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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sign me up kiddies!

If I'm ahead on my work and thus I have time to practice here's what my training regime will consist of:

- Running away for seven minutes from three computers.
- Meditating until I master the Sirlin Time Stop ability.

You kids better watch out, Lucas is coming back with a vengeance.

Random off-topic thingy: Yesterday I went to a Daniel Dennett lecture at Carleton U. It's 'Darwin Week' there so they'll have different speakers every night. I recommend going to at least one.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I've already mastered the time stop ability Harold...

In fact, this message took me zero seconds to type...That's right, I stopped time.



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada

and to keep this post on topic:

As you may or may not know, we won't be having a bi-weekly on the scheduled 27th due to cam being pretty busy with stuffs. But personally, I will like to have a bi-weekly prior to OBscene for some practice.

so here are some options which I have come up with:
a) hold the bi-weekly at someone elses house.
b) cancel it
c) have it some other time during the week
d) have it on one of the non bi-weekly weeks, thus having 2 bi-weeklies in a row

I prefer to not have 2 in a row, I guess I can have it at my place, but it is going to be crowded with little to no TV's.

so if anyone can come up with an epic strat, or step it up for the bi-weekly...show me your moves
We can still get together at my place and just do friendlies later on Friday. Another option would be to skip doubles and just do singles.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
just talked to haze, they're partying this friday, so don't count on them to flesh out the numbers...

i really wish i could be there to see randy's new falco dominate, but unfortunately i need to make more $$$


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Aye. When 7 people max is what we can expect, it's kinda well...you know. Not sure about driving out there if very few people are gonna be there, no offense.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Well, there are 10 people so far confirmed for this friday. We still haven't heard from a few people though. But whatever, last bi-weekly with PNDMike was also 10ish people.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'm definitely looking forward to some solid singles practice to prep for OBscene.

I recommend we put all his valid counterpick stages in the random set for friendlies etc., so we get some badly-needed experience on them. I'm looking at you, skyworld :dizzy:


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Seeing how there are 10 people signed up so far, and the PNDMike crew (Minus PNDMike) are partying this week, that is a potential 2 more players for bi-weeklies. And then there is Jiggernaut and Orlando (I think) for another 2 more. ALSO, Ben is working this week, and Andrew Willman is unconfirmed. So that is still a potential 16 players for the bi-weekly.

But for the important annoucement:

We will be using OBscene stage set, and rules.

So the stages are

Starter Stages:
Castle Siege
Delphino Plaza
Final Destination
Yoshi's Island Brawl

Counterpick Stages:
Frigate Orpheon
Jungle Japes
Luigi's Mansion
Lylat Cruise
Pirate Ship
Pokemon Stadium 1
Pokemon Stadium 2
Rainbow Cruise - Melee

And the next important thing is that every player will get 2 stage bans, this happens after striking.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Random occurances which kill people should be banned.

That means Norfair and Pictochat and Skyworld xD.

Someone please ledge camp on LM for me xD


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Norfair is very heavily choreographed. It's not just a random explosion that has no warning.
Pictochat isn't lethal all the way through.
Skyworld is not random at all.
Halberd (I know you didn't mention it) is choreographed but harder to avoid than Norfair (THE CLAW).


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
A few things:

First, I thought we all had already agreed to adopt the OBscene ruleset.

Second, Niko: Norfair, Pictochat and Skyworld (well, not so much Skyworld yet) have been shown to be perfectly fine in a tournament setting. Norfair and Pictochat don't kill you, your opponent kills you by chucking you into the lava/spikes/cart thingy. As well, while I'm not sure if Skyworld's life-saving moving platform is random or not, it has as much of an effect on things as Melee's Yoshi's Story's cloud did.

Third, since I have stuff due for this Friday (and I've been slacking...) I WILL NOT be going to the bi-weekly. Rather, this Saturday I have the mysterious IkeMaster coming over to my mother's apartment ("my" apartment) for some Brawling all day (or whenever he shows up). As always, anybody's welcome to come. It'll be serious business the whole time though; none of this MvC/soccer/custom stages stuff this time around. This might be the only serious practice I get in before OBscene so come with your "KILL!" attitute and some money if you're up for MM matches (to further simulate a tournament-ish setting). If you show up, note that it's bring your own food (as, at this point, none of the food there is mine to give) and no sleep-overs. E-mail me for whatever.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Second, Niko: Norfair, Pictochat and Skyworld (well, not so much Skyworld yet) have been shown to be perfectly fine in a tournament setting.
Or rather, they haven't been shown to be ban-worthy in Ottawa tournaments. That's different.

Apparently a bunch of states ban Norfair; not only because of the randomness, but because supposedly a planking MK is ridiculous on those edges. I'm hoping some vids of CoT4 and other tourneys are made available to demonstrate this, but nowadays many of the pro's demand that their videos are not made public because they don't want people "stealing" their tactics. Which is ******** and noone should agree to such requests, IMO, but w/e.

Edit: To be clear, I don't have an opinion yet. I think it's too early to say with much confidence that it should be one way or the other. Which means it should be allowed until proven broken. We need more MKs and more planking, and more fear of random hazards causing damage thus encouraging more camping from safe positions. :)

so come with your "KILL!" attitute and some money if you're up for MM matches
I assume that means MONEYMONEY matches. Booya.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
It doesnt matter whether or not the obstacles are random or not. They take away competive play and take away from the overall skill of players. Pictochats obstacles are completely random, at COT4 I was playing a pools match with a DK player, and I was coming back from the air and the cart apeared while I was recovering and killed me and I lost the match because of it, not making it into bracket because of it either.

Norfair took 3 stocks from Inui and Atomsk. Also camping is HEAVILY promoted on norfair.

Skyworlds pieces break when characters UP B into them for recover and make them tumble to their doom.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I can sort of agree about Skyworld and I go back and forth on it, but Norfair's always seemed fine to me. And I figure I'll probably still go tomorrow, what the heck. I need to memorize the route out there anyway, lol.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I really don't care that much about pictochat.

I've always hated Norfair, but that is just me. Although some people have been saying that planking is overpowered on that stage. But until proven, it shouldn't be banned yet.

and if you don't like it, ban it with your 2 stage bans.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
It doesnt matter whether or not the obstacles are random or not. They take away competive play and take away from the overall skill of players.
Poker is played with randomized cards. Nevertheless, it's a very competitive game. Instead of playing on facts, you're navigating odds ratios. It's just part of the game.

It may very well suck, and the scenarios you mention are totally lame. But that alone doesn't immediately suggest a ban IMO. But it comes down to an opinion about the type of game you want to be playing, I guess. Inui johns pretty hard about the stage considering it's one he doesn't normally play, and he's picking characters that have more trouble dealing with the stage than others. But he's also way better at this game than me, and I've never been in a position to win or lose money from it :)

I definitely want to see some rabid ledgecamping on Norfair, though. Yes, it has rabies. MK must be foaming at the mouth, and leave anyone who approaches in an enraged frenzy.



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
edit: I wouldn't worry about Biweekly attendance. Lots of random people always show up out of the woodwork for these somehow! :)

Third, since I have stuff due for this Friday (and I've been slacking...) I WILL NOT be going to the bi-weekly. Rather, this Saturday I have the mysterious IkeMaster coming over to my mother's apartment ("my" apartment) for some Brawling all day (or whenever he shows up). As always, anybody's welcome to come. It'll be serious business the whole time though; none of this MvC/soccer/custom stages stuff this time around. This might be the only serious practice I get in before OBscene so come with your "KILL!" attitute and some money if you're up for MM matches (to further simulate a tournament-ish setting). If you show up, note that it's bring your own food (as, at this point, none of the food there is mine to give) and no sleep-overs. E-mail me for whatever.
Harold, can you PM me your address/phone#/etc.? I may have something to do Saturday, but if it falls through I will try to make it over there.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Pictochats obstacles are completely random, at COT4 I was playing a pools match with a DK player, and I was coming back from the air and the cart apeared while I was recovering and killed me and I lost the match because of it, not making it into bracket because of it either.
I once played a match as bowser on Yoshi's island. I was winning by 100% or so on the last stock, and as I was recovering from the right side, the ghost platform thing came up just as I used my upB. I was low enough that it caught me, and since I was now on a "solid" ground, bowser's upB went straight forwards instead of upwards, like it does along the ground. Because he stopped rising, the edge was too high for Bowser to grab, and he fell to his death, which cost me the match. (I have a replay to support this, too)

By your logic, Yoshi's Island should be banned, although it is widely considered a neutral stage.

And I could swear that I posted in this tread already. Sign me up, guys! Hmm, I know I posted somewhere. I wonder what I signed myself up for...
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