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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2006
theres no way they can just bring back the characters they introduced...

what about ness, falcon, bowser, luigi, peach...theres alot they can bring back

halfdemon alchemist

Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
I'll be sure to tell you: NO Fire Emblem charries will be returning. I saw it from an Operator (of SSBB) on some forum I cannot remember, unfortunately.

The other charries;

Ganondorf: X
G&W: X
Ness: X
Mewtwo: X
Falco: X (I just don't think they'll need to add him back in. Waste of space on the disc, considering he's so much like Fox.)
Peach: X
Pichu: X
Dr. Mario: X
Luigi: X
Iceclimbers: X
what the hell are you talkin' about? all those characters are way too important to nintendo to not be in brawl (except pichu, he can go to hell) it just doesn't make sense to get rid of them that is the dumbest pile of bull sh**t i've ever heard dude. ninteondo would have to be ******** to not put those guys in brawl. (you guys think we're being too hard on this dumb***?)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
just cause he appered in a poll means nothing
A poll doesn't show which characters will make it into the game, but it should give us a fairly good representation. After all, an accurate poll will represent majority opinion, and I'm sure Sakurai is going FAR out of his way to satisfy us gamers. Therefore, he might try to work with the poll as much as possible, which means the poll can and probably will affect who makes it into Brawl.

Olimar would be a completely crazy addition to the roster. His moveset would have to be Pikman related to be authentic, but after seeing what Sakurai and his team have accomplished with Wario thusfar, I have faith in his ability to maintain the unique "flavor" Captain Olimar has in his games.

Halo players have an extreme potential to be verbally abusive. I've gone to my one friend's house countless times to Smash, and there's usually this one kid in the room on XBox Live yelling at people through a headset every time he's fragged. Listening to him play Halo 2 makes Smash less fun. Just go easy SC. Keep having fun and promise us you'll NEVER turn into that for at least as long as you're here on Smashboards.

Not sure what else I should comment on, I'm not reading over all eight pages of jibber-jabber tonight, maybe when I have time to kill.



Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Yup yup yup! Nobody can stay on any topic for too long; we gamers have low attention spans and, without the constant stimulation of flashing lights, our brains become spastic.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
People! We have a new factor to consider! With the addition of the Assist Trophies there is now much possibility that many characters we've considered (Like Samurai Goroh) will be delegated to that service, but it also means that maybe debatable returners like G&W will have that position this time as well!


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
what the hell are you talkin' about? all those characters are way too important to nintendo to not be in brawl (except pichu, he can go to hell) it just doesn't make sense to get rid of them that is the dumbest pile of bull sh**t i've ever heard dude. ninteondo would have to be ******** to not put those guys in brawl. (you guys think we're being too hard on this dumb***?)
No we are not being hard enough. I don't think this kid even likes Nintendo. Why the hell would Luigi be out!? Or for that matter everyone except for Pichu? I agree wiht HDA on the Pichu part...he sucks.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Does anyone think that maybe the Assist Capsule could have overpowered some of our more dear Melee fighters? I know I would be heartbroken to see Falco one morning on the Dojo homepage, only to be let down immensely by a yellow outlined window and the "Item" icon tagged in the top-right corner.

This may not be the case and would suck an incalculable amount of balls, but really, what would be worse? Having your character gone from the game entirely or having them back but only as items?

And let's say they take a Pokemon out of the roster and place them in one of the "summon" items... would they put them in the Capsule or the Pokeball? It would make sense since they are Nintendo/Smash icons, but they are also Pokemon... Irrelivent thought, but still one that makes you ponder "what if?".


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
i dont think this will be good for some characters we want to see and play as but i still like the Assist capsule they are just another form of pokeball to me maybe they should just put pichu in his pokeball and to answer salaad question every one thinks that is a stage from Fire Emble (how ever you spell it lolz) but i dont plan on using the Capusle (maybe the first 50 vs battles i will)

and omg i hope they dont push SSBB and Mertroid back i am so working on getting both


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I'm with you Dyce. Even IF Falco popped out of an assist capsule and started blasting people to shiite with his rocket launcher, it just wouldn't be the same as ACTUALLY having Falco. Granted I don't think Falco would be humiliated by an Assist Capsule demotion, it certainly isn't with 100% confidence that I say that sentence either.

I think this 100% confirms Falcon because Samurai Goro is from his series, plus we've seen Captain Falcon in both previous titles and he's the player controled character in his games. There isn't a valid reason NOT to include Falcon as a playable character at this point.

It was dissapointing to me that Hammer Bro got an Assist Capsule spot rather than a fighter spot, I was kinda looking foward to using Hammer/Flame/Shell/Boomerang projectiles, but he really wasn't that important to the Mario series to be honest. Same with Koopa. :(

What if A Metroid were to pop out of an Assist Capsule? That would make things interesting. It could home in on the nearest player (much like Scizor or Staryu) and if that was not the player who threw the Capsule, it will attempt to latch on and suck away life (add damage). It would be impossible to break away without recieving some minimal damage (5-10%) and there is a formula for escape just like with every other attack (how many times you have to press a button or swivel the joystick to get away, based on how much damage is currently being delt and how much you currently have.). If you escape, you must deal however much damage was taken from you to destroy the Metroid. If the Metroid encounters the player who released it, it will automatically try to latch onto that player and give him/her any energy it has "stolen" from opponents. The metroid can be easily attacked and destroyed once latched onto the player who released it because it will not let go until its energy is depleated, at which point it disappears. The Metroid grows larger as it takes energy, making it slower, more easily attackable, and easier to escape from it. The player bitten by the Metroid (opponent or "releaser") will move more slowly the larger the Metroid is.

Just an idea, hopefully someone else finds it interesting/workable.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Oh, and the online will make this game (i'm not just saying this) the best game ever, EVER!!!
Haha, agreed. Best...friggin'...Game...EVAH! (Unless there ends up being Super Smash Brothers Frenzy or somesh't like that.)

isn't assist like pokeballs?
Nope, Poke'mon appear from Poke'balls, and assistant fighters appear from Assist Trophies (Capsules? I like "Capsules" better.) That's the difference, and it lets us have a better idea of what to expect when either of these items is used.

I'm glad nobody else mentioned it, because I wanted to be the first...Action Replay. There were several characters (Master/Crazy hand, Wireframes, Sandbag) which don't necessarily have a complete moveset (only jump for sandbag, no Special "B" moves for Wireframes, could never get the Hands to work but regardless) and yet they were playable through the wonders of AR due to the fact that their character model exists within the game in some form. So, theoretically, if you wanted to play as an Assist character, all you would need is AR. Say hello to Hammer Bro, he just joined the non-competitive roster. ^^


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Can someone find me a link of Sakurai saying hw many characters he suspects to be in the final game?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Hey rhyme ur right! even IF dark samus turns ut as an AT (Ill personally attack Nintendo headquarters for that) with AR dark samus will pwn all!


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
Hmmm... I don't think so. Assist Trophies are more like Pokéballs, and as far as I know, you can't use AR to play as those Pokémon. I don't think I like the Assist Trophies, most of my hopeful newcomers will be trophies if they somehow get in Brawl.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
Assist trophies are an awesome addition.I'm just sort of scared to see if characters I like will become trophies.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Its like pokemon, once their in a pokeball, I doubt theyll become playable the next time around, I TOO blieve goroh will now be forever an AT, its still too early to predict this but yeah gotta say hes staying like this...

halfdemon alchemist

Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
Does anyone think that maybe the Assist Capsule could have overpowered some of our more dear Melee fighters? I know I would be heartbroken to see Falco one morning on the Dojo homepage, only to be let down immensely by a yellow outlined window and the "Item" icon tagged in the top-right corner.

This may not be the case and would suck an incalculable amount of balls, but really, what would be worse? Having your character gone from the game entirely or having them back but only as items?

And let's say they take a Pokemon out of the roster and place them in one of the "summon" items... would they put them in the Capsule or the Pokeball? It would make sense since they are Nintendo/Smash icons, but they are also Pokemon... Irrelivent thought, but still one that makes you ponder "what if?".
where do you guys get all this info and videos?

halfdemon alchemist

Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
sorry to double post but apparently i need to catch up with some of these things first of all what the hell's an assist capsule? and what's all this i hear about a fire emblem stage?

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
If they decided to put Goroh as an Assist trophy,why would they change their minds for the next one? There isn't an incredible need or want for him,so that's why he was put as a capsule in the first place.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
sorry to double post but apparently i need to catch up with some of these things first of all what the hell's an assist capsule? and what's all this i hear about a fire emblem stage?
Wow... how can you be a member to this forum, let alone a fan of the Super Smash Bros series and not know about THE SMASH BROS DOJO!!!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Wyoming, USA
I just want to see my two bounty hunters back in the fray. Wen i say bounty hunters i mean samus and falcon but we all know samus is coming i'm worried about falcon he might not.
Falcon will definitely come back, he's a huge characture and unique as well... I think he might even be joined by Black Shadow, although thats just speculation.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I think every series represented through playable characters should get an Assist Trophy representative. We have the Mario series covered (and I'll bet there's more than just the Hammer Bro) and the F-Zero series covered.

I'd like to see every hunter from Metroid in a trophy. That would be beautiful. God, I'm so STOKED on this new item!!!
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