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Official Wolf Discussion Thread [Updated March 22, 2008]


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dear Wolf boards,

Hello and welcome to the Official Wolf Discussion Thread. Brawl has finally reached American shores and it has become Nintendo's fastest selling game ever (1.4 million units in one week). Pretty impressive. Now that everyone has Brawl they are asking questions, giving answers, and sharing opinions; it is no longer restricted to the select few who imported.

With that out of the way, I hope this thread to be the ultimate resource book/guide for all you Wolf players out there (or anyone else passing by, for that matter). This thread shall serve as the official thread of all the official threads if you will.

Feel free to discuss anything Wolf related and happy browsing!

Official Threads

Official Wolf Video Thread Ver. 2.0
Official Wolf Stage Discussion Thread
Official Wolf Picture Thread
Official Wolf O'Donnell Support Thread: Home of the Star Wolf Squadron!

Recommend Official Threads

Official Wolf Easter Egg Thread (Or Misc./Could combine this and the picture thread)
Official Wolf Guide
Official Wolf Character Match-Ups

Please share your opinions on all things Wolf and the official threads (especially this one).



Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Eh, go to the R.O.B forum >.> He's the reason your favorite character isn't in the game *cough*

So who's gonna main Wolf? I know I am. This game, I'm going to work my hardest to be the best Wolf player in America. I hope to be like Ken is to Marth. You hear Marth and you think Ken, I want it to be like that.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007
Cranbrook, Canada
I really just don't see why they had to go and add wolf, he just doesn't seem deserving to me and don't blaim R.O.B, it's always good to have a WTF character


Smash Lord
Oct 5, 2007
so let me get this straight. We have a no sword Ganon, a falco, a wolf, but no ridley or dark samus? Gonna kill sakurai now
Shut up and stop being spoiled. Sakurai could've made the game Japan Only, or cancel the game all together. Which would've been better? For US not to get the game, or to have a 35 character roster?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
I'm so sick of all the idiots. Starfox deserves a villain represented and I'm glad he made the cut.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Im Easily going to main Wolf and Fox... Im so happy that he is in the game...

Does he have a role in SSE?


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Well I've come to offer my (preemptive?) congratz to all of the Starwolf Squadron. I'm sure the rest of TRS feel the same, even if they wont admit it yet. ;)

Too bad both Wolf and Krystal couldn't get in huh?
Anyway rejoice all the same, a little over a month till Brawl!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Hellz yeah one of my most wanted characters is in brawl, WOLF!!

Im so freakin happy, and he looks SICK with those claws...


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
AGH, the mods closed the Home of the Star Wolf Squadron... Sigh.

Well, this thread'll do. And thus I, Patinator, co-founder of the SWS, begins discussion mode...

I hear Wolf is a modified Fox clone, like Falco. Is this true?

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
So, like, it wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a slap in the face if they had, oh I don't know, put EFFORT into making him UNIQUE. He has HOW many bloody weapons at his disposal from Assault? Yet neither he nor Wolf were allowed access to these items. Gimme a Cracker Launcher or something fun. He didn't have to be another pseudo-clone of Fox. Wolf doesn't even OWN a Landmaster for frick's sake. There IS NOT a "Star Wolf Landmaster" in Assault or anything!

I can name a half dozen characters that would have atleast been unique. Krystal being one of them. However instead of unique characters, we get pseudo clones of Lucas (or Ness, depending on how you wanna look at it), Link, Captain Falcon AGAIN, Fox, Mario, and Ike. They still play differently in a way, but they're not full characters like the game should have. For as long as they had to work on it, they should have had a few more unique characters added. Or for f***'s sake, atleast added in unique final smashes THAT MAKE SENSE for the character!!!!

I don't care about ROB. Looking at things as a whole, atleast he makes sense. But what I cannot excuse is all these clones that have the same bloody final smash. FS's should be making the character unique, not the opposite. Thank god we don't have Warlock Cars. :<

My main: Lucario. I always liked Mewtwo but hated how slow he was. Lucario seems to play similarly but be faster.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2002
The Darkness in all our Hearts
This day is bitter sweet for me. While I , like Patinator, am a founder of the Star Wolf Squadron, I did not ask for this. Wolf has the potential to be a very unqiue character, completely different from Fox and Falco, and yet we is not. It is great to see Wolf join the evil guys like Bowser, Ganondorf, Wario, and King Dedede, but his clone aspects have made him dull. Some may question my loyalty to Wolf after this post, and you have ever right to do so. But in my defense, I supported Wolf O'Donnell as a character that would hopefully bring something new to Brawl. I feel that the designers, whoever they are, grew lazy and unimaginative in their work, and thus we get the Wolf we know today. Perhaps there are good reasons for why Wolf is the way he is, but I'll never know them.

Will I cancel my plans to purchase Super Smash Brothers Brawl? No. Will I moan about every character because they are not my personal favorites? No. Do I think the character choices could have bee better? Yes. Does the game play look outstanding? Yes. Is the fact that Wolf even made Brawl at all awesome? Yes sir, it is.

And the big question: Will I not use Wolf because he isn't all I desired him to be? Of course I'll be using him. A starving man will eat the food before him even if he doesn't like the taste.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
*Grabs Smash Ball*


Falco: Since when did you have a Landmaster?
Wolf: Ever since Nintendo started marketing it as the new H4 Hummer. Gas Guzzlers are the new fad in the Lylat system.

The Terminator has joined the fray!

Schwarzenegger: Yarrggh!! I see you have new H4 Hummer too! We must go out and cause global warming at Icicle Mountain Summit! Yaarrggh!!
Wolf: What?! Falco! What does the scouter say about his power level?!
Falco: It's over NINE-THOUSAND!!! *Breaks scouter in wing-hand-thing*
Schwarzenegger: Come on! Yarrggh!! We must go to Icicle Mountain! Yarrggh!!
Falco: **** it all, Sakurai. Why didn't you give me a hybrid!

-- Moments later at Icicle Mountain Summit --

???: You got a tank too?!
Wolf: Nana, Popo! What the freaking hell! When the hell did everyone get tanks?!
Nana + Popo: We got Icemaster Tanks over at the Nintendo dealership! Look we even got ice treads for traction in ice! And it's in a light blue color!
Falco: Okay, this is getting rediculous. It's bad enough that me and Fox both have Landmasters. *Calls Fox*

-- Meanwhile over at Mute City --

Fox: I know! I was going to go ruin the big race over at Mute City, but everyone at the race has f*cking tanks!
C. Falcon: YES! I will win with my superior testosterone hormone levels and with my new Falconmaster Tank! Hoo! Hah!
Background Voice: Yarrggh! Do a barrel roll! Ya!
Background Voice: Yarrggh! We fall down! No! I mean, Yarrggh!
Fox: Falco! What happened!

-- Over at Icicle Mountain Summit --

Falco: Sweet baby jesus! Global warming is happening a lot faster than expected! It must be that we have 5 freaking tanks at the summit!
Faint Echo of Al Gore in the Background: I told you I was super serial!
Schwarzenegger: Yarrggh!! Vee vill be terminated in the process!

-- Upon hitting the ocean --

Toon Link: *Fishing for big fish*
Falco: What!? You got a water tank?
Toon Link: Yeah, except mine's the Seamaster Tank model. I like the green color.

I felt compelled to write this parody because I hate having triple clones for the whole cast of StarFox characters. This dialogue attacks the monotony of clones and Final Smashes which aren't unique for every character. The central problem of global warming in the dialogue mirrors the problems in Brawl's use of clones, despite them working differently.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
This day is bitter sweet for me. While I , like Patinator, am a founder of the Star Wolf Squadron, I did not ask for this. Wolf has the potential to be a very unqiue character, completely different from Fox and Falco, and yet we is not. It is great to see Wolf join the evil guys like Bowser, Ganondorf, Wario, and King Dedede, but his clone aspects have made him dull. Some may question my loyalty to Wolf after this post, and you have ever right to do so. But in my defense, I supported Wolf O'Donnell as a character that would hopefully bring something new to Brawl. I feel that the designers, whoever they are, grew lazy and unimaginative in their work, and thus we get the Wolf we know today. Perhaps there are good reasons for why Wolf is the way he is, but I'll never know them.

Will I cancel my plans to purchase Super Smash Brothers Brawl? No. Will I moan about every character because they are not my personal favorites? No. Do I think the character choices could have bee better? Yes. Does the game play look outstanding? Yes. Is the fact that Wolf even made Brawl at all awesome? Yes sir, it is.

And the big question: Will I not use Wolf because he isn't all I desired him to be? Of course I'll be using him. A starving man will eat the food before him even if he doesn't like the taste.
^i fell the exact same way...

i think that wolf only has 5 moves of fox's including the FS


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
Claws? i still thinked that grabs would be better, obiously , uber grabs...

but well he is in the only think about the 35 roster that made me actually happy... and doesn't seem to be too cloned... (althought... it's a jetpack what i'm seeing in his back!? Ò.Ò? i hope not) i haven't seen his special moves, yet, so i will not say anything about that...

anyway... first i didin't like much the look of fox in brawl... but now i think that the 3 space animals have the best looks of theri lifes (I hope they mantain them for future starfox games)

and PD: sorry for the krystal fans... i mean, I know how you feel (Ridley and Mewtwo.. specially Mewtwo..) and for bad news.. it seems that krystal isn't even an AT, it's a cameo transmission in lyat cruise... what an horrible fate.. sorry guys


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
Ok, Wolf is in. {insert celebratory things here}

I have examined what little gameplay footage we have so far.

the standard special B move is some kind of blaster. from what I can tell, its an exaggerated Falco blaster, slower, more powerful, and with longer stun. It can be seen strapped to Wolf's back on this image:

the Up B move looks like a ridiculously fast electrical version of the Fire Fox with extremely little start-up lag. It drags the opponent and knocks him/her away at the end of the move (or it could be the 2nd jump of Pit, I can't tell)

What appears to be the Side B is some sort of quick lunge. I haven't seen it very much, but from what I can tell, it hits pretty hard. although there is little knockback, the opponent appeared to be stunned.

I could not make out anything that could be a Down B attack.

As for Standard A attacks:
although the footage was quite blurry, I could see that only the most basic of attacks were copied from Fox such as his neutral air, it seems to me that they took the Fox character template, changed it as much as possible. What I can see for sure is that Wolf's up air is some kind of devastating uppercut with huge knockback (Wolf did not flip over like Fox does). What only I may find creepy is how Wolf's Up Smash is exactly as I had envisioned as can be seen in my old Wolf moveset from back in July or August:
A/\: Wolf Flips backward to be upside down with his hands on the ground and body crouched tight like a coiled spring while charging, upon release, Wolf’s entire body straitens out delivering a mighty double footed kick sending the opponent skyward. With the kick’s momentum Wolf flips himself back on his feet.
see: Wolf support thread, chaos_Leader's moveset (I'd post a link, but it's being s.....l..o.w)

In conclusion: From what I can tell. They may look similar, they may have some aspects in common but they operate on completely different principles. (much like their respective characters). Wolf is about as much a clone of Fox as Ike is a clone of Marth.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Sigh. Well... Semi-clone is good enough. I'll still buy the game. But Wolf should have a WOLFEN FOR HIS FINAL SMASH, DAMMIT!


Now that that's out of my system... Chaos, that IS weird.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
and PD: sorry for the krystal fans... i mean, I know how you feel (Ridley and Mewtwo.. specially Mewtwo..) and for bad news.. it seems that krystal isn't even an AT, it's a cameo transmission in lyat cruise... what an horrible fate.. sorry guys
Apparently Waluigi outranked Krystal. Now that is degrading. :( At least you're better-off than Isaac fans. I haven't seen a single reference to Golden Sun.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2004
Is it proven that the Landmaster is his Final Smash? I still think it looks photoshopped. Not to say I would mind it, but I just find the picture looks similar to the one with Falco's FS.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Yes, there are more pics of the Wolfenmaster(ssounds better than landmaster).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2006
Prof Town
So I guess you guys all know his entire moveset. That's cool. I don't. Mind posting it?


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Wolf is going to be my second main after Lucas!

So far, we've seen that he's much less of a clone than Falco! At any rate, his A moves all look quite different and his B attacks have their own special properties.

Up B = looks like a jetpack blast. Best recovery move out of any of the Starfox characters. It combos all the way to the tip and has hardly any startup time. This will probably be a very often used attack for Wolf players.

Forward B = Wolf illusion. It's different from Falco and Fox illusion in that it travels upwards at a slight angle. Should be great for use as an aerial attacking move.

B = blaster is different from Fox or Falco. The beam itself behaves more like ZSS's stun gun. Due to the speed which it travels at, this projectile may be useful for covering and allowing Wolf room to move in on a target, especially if it can be shorthop spammed.

Down B = Reflector? It seems to have a sort of "blade" on either side of Wolf. This reflector will probably hit a lot harder than Fox or Falco's, but there aren't any pictures of it being used for offensive purposes yet.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well I've come to offer my (preemptive?) congratz to all of the Starwolf Squadron. I'm sure the rest of TRS feel the same, even if they wont admit it yet. ;)

Too bad both Wolf and Krystal couldn't get in huh?
Anyway rejoice all the same, a little over a month till Brawl!
Not for me! Importing games for the win, and I will be sure to share every bit of information about Wolf that I can muster up as soon as I unlock him to share with everyone. I'm very happy he is in the game, albeit not entirely original.

AGH, the mods closed the Home of the Star Wolf Squadron... Sigh.

Well, this thread'll do. And thus I, Patinator, co-founder of the SWS, begins discussion mode...

I hear Wolf is a modified Fox clone, like Falco. Is this true?
On that note, do you think you could send me a PM telling me what I have to do to join the Star Wolf Squadron? I'd really like to do that...

As for Wolf being a modified Fox clone, I think it went something like this:
Development team - Let's add Wolf O'Donnell and make him completely original from Fox and Falco!

Sakurai - Not so fast, development team!

Evil clone development team - Sakurai has ordered us to take you down

Okay, I'm done with the altered 64 quotes >.> despite how fun they are.

This day is bitter sweet for me. While I , like Patinator, am a founder of the Star Wolf Squadron, I did not ask for this. Wolf has the potential to be a very unqiue character, completely different from Fox and Falco, and yet we is not. It is great to see Wolf join the evil guys like Bowser, Ganondorf, Wario, and King Dedede, but his clone aspects have made him dull. Some may question my loyalty to Wolf after this post, and you have ever right to do so. But in my defense, I supported Wolf O'Donnell as a character that would hopefully bring something new to Brawl. I feel that the designers, whoever they are, grew lazy and unimaginative in their work, and thus we get the Wolf we know today. Perhaps there are good reasons for why Wolf is the way he is, but I'll never know them.

Will I cancel my plans to purchase Super Smash Brothers Brawl? No. Will I moan about every character because they are not my personal favorites? No. Do I think the character choices could have bee better? Yes. Does the game play look outstanding? Yes. Is the fact that Wolf even made Brawl at all awesome? Yes sir, it is.

And the big question: Will I not use Wolf because he isn't all I desired him to be? Of course I'll be using him. A starving man will eat the food before him even if he doesn't like the taste.
I don't think I could really agree with you more.

This whole bashing on the roster for very basic reasons is a little ridiculous. Yes, it's not what you expected, but perphaps you expected too much? Smash has enough content to make at least three games in and of themselves, music for 30+ games, and an epic RPG written by the man who wrote Final Fantasy 7, the best selling RPG (unless I'm mistaken) to date still. Come on. We have to face the facts, so don't try to be so negative.

I guess that is easy for me to say as Wolf is the only character I really, REALLY wanted in. However, looked what has happened? I feel they've somewhat butchered him. A recolored landmaster? Do you know how EMBARASSING that is? Star Fox is my favorite franchise of ALL TIME. I can quote Star Fox 64 nearly word for word, more fanyboyism, *insert nerd nonsense here*, etc. I'm very saddened by this... but am I any less happy that my favorite character is in? No. You bet your *** I'll still play as him, and over time we'll more or less forget about the little stuff (except every time you use his Final Smash... THREE LANDMASTERS?! JESUS CHRIST SAKURAI! I'm surprised he didn't recolor Mario's FS and give it to Luigi).

*Grabs Smash Ball*


Falco: Since when did you have a Landmaster?
Wolf: Ever since Nintendo started marketing it as the new H4 Hummer. Gas Guzzlers are the new fad in the Lylat system.

The Terminator has joined the fray!

Schwarzenegger: Yarrggh!! I see you have new H4 Hummer too! We must go out and cause global warming at Icicle Mountain Summit! Yaarrggh!!
Wolf: What?! Falco! What does the scouter say about his power level?!
Falco: It's over NINE-THOUSAND!!! *Breaks scouter in wing-hand-thing*
Schwarzenegger: Come on! Yarrggh!! We must go to Icicle Mountain! Yarrggh!!
Falco: **** it all, Sakurai. Why didn't you give me a hybrid!

-- Moments later at Icicle Mountain Summit --

???: You got a tank too?!
Wolf: Nana, Popo! What the freaking hell! When the hell did everyone get tanks?!
Nana + Popo: We got Icemaster Tanks over at the Nintendo dealership! Look we even got ice treads for traction in ice! And it's in a light blue color!
Falco: Okay, this is getting rediculous. It's bad enough that me and Fox both have Landmasters. *Calls Fox*

-- Meanwhile over at Mute City --

Fox: I know! I was going to go ruin the big race over at Mute City, but everyone at the race has f*cking tanks!
C. Falcon: YES! I will win with my superior testosterone hormone levels and with my new Falconmaster Tank! Hoo! Hah!
Background Voice: Yarrggh! Do a barrel roll! Ya!
Background Voice: Yarrggh! We fall down! No! I mean, Yarrggh!
Fox: Falco! What happened!

-- Over at Icicle Mountain Summit --

Falco: Sweet baby jesus! Global warming is happening a lot faster than expected! It must be that we have 5 freaking tanks at the summit!
Faint Echo of Al Gore in the Background: I told you I was super serial!
Schwarzenegger: Yarrggh!! Vee vill be terminated in the process!

-- Upon hitting the ocean --

Toon Link: *Fishing for big fish*
Falco: What!? You got a water tank?
Toon Link: Yeah, except mine's the Seamaster Tank model. I like the green color.

I felt compelled to write this parody because I hate having triple clones for the whole cast of StarFox characters. This dialogue attacks the monotony of clones and Final Smashes which aren't unique for every character. The central problem of global warming in the dialogue mirrors the problems in Brawl's use of clones, despite them working differently.
Thank you... it only begins to express my anger that all characters in the Star Fox franchise have Landmasters... made it as though it were the last game my ***. Might as well have made Gigamario, Gigapeach, and Gigaluigi, and bongo playing Diddy. *sighs*

I'm just glad Wolf made it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
In conclusion: From what I can tell. They may look similar, they may have some aspects in common but they operate on completely different principles. (much like their respective characters). Wolf is about as much a clone of Fox as Ike is a clone of Marth.
That's a load of bull. Ike is a completely original character. Ike is in no way shape or form a clone of Marth, and neither Marth a clone of Ike.

Aether =/= Dolphin Slasher
Eruption =/= Shield Breaker
Quick Draw =/= Dancing Blade
Counter = Counter
Great Aether =/= Critical Hit

Not to mention that Ike's broadsword style fighting completely differs from Marth's style. For example, Ike's Up Smash is a complete slashing arc with the blade arcing from infront of his body to behind it. Marth's is still the upwards stab. Ike's Eruption is a downward stab into the stage and the resulting flame splash damage is the attack. Marth's Shield Breaker is a direct stab into the opponent.

Wolf on the other hand is a Luigified clone of Fox. He's... Still a clone. Wolf A-Set is similar in many aspects, and has many similar B-Moves. Not to mention every StarFox series character has Landmaster for their Final Smash.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
I'm glad to see he made it, about time Star Fox got a villain. Feel sorry for Krystal fans though, I think she would've made an interesting character.
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