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Official Texas Power Rankings! - Updated June 15, 2012

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Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA

So if a player from Texas does well OoS, his ranking in the Texas tiers changes accordingly, correct?


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
I understand you're going to just randomly generate people into the bracket off tier list, so in my case I can potentially be seeded 9th regardless the fact I'm 4th in TX? Tier list is dumb. You aren't going to seed 64 people into a 64 man bracket are you? Heck the most you'll probably seed is top8 tbh. Might as well keep the pr just 8 people cause after that it doesn't really matter. If you really want to see your name at the bottom of a 64 man PR fine with me, good for you, you're not the suckiest player in TX you are instead.. tied with 13 other people to be determined as the worst player in TX. You can now randomly be generated to be given the worst possible seeding in a tournament with your 13 equals. LMFAO tier list is dumb.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Then what's the point of a tier list? Might as well make a 64 man PR if the tier list is going to be ordered LMFAO. Idea is dumb regardless Razer. If I was in the bottom tier I wouldn't want the board to see that I'm one of the worst player in TX. Good job pointing out that people are bad. Might as well just limit the pr to 5 and have 30+ honorable mentions cause outside of top 5 no one really going to care. Tier idea is dumb, might as well just remove me from the list if you're going to do this so I can just ruin tournament results.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
No wonder why people are calling TX a joke. I can see if we did a tier list that included our surrounding states IE oklahoma and lousianna but outside of that theres no point. How are y'all even determining who's in what tier? Tournament placement? LMFAO HEY isn't that how we do a standard power ranking? DANG .... so I guess in every tier we are going to list each tier member in order of who's better then worst. Might as well throw numbers with them to boot.. HEY WAIT.. we just made a 70+ man power ranking list DANG. Idea sounds stupid.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
You're right Dphat. Screw PRs, screw Tier lists, screw anything I try to put together cause i can't make everyone happy =(

FYI, randomly seeding people per tier group was a suggestion that a TO could do... not what TOs will do. It's their tournament they can do what they want.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
ZAC EXACTLY, you even posted it in your post. You can't make everyone happy so don't succumb to Allan. Just keep the PR instead of this dumb tier list. I know you worked hard but it's pointless and stupid, are you seriously going to rank every player who's entered a TX tournament? Are you seriously going to seed everyone in a 32-64 man bracket? Every bracket image will look identical for the first couple of months. People will be playing the same people for the first 2-3 tournament. Sounds dumb to me. There's no need to pat everyone on there back Zac. If I see that I placed 17th then that alone would motivate me to place even better, especially if I know I can do better, I don't need a tier list to show me where I stand, my tournament placing already does that for me.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Ok seriously stop, this is uncalled for.

Regardless of whether or not it's a good idea, we are going to go through with it. We have the whole summer to experiment. If it doesn't work out I'll just throw together the panel again and rank people like we usually do. It's not like we're wasting time. The panel would probably wait to do a new PR until after summer season with all the big tourneys.

Thanks for you're understanding.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Like IMO I already see one way to make the list as accurate as possible and thats setting a specific # per tier. Like example S-tier limited to 1 so we know who's given first seed. A tier is limited to 3 so we know top 4 seeds is. Then we put 4 people in B tier so we know top 8 seeding, and then in C-tier we have 8 so we know top 16 seeding and etc etc. This would have a better effect and would motivate people to jump tier lists cause now tier lists have a more deeper meaning and will effects your seeding greatly. As of now I have no reason to even try to get better cause if I don't consistently beat razer/gnes I won't get bumped up to A, and if I keep beating everyone in B then it doesn't help me either.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
It seems like your really only thinking about yourself at the moment. As you can see, its in its early stages.

Including you in the "top4", its not that often that you'll be at the same tournament as dojo razer and gnes, and when it does happen again, Im prettty sure you'll get a good enough seed.

So give it time to workout itself rather than bash it as soon as you read it on the boards


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Blah blah don't care about jerm, didn't post anything informative so going to completely ignore your post. BTW if you read my posts, and since I'm giving suggestions then I must of clearly agreed to accept it and try it out.

I got more suggestions if you want me to post them here as well. Such as inactivity, how people could use the tier list so they know who they could MM/who to avoid in mms, and etc etc.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
haha, pretty mature. Its not like I care about you either, its just annoying that everytime something new is posted here, someone like you starts complaining without even giving it a chance.

Why dont you just stop acting like a little girl and crying when something doesnt go your way.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Going to continue being D-tier and not contribute anything useful to the conversation.
This is all I read from your last couple of posts Jerm.

Anyways after discussing and having Ranji explain to me in detail how the system works I've accepted it and would love to throw out more ideas to the panel/if not become a panelist. Anyways I know I'm not the only one with mixed feelings about this system but I guess I shouldn't of ranted so much but I do see a ton of flaws and I would love to help fix them with yall.

Anyways I'm going to apologize to Zac but the way you guys described the tier list seemed kinda of useless and was no different from a normal PR but hopefully Ranji will come here and post some of the stuff he discussed/talked about with me.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
The tiers make it easy to combine with other state PRs and isnt as hard to rank players in and not EVERYTHING is random, obvious stuff like you over DMG still happens so you still get seeded right, its the players like DMG/D4bA/Roy that should get the random seeding since they're all pretty much equal players. Btw old PR was dumb cause not attending tourneys hurt you, which is fixed in this PR, your ranked to how well you do each time you enter a tourney and who you beat also. And it was updated every 3 months which lead to outdated stuff (btw this all listed in the original post)

And this idea already motivated lots of players, stop being selfish lmao its so obvious right now you are


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Once again ozz you haven't read any of my posts, I got ideas to contribute to make this tier list better, and of course if something going to effect me I'm going to voice my opinion. But yeah I see ALOT of potential with this tier list, more so for the average player level. With the tier list people can see who's roughly around there level and gives them a set range on who to MM with or who to avoid. It's a very unique concept, I REALLY like it, people need to realize that not all MM's have to be high profile ones. It also gives people smaller goals to accomplish and set, and everyone knows achieving something regardless of how small it is feels great. I completely agree with the system and will throw out suggestions whenever I think of any.

I do think having a specific number though is a must for a tier list.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2009
Dallas, TX
dang this might actually motivate me to play now. yay!
Sectioning off a specific # of players per tier is smart in coorespondance with seeding purposes. I think that's the point of a PR list in the first place. That would also make money matches between tier groups alot easier to identify with. "Oh you place 9th consistently too? Lets money match." In case you can't recognize skill of your own calibur, the PR tier list does it for you. Spoonfeed me basic observations plz.

What dphat said tho, outside of top 3...doesn't really matter. Just shoot for 3 or go home like the Spurs did to the lakers the other night. I personally would not enter a tournament to get crapped on time and time again. Seeding matters


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
This was originally a post that would stop all the ranting, but now it says only a few things

1. Dphat, stop complaining about losing your 4th seed. Most tourneys u wouldnt even be seeded that way anyways because Lee comes to so much stuff in Texas. Im glad u edited most of your posts. Good man.

2. Damien, its always been like that.

3. Pr drama never ends i see. I just want to say Zac majority of us do appreciate your efforts, and i hope this works out. :) Seems like a really good idea, well any idea that means i wont have to meet dojo in semis every tourney is a good idea :)


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
I hope you know most my edits were to fix spelling errors or to correct d-tier players posts.

Anyways all I suggested was having a set # per tier. Having a set # makes it ALOT easier for TO's to determine seeding. Also I believe each tier should have a person who's on top of the tier and one who is the bottom of the tier labeled, not only does it make it easier to seed but it also gives the people below/above who to watch out for/who to aim for.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2006
El Paso, TX
How would MMs work? Sometimes people wont have money/ or wont accept it. Plus its not like if someone can go MM every single player right?
I agree that the tier lists should have a set # to them.
Where is Dr. PX?


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Thanks for the new ideas guys, but I don't think the specific # in each tier group idea will work out. If a player from A-tier doesn't show up, then it messes up the seeding numbers for all the players in B-tier and below that. We would only have top 7 and have to pull someone from the next tier to be temporarily ranked "higher". Or what if 2 really good players come from out-of-state. We need to rank them really high but that means pushing back other players in lower tiers below where they're actually ranked.

EX 2
1: D4bAg - B
2: SedLAWN - B
3: Zac Attac - B
4: Foges - C
5: chuky - F
5: Teh Brettster - F
7: denti - E
7: Problemo - ?

If we had seeded before the tourney, it would have looked like this:
Top 2 = BB
Top 4 = BBBC

1: Dojo - S
2: Razer - A
3: Gnes - A
4: Espy - C
5: Hylian - ?
5: PikaPika! - ?
7: Jerm - D
7: Castro - ?
9: K Prime - D
9: Morning - F
9: Pyledriver - G
9: Carnage - F

If we had seeded before the tourney, it would have looked like this:
Top 2 = SA
Top 4 = SAAC

Whobo 2
1: Ally - ?
2: M2K - ?
3: Dojo - S
4: Atomsk - ?
5: UlimateRazer - A
5: Gnes - A
7: Lee Martin - ?
7: Fliphop - D
9: RoyR - B
9: Ozz - C
9: DMG - B
9: Trela - C
13: Dao - C
13: Espy - C
13: Van Jones - D
13: Dphat - B

If we had seeded before the tourney, it would have looked like this:
Top 2 = SA
Top 4 = SAAB

Hobo 24
SPLIT 1: Razer - A
SPLIT 2: Gnes - A
SPLIT 3: Lee Martin - ?
4: Trela - C
5: JNig - ?
5: Ozz - C
7: Jermz - D
7: K Prime - D
9: Dao - C
9: shadow - ?
9: Espy - C
9: Hyro - ?

If we had seeded before the tourney, it would have looked like this:
Top 2 = AA
Top 4 = AACC

Phase 8
1. Dojo - S
2: Dphat - B
3: D4bag - B
4: Melee1 - D
5: Van Jones - D
5: UTDZac - B
7: Denti - E
7: FK - D
9: ALSM - F
9: Foursaken - G
9: Echo - G
9: Take - F

If we had seeded before the tourney, it would have looked like this:
Top 2 = SB
Top 4 = SBBB

See the variety in Top 4 and Top8? Rarely do tournaments have all or the majority of players from any given tier show up.

TIERS should be constructed based on skill gaps NOT on numbers. For example, there is a huge gap between Dojo + Razer + Gnes and the rest of TX. Therefore a tier split should happen there. And between B and C tier there is another decently sized skill gap.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Like by setting a specific number it gives people a set goal. Also by determining who's top or bottom of each tier you can compensate for those who are missing as well. Let me provide you with an example:
This is all under the assumption that we have a specific number
S-1 People
A-3 People
B-4 People
C-8 People
Let say Dojo shows up but none of the A people show up. Since we already got Top of B labeled and Bottom of B labeled we can easily conduct which out of the 4 would be given 2nd through 4th seed.
Etc etc.
By having a set number it makes it ALOT easier for TO's to seed. Also by labeling the Top and Bottom of each tier it would be easier to compensate those who don't show up and make it easier to see who would get bumped/moved down.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2009
Fourside, Eagleland
dang tyson f tier lukky i aint even on it lol
LMAO, i know right??? Whatever that even means??? It's just a letter anways. But i guess if Dphat wont play with Jerm who is in D, i'm really out of luck being in F.:(

Anyways, Zac i think this all is a good step in the right direction and really appreciate all the hard work your doing for us.
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