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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Hanson, please get the OH SNAP thread up soon, sorry to be a nagging *****, but we really need it up and you are like, 1 week behind. Had a great time with Kansas and Texas the other night. Dphat, I hate/love you for making me stay up all night to play DOTA (almost fell asleep at the wheel 5 times driving back home). Deygen that was an awesome teams match we had against Affinity and Inferno, more matches like that son! I will beat your off stage game someday nate! And sorry about not getting more friendlies in Affinity.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Honestly, as good as I have gotten, Hanson, I shouldn't be on that list--yet. I'm making slight progress, but it still isn't quite enough to be ranked. I've got to get some decent tourney finishes in before I should even be considered.

Yeah, I know I've put on quite the "Po Should Be Ranked" campaign over the past few weeks, but I'm not deserving of it yet.

I think you're letting your love for the Po cloud your judgment a bit. It's okay, because now you can put yourself in there where you belong. To hell with all this quitting BS, you're one of our best, I ain't letting you quit until I can beat you in a tourney set.

So I guess that means you'll be done next week then...


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Man, is this ohsnap a melee or brawl tournament? Ill still go, whether or not I participate depends on the latter question.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Well, it IS two days this time... Maybe if we get enough setups and maybe if people don't **** around and we get done at a decent time(with it being two-day, this shouldn't be a problem) I think Melee is possible.

I'm not running anything though, and I don't want to add work to the staff, so I'd take it up with either Daniel, Yawara, or Hanson, since they're the brains behind this one.

Either way, you should come, Babac, and bring Paemon, Billy, and Jeff if you can. I've got something big and world-changing in mind for this OHSNAP...

I won't say anything further until then.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I don't really wanna make it a melee/brawl. Maybe melee side tourney, but I'd rather crew battles.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
I'll make the thread, but someone else will have to maintain it. I wasn't kidding about quitting.

EDIT: The more I think about it, the more I realize the OP really ought to be posted by the person or persons who are actually running the tournament. I don't mind doing this because you're effectively asking me to tap into my network, but I just thought I would point this out anyway.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
it's not a question of either/or. especially it being 2 days, there's plenty of time.
but i still wouldn't be up for melee. the southwest is just fooling itself. in every other region where melee outnumbers brawl, we make up for it. it's a sad story. i hope i get to travel to some midsouth and midwest stuff this summer, i need mah melee.

in other news, i'm coincedentally done with brawl. wow pvp, brawl, starcraft all kind of lost their luster for me. melee's the only game still fun for me to play competitively, but it isn't fun unless i'm in CT, so boo.

but i'll see people around, no doubt. at least kp/chris/brett. so yar.

back to fire emblem and watching movies. daniel, i get my first paycheck next week, i owe you a 10 dollar meal sometime. wu-tang.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
in other news, i'm coincedentally done with brawl. wow pvp, brawl, starcraft all kind of lost their luster for me. melee's the only game still fun for me to play competitively, but it isn't fun unless i'm in CT, so boo.

but i'll see people around, no doubt. at least kp/chris/brett. so yar.
I thought you said we should do another vent/ SC night with Andy and anyone else who would join :(.
OK melee is boss, me you and Chris? :-/


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Ok thats I had it I am sooooo quitting Melee I can't catch up and It's ticking me off I love this game so much but I seriously fail at that game that accepting friendlies to play someone would just seriously waste their time... I am total garbage at that game. If only I joined the community earlier...


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i'll play sc with you guys, but after i started playing on bnet i couldn't even find motivation to play on iccup/get further into the game. sort of like how i'll still play brawl with people casually.

and melee is like...me and you. chris doesn't play, or at least hasn't wanted to travel to a tournament for it. everyone else that "is willing" to play melee likes brawl a lot more, if nothing else for its sizable scene. and when outlaw&crew/babac/vectorman come into the thread to post asking about the next melee get-together and not check back, it kind of defeats the purpose. so for all intents and purposes, oklahoma melee=scud and hazy. :( sad times, yo. landon wants to play us when you get back, though, and darkrain is in dallas too. :o maybe we can travel to tournies this summer, too, if you're up for it.

edit: powastar, don't feel too aggravated. everyone thinks that about melee, and it's usually a lot of people's main reason for not committing to melee. but you don't have to invest 3 years into it just to "catch up." there are people who have played since 2005, or even 2001 that are not great at all. it's about the experience, and getting better is not parallel to time played, much like sports/other things that take "skill." don't let being a beginner get in the way. it's not worth it to only chase things that you are on an even playing field anyway!


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Played Melee with Lee recently, he's really good lol Still play brawl more.

And as of now, I'm done with GW and DDD and Diddy. They were fun for a while, but they require a bit more dedication and I don't really see a reason to keep any of them <_< Marth for teams, Snake for singles, but I added Falco and PT lol Basically watching Kismet and Reflex gave me ideas, and now I'm fooling around with those characters.

Falco's boss though. He's about as good as my Marth now I think. And my PT beats MKs <_< Charizard's broken, Ivysaur's good, squirtle's hard.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
i'll play sc with you guys, but after i started playing on bnet i couldn't even find motivation to play on iccup/get further into the game. sort of like how i'll still play brawl with people casually.

and melee is like...me and you. chris doesn't play, or at least hasn't wanted to travel to a tournament for it. everyone else that "is willing" to play melee likes brawl a lot more, if nothing else for its sizable scene. and when outlaw&crew/babac/vectorman come into the thread to post asking about the next melee get-together and not check back, it kind of defeats the purpose. so for all intents and purposes, oklahoma melee=scud and hazy. :( sad times, yo. landon wants to play us when you get back, though, and darkrain is in dallas too. :o maybe we can travel to tournies this summer, too, if you're up for it.

edit: powastar, don't feel too aggravated. everyone thinks that about melee, and it's usually a lot of people's main reason for not committing to melee. but you don't have to invest 3 years into it just to "catch up." there are people who have played since 2005, or even 2001 that are not great at all. it's about the experience, and getting better is not parallel to time played, much like sports/other things that take "skill." don't let being a beginner get in the way. it's not worth it to only chase things that you are on an even playing field anyway!
I thought Yawara still played it and actually thinking about instead of me whining about how much I suck at something I love so much I should keep on going I just don't know where to start... Alex who is the most easiest character to pick up in Melee? Maybe I'll get a slight better understanding if I start off with them.

Well yeah the only thing I noticed in my Melee game that improved is my tech skill.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
Well it's not like I am really pysched for SC right now, I haven't played in awhile, but I would still like to teach/learn/play with you guys. Oh and I watched Proleague twice this trip...it was still awesome, too bad I missed Jaedong vs Bisu ace match because I thought I had to be back by a certain time to find out I could have come back later. Btw I'm on aim right now if you want to chat for just a bit.

Will, don't worry too much about it. I'll get back from Korea really soon, and then you should come meet up with me and Alex and we can talk about things. Oh yea, Chris should come too (everyone actually).


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I can get the hotel info for you tomorrow, it won't be hard. Just call to remind dude.

I used to have a list up somewhere . . .


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Take your time Daniel, you really need to study for the MCAT. This is just something you should do when you have time, you shouldn't have to make time for it.

Also, Falco is awesome for me in teams Yawara. Wolf down throw to your laser lock lol. Can't wait till you get back.

Powastar, I wouldn't give up a game if you really like to play it. Melee might seem to have a lot more tech skill involved than you can handle right now, but it's all muscle memory. Once you got the trick down, you will wonder how you weren't able to do it before. Don't get downed if you get destroyed in matches consecutively. We have all been playing melee competitively since...well basically the start of this thread. Po Pimpus was in your shoes the entire time, but he didn't give up, and look at him now, lol. He can beat us sometimes now.

It just takes time to get good at it, but ...I mean, honestly, I found that all the practicing I did back then... to get good at melee didn't get me very far. I can destroy any non competitive player with out taking damage, but in the grand scheme of competitive play, I'm only average, and melee is a game where the difference between "average" and "good" is 3 stock. Pro players are on an entirely different level, and many good players look like trash when they fight a pro. Brawl is just more enjoyable for me because I don't have to be on the edge of my game, I don't have to worry about not being able to do things because my hands are cold, it's slower, so I can keep up with my opponent no matter what they do, and it's a lot harder to get comboed to death "which was very demoralizing in melee". That last point was also the highpoint for some people that love melee, but I just didn't like how my 1 mistake caused me to loose a stock.

Just depends on if you stick to it or not. If you do, you'll get better, if you don't, the brawl community is pretty cool lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I agree with what Kuni said, and I also like to add like in Brawl, it's just more fun because I have to know so much more about the game now. In Melee, you don't really have to 100% know the low tier or mid tier matchups, just the high tier ones because once you reach a certain point, it's increasingly difficult for the average low tier main to put a cramp on your playstyle.

In brawl, there's like a ton of low tier mains because the game allows for them to do so. Like vs Fox, everyone of you have probably played Zeton by now, and you can't say he's easy to play against. Or Billy's Yoshi, Kuni's Wolf, Tom's bro's falcon, Chuck's PT, Po's Luigi, etc. You have to know your matchups, and you have to play them out accordingly because if you don't, you could just get straight owned. Also, because of the lighter emphasis on tech skill, players are forced to not go through routines as much and just play super creative rather than looking for that first grab that'll lead you straight into a combo or whatever.

I mean, there are gay things in the game like DDD or Snake u-tilt, but a good player should be able to get past all of those things just by understanding the matchups and employing tricks of their own. I mean, I know I bring the point of like real cookie-cutter, youtube/smashboards players up, but even still each player has a very distinctive playstyle. If we were to watch a video of like everyone's Falco in Oklahoma (Deezy, Tom, Chuck, Kuni, Grant, Hanson, Chris, me) we could probably tell 100% of the time whose falco is whose. And then you expand that beyond our state, and in very OoS tourney, with the same character alone, you could face such a huge difference in playstyle because it reflects more personal philosophies than just like what's considered to be canon at the moment.

That's kind of like the reason why I like playing Brawl. It's just so interesting, the matches aren't so frustrating either because if you miss one l-cancel in melee, you feel like your entire opportunity to kill someone or to not be killed is lost and if the reason why you didn't hit a button was cause your fingers are cold or you didn't have enough sleep before a tourney or you were just nervous and couldn't clam yourself mid match, it's just not fun. But in Brawl, the allowance is there, not that it's easier, but that you're more in control than you would be in Melee, but you still have to space well, set up traps, trick people into playing into your hand, etc.

And honestly, the way the competitive scene's metagame right now is moving towards (except like Warios . . .) is pretty cool too. I used to think it was real dumb just cause eventually I figured metaknight would just gimp 100% of the time, and that'd be it, but players are getting past those gimps more just because of good DI or because they control the stage better. Characters are becoming more evolved, and players are able to put their own touches to how the characters ought to be played. You can emphasize on the technical aspect if you wish, or you can just work the good old mindgames more.

The game just seems more diverse, the players have to constantly be creative, and the flow of the game in general is just at a tempo that I enjoy. I mean, melee matches now aren't like 2 or 3 minutes anymore. They're like 4-5, and the average brawl match for me is like 4 minutes anyway. I don't really think the game's slower, the game can be campy but it also can be forced so it's not campy, and there really isn't a lack of techskill. There are plenty of things in Brawl that I can't do no matter how hard I practice just cause it's ****ing impossible fast.

The hell did I type? I was just looking for an excuse not to brush my teeth <_< Is this like coherent?


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2006
"which was very demoralizing in melee".
you're doin that thing where you mix up inverted commas and parentheses again

yawara: tl;dr but i get the feeling it boils down to "brawl is more fun and exciting", is this accurate


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
Yes yawara its coherent, and actually kind of intelligent...
The metagame for brawl is ridiculous, there's way more character specific things now as opposed to melee.
I remember when it first came out XD all the naysayers
and i think michael nailed it on the summary


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Both periods and commas go inside inverted commas, and yeah definitely more fun and exciting in a new way.

Just so much random knowledge you have to know about. Like Toon Link for example. The number of like traps and gimmicks that character has is ridiculous.

Also, all the complaints I had about brawl in the beginning is still realized to a point. The good characters continue to dominate, it's just the point of there being a lack of a universal technique in brawl? That's basically gone out the window now since the lack of it forced characters to develop specific strategies and gimmicks against or for certain characters.

SO all the complaints I had earlier are like being realized, most definitely, but the fear that I had of low tiers being inapplicable cause good characters will get better over time quicker and better, not so much cause there do exist really strange and unique universal tactics like grab releases or footstool combos and such.

But Ganon still sucks.


BTW, m2k got 3rd at a tourney. Lost to Tyrant and Fiction apparently.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Falco seems good at first

Then you look at his horrible match ups, several 70:30s (kirby, gaw, pikachu, zamus)
Then he has a few bad ones (metaknight, marth, olimar.)
Then it's just like... How is he third?

He is underused in tournaments for the most part, and I can see why.

Also, I'm thinking about using Metaknight seriously now, not just in teams or for the lolz.

And adding to what Kuni and Yuhwelro said above, I like to play Brawl more because I can keep up with it... Melee is just like, idk what's going on most the time. If we was to have a melee tournament at ohsnap I would still enter it though...


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
yeah since everyone else is doing it ill just say

all my competitive aspirations for these games are gone.

ill still come chill and play friendlies though, but **** being good.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Nah, Falco's more diverse than people give him credit for. You just gotta use lasers differently and retreat with lasers instead of camp to build up opportunities. And go ahead and go MK. We need another honestly.

And Andy, your ROB was good enough to beat UTD in friendlies lol

But yeah, I understand man.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Being a spacie is Falco's ultimate downfall although.

Most of the gay stuff that people have on him like Pikachu's 100% chaingrab or zero suit samus' down smash lock is all due to his fall speed.

And I can beat alot of people due to them not knowing how my Falco plays. I try not to be the campy running away shooting lasers into an immediate aerial phantasm and stuff like that. I just try to overwhelm people with Falco...


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yes, that's the best way <_< My entire style is intercept their jump with lasers into anything I want. Don't do chaingrabs to spikes cause everyone friggin DI's it, and just phantasm my *** off and boost pivot a lot. Save bair for kills, fullhop my nairs a lot, and use that to lead to d-smashes. Also, charge f-smashes in people's faces always which I stole from Tom

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
I do chaingrabs to spikes alot, Better than u smashing imo. Nobody ever techs the dair and if they smash DIed toward the stage to avoid the spike they roll inland 90% of the time so easy f smash/dair.

And saving bairs for killing just sounds dumb imo. one of his best damage dealers...

Also I have been wondering this for awhile. Do multi hit moves like Falco's jab or nair refresh your moves however many times they hit? Like if you connect with the 4 hits of his nair does it count 4 moves toward the 10 moves needed to fully refresh the move? :OOO


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
Then you look at his horrible match ups, several 70:30s (kirby, gaw, pikachu, zamus)
Falco is ZSS's worst matchup***.

Kirby isn't 7:3 - I'd say just 6:4.

Same with Gdub. Gdub may be 55:45.

ICs and Pika are Falco's worst matchups. Followed by Kirby and Marth.

This is my opinion but ZSS is nowhere near a bad matchup.

*** I'll even cite my sources: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=203418


I <3 you deezy.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
He just ****ing MLA formatted.

And honestly, the Pikachu chain grab thing <_< I don't think anyone really does it till 100. The most that's happened to me is like 80, and after that Pikachu has no kill moves.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
I was just going off my knowledge and the d smash lock seems to be pretty.... gay.

Still no where near as few bad match ups as the two above him, and people like Marth have very very few bad match ups. And I don't think d3 has many outside of Falco and MK... gaw might have an adv there iunno.

Summing up my post before: I don't think Falco should be as high on the tier lsit as he currently is.

@Yeewilris Nair can kill effectively when it's fresh, and Falco isn't all that heavy. The chain grab can go to like 110% or something like that and combo into a u smash so that puts you at like 120% from one grab....


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Thanks Michael, I'll watch out for that. lol.

Nothing wrong with that Andy, we still love having you around.

The only thing I like about Falco is his laser, but camping with him is a lot harder because shooting them, when they are near you, is dangerous. I like keeping them in the air, or keeping them far away, and then chasing them off the edge with b air.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
heh, the discussion here is better than the lot of the discussions at the falco boards. I agree w/ deezy for the bair and chain grab==> spike thing. it also serves well as a gimp for people like diddy kong and marth. but i suppose ill have to see the rest of the setups that yawara described later.

Honestly i have never seen a pikachu get it to 100. ive done it to falco only to 70%. what i think is that falco's lose their jumps in the earlier %'s so he can't get out in the later ones.

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
He just ****ing MLA formatted.

And honestly, the Pikachu chain grab thing <_< I don't think anyone really does it till 100. The most that's happened to me is like 80, and after that Pikachu has no kill moves.
After you cg to 100, which is very easy to do :), you can finish with usmash. If the falco doesn't di left or right, they will get hit by thunder. Also, Pika can kill effectively with nair, usmash, usmash>thunder, and utilt>thunder. All of these are relatively easy to do after the cg. :)


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
The hell did I type? I was just looking for an excuse not to brush my teeth <_< Is this like coherent?
Rofl. I thought that was a very astute post, though.

The thing I like about Brawl is that I feel like I can just play creatively/intelligently and still win, rather than having to keep up with tech skill this or meta game that quite as much. Though of course, like Yawara said, I'd still have to be wary of certain tricks. That, and it does feel that one can play differently and still do well, which is kind of a redundant thing to say since everyone more or less plays differently.

All this talk is making me want to play Brawl. PowaStar, when are you free this week?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
After you cg to 100, which is very easy to do :), you can finish with usmash. If the falco doesn't di left or right, they will get hit by thunder. Also, Pika can kill effectively with nair, usmash, usmash>thunder, and utilt>thunder. All of these are relatively easy to do after the cg. :)

It is important to consider that many of Falco's bad match ups are against characters who aren't extremely popular/super high on the tier list. For example, Kirby/ICs/Pikas aren't winning a whole lot of tournaments and there doesn't seem to be a ton of really good Kirby/IC/Pika mains (at least in the SW - there are a few, though). Consequently, you aren't going to see a lot of your bad match ups in tournament play as much (excluding Marth which can be counter picked with D3 or MK if that is your style). Falco does fairly well against most of the "S" tier. His problems are in the "A" tier.

Doesn't do bad vs MK, nearly as good as anyone else with a few exceptions. Pretty close to even against Snake. Even(ish) vs Wario. Beats D3 pretty bad and Diddy. Close enough with G&W. He can blow by a lot of low tiers if you know the match up, because the CG coupled with Falco's good move set is devastating for a lot of characters. He has a gimmicky counter pick with Japes. And has one of the best B moves in the game.

I dunno if he is #4 but I think he is probably top 5 material. I don't think Diddy should be as high, honestly. It's only a matter of time before he drops a few spots.

Marth should probably be higher, but his worst matchup is MK. If you don't have much of a shot vs MK then you're going to have a ton of problems getting anywhere in tournaments. Also, I am of the opinion that Marth loses to D3.
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