It is impossible to create a Tier based PR list AND cap off tiers at certain numbers
Scenario 1
M2K, Ally, ADHD, Tyrant, Dojo all live in TX.
S Tier = M2K? Ally? Both? No wait we can only have 1
A Tier = ADHD, Tyrant, Dojo? but wait thats top 5... we need top 4
Scenario 2
Player A, B, C, D, E are all of equal skill level. B tier can only have 4 people in it, now what?
S Tier
Dojo - 10
A Tier
Gnes - 9
Razer - 9
Dphat - 9
B Tier
Player A - 7
Player C - 7
Player D - 7
Player E - 7
C Tier
Player B - 6
SomeOtherGuy - 3
SomeOtherOtherGuy - 3
SomeOtherGuysMom - 3
Tiers divide players on SKILL GAP. They do not order players. A Tier = lots of skill (9). B Tier = good skill (6-7). C Tier = Poor skill (3)
Secondly, gaps do NOT help with seeding. I posted all of the most recent touranments. Tell me, how many of them had even seeds amongst S-C tiers? None of them fit evenly with Top4/Top8/top16 or w/e. It's not that important to have this Tier PR list spaced out evenly.