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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'll third the MK guess. Though, a Bowser main would be strangely awesome. And I dunno Mike, I can't really see Bryant playing Snake, but that's just from what I've seen (no offense, dude).


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey guys!

I've been bored while on call this week, and I have most of the design for a Swiss tournament program done to help us with these biweeklies. If anyone is bored and wants to help me code this, let me know :) I've split it up into a couple of parts which I think I could give out to people so we could work on them at the same time.

It wouldn't be a big project; I think this could get done within a few weeks with some help. As for the language, I was planning on doing this in Java because it's pretty easy to get things done fast. If interested let me know, otherwise I'll do it myself.

Bowser proves that **** pushes everything up a few tiers.
Well played!

All fall beneath the might of a Honkey. Except Falco.
Falco is a furry, and furries don't care about normal races.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
cam, i can help out for sure, but next week... if it's not done by then... technically i know java, but technically I don't know Oracle DB's, so nuts to technically... (ignore all this lol)

I can help if needed, but I'll be slow in java... I was thinking of writing an extension of a swiss style program which took into account # of setups, and would run a doubles tournament concurrent with a swiss tournament, which would take into account who needs to play a doubles match when paring up partners // who plays when in the swiss (ie. there would be two+ "rounds" per swiss round, since there won't be enough setups to do everyone in one go... if youc an't follow me, i'm sorry, had a bit to drink and i've been working for the last 9 hours...)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Great Idea! Ill see if I can help out.
Awesome! Prepare to see design diagrams which would make our old SYSC3100 and 4800 profs cringe :)

cam, i can help out for sure, but next week... if it's not done by then... technically i know java, but technically I don't know Oracle DB's, so nuts to technically... (ignore all this lol)

I can help if needed, but I'll be slow in java... I was thinking of writing an extension of a swiss style program which took into account # of setups, and would run a doubles tournament concurrent with a swiss tournament, which would take into account who needs to play a doubles match when paring up partners // who plays when in the swiss (ie. there would be two+ "rounds" per swiss round, since there won't be enough setups to do everyone in one go... if youc an't follow me, i'm sorry, had a bit to drink and i've been working for the last 9 hours...)
Some Java experience is better than none :) Don't worry about DBs; I wasn't planning on using them for this (I don't think it's necessary; there won't actually be that much data).

Also, I don't think I understand your idea :( Explain it to me next time we meet up (or post more)!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
haha. I TAed 4800 last term, trust me itll be hard to beat some of the bad designs I saw :p. Send me the design so I can take a look at it and see if I can start one of the modules if I got time.

melendez dot orlando at gmail dot com


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
haha. I TAed 4800 last term, trust me itll be hard to beat some of the bad designs I saw :p. Send me the design so I can take a look at it and see if I can start one of the modules if I got time.

melendez dot orlando at gmail dot com
Hmm...I've been doing everything on paper, and it would take a while to scan everything in. I've gotta go to work soon, and I've got stuff going on tonight, so it might be best if I show it to you in person at the biweekly. That way I can explain things more clearly, too.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Turns out I wont be able to make it this friday at all, so youll have to show me another time. For some reason I assumed you were using visio but now I realize that its not standard with office. Do you use eclipse? Because there are some plugins that allow you draw uml diagrams and then itll write the skeleton code for your methods.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Hey, guys! How are things?

I'll be heading out to tommorrow's Bi-weekly. I might be a bit late, though. So, ya, Sign me up and such.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Turns out I wont be able to make it this friday at all, so youll have to show me another time. For some reason I assumed you were using visio but now I realize that its not standard with office. Do you use eclipse? Because there are some plugins that allow you draw uml diagrams and then itll write the skeleton code for your methods.
I'll have to look into those. I'll let you know if/when I get them in some kind of digital form :)


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
So tell him to "Play to Win" instead. And then throw loose change at him, and tell him to "QQ Scrub, No Johns."

It's guaranteed to work. Trufax.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise

He has a hard time winning against me, and sees me as one of the crappier people in the group, so he automatically thinks he's not going to do well.

I told him that by going to enough SmashFests, he'll get better and place better. Maybe he'll come next week.


Smash Rookie
May 22, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
So...I'm finally back after weeks with no internet and not having much time to do anything about it. I'm hoping to quit my crappy job soon so maybe I'll have more spare time to do the things I want. Well, excuses aside I have Friday free so I'll be coming for the bi-weekly, I just hope there's still room. I haven't played in a while though, so I'm just going to aim for not being in last place and build up from there.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Some Java experience is better than none :) Don't worry about DBs; I wasn't planning on using them for this (I don't think it's necessary; there won't actually be that much data).

Also, I don't think I understand your idea :( Explain it to me next time we meet up (or post more)!
I did a chat program in Java once and I never want to touch that god awful language. (nothing wrong with it really, I just find it a pain to program in)

As for the Biweekly, I might show up and join in but still unsure.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I might team with you in that event, Ariel. Moses seems to be slacking off in singles lately.
I blame Joblin.
Besides, we need to see how practical those team combos were.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Blame Joblin?! I only told Moses to follow his inner child. In time he will figure out that it means that he will want to main Captain Falcon.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
So tell him to "Play to Win" instead. And then throw loose change at him, and tell him to "QQ Scrub, No Johns."

It's guaranteed to work. Trufax.
Exactly! I've done this exact thing to, like, 5 different people and it always works. True story.

Hey, Mike! Long time no see. How's it going?

I know it's long overdue from OBscene shoutouts, but I've been busy and am not in school anymore, so ya. Anyways, you shouldn't have just let me through pools, I wasn't feeling all that well myself, and wouldn't have done that well in the long run.

Also, you made a comment that you felt my jiggs was better than your's now. It this still true. If so, it means a lot to me that you think so. Will I be seeing you at the next OBscene?(when is it anyways?) I look forward to more matches then.

Oh, and since I have more time now, you should see me on the Jiggs boards again. :D how are things there?

On an unrealated note, guys, what are the rules banning certain chain grabs? Are any of them banned? Any specific ones? What about standing ones (like Pikachu's), walking ones or wall infinites? Are they banned?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I might team with you in that event, Ariel. Moses seems to be slacking off in singles lately.
I blame Joblin.
Besides, we need to see how practical those team combos were.
Huh? I am not sure what you mean. For doubles, I only really want to team with joblin, otherwise I don't want to be in teams. If joblin doesn't want to team, then I am in for singles only. I wouldn't mind trying out the cape **** in friendlies with you though.

On an unrealated note, guys, what are the rules banning certain chain grabs? Are any of them banned? Any specific ones? What about standing ones (like Pikachu's), walking ones or wall infinites? Are they banned?
I have always assumed that infinites were banned in the biweeklies except for ICs and walls because the stages we play on with walls move away from them.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Alright, Ariel.

Yeah, 'naut. I've always been saying your Jiggs is definitely as good as or better than Mike's.

I wanted to get some Lucario practice in yesterday but Patrick was all "Lawl not coming over kthx."

I feel like there's more to say but I can't think of it right now.

Just a reminder: I will be making it. Patrick will not.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Huh? I am not sure what you mean. For doubles, I only really want to team with joblin, otherwise I don't want to be in teams. If joblin doesn't want to team, then I am in for singles only. I wouldn't mind trying out the cape **** in friendlies with you though.
How sweet. Our Zelda/DDD/Honkey Combo works quite well in certain situations. It looks like I will not be making it out this week :( I'll try to make it out next biweekly to continue the awYAH prostate.

Randy, we have to do some more Zelda/Captain Falcon teams again, that was fun. Dins > Knee > Usmash > knee > repeat...


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
PND, I teamed with 'naut tonight. It was amazing <3 We almost won a set but his batteries died and killed him, and then the lava on Norfair killed me.

Team Flying Marshmallows.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
No, that's right. It came down to me and Remilia on Daddy's Fungus and I got pwned so i got third. It's ok though. Daddy's fungus will be back

EDIT:Might as well do shoutouts:

Derek-Sorry for doing so badly in teams. Grand finals was good though. I'll bring my wii next time so we can go a little bit crazier on stages.

Remilia-Winners finals has never been so awesome. LOL at pizza pizza afterwards.

Bryant-Nice meta. Once you work out the SD's, you'll be tearing up the biweeklies.

Orlando-You kinda missed everything. Oh well. We'll get some games in sometime.

Arsene-We need to play more. I was hoping to run into you in the biweekly, but I didn't =S

Cam-It seemed as if you got a little bit down near the end. I am certain that it is just the lack of sleep. Next time when you're well rested, you'll be back to normal and we'll have epic matches again =P

Andrew-I have remembered why your hair stuck out to me. Isn't it usually straight?

Alan-I don't think you should water camp anymore. It isn't a very good strategy. The other person just has to have the patience to wait for the level to help out.

Dan-I don't play melee(anymore), but I must thank you again for bringing that cake and sharing with everyone. So uh... thank you!

Randy-As the TO, I must say that it was awesome that you put up with the GF shenanigans. Also, after you dropped me off, I tried chasing after you to tell you that I forgot my controller in your car =S

All in all, it was fun you guys.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Haha, yeah lots of you guys guessed it right away. For anyone who missed it (and cares), my meta was suicide-tastic in his first official tournament. Never have you seen such stylish and completely unforced deaths lol. But thats enough johns for today, time for shoutouts!

Riles - MK with nanners is too much fun. Teams went well aside from a few breakdowns (mainly my suicides.. erm, sorry) with some work i think that diddy/MK could be pretty scary.

Zylem - Good job on third. I need honkey kong practise. Mindgame forward smashes are over powered

Arsenic - Bowser <3

Jiggernaut - Your jiggs is great and keeps getting better. Nice matches in singles and doubles.

Moses - Great job in doubles, those were some intense sets. Next time I see you I'd love for you to play my MK 1 on 1, im sure youd be able to give me a few tips or tricks.

Afro - Nice to meet you. Your pit is real good, great job in doubles.

Dan - Happy birthday! Thanks alot for the cake

Cam - It's too bad you weren't feeling into the tournament, but as always thank you for hosting. I think i left garbage from my sandwich in your basement and didnt realise until hours after id left. Very sorry :( me = bad guest.

Thanks everyone for the ggs and the lols. See you all soon.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Maybe I shouldn't water camp, heh.

I should've used Lucario more.

Great tourney, guys!

Arsene: Your Pit is deadly.

I need to stop branching out on my characters. I'll keep Ness and Mario in reserve and mainly work on Pit, Zamus, and 'cario.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
In my experience your Lucario is your strongest char.

EDIT: btw PND, I have to break it to you, but Venonat is pretty terrible.
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