff I hate about Brawl, like DeDeDe countering CS all the time, or MK on Moses Cruise. This breaks it down to basics of character versus character, and that's what I enjoy most, personally. I noticed Jiggs was higher in Japan (still not good) but I think a lot of that is because she can get counterpicked hard in NA ruleset. She's good on all the neutrals, a few counterpicks, but there are a ton of levels that shaft her. Get rid of those, and look how she's risen. Then again, I play Snake and Jiggs, and their best levels are the neutral levels.

This just makes so much sense to me. If stage bans are still present, I think this is the best possible stage set for Brawl.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
We could test out this rule set for this bi-weekly or during the smashfest next week. I am kinda liking it too just because it makes the game a bit more "street fighter" oriented.

Also, Swiss style this time around.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Cool, Mike. As far as what I've seen, I don't think anything should really be discounted before it's tried. And you coming back to Ottawa (if you are/when you know) would be cool, as I'm sure everyone else would agree (and I'm not just saying that in a sort of weird "duuude, you could crash at my place!" way either, lol. Just learn to check your PMs, you lazy person, you. :chuckle: ). And I have to admit I lol'd at the "makes the game more Street Fighter oriented" comment, Randy. No idea why.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i have a feeling that if the competitive scene lasts for a few more years, the NA rules will be quite similar...

on another note, i won't be able to get to cams until 8pm, I worked at getting my shifts traded but my boss just said "No, schedule stays as written" beside everything in the communications book, and then left for 3 days... so... I can't show up on time :(

if doubles needs to start before I get there that's fine, but I'm in for singles 100%


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Funny how up until a couple of weeks ago, people were trying to avoid banning stages without a good reason, and now everyone wants to try this restrictive Japanese ruleset. At least be consistent guys! I vote for keeping Obscene rules.

lol just remember that whatever rules we play with, i'm in :)

also cam -- i've been rediculously busy trying to finish my stick, so I'll have the xml thing to you tomorrow
No problem.

Remilia Scarlet

Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2008
If Ben can't make it for teams, want to do "Strange Event" with me and use our new characters, Randy?

Derek might not appreciate me stealing you again, though.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Cam, I am not trying to change Ottawa into restrictive Japanese. I just thought that in a tournament you are allowed to change the rules a bit as long as both players agree. I just wanted to try out the japanese restrictions with anyone that I play against, but like the smash balls or skyworld, I can't force it on a match.

Randy, I don't think the rules should be changed to the Japanese ones cause they get boring REALLY fast. I just wanted to have a little change of pace for myself =P.

Ben, even though you're coming late, I still want to have a match with you. We wll be playing for


Also, I don't think the NA rules will look like that at all. It has been proven that the Japanese suck massive donkey *****(can I say this?) phallus at smash compared to NA so if anything, they'll adopt our ruleset. Or not, since they don't really care for smash.

EDIT2: Why is "pe nis" a banned word?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm always a large advocate of All-Brawl or at least having a much more liberal ruleset than that provided by the SBR. And yes, I'd totally put money down on an All-Brawl match. I'm confident that my item/stage adaptability skills will ensure that I triumph over anybody who I am better than, no matter how many random bombs may fall on my head.

After having played Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (demo) at James' place, I find my desire to play SBR-style Brawl is at an all time low. For the kind of 'serious business' that everybody seeks with SBR-Brawl, I would just play SFIV (and I have a lot of catching up to do in that game...). To me, Brawl is more enjoyable now when it's happily embracing what it can do that SF/Marvel can't.

All that being said, I won't be in on this bi-weekly. Chun/Wolvie/Strider need to beat up James' Ryu/Iron/Spidey.

Lastly, I should say that the super-limited "Japanese" rules (they play Brawl for money in Japan?) can be pretty boring (Ariel and I played a bit, albeit with items, last night). It made me really question why I play Brawl to begin with. Of course, perhaps others will find that it's exactly what they've always wanted.

Ben: Please bring me my $5 tomorrow. I won't be there but give them to Ariel. I need to start saving up for when MvC2 comes out.
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