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Official Wolf Discussion Thread [Updated March 22, 2008]


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Thanks for that, Kash. Is Wolf actually SLOW, like Ike, Bowser, or Ganondorf slow, slow compared to people like Pikachu or Fox, like Mario, or slow compared to Sonic, like... Anyone, LOL.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
i'm glad he's slow. he needs some disadvantages after all.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2008
Wolf is pretty average. Relative to Fox and Wolf, I couldn't really say, but I'll try and give some generaltions.

Wolf is slow... travel slow. His moves, almost all of them, come out fast. Very fast. They also have slightly above average power to them, interesting hitboxes, etc. Though, about half of his moves have pretty bad ending lag, but most have very nice range to them.

So in terms of moving speed, slow, but in terms of attacks = good range, fast, and decent power
Pretty well balanced.

Falco plays entirely differently, but he is very good still it seems. I could go into him but I don't think it is necessary... his jab is amazing, though. Fox I have played very little despite wanting to use him as a top used character, I just find him surprisingly uninteresting.

I think in terms of the Star Fox characters
1. Wolf
2. Falco
3. Fox

Falco could potentially replace Wolf, but right now it seems to me Wolf holds the number one best Star Fox character spot so far.
Really? I thought it would be opposite after hearing that Wolf's travel speed is slower, but you're probably right. Other people are saying that Pit could be the new "Fox"(now Wolf) for brawl, who do you think has the advantage there?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
To those who know who I am or are familiar with my melee career, you'd know I mained Link for 7 long long years. 7 Long years I stuck with my main through the ups and the downs regardless of tiers. Picking up brawl, I found Link plays exactly the same fu**ing way he did in melee and I couldn't be more bored with him. I do not want to waste the coming years doing the same sh** I did in melee for so long. With that said, I'd like to announce that I'm officially dropping Link for good and he won't be coming back. I have no idea where Wolf will land on the tier list, but he was instantly my favorite character in brawl, and the one that suits my style the best. Long story short, I've been playing nothing but Wolf all day and night and am now a 100% Wolf main. There's only room for one big bad Wolf, the race is over.

You used Falco too lol
So much for "regardless of tiers".


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Trujillo Alto ,Puerto Rico
To those who know who I am or are familiar with my melee career, you'd know I mained Link for 7 long long years. 7 Long years I stuck with my main through the ups and the downs regardless of tiers. Picking up brawl, I found Link plays exactly the same fu**ing way he did in melee and I couldn't be more bored with him. I do not want to waste the coming years doing the same sh** I did in melee for so long. With that said, I'd like to announce that I'm officially dropping Link for good and he won't be coming back. I have no idea where Wolf will land on the tier list, but he was instantly my favorite character in brawl, and the one that suits my style the best. Long story short, I've been playing nothing but Wolf all day and night and am now a 100% Wolf main. There's only room for one big bad Wolf, the race is over.

man ....that really got me down but i as a link mainer will respect your new change , i really loved your fighting style as link on melee and it inspired me to get better and for that i thank you . even though you quit maining link i hope that one day ill be able to play against you on brawl , I salute you and godspeed germ all link mainers will always remember your legacy


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2005
Glendale, CA
Dude ever since I saw wolf I knew that I was going to main as him. BUt i still have some concerns regarding Wolf's inclusion in the U.S. version of the game, I have heard many rumors that him and ROB might not be in.. this would suck -_-


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
Dude ever since I saw wolf I knew that I was going to main as him. BUt i still have some concerns regarding Wolf's inclusion in the U.S. version of the game, I have heard many rumors that him and ROB might not be in.. this would suck -_-
R.O.B. is
the Ancient Minister
, so I can assure you, he won't be excluded.

Also, if both Marth and Roy were in the USA version of Melee, and they're Japan only characters, why exclude two characters who're known in USA?


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
To be honest, I wasn't planning to pick this game up and get a Wii until I saw Wolf being confirmed.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Seriously? That's pretty hardcore Ookami.

I told myself years before Brawl was announced that if Wolf was ever in the next Smash game, I would main him no matter what.

...Hey guys :)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Can't let you do that, Wolf board.

That is... let the very first Wolf thread created die. When I return home I'm OVERHAULING the first post with things from all the official threads (including links).

Bump for great officla justice.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
So, let's spark some conversation here, shall we?

1. How do you think Wolf fares as far as tiers are concerned?

2. How many people have used Wolf in tournaments and how far have they gotten?

Honestly, I see Wolf being no less than middle tier, but probably high. However, I think he has some deficits that may stop him from being top, such as recovery. However, that didn't stop Star Fox in Melee, so I don't see why it should stop Star Wolf in Brawl, either. I think Star Fox franchise is just plain out top tier for life :p

I got 9th with Wolf in singles (though I used Olimar to, which is actually why I lost in the losers bracket) and 2nd in teams with Donkey Kong as my partner. Not bad, IMO.

Also, how do you think Wolf fares against Snake?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
The farthest I've made is the finals in a couple of little online tourneys. As far as tiers are concerned, I don't think he'll be as good as a lot of people think now. All the noobs will stop playing him and pick up a new character and play them right. As for me I'm sticking with wolf no matter what the tiers say. As for snake, him and rob give me the most trouble. When that happens I switch out to tl (for some reason he seems to kill both of them.)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ha ha. Amen there, letterbomb. I remember back in the day playing Melee that I told myself, perhaps two-three years before Melee's death and Brawl's release (at least two years before its announcement), that Wolf O' Donnell should be in the next Smash brothers game, and if he is, I will main him no matter what.

If he is bottom tier, so be it. I'll rep bottom tier. If God tier, more power to me and him. Gotta bring the most bad *** character in the game some rep B)

I played Doctor Mario from the moment I unlocked him 'til the death of Melee, so if I can do that with a character I've never even heard of I think I can do that with a character I adore.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Ha ha. Amen there, letterbomb. I remember back in the day playing Melee that I told myself, perhaps two-three years before Melee's death and Brawl's release (at least two years before its announcement), that Wolf O' Donnell should be in the next Smash brothers game, and if he is, I will main him no matter what.

If he is bottom tier, so be it. I'll rep bottom tier. If God tier, more power to me and him. Gotta bring the most bad *** character in the game some rep B)

I played Doctor Mario from the moment I unlocked him 'til the death of Melee, so if I can do that with a character I've never even heard of I think I can do that with a character I adore.
Man, I mained Doc mario too. I never played melee competitively but he was the best.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ha ha! Dude, right on. Doctor Mario for life.

I think if I can work with Doc I can work with Wolf. I am so happy I don't have to deal with ****ty range anymore. Wolf has some great spacing.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Well, I think Wolf will be high tier, I'd be shocked if he wasn't truthfully. Tons of killing power, decent speed, decent jump, cant argue. I've had a few problems with Snake but nothing too troubling. You just have to keep the fight on the ground and watch out for Nade drops. As far as tourneys go, I got to the semi finals of Smash the Limit last week, then got eliminated by a crazy good DK player. Curse you DK and your mile long tilts. >.>


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

I KNOW! My friend mains DK and even his up tilt ***** me when I'm on the ground trying to dtilt or ftilt or something. Not to mention his grab range is deceptively long. I'm like "OMG!"

It also especially irritates me because Wolf Wall isn't as effective against him as most other characters. Donkey Kong has a long grab so it takes a perfectly spaced Bair to avoid a shield grab and not to mention his tilts are ridiculous AND he can double short hop bair. I've found my matches often turn into bair-off contests.

And Snake is a tough match up, but it can be done. And on that note, you want Snake in the air, not the ground. If he is on the ground he ***** you.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Really? Snake's air game is strong and has priority like hell. The only thing about it is it's extremely slow. Best thing about playing a snake is his recovery. Slow and more or less upward trajectory. Bairs, spike whatever that's when you have the advantage.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Hmm, Im not too sure, I've always done well against Snake when he's on the ground. I guess I've yet to play a good snake then :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
I've played some of the top DK players around and haven't reall struggled with em much. He's so tall its very easy to wolf wall him, and if you avoid the very slow smashes its hard for him to kill you. His heavy wieght makes for easy AAA to ftilt combos or other similiar ones. Being able to sidestep his moves as they are all slow will be fairly easy and make punishing him very easy.

I wouldn't put wolf at god tier, mostly due to his troubles against WoP's off the stage. Some of the top aerialists will also give Wolf lots of trouble like Lucas and G&W. Air characters that can out prioritize him and still stay out of range of retaliation on landing will cause him lots of trouble.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Wow, ha. I'm afraid I disagree with pretty much everything you said, snadmonkey.

I don't struggle massive amounts with DK, but it isn't a garuenteed match up. I've found that it is ALL about spacing with Donkey Kong.

It is easy to Wolf Wall him, but his grab range is far so an improperly spaced bair will lead to some killer damage. On top of that his bair has a larger hit box and comes out pretty much as quick as yours.

Also, his dsmash is RIDICULOUSLY fast and powerful. That smash... god I hate that smash. Don't underestimate it. Not to mention his jab is surprisingly good and his dtilt is annoying and can cause you to trip. Also, foward throw to stage spike (grabs you and takes you off the stage, throwing you into it) is a terribly quick way for him to change the tides.

As for Lucas... I don't have a problem against him with Wolf. I play a good Lucas here now and then and I usually two stock him, but I haven't really play G&W.

DK... is tricky.

As for Snake... I don't know... I think I might use Olimar against him.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Well I've played the top DK players on wifi on both sites I play on, and my friend plays a mean DK as well in person. I don't think those DK's have ever beaten me where I didn't make huge mistakes. Doing neutral air and landing behind DK, he will be unable to ftilt/dsmash/grab u before u do ur next move, meaning he'll either have to dodge or shield dsmash/reflector whatever, and this gives u time to turn and grab instead etc. Also shop lasers will slow any advance by him and if you see the shop bair coming from dk u can simply roll under him since he won't be able to quick strike in front of him. Also recently I've started reliably downspiking DK while he's rovering, this forces DK to drop a good deal below to the stage to recovery allow for mistakes on his own recovery.

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
Just thought I'd join the discussion.
Other than Ike of course, Wolf is a favorite of mine.
He is actually my choice when im taking on another ike fan. lol
laser spamming ftw
i personally like the feel of wolf's reflector more than fox's or falco's
especially considering what it does to samus's pesky missiles
so rock on Wolf


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well I've played the top DK players on wifi on both sites I play on, and my friend plays a mean DK as well in person. I don't think those DK's have ever beaten me where I didn't make huge mistakes. Doing neutral air and landing behind DK, he will be unable to ftilt/dsmash/grab u before u do ur next move, meaning he'll either have to dodge or shield dsmash/reflector whatever, and this gives u time to turn and grab instead etc. Also shop lasers will slow any advance by him and if you see the shop bair coming from dk u can simply roll under him since he won't be able to quick strike in front of him. Also recently I've started reliably downspiking DK while he's rovering, this forces DK to drop a good deal below to the stage to recovery allow for mistakes on his own recovery.
Eh, I disagree once more. DK can easily ftilt you after Nairing through his shield. As a matter of fact, that happened to me yesterday.

Lasers will slow him and irritate him, but it won't stop him dead in his tracks.

DK can also short hop Bair to Uair, which can hit in front of him as well, so dodge rolling isn't the best trick. I'd actually try to anticipate the second bair and side step it.

Spiking him is an excellent idea, but for some reason I always get hit right before my spike comes out. THerefore I usually bait him onto the stage and punish his lag.

Since when did DK become decent in any way possible? XD
Has Smash Bros seriously become that balanced?
DK is pro in this game, man. Brawl is more balanced than Melee, but still unbalanced as every fighter and RTS will ever be. However, DK isn't to be underestimated.

Just thought I'd join the discussion.
Other than Ike of course, Wolf is a favorite of mine.
He is actually my choice when im taking on another ike fan. lol
laser spamming ftw
i personally like the feel of wolf's reflector more than fox's or falco's
especially considering what it does to samus's pesky missiles
so rock on Wolf


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Los Angeles
I am gonna main wolf WOOT!
How the hell do I unlock him the easiest way tho he seems so hard that he should be brawl's most top secret mission to get.

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
I am gonna main wolf WOOT!
How the hell do I unlock him the easiest way tho he seems so hard that he should be brawl's most top secret mission to get.
well the easiest way is a little boring and kinda cheap. lol
set up special brawl
flower head
fast setting

set up you and a cpu
set the cpu's stamina to 1

then start hammering the start button
the fight will end the second it starts
you'll just rack up the numbers
youll unlock character by character
by rackign up the brawl count.

now theres a more entertaining way
clear sse
then go to the hidden door in the ruins

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
The easiest way would be to beat boss battles on hard with fox, thats how I did it.
well boss battles can be a real ***** to do on hard if you're not using a character you're good with. So If he;s no good with fox, that doesn't help him much. And don't you still have to beat sse to unlock like that? Just like u have to beat sse then beat classic with link to get toony?
I know they tried hard to make wolf a jerk to unlock.
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