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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Cadet
May 19, 2007
Whitmore Lake MI
I don't think falco should be in the next one don't need him and fox should be turned down a lot in power he is way to broken in this one


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
**** no, a new moveset for falco would suck, he needs his shl's, all aerials, and shine, they take those away they take away my heart </3

(same goes for fox, he won't be nerfed:()
Fox should be nerfed. Not drastically, but just enough so he can play nice with every other character and not have too many unfair advantages.

As for Falco, I love him! He's my best and I would hate to have him go. And though I would rather him stay as-is, I don't think it would be fair if they didn't attempt to change him. Give Falco a luigification, but keep some of this better moves.

The moves that should stay are:

+Blaster - Falco's second best trait. Take this away, and you've taken away the butter to his bread.

+Falco Phantasm - The one special move that strongly differentiates Falco from Fox. It's a very similar move, yes, but Falco can change the length of his while Fox's distance is set. I say make it longer than Fox's and easier to alter the distance traveled.

+Reflector - As important to a member of the Starfox Team as an Arwing. Don't alter it at all.

+dTilt - One of Falco's best low-damage combo moves AND high-damage finishers.

+fSmash - A great move, simple as that.

+dAir - Falco's best move. This is the one thing that perfectly compliments his ability to jump to insane heights. Remove his spike and you might as well just remove Falco altogether.

Any other move that wasn't mentioned can be changed in any way. I really wouldn't care, because with these moves intact, Falco will still be a great fighter.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
B = same, SHL able
DB = same, Shine pillar able
FB = Rocket launcher
UB = Barrel roll thingy

His areal abilities can be similar cause he was unique in the way he moved, but his land combat should suck.
Do that barrel roll!

And if his ground abilities are going to suck (except for the dTilt... I need that dTilt), then some of his aerial attacks should be buffed. Oh, and the fAir sucks, find something more useful.


Smash Rookie
Oct 5, 2007
Glass City
They should bring back Falco... and give him wings!
He's a bird, right? I say he should dominate the skies and be able to fly (kind of like Kirby and Jiggly).

If they bring back Ice-climbers, they should have a button that allows you to switch which one you are controlling. Let's say you are owning with Popo but Nana is dying of every known disease and Marth, all you have to do is press so-and-so and you are Nana schooling Marth.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
They should bring back Falco... and give him wings!
He's a bird, right? I say he should dominate the skies and be able to fly (kind of like Kirby and Jiggly).

If they bring back Ice-climbers, they should have a button that allows you to switch which one you are controlling. Let's say you are owning with Popo but Nana is dying of every known disease and Marth, all you have to do is press so-and-so and you are Nana schooling Marth.
1) Falco doesn't technically have wings, nor does he use them to fly or glide EVER. He only uses them as hands so I doubt Sakurai will change that.

2) They did bring back ICs, and switching between them doesn't really seem necessary.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
wow, someone's out of touch

Falco can have a perfectly fine unique MS. His laser is different, his movement is MUCH different and his attacks to slightly different effects. I bet if they changed the animation of what he did but the exact same thing happened, you'd be happy. Maybe he'll be converted to more of a ssb64 Fox, with the Fair, FSmash, B, change the FB to a bazooka and have a couple other land attacks altered. tada!
His UB should change for sure too, that would deffinitaly de-clonify him.

ICs SM would be nice to. I'm hoping that pic is instafreeze on Link at a low % and not like 100. That would make them cooler, which is freakin hard cause they're amazing as it is.

And he's refering to the clonage as being useless. Like Doc and Mario style but it does have more change. Still, cloning was a time thing, lazy if you will, and that shouldn't be a problem this time around.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
i guess you alittle had a reason but chances are 30/100
How many times do I have to tell you that you need to write stuff that people UNDERSTAND!

And Falco's chances are much higher than 30%...you are so biased...I'm guessing you're upset because you either suck with Falco or you got beaten by a Falco user...

Seriously...Falco:Fox :: Luigi:Mario...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 29, 2007
everybody is going to return, maybe not roy and pichu but aside from that everyone else, i dont think theres need to take out someone.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Falco can live on in SSBB by giving Fox his up-air and up-smash.

Seriously, though, it'd be cool if all of characters taken out appear together as an Assist Trophy called something like "revenge of the rejected" or something like that and wreck havoc on those that remain and those that replaced them.
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