for the first annoying strategy, get a purple, throw it at them and they have to do one of two things, get hit because if thrown slightly high it will go through and hit them which you can follow up with or they with sheild, then fastfall and quickly try to get a grabin, now if you don't have any purples i suggest running to them to lure out an attack then quickly pull a pivot grab, also, yellow fsmash should be able to go through ftilt, try those out some time and tell me how they work for you
edit: also, you should know how to punish up-b if they do it, just try to lure out up-b, shield it or roll then punish
for the second strategy, like i said, if its planking then idk and doing nairs of edge is pretty much what i mean, honestly, if they do that, just go to other side, get a judge to call that for planking because if its just shorthop nairing over edge then its basically planking, my only idea you might wanna try is dairing them because it should trade hits with nair OR if your risky you can super armor through nair if timed right and try fastfalled upair or nair and try to follow up, so try those out for strategy number 2 and tell me how they work out for you(like i said, this is the one thing i don't have a concrete strategy for)