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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
so...practice the steak challenge at the Big Texan in Amarillo bout 5 times.

then attempt the burger. bring someone who doesn't drink a lot so they can eat the lettuce (freebie), tomatoes, and all of the bun (that's like 5+ loaves of bread worth).

then you have the other 4 pound out the beef. the hardest part will be not throwing up over all the cheese consumption. after your bread eater rests for an hour, he can pound out beef without cheese, and if your appetites are big enough, score.

yep. hopefully they don't put mayo on it or anything or you're ultra ****ed and no strategy can help unless you're 600 pounds.


Smash Cadet
Aug 7, 2008
OMMFG that last life in the losers fin was out of this world, i thought Le_THieN was going to win!!!!! i just watched that


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
just get a dude to cut the bun into slices, putting some cheese between them, and have bread eater eat them as sandwiches. then pace yourself i guess, or work in shifts.

i think it could be done by several average people given enough planning.

wait, whats the last day of classes?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
So just a funny SWF thing I found out from peeps, apparently like 11 SoCal people got permabanned including good players like Romo and Hugs.

Still want to know what they did.

And last day of classes is in 2 weeks.

And I'm down fro that eating ****. GET ME FOUR CLONES!

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
So just a funny SWF thing I found out from peeps, apparently like 11 SoCal people got permabanned including good players like Romo and Hugs.

Still want to know what they did.

And last day of classes is in 2 weeks.

And I'm down fro that eating ****. GET ME FOUR CLONES!
They posted porn. Very quick way to get yourself permabanned.


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2007
Purcell Oklahoma
Man I need to start going to some tourney's. My parents are super Anti video games for some reason so I'm not allowed to go to tourney's and stuff like that. Maybe someday though cuz online sucks balls.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
So I just realized that Olimar would be the perfect character for me to pick up.

Also, as far as January tournaments go, I think that Final Smash V in San Antonio would be the best option; Georgia is pretty far away, and, as Yawara put it, it would have to be a much grander tournament to make the trip worth it.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
space balls will be at georgia though. and last time i was in the same room as him i learned a lot of new stuff with samus.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
FSV might have m2k coming, and if that works out, then Spaceballs might show up to both just cause it'd automatically attract people.

Plus it's in the middle of break so kids *cough Mang0* might be able to join in too.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Sorry guys, I'm not going to be able to make it to the saturday tournament, I've been ignoring this cus smash is fun for the past few weeks, but at this point in time not taking the time to use saturday to study would be a stupid idea right now. Math just assigned 2 new assignments to the 2 i haven't done yet and i'm getting 2 tomorrow, i REALLY need to catch up and i have my psy final next monday, shes having it early because its not really a final its a normal test but its our last class together so yeah, sorry, I'm out of this one guys, I'm out of practice anyways lol, if it was any other month than this one i'd go. But this math class is a really big important thing for me, ...If I pass this math class, I pass college, but if not then i dont want to imagine what will happen.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i was going to make a new siggy.
oklahoma melee, since we're really just 1 jawsome crew now :D
i was going to put andy, bryan, kuni, norman kids, chris, etc.
just wanted confirmation by those peeps before i put them on the sig so someone's not like "wtf alex i'm not your friend, buddy." so just say if you'd like to be on it so i can put you on it :X
i'll do it during reading week so people have like a week to respond.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Are you just posting characters? If not, make me a heron.

Also, we gotta talk about 1) Dallas 2) San Antonio cause I'm going again.

Chris, Brett are driving to Dallas.

Everyone who wants to go, respond asap so i can get plans drawn up tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
probably characters since...should be easier for layout purposes. if i just have birds and missles and **** lined up in a row with names people will be like "wtf is that?"


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
i found my old sig. and im fine with being in alex's

also, im planning on going to dallas. i get off work at 10, and i think itd be easier for me to drive to norman that night rather than in the morning. so thats what ill do. hopefully someone will hook me up with housing.

SA road trip? ill see what i can do.

also, i guess i need a teammate for dallas? someone step up i guess


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
You can put me in the sig Alex. :) Also as Andy posted, can someone hook me up and probably Paemon too since he wants to go as well, with housing Friday night? I'm afraid I'd oversleep if I stayed at my house and tried to head over to norman saturday morning =\.

Guess I'm driving to Dallas lol...


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Y'all can sleep at my place, I dont care. Just bring stuff cause it's cold, and I don't have blankets for y'all.

And I need the list of kids going now, is it:


If not, tell me!


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
You can put me in the sig Alex. :) Also as Andy posted, can someone hook me up and probably Paemon too since he wants to go as well, with housing Friday night? I'm afraid I'd oversleep if I stayed at my house and tried to head over to norman saturday morning =\.

Guess I'm driving to Dallas lol...
as we discussed the other day i can drive for you if you want.

also, it looks like ill still have my bronco then so we could fit 6 people in there if we just wanted to do that. according to my (rather simple) caluclations unless bretts and chris car average out to over 30 mpg its cheaper to take just one car. and 6 people arent going to fit in either of thier cars.

just throwing that out there.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I'm cool with being in your sig, Alex.

Also, I still plan on going to Dallas. I just need some Melee practice since I've been playing nothing but Brawl for the last few weeks lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Just talked to Brett, he might not show so the OK crew might be:


Chris, call Po ASAP.

And you guys are free to come over after 4:30.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Well, boys, go ahead and scratch me off that list for Dallas, because I ain't going. I'm all washed up...

In all honesty, the last few weeks (and tournaments) have been really disappointing for me. I'm not playing at a high enough level these days to keep up with the rest of you, and in all honesty, I'd just be wasting mine and all of your time by going and placing 30th in a 32-man tournament.

When you look at it, what have I really accomplished for all of my effort? Sure, I know how to keep a team rallied, but that's it. I'm not a game-changer, not a clutch player, not ANYTHING. I'm just kind of... THERE. At the end of the day, it's always going to be Chris, Kuni, Brett, Alex, Yawara, Bryan, and Andy(in Melee), then Josh, Hanson, Chris, and whoever (in Brawl) doing all the amazing stuff, while Brandon never even makes it out of pools. I can't even place decently in my own **** state, I'm not going to go all the way to Texas just to get owned for the 8000th time.

Bottom line: Until I start playing better, and actually BEAT some people(none of this 'almost won' crap...), I'm not going anywhere, literally.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
You do realize the easiest way to get better is to play people . . .

<_< Just saying.

Kind of like what happened to everyone after Kansas?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
Speaking of better players, when is the next smashfest? I'm trying to get you dudes on my level...

And I have an announcement: My partner KP and I will be taking our relationship to the next level. We shall be living together. We both have TVs and consequently we will have a dedicated Brawl TV and a bigscreen with Brawl capabilities. Expect early Janurary smashfests at the new apt when Hanson's place can't host or wants a break. That is all.

Not gay.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
In my honest opinion po, i think you should drop luigi, in both melee and brawl, i think i feel that when you play you see openings that you could take advantage of if you had more range/speed/ whatever but your character doesn't have the ability to do anything about it so you rush in when your character has the chance, and in brawl i find that unless your metaknight/Hanson's didy, the offensive player usually just ends up taking damage.

I would say you should stop practicing the games and consider the games you play as just matches, for you to experiment on and test the characters that really match what you like to do. I no longer practice melee, and i'm not going to, my practice is essentially when ever i go to a smashfest and play matches for fun. I think you should move on from melee and go to brawl, but don't sit their and practice by yourself, the competition for melee is insane now and only the few that really really love the game are playing it anymore, a half witted player that doesnt even have confidence in himself isn't going to win. Though you have to admit the road trip in itself is pretty fun even with out smash.

I know how you feel though believe it or not, I only made it out of pools to loose my first match to ninjalink who is a diddy i feel less than hanson's, I might have gotten out of pools but i lost a bunch of match ups i didn't think i was to non metaknights so i have no excuse, i lost every match at that tournament outside of pools, both in teams winners and loosers, and singles winners and loosers match, and got ***** in crews to by someone i thought i could get at least 2 stock of and now bryan's mk is owning the field and i can't beat him at all with any character i can't use mk either cus one he looks like an evil ball with a sword and balls with those aren't cool, and i get three stocked by bryan in mk dittos, i just can't use him, but i cant beat mk with any of my three characters at the moment, so i have come to a kinda state of giving in to mk, and i feel really down now cus its so frustrating when i fight a war to create an opening to give him damage and as soon as i do he gives it right back tenfold and twice as fast with what seems like effortless exploitation of the lag i have from the attack i used to hit him. But that doesnt mean i'm done playing you know? I can still fight when i have given up, i'll try different things until i find something that works in the smashfests, it might take weeks or months but someday i'll find an answer. So don't worry your not the only one feeling out of it po.

Cool gmo, if you need any help, tips or practice gmo your welcome to stop by almost anytime, i can't help you like hanson or other really good players but i can help you see the fight the way i do and how i go about attacking and defending.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2006
Edmond, Ok
Po can't drop luigi that like Batman without Robin or Smokey without the Bandit it...its just wrong


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
In my honest opinion po, i think you should drop luigi, in both melee and brawl, i think i feel that when you play you see openings that you could take advantage of if you had more range/speed/ whatever but your character doesn't have the ability to do anything about it so you rush in when your character has the chance, and in brawl i find that unless your metaknight/Hanson's didy, the offensive player usually just ends up taking damage.

I would say you should stop practicing the games and consider the games you play as just matches, for you to experiment on and test the characters that really match what you like to do. I no longer practice melee, and i'm not going to, my practice is essentially when ever i go to a smashfest and play matches for fun. I think you should move on from melee and go to brawl, but don't sit their and practice by yourself, the competition for melee is insane now and only the few that really really love the game are playing it anymore, a half witted player that doesnt even have confidence in himself isn't going to win. Though you have to admit the road trip in itself is pretty fun even with out smash.

I know how you feel though believe it or not, I only made it out of pools to loose my first match to ninjalink who is a diddy i feel less than hanson's, I might have gotten out of pools but i lost a bunch of match ups i didn't think i was to non metaknights so i have no excuse, i lost every match at that tournament outside of pools, both in teams winners and loosers, and singles winners and loosers match, and got ***** in crews to by someone i thought i could get at least 2 stock of and now bryan's mk is owning the field and i can't beat him at all with any character i can't use mk either cus one he looks like an evil ball with a sword and balls with those aren't cool, and i get three stocked by bryan in mk dittos, i just can't use him, but i cant beat mk with any of my three characters at the moment, so i have come to a kinda state of giving in to mk, and i feel really down now cus its so frustrating when i fight a war to create an opening to give him damage and as soon as i do he gives it right back tenfold and twice as fast with what seems like effortless exploitation of the lag i have from the attack i used to hit him. But that doesnt mean i'm done playing you know? I can still fight when i have given up, i'll try different things until i find something that works in the smashfests, it might take weeks or months but someday i'll find an answer. So don't worry your not the only one feeling out of it po.

Cool gmo, if you need any help, tips or practice gmo your welcome to stop by almost anytime, i can't help you like hanson or other really good players but i can help you see the fight the way i do and how i go about attacking and defending.
What do u mean by this?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2008
Norman, OK
I think he meant (Royal) Nynja. I don't think you've ever had a chance to play Shade (considering how far NY is from OK).

Po maybe you should pursue your D3.

And yeah, Kuni we should play s'more, our Ike v Dk matches are epic plus you helped my Falco out a lot.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
i'm pretty sure the diddy that beat me was ninja link, it had ninja in the name i could be wrong. But i meant like I don't feel as much pressure as I do when i play hansons diddy. Sorry if that sounded offensive dude, you are no doubt the better player between the two of us i just feel I feel I slip alot more whenever hanson plays against me.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
I would never totally drop Weegee, but I do recognize the need to pick up some backup characters, especially in Brawl... The main problem stems from the fact that my playstyle just isn't as effective as it once was. As Yawara has pointed out to me, I'm just too old-school. I don't do ridiculous technical **** because I never learned how, and don't have any intention of doing so, and that limits how effective I can be on the offensive. As such, when I play, I have be ten times more tricky and solid than my opponent.

Whereas Yawara can triple-stomp me into a double-knee followed by a moonwalked b-air edgeguard, I'm limited to dodge, jab, grab then throw into wavetilt followed by hoping and praying he doesn't DI too far away because if he does, my intended jump off and d-air edgeguard is going to end up with me getting gimped for trying it. Nine times out of ten, he does DI far enough away to punish my follow-up, and I'm already down a stock. I can go on and list a dozen more situations like this where if I screw up or guess wrong, I die.

Yeah, you can argue that will happen against anyone good, but the point of all that was to illustrate that without wicked, almost clairvoyant mindgaming and setup, I WILL lose a good 90% of my matches simply because I play at a different speed than most because of the technical limitations my hands present me. I have to read almost EVERY possibility, EVERY outcome, and then in the 0.00648 seconds I have before I get comboed zero-to-death, make a decision on what to do, and hope to heaven I guessed right. Sometimes I get it right, and look like a Luigi genius, usually, I don't, and wind up with yet another mark in the 'Loss' column.

The almost ridiculous amount of pressure I put on myself to win despite what all the hitboxes, priority, range, and gimp kills tell me doesn't help all that much, either. I suppose I should lighten up, and just go with the flow like I did in the old days, but now, with everyone around me achieving greater and greater success with their characters of choice, being 'the fun-loving Luigi guy' isn't cutting it anymore. You guys DESERVE a better caliber of player traveling with you and participating in crews, teams, and all that fun stuff.

Oklahoma deserves a WIN against its rivals, and its not fair to guys like Chris when I struggle to even make it out of pools, much less take the pressure off of them to pull big wins against other great players. It's not fair to you guys for me to keep bringing up the rear when you're all crushing people I can barely take a stock off of.

I'm tired of being OK's Krillin. I don't need to be its Goku, hell, I don't even need to be its Gohan or Vegeta, but I'd at least like to be on a Piccolo-like level...
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