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**Official Titans of Smash (ToS) Crew Thread** We Never Died

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
lol done


i wanna come to philly so badly this weekend!!! ToS midnight dennys are the best.
il b here this weekend, but il be busy friday night. ppl are gonna be goin to a tourney saturday. if u wanna go, ask rush if he can take u. hes leaving from philly.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
I think we should have like cutest member, and it should be Kaylo. but with like me as a close runner up.
Just saying the first post has taken up a whole hour of my time. I likes it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Xzax wants to re-join ToS.

My ruling is that I will let him back in if he is exclusively ToS and not a member (regular or honorary) of any other crew. If he wants to be ToS then he must show that he wants to be ToS since his allegiance to the crew has been questionable from past events :p

edit: Oh yea, and if he ever leaves again or gets kicked out, he's not allowed to re-join :p


Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
atlantic city
yeah guys i should be back to jersey by friday so yeah after i get some rest ill be sure to go to any tourny or any thing i can go to!!

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
dapuff- i remember seeing u playing SA once on ur live feed. what about sa2? il pride match/extreme friendly u in it lol (like a MM but without the money, cause i dont like MMing crewmates). sonic adventure 2 is so fun competitive lol

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Age: 14
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Ranked 6th in PA for Brawl

After leaving the crew for Enemy Controller in March of 2009, it took Xzax a short day and a half to re-join ToS. Even throughout the tough times, there's no doubt the impact Xzax has had on the crew. He's done a great job helping out at events especially with advertising, and even holds his own events when possible. Xzax has also helped plenty of other members join the crew such as Vex, Dapuffster, Kismet, and more. He's eager to help out and speak his mind whenever possible even as a young guy at only 14 years old. He's one of the youngest smashers out there, but that doesn't stop him from training and becoming one of PA's most talented smashers, even though he mains Meta Knight lolol.
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D


Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
atlantic city
whoa so in cali..... whao you kids must be rich...... i wish i was that rich forget this mess im only going to local tournys (plus im scared of planes)


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
dapuff- i remember seeing u playing SA once on ur live feed. what about sa2? il pride match/extreme friendly u in it lol (like a MM but without the money, cause i dont like MMing crewmates). sonic adventure 2 is so fun competitive lol
SA1 is better because Tails isn't in a mech in SA2 and hes not as fun =/

SA1 you can just go around and stuff and its fun. Not to mention Tails can get into 2 of Sonic's levels with glitches.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
lol dmbrandon said that it will take you will go back to the crew xzax hes was right.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
New Jersey
y is he back? like a wise man once said "fool me once shame on you. Fool me..... u cant get fooled again." xzax has failed me. there is doubt in that little ones heart and i dont like it. he is now and forever should be a teen titan. give him a teen titan medal for punishment. loyalty's first all the bullsh*ts second.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
y is he back? like a wise man once said "fool me once shame on you. Fool me..... u cant get fooled again." xzax has failed me. there is doubt in that little ones heart and i dont like it. he is now and forever should be a teen titan. give him a teen titan medal for punishment. loyalty's first all the bullsh*ts second.
he's a 14 year old kid and it's a team for a video game

he made a mistake, and yeah if he leaves again then **** it but whatever don't take things so seriously with that pretentious i sense the dark side in this one bull****


Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
atlantic city
he's a 14 year old kid and it's a team for a video game

he made a mistake, and yeah if he leaves again then **** it but whatever don't take things so seriously with that pretentious i sense the dark side in this one bull****
lolz hes just kidding l it's not all that serious

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
How much would it be to get to Genesis? How are u guys gettin housed?
the flight should be under $300. idk if were getting housing, i think a hotel would probably be the way to go. im still trying to nail down details like rental cars and such, which might be tough considering our age...


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Rofl it didn't I was drunk..

I meant to say dmbrandon was correct when he said xzax will run back to tos

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
anti - drunk postin' with tos since march '09 lol

anyway, new topic of discussion for the crew. im bringing this public to the thread now so
a. its something that involves all tos members
b. im tired of tracking down members on aim and saying all this crap again and again lol.

either way, im sure it was easy for everyone to see this coming, but phillyrider, ac, and mib want to join tos.

current situation: UFB was sort of a friendly rival crew in philadelphia. they also held tourneys, we attended em, they attended ours, weve done crew battles, it was awesome. originally it had seemed that some of the crew was either going to take a break or not be as active. idk about all that, it got confusing. tusm and kaylo wanted to join tos to continue to be very active, practice more, get better, etc. we brought them on.
out of the main members of UFB this left 3 members - phillyrider, ac, and mib. they still want to be active in the community, they wanna get better, theyr a cool group of ppl. just by themselves though, they cant really hyave a crew of 3 ppl. it would be tough to recruit members with PA already split pretty much between ToE and ToS, and theyr already friends with plenty of ppl in the crew.

so thats how things stand now.

cons of them joining - weve been taking on a lot of members recently. as rush pointed this out, we need to make sure we keep on track with the goal of ToS (which we should perhaps define, or put in words).

pros of them joining - more awesome smashers that want to get better, can potentially help drive people to tourneys, etc.

especially considering we've already let tusm and kaylo in on the crew, id say it would almost be wrong to not let these 3 in (what ever happened to squall though?). what is everyones thoughts on this?

however i do agree with what rush said. we have been letting a lot of ppl in lately, and perhaps just filling our crew in with tons and tons of members without a true purpose isnt a good idea. this doesnt really pertain to tusm kaylo, and the new 3 as there certainly are good reasons for having these smashers on board. however, i do think we need to be a bit more strict with letting ppl in. for instance, i kno allin has been requesting to join tos. weve been sort of avoiding the issue a bit, but for now im going to vote no on that one. your cool allin dont get me wrong, but, it seems tough to justify having you on board when you dont travel to tourneys often, you dont live near us, no other past connections with us, etc.

also, if we really want to take this crew to the next level and harness the untapped power we have. all of you members in south jersey need to step up your activity. some of you were at cot4 which is awesome, but i would love to see some ppl especially like mexi and kyuu make it out to more tourneys. especially if mexi is going to be a hierarchy member lol, theres certain requirements and levels of activity u should uphold.

chibo out.

sgt pit, lolimar, mdzd, etc are blacklisted from tos. they cannot join, and if they join any other crews, xzax will not be allowed in tos either :p


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Nothing is confirmed yet. It's just all thinking out loud The deciding factor is AC. He may be leaving next week due to not being able to get a cosigner to stay in college. If that happens he has to move back home to harrisburg which will only leave me mib and squall.

I actually loved having my own group as ToS was people we looked forward to going against. But lets be real. You can't have a crew with only 3 people. And maybe AC will stay(which isn't looking likely) And if that happens we can maybe keep our group afloat(we kinda have a 5th member in steph but i mean everyone knows he isn't really tournament level.) If TUSM and Kaylo didn't snake us we wouldn't be going through this. lol.

Really i dont care what crew im in. I just want to get better lol.
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