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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Lol Yawara, do you still have all-nighters to pull for school? Or do you just not want to sleep, for some perverse cause?

Alex's monthlies are going to be the ****, I'm calling it now.

I'd like to play Smash this week, but I'll probably be too busy studying for finals next week for anything more than the occasional bouts with Kevin.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
thanks alex for the props (thats my favorite show haha), and bryan for the props on the tournament. Although in all fairness, Hanson did pick some characters I have never seen him pick.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
lol, Nice job at the tourny, i hope thien doesn't become another pablo and sandbag life.

Honestly speaking I probably wont be able to come to more than 1 or 2 smash fests during the break, my brother and me decided to put all of our effort and time during the break into finishing a trailer for our two games, the main models are finished but I still have to design/texture/animate, about 10 enimies, 34 more weapons, 3 more characters, and about 8 levels or so, I also got to come up with all of the particle affects and the music, and voice actors and everything basically, including finalizing a half decent story, but from what i got so far things are looking pretty good, once I give the models bones and a skeleton so they can move I think i'll have some free time,

Oh yeah speaking of which I might be asking 1 or two of you guys to voice something.

But somewhere in the break Andy we should meet up, I have to make up a lot of hours that i'm missing from being late to work wednsday thursday, so I dont think I can smash then.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
lol, Nice job at the tourny, i hope thien doesn't become another pablo and sandbag life.
Yeah, I almost lost to the characters too. If anybody is curious. Kirby, Luigi, and somebody else who can't be chain thrown. Ill update it if somebody reminds me or if i look at it later.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Hey, next time there's a tournament, don't forget to CALL PO PIMPUS! Whether I'm being emo or not, I'll never get any better without more tourneys under my belt... and Hanson, I'll extend to you the use of Luigi just this once... can't have you winning tourneys with my guy.

Guess I'll just have to pick up Diddy and show you HOW ITS DONE. Yeah, I'm back in the lab trying to cook up some new **** for you punks. The king will have his crown soon...


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Hey, next time there's a tournament, don't forget to CALL PO PIMPUS! Whether I'm being emo or not, I'll never get any better without more tourneys under my belt... and Hanson, I'll extend to you the use of Luigi just this once... can't have you winning tourneys with my guy.

Guess I'll just have to pick up Diddy and show you HOW ITS DONE. Yeah, I'm back in the lab trying to cook up some new **** for you punks. The king will have his crown soon...
This is more like it.

And I might as well pick up Luigi now before you figure out that he absolutely ***** the **** out of Diddy. =)

I'm adding a whole slew of questionable, mid-to-low tier characters to my arsenal over the next few months.

Wanna come play with us today? We got some shop to talk over.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Oh yeah, I'm down for that. Maybe, just maybe I can smoke Marc out of his hole and bring him too. Now, if only Pablo would come back, I could get going on OK's Finest: The Reunion Tour.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
I'd come over if i finished all my math homework, but it looks like it will take me a good 6-8 hours right now, and i'll probably never finish cus i'll run into problems i can solve and there are 124 of them.


Smash Cadet
Aug 7, 2008
lol, Nice job at the tourny, i hope thien doesn't become another pablo and sandbag life.

Honestly speaking I probably wont be able to come to more than 1 or 2 smash fests during the break, my brother and me decided to put all of our effort and time during the break into finishing a trailer for our two games, the main models are finished but I still have to design/texture/animate, about 10 enimies, 34 more weapons, 3 more characters, and about 8 levels or so, I also got to come up with all of the particle affects and the music, and voice actors and everything basically, including finalizing a half decent story, but from what i got so far things are looking pretty good, once I give the models bones and a skeleton so they can move I think i'll have some free time,

Oh yeah speaking of which I might be asking 1 or two of you guys to voice something.

But somewhere in the break Andy we should meet up, I have to make up a lot of hours that i'm missing from being late to work wednsday thursday, so I dont think I can smash then.
hey shade i would love to test drive that so hit me up if its ok?

and i would like to hang out with you and your bro so i can learn that stuff too


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
hey shade i would love to test drive that so hit me up if its ok?

and i would like to hang out with you and your bro so i can learn that stuff too
Thats fine, I'm actually gona give a free test game to the people I personally know that are interested and willing to test it so that i can fix the big problems. But it will be about a year until its completely finished, maybe a year and a half.

I dont mind, I can help you if you want character design and graphic stuff, but If you want to learn programming saijees gona help you there.

Oh yeah, Thanks for editing the song andy, it sounds a lot better, too bad I didn't have many good sounding instruments though.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Thats fine, I'm actually gona give a free test game to the people I personally know that are interested and willing to test it so that i can fix the big problems. But it will be about a year until its completely finished, maybe a year and a half.

I dont mind, I can help you if you want character design and graphic stuff, but If you want to learn programming saijees gona help you there.

Oh yeah, Thanks for editing the song andy, it sounds a lot better, too bad I didn't have many good sounding instruments though.
(pay.$.) thats cool man, can be over there when ever so just hit me up when its cool


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
Dear god!
I've been unable to be on the computer and breakthroughs have been coming from everywhere!
Po picking up Diddy?! Kuni ACTUALLY working on his game!? A new smashfesting venue courtesy of GMo and KP!! And the power rankings are still being discussed... that's not that different.
Brandon, good luck being as wacky as Hanson
I could voice, I just need to know the part before-hand, I'd also be pretty interested in testing...
Where you guys live GMo?

Smashfest this weekend anywhere?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Yes, we most certainly are. I'm updating the OK Power Rankings list tonight, and I want to get you on there ASAP, but we just need to see a little more of you here in the next couple of weeks. This will be the perfect opportunity. Drop us a message here when you're done with school for the semester and we'll work something out.
Break starts on the 17th for me. My friend may have to take a semester test or two though.
Just think of a set date and I can discuss it with him.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma
Im prolly exemp from tests unless im late to first period again from oversleeping, then that would make 3 tardies and that would be 1 unexcused absence so then I would have to take the semester tests. Unless that unfortunately happenes I'll be free another 2 days next week on thursday and friday.

I have been working on my melee game and I think I have gotten much better, and I have just been practicing waveshining alot.

And me thinx that game and watch is really gay :(

Po Pimpus 4 prez 2012.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
pick up snake than? ive heard today he was a g and w counter. and ive found snake to be fun.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma
i already have a half decent snake, but I dont really want to resort to useing him if someone picks game and watch.

I am trying to learn some helpful ways of getting around his lagless attacks with marth.
So far all i have is counter and dolphin slash maybe a well spaced attack.. -_-


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
Deezy as far as I know GaW isn't bad for Marth.

And yo Bass, let's play some wifi matches sometime.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
Paoli Oklahoma
But my marth is bad for game and watch >__> It just annoys me to have a d smash kill me at like 80% and the sweet spot of the hammer is out of my range

and are you srs yawara?

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
But my marth is bad for game and watch >__> It just annoys me to have a d smash kill me at like 80% and the sweet spot of the hammer is out of my range

and are you srs yawara?
I think Yawara is just making fun of me and my 6487 retirements/subsequent comebacks lol.

YD, I think you just need to work on your spacing a bit more with Marth. Maybe try playing a few matches using moves/tactics you don't typically use and see where that gets you. Take it from me, a little creativity and confidence in your ability will take you farther than simple technical skills.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
And yeah, I'm thinking it's due time I stopped playing since it's basically screwed over my grades and all. Plus I gotta travel abroad, so it's more of a might as well.

Thinking it's high time I dropped the sticks and moved on. I'll post reasons why later.
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