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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
If you get into the same med school as me we could be roommates Danny! No day would ever be boring or stressful when we end it with an hour or so of Wario dittos :p


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
PX is the kid, I am the grown up.

Obviously. I look older than PX, as long as I do not reveal my braces.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
DMG, I thought that you were a kid for awhile, too (though you're a minor so you're basically a kid, rofl).

That is, after I was led to believe you were Indian.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
For those of you who didn't know, my Indian name is Chuwaguwahway, which means "He who runs with the wind". I also used to hunt Buffalo to make the days pass by...

*Charles Barkley voice*

"That Kid? Over there? He's not Indian you fool, get yo eyesight checked out. IT'S TURRIBLE."

Lol I wonder if it was Kosmos who did it.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma

Por Que????
I think it was because of some stuff some people said about someone who might have been you.

And by Indian I meant Eastern Indian, not Native American.

bryan gets confused on the internet: with a vengeance
It's true :(

But in some cases I can accurately pick people out judging by their online personalities. Granted, I remember this happening only once, but I'm going to flaunt that one case, dammit. **** significance.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Oh, well you know what's more important than guessing a person's ethnicity online?

Guessing how big a girls boobs are, how tall she is, her hair color, eye color, and Favorite color... All in one guess... without seeing her.

As much as I run away, I pay attention to these things. I foretell events to come.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
So I have sat down four times in the last two weeks to put together the OH SNAP! thread, and I can't do it. I have only gone to two major OOS tournaments this year and had a middling performance at both, and both draining experiences make me wary of attending tournaments near and far in general. I can't even muster up enough of a d*mn to make it out to events in the OKC metro, much less cram into a car to go to Tulsa or Dallas exclusively to play in a tournament that I only have a distant shot at winning.

These days, I make a great deal more money just working, and it's gotten to the point where I would not only take something a of a pay cut to go to these, but I would also be taking one of my other crew-mate's cash prize if I were to place. Spending an entire day or weekend at one of these events to make nothing or possibly a fraction of what I work for bartending does not compute in my head; it is more deserved in the hands of people who have continued to put time into the game while I have abandoned the effort to try to be competitive.

Unless I foolishly get that itch to want to be famous again, I am also scrapping any and all plans I had with attending Genesis and EVO 2009.

OH SNAP! v5.0 was not, is not, and will never be my tournament, and it personally does not feel right for me to openly advertise it in my deteriorating state of care. There are better ways for me to tap into my network than this. I will be happy to do what I can as far as boosting attendance goes until then, but this is what I think is best for me at the moment.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
If you know what you're doing, Zell's limit break can out-damage KotR.
LOL. Zell easily had the best, always-accessible limit break in the game. All you had to do was loop Booya and Mach Kick back to back at millisecond intervals and pick a finisher at random once you got down the last fraction of a second. If your Zell was at a level where he was dealing 4,000-9,999 HP damage every attack, and you were inputting them at a .3-.4 second interval over the course of 10 seconds or more, it was pretty much game over.

GFs literally got less and less useful as your characters got better. The tedious GF Boost skill made me hate GFs and their cumbersome animations even more.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Oh, well you know what's more important than guessing a person's ethnicity online?

Guessing how big a girls boobs are, how tall she is, her hair color, eye color, and Favorite color... All in one guess... without seeing her.

As much as I run away, I pay attention to these things. I foretell events to come.
no...there are no girls on the internet. what are you talking about?

I'm back :-O......
call me, boo! we should chill today :o

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Andy, I'm glad to see you back behind the wheel. We need to meet up, because I still owe you monies. If something's going on today, I'll try to get it to you.

And Hanson, dawg. I have been feeling much the same way, except for the whole not placing very high, well, EVER. Yeah, I think everyone hits that place where they feel its just not worth it financially to play this game. But, honestly, outside of Chris and maybe Tom, I don't think anyone here has ever won a significant amount of funds behind this game.

I don't know about you, but I'm finding it harder and harder to create excuses to go play this game for extended periods of time, and the fact that I place so poorly doesn't help. Well, if you're going, maybe its time for me to let it go as well. It will be sad to not see you at tournaments anymore, but hey, at least now I might be able to win an MGC, since I won't have to fight any epic wars with your Diddy like I did last year :laugh:

Just promise me you'll step it up one last time at OHSNAP. Oklahoma needs you one last time.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
I've never played to win money. What ever happened to playing because the game was fun? Way to go Hanson :p. No but really, I thought you had a lot of fun hanging out and playing just for the sake of it. Even if you aren't that great in the end, to me it still seems fun to go out of state, either just to travel with friends and meet new people in other states, or also the new player base to complete/just play friendlies with.

Oh yea, and I won't have my phone for about 4 weeks since I left it in Korea, so don't try calling me :-/.

Oh Alex, get on IM so we can chat.


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
I understand that you want to quit the game and all, but Po is right. Help us with OH SNAP and bring your best performance. Your reputation is still good enough to at least muster in attendance from OOS people. I could never do that, none of us could except for maybe Chris. And if it is the case that you can't bring yourself to put up the OH SNAP thread, I think Yawara will handle it. I don't really consider Brawl as any kind of money vehicle myself, I think of it more as an expensive hobby. And honestly, I have met some of the best people in my life through this game. For that alone it is worthwhile for me to keep playing.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I've never played to win money. What ever happened to playing because the game was fun? Way to go Hanson :p. No but really, I thought you had a lot of fun hanging out and playing just for the sake of it. Even if you aren't that great in the end, to me it still seems fun to go out of state, either just to travel with friends and meet new people in other states, or also the new player base to complete/just play friendlies with.

Oh yea, and I won't have my phone for about 4 weeks since I left it in Korea, so don't try calling me :-/.

Oh Alex, get on IM so we can chat.
Scud gets it. This is why I play. If it's becoming too burdensome financially, I just cut back on tournament for a while until I have disposable income again, and then go. Visiting friends for one weekend a month is worth the expense, no? If you're good enough to win money at the same time, then great, if **** happens, then **** happens. It's still always a blast, plus you get better as a player every time you are there, b/c fortunately here all the players that are good are also cool.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
I understand that you want to quit the game and all, but Po is right. Help us with OH SNAP and bring your best performance. Your reputation is still good enough to at least muster in attendance from OOS people. I could never do that, none of us could except for maybe Chris. And if it is the case that you can't bring yourself to put up the OH SNAP thread, I think Yawara will handle it. I don't really consider Brawl as any kind of money vehicle myself, I think of it more as an expensive hobby. And honestly, I have met some of the best people in my life through this game. For that alone it is worthwhile for me to keep playing.
I'll second this, for the most part.

It is weird to explain to people that most of the friends I've made in college have been because of this silly game where people play video game characters like Mario and Kirby and they fight.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Y'know, you don't HAVE to play this game every freakin' weekend either. If you need a break, take one. This is really something to do when there isn't anything else better to do. Girlfriend out of town? Play Smash with the guys. Got off of work early and have some time to kill? Let me call Gmo and see what's up. Need to wind down after a long night of partying? Turn on some Smash and let's do it.

This game is only as serious as you allow it to be. Which is ironic, because I've been getting quite serious about winning, but the only reason I've come this far is because I don't make Smash serious business as much as some others.

I just enjoy playing this game WITH ALL OF YOU GUYS. Without Kuni, Chris, Kyle, Grant, Andy, Yawara, Tom, Marc, Daniel, Dillon, Babac, Paemon, Josh, Paul, Hanson, and everyone else, this game would be meaningless--just another video game like all the others.

But because of you guys, its been so much more than that. It's been a hell of a lot of fun just hanging and laughing with all of you guys, and wether I'm competing or just goofing off, I consider you all my friends. And that's all that matters.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
yeah, anyone want to host something tonight? i dont work at all tomorrow so yeah.

grant? dan? brett?

even though i have a car my payments start next month so ill be poor as dirt for a while so this might be the last time i can come down for a month or two.

also i can give anyone in edmond a ride down after work as long as we split some gas money.

so yeah, that would be awesome

also brandon just pretty much nailed it on the head or whatever the ****

ive met a lot of cool people through smash, so i sorta dont want to stop since im sure ill meet lots more cool people. so i wont. which is why someone needs to do something tonight


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Real life, it sucks, so I understand if you don't want to stick around Hanson, and we understand if you don't feel like traveling to since the majority of us don't anyway. Of the active smashers, there's only like three who travel out of state and only ones does it frequently. Smash for most of us is just fun, not really work, but I get what you're saying since there's no point in playing if you won't compete in the state still.

Financially and all, it doesn't make a lot of sense, and I know you've got social commitments outside of smash too. But the smashfests back at the greens were some of the funnest times right? Ionno, it's your life dude. It'd be weird if this many people try to convince you to do something you're not up for so I'm gonna stay out but suggest that you have one last hurrah.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
I would do something tonight, but I'm a poop face...or rather I have to go to my parents' house since it is my dads' birthday.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
**** po nailed that **** perfectly
hanson you could easily take a break
thats what i did, although it was more for school than just needing a break
but i gues its all up to you man, we honestly shouldn't be pressuring you into something you just can't seem to dig anymore

yeah, anyone want to host something tonight? i dont work at all tomorrow so yeah.

grant? dan? brett?

even though i have a car my payments start next month so ill be poor as dirt for a while so this might be the last time i can come down for a month or two.

also i can give anyone in edmond a ride down after work as long as we split some gas money.

so yeah, that would be awesome
i wanna go too if you could pick me up...
i still live in the same place AND i actually have money for gas these days XD
new cell tho 8083617


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
**** po nailed that **** perfectly
hanson you could easily take a break
thats what i did, although it was more for school than just needing a break
but i gues its all up to you man, we honestly shouldn't be pressuring you into something you just can't seem to dig anymore

i wanna go too if you could pick me up...
i still live in the same place AND i actually have money for gas these days XD
new cell tho 8083617
well ill get ya around 10:30 if someone decides to do anything tonight.

you dont have to be back early tomorrow do you?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
well ill get ya around 10:30 if someone decides to do anything tonight.

you dont have to be back early tomorrow do you?
lol nope its summer and i dont go to work till 4 on monday
text me before you start comin over i guess
hopefully someone will be up for doing something >.<


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Real life, it sucks, so I understand if you don't want to stick around Hanson, and we understand if you don't feel like traveling to since the majority of us don't anyway. Of the active smashers, there's only like three who travel out of state and only ones does it frequently. Smash for most of us is just fun, not really work, but I get what you're saying since there's no point in playing if you won't compete in the state still.

Financially and all, it doesn't make a lot of sense, and I know you've got social commitments outside of smash too. But the smashfests back at the greens were some of the funnest times right? Ionno, it's your life dude. It'd be weird if this many people try to convince you to do something you're not up for so I'm gonna stay out but suggest that you have one last hurrah.
Delicious. Yawara is right, one last hurrah.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
well i have to go to work but if anyone decides to do something text me at 405 308 5192 if not then i guess whatever.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
I'm out of town.

I'll be back on Sunday. But I've got a Spanish exam on Monday morning that I'll definitely need to cram for. Monday evening I'll be at the Wilco concert and Tuesday I've got to meet with the band.

Sounds like we might be going on a bit of a tour in July - maybe. If we can make it happen, at least. We were on Lex and Terry's music meeting, which is a segment of their show that gives new or underground artists some air play. Typically they "shred" whatever artist is on there (this is what I'm told anyway I don't really listen to the radio anymore), and more or less tell them they suck. I think it must give them something to talk about in the mornings when the news is slow or something. Their show is really big - they're broadcast from Dallas but the morning show is played all over the Southwest/Midwest/Southeast on around 30 alt-rock stations (and they're on XM too). Our guitarist just went there on a whim with demo recordings from the studio. They played 3 of our songs on their show, one of them twice. They talked it up a bit and we've been getting some messages from people on myspace who want to book shows/do our album art/play us on their radio station(s)/etc. We're doing a conference call with the booking agent tonight - we'll see what happens.

Realistically, it is still very much in the preliminary phases of doing anything more than being just a garage band - but the potential is there. Something we didn't have before.

I'd probably be down to play some next weekend. I'm not sure. Talk to KP about a smashfest this weekend.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Without Smash, I'd know only about 10% of the people I know now (disregarding changes in my life due to the absence of Smash; either way, though, that percentage will still probably be pretty similar). It's really become a fun social event for me, as it seems to have become with most people here.

PowaStar, want to try to play tomorrow?
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