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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Bi-weekly shout outs!!!

Riley: HAZIN AZN'S *****ES!

I think that is all that really matters for now.


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2009
Hey guys. Sorry but college duties call. I'm busy lately and fridays arnt the best of times for me to come out to the bi-weekly. But hows it going guys ? : O


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey guys. Sorry but college duties call. I'm busy lately and fridays arnt the best of times for me to come out to the bi-weekly. But hows it going guys ? : O
Hi Mich! Things are going well over here. Hope you and Dan can come out more often with the buses back in a couple of weeks :)

Hm, oddly enough I get a "content not available" thing when I even try to just go back to your profile from the pics. Weird, lol.
Are they loading as-is? I set it so that it should only be my friends who can view them...

edit: Singles vids are up:


Someone add singles+doubles links to the first post.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Maybe, don't think I ever got around to joining any networks, but whatever, lol. Anyone who wants to add me can just search me up anyway.

Edit: And also, props to Fogel for making second and to Moses for winning. As well, had a good bit of fun with the "commentary practice" thing as odd as it was, Randy, and sorry if I got a bit carried away in talking about how you were doing it. Didn't mean any offense by any of it, dude.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey guys. Sorry but college duties call. I'm busy lately and fridays arnt the best of times for me to come out to the bi-weekly. But hows it going guys ? : O
I've yet to meet you but I'm going to go with a 'It's going well. Try to come to whatever gatherings we have on other days'! I usually host something once a week or so but I won't be doing that for a nice little while. However, we hope that you, at the very least will book off Feb 28th for the Ottawa tournament.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Maybe, don't think I ever got around to joining any networks, but whatever, lol. Anyone who wants to add me can just search me up anyway.

Edit: And also, props to Fogel for making second and to Moses for winning. As well, had a good bit of fun with the "commentary practice" thing as odd as it was, Randy, and sorry if I got a bit carried away in talking about how you were doing it. Didn't mean any offense by any of it, dude.
Thanks! I just hope I can keep placing high in the future :)

Also, not sure if you saw it already or not, but Mike saved your matches with him on a replay, and I put them up on YouTube. I've got a couple of bits of advice if you're willing to hear it, just let me know.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, I noticed the replay up on Youtube, but I thought you put it up yourself. And of course I'm willing to hear any advice you could give. Most of the advice everyone's given has been constructive and I appreciate that. Gotta say though, everything seemed to go wrong first match.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Yeah, I noticed the replay up on Youtube, but I thought you put it up yourself. And of course I'm willing to hear any advice you could give. Most of the advice everyone's given has been constructive and I appreciate that. Gotta say though, everything seemed to go wrong first match.
I am the one who uploaded it, but it would have had to have been you or Mike who had saved the replays after the match was done. Mike told me he had tournament matches in the replays on my Wii, so I assumed it was him. Anyways, I re-watched the video again and have a couple of general things that may help you. But first, a couple of good things you did that I want to point out!

In the second match against Jiggs, good job waiting out the ground rollouts! A surprising number of people would have just tried to beat it out with some attack, and probably gotten owned instead. Randy says I'm defensive so this may just be Defensive Fogel talking here, but I think waiting out the rollout instead of taking the risk was a good move. There's probably some G&W move which can beat it out consistently, but I'm not sure what offhand (Andrew, any ideas?) so might as well just stay away from it.

Also, good upsmash kill on Jiggs' second stock! I need to use upsmash more as G&W so that I can get kills like that. Now, a couple of things I noticed that you may want to think about:

First, I noticed this mostly against Snake; you were above him a lot, you should try to stay on the ground most of the time. In general, being above someone in Brawl is bad. Reason being that it's hard to fight back as most characters, and you can be juggled back into the air.

Another thing to watch for is attacking with F-air. F-air has a lot of landing lag and you don't want to use it for approaching while they're on the ground. Especially vs. Snake, you would try to F-air him, it would get shielded and you would be punished because you were stuck in the F-air lag. I would suggest approaching with N-air instead, because it has little/no landing lag, so you have a chance to follow up even if they block it (try d-tilt or grab...there may be some others you can use as well). Also, you usually want to short hop the N-air unless you think they are going to jump at you. In my opinion, F-air is best used when you are going to full-hop it to hit someone who's already in the air (ie: when you're juggling someone, or when they're trying to recover from offstage/above you) as it's a great KO move.

If you're willing to be a little fancy, you can also try approaching with a B-air (!) using a Reverse Aerial Rush (RAR). RAR is when you dash at someone, quickly hit the other direction, short hop, B-air, then change direction again so that you are using the momentum from your initial dash to keep moving forward. It sounds complicated when I type it out in words like that, but it's actually a pretty easy advanced tech to do. You can't always RAR in every situation, because you need enough space to dash, turn around, and space the B-air, but it's probably better and safer than approaching with N-air if you have the room to set it up. If my explanation didn't make sense let me know, I can show it to you in person next time you're over.

One last thing, in general I would say use B-air more, even without RARing it! You used it occasionally in the matches, but most G&Ws will space B-airs like crazy. If you space it so that the turtle's head is barely hitting them, you'll be safe from most follow-ups, and the multiple hits eat at their shields. If you keep b-airing, either you'll poke through for damage, or they'll try to get away by jumping/rolling. If you can predict the jump, you can do a full hop bair instead to punish :) If they roll, you can grab/dsmash/fsmash to punish the roll. Either way, it's hard to go wrong with B-air as long as you're careful with the spacing.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Thanks man. The reason I was above Snake as much as I was in the first one was because I got mind-gamed into thinking he had more stuff on the ground level of the level then he really did, and when I finally realized I'd been getting mindgamed the whole time, he did it again by actually putting a C4 there, lol. Also, to be honest, most of the times that I was jumping forward with FAir, were times that I had tried to do the BAir approach. I wasn't being as calm as I should've been and ended up messing up on the input. As for moves that can beat Rollout, I think Bacon can from a distance (but there's such a lag on it if you miss that I don't know if it's worth the risk) and I could've sworn I've beaten it with the Manhole (down-tilt), but I'm not sure how consistent it really is.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Sorry I didnt make it out, some stuff came up. Im available this friday, so I plan on making it this time.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
w00t, my housemate's younger brother (aka niko's ottawa friend) and his friends are going to enter... apparently they're pretty good, and apparently they _only_ play all-brawl, so harold, you should totally MM them at all-brawl


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
just so you guys know, I won't be heading out to tommorrow's smashfest. I have a midterm at 7:30, so ya. It might be important to go to that. I'll probably be heading out to the biweekly, though. If the weather sucks, I can take a bus. :)


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'll be at smashfest, and can give rides if any need 'em. But I'll have to leave in the middle to drive my mom around some, lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
sometimes... I don't know what to say...

Unfortunately I work next friday, so, oh well :(... I'll take your guys' money at OBscene :D

ps. the smashfest was awesome guys :) less epic lolz, but everyone definitely got better by the end of the night


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Good job picking up on that stream man, I never have any idea if there's a tourney being streamed or not or whatever, so usually just go "meh" and shrug it off unless someone posts a link.

Edit: Oh shoot, I accidentally set the quality to low and now it's all blocky and I can't fix it, crap.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
it is funny because I stopped watching the live stream for an episode of World of Quest


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I stopped watching the stream temporarily to watch a wrestling ppv that was being streamed....then realized the pay per view sucked balls and felt ripped off watching the stream of it (it was THAT bad), so went back to watching it.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
ouch on paying for wrestling... i mean bad quality wrestling...

I like how the stream ended with "and now the cops are going agro."... A bit worried about our Canadian brethren, hopefully being caught up in all this won't be extra frustrating for them
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