In that case, my original opinion still stands (not that I ever really left it, lol). Even if scrubs, by your definition, all vote pro-ban just because they can't work around MK, my point was that there are just as many other players who will vote MK just because they pick him up and **** their other average friends with him despite not having a great amount of skill.... which is what tends to happen at the mid-level metagame.
They represent a different type of scrub: the kind who backs up MK solely because at the relatively low level of competition they're playing at (in, say, a state with very little Brawl presence), they can get away with having less skill because of their character's dominance.
Both types of uninformed opinions will skew the results, but either way, there's nothing we can do about it, lol. Besides, this poll doesn't count for that much, does it? I'm sure they took into consideration the potential ignorance of the general Smash community.....
EDIT: Also, I wasn't trying to come at you or anything, Clai. (Apparently I can come off as a ***** online..... just by being straightforward...... x.x!) Just friendly debating. <3