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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yeah, pretty shocked that Marth wasn't as high as he was. D3 ***** Marth hard, MK's not that bad at all, and the only other problem matchup is vs Snake cause that **** sucks *** hard for Marth if you just camp. Marth basically needs a gimp that matchup or else he can't win (gimp meaning kill snake under 80). And Diddy's style is becoming less novel. You really have to play different to succeed, guess that's why Gnes is doing good.

And I still don't get the CG Bear <_<

<_< TakeYourLife2's post on the Marth board btw was hilarious btw.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
Yeah, despite Marth being such a badass character, when your worst matchups are #1, #2, and #6 you are going to have some problems.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
My hardest matchup with Marth would have to be Snake....
Everything I do seems to get f tilted/I get blown up.

Snake kills at 110 with a somewhat decayed u tilt while Marth kills at 140 with a fresh F smash. On top of that The second hit of snake's f tilt out ranges everything but f smash.

I still like Marth over Falco because he doesn't have entirely horrible match ups/gay stuff against him.

Edit: Lol I just looked at the new tier lsit that I didn't know existed until just now.

I don't see how Diddy went up really
OMG Wario
Falcon is no longer last!!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
I honestly don't find Marth vs DDD all that hard imo. It's annoying yes, but not brutal for Marth. I also like fighting Snake with Marth...guess I'm weird like that (I also enjoy Peach vs MK which is another horrid matchup for peach apparently).

Also as much as I'd like to main MK or Snake, I'm 100% sure that my Peach will always be better for some strange reason >___>.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

I think we've all been saying that. And Marth vs Snake is great up until the point where Snake's at around like 90% or so and starts bringing it back hard.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Rofl. I thought that was a very astute post, though.

The thing I like about Brawl is that I feel like I can just play creatively/intelligently and still win, rather than having to keep up with tech skill this or meta game that quite as much. Though of course, like Yawara said, I'd still have to be wary of certain tricks. That, and it does feel that one can play differently and still do well, which is kind of a redundant thing to say since everyone more or less plays differently.

All this talk is making me want to play Brawl. PowaStar, when are you free this week?
I'm free Saturday and Sunday.

Does anyone know how to use IC's in Brawl? I need to work on that match-up and when I v.s. Snake I tend to do better with Mario against him I don't know why but It's more fun combing a Snake with my Mario instead of my MK.

Does anyone in Oklahoma use Mario other than me?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
That's cause smart players avoid the character discussion boards. They're filled with two types of people: scrubs who don't know anything and players who desperately want to be known in the community by knowing worthless stats. <_< Like frame data or tourney placements in Wisconsin or what grab releases Link has on Fox over the edge if Bomb-Ombs are present. Even though they don't participate in tourneys.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Wow. I'm so impressed at how smart all you guys are about the game. To see how far we have come as a state since the beginning of this thread... I'm feel like a proud father watching his sons become men :)

It's been a fantastic journey, guys. Whether you've been here with me since the dawn of the dinosaurs, or if you're a young punk like Deezy, I want you all to know how much fun it has been(and continues to be) playing and joking around with all you chaps.

Even if I never get that singles win I covet so dearly, I can definitely say that I have improved further than I ever thought possible, and its all thanks to you guys always pushing and encouraging me, believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I'm going to take everything I've learned over the course of this journey and utilize it to its fullest. I will be pushing my skills as far as they can go, and hopefully, I will be able to surpass my limitations and get that last achievement, that final piece: A First-Place Finish.

I'm going to be the Luigi that lights Metaknight on fire, blows Snake off the stage, seals Wario's Fart, and Breaks Falco's Blaster. I will win.

And it will be because you guys helped me every single step of the way.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Diddy will probably stay kinda high just because of his good OOS game with banana's.

And Gnes doing good cause I haven't been around to run away from him. <3 Gnes.


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
About the creativeness that Yawara has been ranting about, Gnes embodies that perfectly, I never played a Diddy that was so.... feral, animalistic (maybe it was because Gnes was half awake at the time). And I want to ask Yawara, what happens when the fruits of your beloved creativity in the game result in planking which as it seems so far is the most efficient form of Brawling. Brawl brings out creativity in people but sometimes with gay results (I remember watching that Metaknight match with you Yawara) it doesn't seem like people can find a solution to plankers, especially when the game encourages it so well (auto sweet spot anyone?) But about Falcos, who gives a **** about a space bird when you can play as a fat man that ****s on people. Realistically though, I don't know how Wario got so high on the tier list, I love the character to death and I know my Wario brothers are pushing for him in the back room (go DMG!), but I honestly feel that his weaknesses will be further explored now that he has moved into a prominent position. I cringe to think of all those tier whores that are going to start playing Wario and give the other players opportunities to experiment new strategies on him. One of the reasons I loved Wario was because he was a kind of underdog, like Falcos nowadays he was a rarity at competitions. But i guess these experiences will help Wario grow as a character as well. @ Chris, your new pic is gay.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Yeah what's up with the gay pic Chris?

The creativity in Brawl kinda brings out what type of person you are. This may be the patient type that sits back and throws stuff and then there's the gay people that choose to do anything for victory COUGHplankingCOUGH.

Then there's the pimpinest type of people that play Luigi *wink wink*

Edit: All this serious talk about smash (first time I have seen it in this thread....) really makes me wanna play you guys :O. And playing against Wario makes me angry. >:-|

Also, make sure pokemon stadium 2 is on the counter pick list for Oh Snap 5. The stage *****.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Falco's Chaingrab+ice stage=win

If they dont DI it it can go on to about 70% because of how you slide when you d throw them

If they hit the ground with their DI sliding f smash. If they DI up free dair :O
The boundires are freakin huge though, so killing isn't fun :(

And DACUS+ice stage=win

Also, toying around with sheik in training mode, and I can do her dacus quite often :OOO


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
f-smash + ice stage= win.

As to why wario is so good.

#1. The idea of wario is ideal. get an enemy to around 90-130% in about a minute to a minute 30 and than you have an instant kill move. If you fall short of the minute to a minute 30, wario happens to run away VERY WELL. if you fall a bit far of it, you pretty much have an instant kill move anyway.

#2. Dont fart? doesn't matter. he also happens to have a SUPER ARMORED front smash.

#3. great recovery. im sure you can probably (if carefully) go from one side of smashville or battlefield to the other.

#4. 1st or 2nd greatest spot dodge?

#5. great air game.

Who else possesses all of these qualities (that aren't snake and or mk)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
I can tell you who doesn't have those qualities...
a certain blue hedgehog lol
you know what i do have though???
a severe disadvantage XD

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Man, Luigi would KILL for a better recovery... I would already be placing Top Three if the guy didn't have one of the most predictable return patterns this side of Falco...

I'll tell you one thing Wario can't do that Weegee can: 50% or more + SHORYUKEN!! = Dead.

GG FattyFatFatso and Ghey Brooklyn Bird, GG.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Also as much as I'd like to main MK or Snake, I'm 100% sure that my Peach will always be better for some strange reason >___>.
Like when your Snake lost to Take's Marth but then your Peach three-stocked it? I like your Snake though, you should keep it around. I haven't seen your Meta Knight in awhile, so I can't really comment on it.

And lol @ the new tier list.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Tier lists mean nothing. They contribute nothing relevant, and it's just like a fully masturbatory act. Characters moving up or down doesn't change the fact that in Brawl, like honestly, you still have to know what stages you want to pick vs a Fox or a Sheik or a Jigglypuff.

As for planking? It's just gonna get banned. I don't know why stalling isn't like a banned thing in Brawl yet. Just put in an X amount of ledge grab rule and watch the players who are notorious for doing it.

Seriously, there aren't that many players who are known for planking. It's the extreme exception that makes it super gay, and you can just keep an eye on those.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Final Fantasy XIV Online? What?!

Hopefully XIII will be good.

I'm still holding my breath for them to remake V, VI, and VII. Though, VII's bad translation and primitive technology gave it a very distinct feel; there was just something about fighting a monster called "Blood Taste." And I'd really rather them not do anything with it at all than do a remake in Advent Children style. Maybe VII should just stay VII instead of becoming VII PS3 or something.

I haven't been keeping up on the planking meta game.

But omfg, Uematsu is composing for XIV?!? I'm going to have to look into that. Especially if it's available for Mac.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
from what ive seen, you'd have to have bootcamp/parallels to play an outdated FFXI. XIV could be released for mac though?

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
This is very funny, because I just got done playing through FF3.

Lol 14 characters FTW.

Im angry at myself for giving away my ps1, and my ps2 doesn't work. As much as i want to play FF9...
sigh duck.

and I hope XIII will lose the lame battle style from XII.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
from what ive seen, you'd have to have bootcamp/parallels to play an outdated FFXI. XIV could be released for mac though?
Square-Enix said that Mac and Linux versions of FFXIV were not out of the question.

This is very funny, because I just got done playing through FF3.

Lol 14 characters FTW.

Im angry at myself for giving away my ps1, and my ps2 doesn't work. As much as i want to play FF9...
sigh duck.

and I hope XIII will lose the lame battle style from XII.

I thought that FFIX was really underrated. Most people probably just didn't like the "cartoony" design, but they forget that that was the original style of Final Fantasy.

When I first saw the FFXII battle system, I was kind of disappointed. However, I grew to like it as I played because of how it eliminated random battles. Random battles have always been annoying and tedious to me, and FFXII eliminated those. Now, as for the actual battles themselves, I prefer the traditional system, if not for tradition's sake. What I think they should do is have monsters roaming the map rather than being encountered randomly, and then when you do encounter a monster it transfers to the traditional battle system. From my understanding, FFXIII will play like FFXII in regards to battles, which really is fine with me because I didn't mind FFXII's battle system. My main problem with FFXII was that it felt more like a spinoff game than a main entry in the series, though I enjoyed it nonetheless.


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Noooo Alex =(. So I have decided to ditch work to handle tournament things and study. Hope I don't get fired! Will tell you guys when I finish fliers. I wasn't ever a really big fan of FF so I don't know what to think about their new game. All I know is that, although Uematsu is brilliant, I think he has hit a creative block since FFX his music is still good, just not memorable anymore. They need to bring the dream team back for another Chrono Trigger is what they need to do.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
thanks for the condolences. i even finished the flyer i had for ohsnap, lol. but i can't retrieve it :( obviously now i'm also halted working on film and composing music. not to mention recording smash.

anything going down between tonight and saturday? i'm bored and need something to do since i'm laptopless T.T


Smash Cadet
Sep 15, 2008
Why don't you get a little USB case for your laptop hard drive Alex? I think they're like $10 or something. You could at least access all your data.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i have internet access because my sister has a computer ^.^. and my hardrive and such are all fine...i could literally just find someone with a dell laptop and switch harddrives or something but the motherboard is messed up to where it's not reading my AC adapter. so...it can only run on battery power for the time being, meaning until i get another motherboard i have 7 minutes of computer time left. i was thinking about just buying a dell with a broken monitor since i could also use new speakers but *shrug*


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I don't get Peezy's avatar yet. That **** like hurts for me to look at <_<

And I miss Materia. I ****ing loved Materia. And Chocobo racing. And that dune buggy you got but lost. And I think Uematsu peaked at VIII. VIII had songs on par with VI and VII, but over all they weren't as diverse and ended up being lack luster.

Also, I hate XII. Like all the characters.

Also Alex, is yoru sister's place an arcade yet?


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2006
i love 12 but i dont care about characters or story

also chrono cross has the best square soundtrack and the game is worlds better than chrono trigger

also i cant remember - with materia do you learn skills permanently, like when you get skills from espers in 6 and from items in 9? if so i dont like it; if not i do
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