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**Official Titans of Smash (ToS) Crew Thread** We Never Died


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2007
Oh Lawd

So yeah, I get woken up by a call in which I was told sael won another brawl tourny....


But seriously, you're becoming too beastly.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
our winnings were way to small for us to share em further lol

anyway, im updating the first post now


At the tournament tonight at Turnersville, Mexi and I split first place (upon playing the set for fun Mexi won 2-1). More details later and in the rage studios tourney thread.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
New Jersey
TEE OH ES!!!!!! mass lols were incorporated in that, oh and also, lk, having a 'crew battle' with no money involved sounds great, i added the number 13 as dollars cause i felt like using that number, it could've been a zero, but no. so yeah, you vs like 5 tos members, with me and triad included : ) for extra wols

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Wow, single elimination tournament with horrible rules.

Rejoice and be merry, I guess...
single elim with horrible rules where YOU FAWKEN LOST TO MEXI. stop complaining cause you didn't get 1st or second... plus, the bracket was setup a lot better than it could have been. you still made it to quarter finals, which is fairly appropriate for someone of your skill level.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
No, it's not. 2nd place was appropriate for my skill level compared to everyone there, and Velocity should have won. The bracket was perfect for you because me, Velocity, and Mexi were all on the other side. Of course you'd say it was set up well. I made it to the semi-finals, btw. Velocity was the one that got knocked out super early.

i still dont understand why people hate on you, that argument vs john was very valid
I'm an arrogant jerk that doesn't care if people like him or not. I don't care if I offend people. I come across in a rude manner almost all the time when it comes to noobs.

It's easy to see why I'm hated. :]

I don't have anything against anyone in this crew tbqh(unless Chocobo is in it, in which case I do). I'm glad Chibo ***** Cross because Cross is a scrub that didn't deserve to beat Slik.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
chocobo is tsa/violence kings

the reason me and mexi were on opposite sides of the bracket though cause unlike almost everyone we actually put our crew on the sign in sheet and the tourney was seeded by crews. i guess choco and vel did the same since they were on opposite sides.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
That should present some sort of problem.

Wow @ Inui arguing with me in other threads that Brawl makes the better player win frequently when in this one tournament there were like 8 upsets, 27 johns, blah blah blah blah blah. If it were Melee and this Cross fella wasn't actually good then he would have never beaten whoever he did.

Also wow @ Inui coming into another crew's thread just to pick on them because he's bitter that he lost. Wow, way to be mature. No one's going into the Montage thread telling DMB that he's a huge scrub and only wins tournies because he got the game early and dedicated his existence to it. Let ToS be happy while they can.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
New Jersey
That should present some sort of problem.

Wow @ Inui arguing with me in other threads that Brawl makes the better player win frequently when in this one tournament there were like 8 upsets, 27 johns, blah blah blah blah blah. If it were Melee and this Cross fella wasn't actually good then he would have never beaten whoever he did.

Also wow @ Inui coming into another crew's thread just to pick on them because he's bitter that he lost. Wow, way to be mature. No one's going into the Montage thread telling DMB that he's a huge scrub and only wins tournies because he got the game early and dedicated his existence to it. Let ToS be happy while they can.
cross was good, im not gonna lie. im not gonna be a hater and say he wasnt good like everyone else. its just that nobody was expecting such a good person to be at this scrub tourney.

and wats this im hearin about PT johns. i never played a G&W and yet i can compete wit velocity, i play one pretty good pit and one horrible marth who only fairs, but yet i was able to adapt so no johns, be a man and except defeat. listen to scar and let us enjoy the victory.

id say i did pretty good for my first brawl tourney, wouldnt ya say so? although it was a pretty bad ran tourney.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
yea, for everyone who wasnt even at the tourney, dont assume cross is a bad player cause inui said he was bad... he was a good player, and i safely say that going against him in both singles and doubles.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
LOL_Master plays Melee, Vex plays all three smashes and therefore is better than me at Smash in general (rofl), I daresay Triad plays both games if not just Melee, and I've never met sqki.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
as for brawl melee in the crew, i think its...

-me 50/50
-gotm all melee
-mexi more brawl (still good at melee though)
-lol all melee
-triad 50/50
-vex more brawl (still good at melee though)
-if im not mistaken that group of people around mexi (like aztec kyuu and stuff) are either all brawl or more brawl
-talwind more brawl
-sqki more brawl (pretty much cause he goes to rutgers and thats all they play over there lol, though he still likes melee a lot)


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2007
I play brawl more than melee but it doesnt mean I prefer it, it means no one plays melee when I want to.

Melee>Brawl ALWAYS


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
New Jersey
I play brawl more than melee but it doesnt mean I prefer it, it means no one plays melee when I want to.

Melee>Brawl ALWAYS
ur name is liar. i ask to play melee more than anyone out of us, but when it comes down to a decision, u side wit ur triforce lovers.

and dont come here wit that bulls**t Melee>Brawl. i dont want to here that hear. everyone can keep there opinion to themselves.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
good stuff at that tourney sael. what place did you get chibo?

also...cheezits next weekend and i might drive, its just melee i think, who would wanna go? i'd be driving from jersey not philly =/


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2007
What you guys doing?

What the..I come back from class and a stupid forced extra credit assignment to this?

ur name is liar. i ask to play melee more than anyone out of us, but when it comes down to a decision, u side wit ur triforce lovers.

and dont come here wit that bulls**t Melee>Brawl. i dont want to here that hear. everyone can keep there opinion to themselves.
Dont do the lie GP Mexi. I expressed many times my RAGE for brawl, just ask Kyuu, Aztec, or even lol Roberto and I barely sit down and play with u guys >_> anytime theres a random setup looks whats in it? BRAWL. Oh can we pop in some Melee? LOL NO. I wish Melee had online :(.

first of all he was targeting gotm, 2nd i dont f**king care who or wat they r targeting. the point is that ppl r allowed to express themselves. unlike u i dont pick favorites.

yeah right...you played me like 3 matches, you played brawl all night at triads!

Triad ****** my horrible falco with his horrible marth
You ****** my pikachu with marth
You ****** my pikachu with fox
Triad beating me with samus a couple times
Me winning a match against triad ;)
Marth ditto Triad
Me trying to not get 4-stocked before I left
When I went downstairs with kyuu and aztec I played some FFAs(if u call that playing brawl) and played sum MARIO F****** KART..Toad is a beast and rainbow road still sucks. Then mark ruined it by forcing more brawl in my body so then I left and went upstairs in which those events I listed happened except the part where M2K was IMing triad, lulz. Also when I first came I played a lil, then we went to Pizza Hut. MMM Pizza that was so good that a slice is around 10 bucks.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA

Mr Chibs, It looks like I can go to that tournament thingy, most likely anywayz, ill update you guys later, latest would be like wensday
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