CT Chia
Smash Obsessed
We are the Titans of Smash!
Welcome to the Titans of Smash, the fastest growing crew based out of South New Jersey and Pennsylvania, expanding beyond our region even into the Atlantic South! We are all friends who collaborate together for the purpose of having fun while playing Smash, and getting better at it. We love to go to tournaments, have smashfests, and more.
The upper management system in ToS is a little different than most crews. In ToS, there is no single leader. Instead, we have what we call the Titan Hierarchy, a group of 3 of the most knowledgeable members in the crew. These three members together vote on issues that are important to the crew, decide what the roster will be for crew battles, organize tournaments, and so on. There are 3 hierarchy members for Melee and 3 for Brawl.
Crew Motto: It's always worth it!
Crew Mascot

Wii Superfan Wii Launch Branch
Main: Zelda
Known For: DVD, Go Online, Halo 2 (Which he wins at all the time people!)
Ranked 6th in Line for the Wii at Best Buy
New to the ToS First Post is the addition of medals! We award our members with medals based on special qualities or achievements to honor them. You can find the medals each member has earned in their member profile. The following medals are currently available:

Link - Have you seen his Link?
The Titans
*Note: Profiles do not look right when viewed on Linux or any browser that doesn't use the standard fonts.

Age: 21
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Melee and Brawl Hierarchy Member
Ranked 4th in PA for Brawl
ChiboSempai could easily be seen as the unofficial leader of Titans of Smash. Also known as Chibo, he has worked hard to lead the crew into becoming one of most well known crews in history. Chibo partakes in as many activities as possible with being a Smash Back Room member, a panelist for state rankings, the main tournament organizer of the crew, and the president of the Drexel Smash Organization at Drexel University.
Rush-------------- Brawl-----

Age: 20
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Ranked 6th in PA for Brawl
Brawl Hierarchy Member
Rush had attended some small tourneys here and there but never met anyone from the crew until the VGXPO towards the end of 2008 where he met ChiboSempai and AndyG. Rush was one of the few promising members amongst the sea of n00bs showing off his technical Diddy. Rush got to soon meet more members of the crew at NEC 2008 in December where he then got to meet .com, and other members of the smash community. Following his good performance and a fun trip to Checkers in the cold, we all decided to extend an invitation to Rush to join ToS.

Age: 26
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Melee Hierarchy Member
UltimaScout is a long time smasher, starting perhaps before anyone else in the crew. UltimaScout eventually joined the ToS in the later half of 2008 and proved to be a great asset of the crew. He drives to tournaments all the time when he's not working, is a huge fan of Melee, is unusually good at Brawl despite not playing it often, is incredibly skilled at other games such as Pokemon, and has the legendary Melee Link. Challenge him on Hyrule Temple - I dare you. UltimaScout has greatly improved in Melee in the past few months and in need of a new Melee Hierarchy member, UltimaScout was the perfect choice.

Age: 15
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Ranked 9th in PA for Brawl
It has been told that in ancient scripture a voice was created and handed down by the Gods. A voice so deep and powerful that could be heard from miles away, with enough force to bring the strongest of men and the fairest of women trembling to their knees. This is clearly the only possible explanation for the source of .com's amazing voice. He is depended on by Chibo at most tournaments for organizing crowds and spreading his word as .com even surpasses most microphone systems with his immense voice. .com was recruited as a friend of Rogue Pit's after practicing and attending tournaments with us in Philadelphia. .com continues to improve at the game and play new characters as he made it onto PA's power rankings in the Winter 08-09 season. .com intends on eventually becoming a tournament organizer for the crew after helping Chibo at many events.

Age: 22
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Ak has been previously known as theultimodragon, AK47, and Africa but no matter what name he is currently using, he's always ready to put up a fight with a good ol' AFRICA PUNCH! Ak is a long time Smash player since the days of Melee, and one of the original smashers at Drexel University. Ak is now ready for the big time with his Brawl Donkey Kong. Ak is not afraid to tell you off when deserved and with proper reason, especially seen after his famous duel of words with none other than Sadaharu Inui.

Age: 19
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Ranked 3rd in PA for Brawl
AndyG has been playing Brawl for a long time on wifi always dominating the All is Brawl and GameBattles ladders. When the 08-09 school year started he moved to college outside of Philadelphia and was able to attend his first in person tournament which happened to be ran by ChiboSempai. He quickly became friends with the crew while attending more ToS events and eventually joined the crew. AndyG was one of the few crew members that had no past in Melee, and has quickly become one of the best Brawl players in the region, and is currently working on Melee and Brawl+ as well. He probably has the best Olimar in the country. Get at him.

Age: 20
Location: South New Jersey
AztecKing is one of the original members of the crew, and perhaps the quietest. He loves Melee far more than Brawl and continues to do great in the game especially after choosing to main Ice Climbers over Young Link. He catches the crew off guard with his Paul Tricksies and nabs a quick win whenever possible. When his powers combine with Talwind they form the deadly Team Scissor.

Age: 18
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Bnzaaa is a more recent member of ToS coming from Philadelphia, where ToS is most active. Bnzaaa is a fun guy to hang around with, unless your in the middle of a infinite from his Ice Climbers that is. Bnzaaa spends a lot of time practicing with big name players like Mew2King which has been rapidly increasing his skill to become one of the better players in PA.

Age: 17
Location: North New Jersey
Ranked 12th in NJ for Brawl
DaPuffster has been a long time friend of both Vex and Xzax back way before Brawl came out with the days of their online crew, Mantled Zeal. DaPuffster has been known to play all three smash games. Reluctant at first to let him in the crew as no one besides Vexzax have met him since he could barely make it to tourneys, things have started to change lately. DaPuffster has been able to attend more tourneys lately, and has quickly risen to be an incredibly skilled Brawler taking down big names like Inui and Atomsk. Even though he mains Diddy, DaPuffster still keeps a mean Jigglypuff in reserve, knowing things that many would be surprised to hear about the character.
DR. Flizzz--------------Brawl-----

Age: 19
Location: South New Jersey
Flizzz has been a friend of all the South Jersey OG members for a while, but it took him a bit to join the crew. Flizzz is set on getting better and will practice whenever possible. Ready with his Pikachu Sticks in hand, Flizzz aspires to become one of the best Pikachu mains out there. When teaming with Kyuu they form Team Black Out.

Age: 21
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Ranked 8th in PA for Melee
GOTM is an OG and one of the main leaders of the crew. He has been a Melee Hierarchy member up until recently when he decided to no longer attend tourneys. He may still attend some local ones for fun and play for fun, and he may still be used for Melee crew battles when needed. GOTM has practiced to no end with the likes of Cactuar and Scar, and was able to break onto the power rankings for PA. He hates Brawl. A lot.

Age: 21
Location: South East Pennsylvania
After UFB decided to take a break from Smash Kaylo showed interest in joining ToS along with her friend TUSM. Kaylo is currently the only girl in ToS, and one of the only girls who plays Smash competitively with aspirations of getting better at the game. A new member who wants to get good at the game already showing a lot of progress? It was an easy decision to let Kaylo join ToS.

Age: 16
Location: Georgia
Ranked 2nd in GA for Brawl
Kismet started originally as a member of Vex's Mantled Zeal online crew, which explains how a player located so far away would be affiliated with us. When the chance finally arrived, Kismet was able to travel up to the Atlantic North for ToS' Clash of the Titans 4 where he was able to meet the crew and be initiated properly. Kismet is a strong player being one of the best players of his state and showing that he has what it takes to travel abroad.

Age: 19
Location: South New Jersey
Kyuu is another one of the OG members of the crew. Kyuu started off lightly with Sheik in Melee, but really took off in Brawl as one of the strongest South Jersey members with his Falco. Kyuu was so good that he eventually picked up a lower-tiered character as his main for a challenge since he grew bored of his Falco having no competition.

Age: 22
Location: Central Pennsylvania
Max is Umbreon here on the boards. Max's unique personality sets him apart from most members on SWF, but don't let it fool you. He's a long time member of Smashboards, Moderator, SBR member, and has been both regionally and nationally ranked. You would also be wrong to think it ends there, as Max is also one of the best Pokemon and Goldeneye64 players in the country.

Age: 20
Location: South New Jersey
Originally known as MexiMadness and commonly referred to as Mexi, MexiMadnez is one of the solid backbones of the Titans of Smash. Mexi has been playing competitive smash the longest of any of the original members, and it was his original idea to form the crew. Originally started on Facebook, Mexi came up with the name Titans of Smash for the crew, and helped with the creation of the name Clash of the Titans for our main tournament series. Mexi is unable to make it to tournaments too often, but still practices consistently and is ready for a challenge anytime.

Age: 21
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Phillyrider used to be in the Uptown's Finest Brawlers crew but switched to ToS soon after TUSM and Kaylo joined. He used to main Diddy and has taken down a good amount of nice players, however he now mains Peach as well. He doesn't enter Brawl tourneys as often nowadays, but is in full force for Brawl+.

Age: 21
Location: South New Jersey
Ponchoman is AztecKing's older brother. Despite the difference by year, their birthdays are only 6 days apart. Ponchoman worked hard as a smart Fox player in Melee being able to copy other's techniques without much work to get better. This is where he was known to be stealing GOTM's combos. This is no difference in Brawl with his main, Donkey Kong. Ponchoman jokes around a lot so you can't take him too seriously, but he's an awesome person to hang around with. When paired with Mexi, they form Team Desperadoes.

Age: 19
Location: South East Pennsylvania
Talwind is another one of the original members of ToS originally from South New Jersey. Like Chibo and GOTM, Talwind eventually moved up to Philadelphia to attend college, and continues to play smash while he can. Talwind isn't really a fan of Brawl, and you can expect to see him at any local Melee tourney, or when smash is goin' down in South Jersey. Talwind is possibly one of the funniest members of the crew, and also plays competitive style Pokemon along with many of us.

Age: 20
Location: South New Jersey
TerrV is possibly the most natural talented gamer on the planet. Leave him in a room with a game for a half hour, and he will have it mastered with no doubt. TerrV has practiced and shown tremendous skill in games such as (but not including) Smash Melee and Brawl, Starcraft, All 3 Halos, GunBound, and much more. While TerrV has never been too active in Smash, he has attended plenty of local tourneys for Halo where he either won, or came close to winning all of them, and had an INCREDIBLE record online.

Age: 16
Location: South New Jersey
WingZero is the definition of the term closet Brawler. He loves Melee far more than Brawl, and pretends to despise Brawl, but we all know he loves it
Member Statistics
- Number of Members: 20
- Number of Pending Members: 0
- Latest Member: Max
- Number of NJ Members: 8
- Number of PA Members: 11
- Number of Atl South Members: 1
- Number of Former Members: 9
- Most Recent Former Member: Xzax
- Most Forum Posts: ChiboSempai (6,236 as of 07/19/09)
- Youngest Member: .com (15 as of 07/19/09)
- Oldest Member: UltimaScout (26 as of 03/02/09)
Things of Interest
- Generating A Win: An Electrifying Guide to Pikachu by Kaylo
- Check out ChiboSempai's Brawl Wavedashing Guide
- Check out UltimoDragon's Donkey Kong Primer
- ChiboSempai's Latest Combo Video, Assistant Sensei Is Now Available!
- Watch our first recorded crew battle against MD/VA!
So You Want To Join The Crew?
The Titans of Smash have just started a new program for potential recruits called the Pending Members. We want a good majority of our members to meet a new recruit before they join the crew, but this doesn't necessarily always happen right away. So new recruits won't have to wait so long to be a part of the ToS, we have the Teen Titans system.
Express your desire for being a part of the crew by either talking to some of the crew members, or posting in this thread. I will toss the idea around with a couple of the members and will see if you are the type of person we are looking for. Chances are, you will make it into the Pending Members. The Pending Members are like semi-ToS members. You're free to enjoy various crew benefits such as attending any smashfests we have, or getting ride priority. Pending Members are also able to be easily considered for crew battles with ToS.
After a Pending Member has met a good amount of people in ToS (generally the members of the hierarchies), we will decide if you are worthy enough to enter the ToS. If you are accepted, you will be moved out of the Pending Members section, and be given a proper profile in the Members section.
What's Going On?
Here you can find upcoming smash events that you may be interested in attending.
- Something will be coming up soon, I hope lol
Detailed Rules
- In official ToS crew battles, the Titan Hierarchy will decide the roster.
- As a crew member of ToS, you promise to promote the best image of yourself as possible on SmashBoards whether it be contributing to conversations, not spamming, or calling people out on random fights. We want our members and the crew as a whole to be held in high respect here in the smash community.
- We only let people in who we have met at least once. We do not let in strangers we have only met online. If you are interested in joining the crew, it is perhaps best to post often in the thread or even talk to a couple of us to make yourself more acquainted with the members of the crew.
Recent News
- 7/31: .com and Chibo **** Pittsburgh. Chibo and Rogue Pit won teams while .com and Fishy got 2nd. Chibo and .com split singles .com taking first for the first time. ToS Victory! This earns .com the Winner medal. Max is actually in this crew, I had removed him thinking he quit but I was mistaken.
- 7/19: A lot of people leave.
- 4/01: (Not April Fools joke) Beat and Max join the crew!
- 3/03: After leaving the crew for Enemy Controller, a short 1.5 days later, Xzax re-joins the crew!
- 3/02/2009: New first post update! I promise to start updating the recent news more as well.
- 11/28: UltimoDragon is now known as AFRICA!
- 10/23: Teen Titans is now known as Pending Members. AndyG is now a Pending Member.
- 10/18: Dapuffster has been moved up from a Teen Titan to a Member!
- 10/14: Pictures from the ToS Dinner are here.
- 10/13: UltimaScout has been moved up from a Teen Titan to a Member!
- 10/10: Split the NJ-PA Branch into the NJ Branch and the PA Branch for more organization.
- 10/05: Click here for results from Harry Potter and the Planking MetaKnight Tourney
- 10/01: New Teen Titan system is implemented. UltimaScout and Dapuffster are the first Teen Titans! Somewhere down the line, Spade left the crew.
- 08/19: UltimoDragon joins the crew!
- 08/17: Spade joins the crew!
- 08/16: Smashtality Results:
ChiboSempai: 17/36 in Melee Singles, 4/9 in Brawl Doubles, 9/26 in Brawl Singles
GOTM: 17/36 in Melee Singles
Vex Kasrani: 17/36 in Melee Singles, 3/9 in Brawl Doubles, 9/26 in Brawl Singles
Xzax: 25/36 in Melee Singles, 4/9 in Brawl Doubles, 9/26 in Brawl Singles
Spade: 17/26 in Brawl Singles
Rogue Pit: 17/26 in Brawl Singles - 08/09: XII.Esticle Results:
Xzax: 25/80
ChiboSempai: 33/80
Vex Kasrani: 33/80 - 08/03: ChiboSempai, GOTM, AztecKing, and Talwind entered Melee Singles at SatS. Chibo got 13/21, GOTM got 9th, Aztec got 9th, and Talwind got 13th. ChiboSempai, Rogue Pit, .com, MexiMadnez, and GOTM entered Brawl Singles. Chibo got 7/39, Rogue got 13th, .com got 13th, Mexi got 17th, and GOTM got 33rd. Chibo and Mexi placed 9/26 in Brawl Doubles, .com and Rogue got 5th, Talwind and Kyuu got 13th, Wing Zero and AztecKing got 13th, and GOTM and Scar got 17th.
- 07/15: Vex Kasrani is now in the Brawl Titan Heirarchy.
- 06/30: Rogue Pit has joined the crew!
- 05/24: ChiboSempai attended C3 and placed 17/83. He also teamed with ESOJ in doubles and placed 7th out of 33 teams.
- 05/24: ChiboSempai, GOTM, Talwind, Bean and Lol_Master attended the Tunes Biweekly. ChiboSempai and GOTM made it to bracket in singles. ChiboSempai placed 17th while GOTM places 13th. Lol_Master teamed with JFox for 5th place, GOTM teamed with RoyKid for 9th place, and Chibo teamed with Talwind for 13th place in doubles.
- 05/12: Major overhaul of the first post.
- 04/12: ToS' first victory! ChiboSempai, MexiMadnez, and Lol_Master attended Rage Studio's first Brawl tourney. ChiboSempai and MexiMadnez split first place in singles! (Mexi won the set)
- 04/05: SQKIsiggy has joined the crew!
- 03/24: After our nice crew performance at SPOC V, LOL_Master joins the crew! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
- 02/05: Pound 3 is over, and ChiboSempai, GOTM, Triad, TenNoTensai, and Gomen-Ne attended. No one made it out of the first round of pools except for Triad who made it to the second round. ChiboSempai and GOTM just missed getting out placing 5/7 in each of their pools.
- 02/19: New Brawl videos have been added of ChiboSempai and GOTM!
- 01/30: Vex Kasrani joined the crew!
- 01/24: Remade the first post to reflect recent changes in the crew. Everyone will have a picture but they aren't all prepared yet.
- 01/22: ClassicYayo, Toushi, and Shakugan have left the crew.
- 01/19: AlexanderTRIAD has joined the crew!
- 01/18: I understand everyone may not be able to make it to rankings tourneys all the time, or perform bad on a certain day, so if you are either unranked or ranked below top 5 and you have been in the top 5 before, it will say *Former Top 5* next to the person's name to recognize their skill.
- 01/16: Rankings tourney 4 details posted
- 01/15: Crew rankings updated
- 01/13: ChiboSempai, GOTM, and TenNoTensai made it out of pools in Smashpocalypse III (approximately 50% were promoted) and all ranked 25th place out of the 62 total people! Rankings tournament III took place, and results will be up soon. Xzax joined the crew!
- 01/10/2008: First post update: Clarification on certain rules, a "What's Going On?" section, and details on Rankings Tourney III
- 12/30: New rankings are up!
- 12/29: F2DaMaxx is now known as WingZero, and Wind's full smash name is Talwind
- 12/21: New videos of crew member's added to the Videos section. (Note: Old videos of ChiboSempai vs GOTM were removed)
- 12/20: Carmelo's new smash name is Gomen-ne!
- 12/19: Next rankings tournament details are posted.
- 12/18: Full details available for Clash of the Titans II! Look here for details.
- 12/13: ClassicYayo has joined the crew!
- 12/09: Wind now secondaries Pikachu! He does the Thunder Flip! Carmello has joined the crew!
- 11/26: The results of the ToS Training Session Round Robin Tournament are up. To reflect everyone's position at the tournament, our crew page now has everyone's exact ranking. We have also introduced 5 new players, Kyuu, F2DaMaxx, Toushi, TenNoTensai, and Shakugan. Note that Toushi, TenNoTensai, and Shakugan could not make it to the training session, so they are currently ranked at the bottom.
- 11/21: We are holding a ToS Training Session this Friday night (sorry, only ToS members are invited for this one), where our main purpose of meeting is to have a mini-tournament to set the top 5 players in our crew, and to induct new members.
- 11/21: TerrV has joined the crew! Just gotta.... slash?
- 11/10: AztecKing now mains Ice Climbers! Wind has made it to our starting 5!
- 11/08: Added pictures of players next to character pictures.
- 10/29: The announcement of the ToS Florida Branch! Because we have a new branch located in the state of Florida, all previous members are now in what's called the NJ-PA Branch. Currently we have OneMrBean leading the Florida branch (who is originally from NJ), with more members coming very soon!.
- 10/25: Somewhere in the middle of it all, E2theJ joined the crew, then quit? We have other possible members under consideration.
- 10/15: First tournament announced, Clash of the Titans!
- 10/15/2007: Crew announced!
- Brawl Videos of ChiboSempai, and GOTM
- MexiMadnez vs Scar
- MexiMadnez vs Scar
- ChiboSempai vs ClassicYayo
- ChiboSempai vs ClassicYayo
- ChiboSempai vs GOTM
- More coming soon