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Official SV AZ Thread - Brawl Sux (We <3 Melee!) Updated (6/08/10) - We Miss You Joey


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Why do you hate me so much B-Will!!! It's not like I tried to dub-post. It just kinda...happened. I swear I have like a million infractions and stuff...(kidding so please don't give me another one). yeah i'll be there.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
another thing i jus noticed Jeff.. these are all the matches that happened yesterday between us and how the results were.. there are also old matches... that I remembered..

Vect (Falcon) < Axe (Samus)
Vect (Y-Link) < Axe (Samus)
Vect (Y-Link) < Axe (Samus)
Vect (Fox) > Axe (Falco)
Vect (Y-Link) < Axe (Link)
Vect (Y-Link, Mewtwo, Falcon, Doc,) < Axe (IceClimbers)
nearly every char you have can beat my alternates.... but... the only problem you have beating is my falco every other char I have.. you can beat.... so.. ur multi char game.. can take out all my multi char game you know..

JUST ANOTHER DUMB EXAMPLE I NOTICED.. lol =) not like it's a big difference or nething jus another example i can show you to make you feel better.

Lol i'm both glad and sad i met you.. glad cuz i have someone really competetive like me now.. sad.. cuz.. ur getting really REALLY GOOD. ; ; I'M SCARED ; ;

DAM SEING ALL THOSE MATCHES. YOU KNO WHAT.. NEXT TIME WE ALL PLAY.. we are recording.. ^^ I want to record some more

lol sorry sort of random..

but i forgot i played B-will... I forgot i even went to T5 lol

wow... that was a good set we had B-Will.. all 5 games.. *sigh* i sucked at the end sorry for that.. ; ; but i jus noticed u know

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
oh snaps! how did i miss so much? usually when i leave for 5 hours from the boards and come back, there's usually only 1 post up if any! well it's great to see a lot more posts up on the sv thread lol. and it's REALLY great to see that wave's posting again =D

darn it tim! why is it that whenever you record, i'm never there??? i don't think i'm gonna make it on friday cuz i'm supposed to meet up with some friends... waaaa i shouldn't have made that promise lol.

haha mr. j, fox is gay????? he can't be gay if he ***** peach so much OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ...lol jk, i hate your peach man, it owns my fox. or...does it? i dunno, we haven't had a 1v1 match in a really long time, hopefully we can get some in next time. you too, turnip tosser. and especially wave mantis, i miss playing with you man lol

as far as rankings goes, i don't think i should be number 1... cuz first of all, i just plain don't think i'm better, or even equal to you vectorman. and 2) we had our set a long time ago, and you beat me 3-1. and ever since then, we haven't had a set, so if we wanna determine who should be on top, maybe we should have a set... even though i think i already know the outcome :( but yeah... maybe we should have a set... come to think of it, the only person i've had a set with is vectorman and wave mantis, i shouldn't even be number 1 OR 2... or even 3! or even 4! it's not fair to just skip everyone, right? maybe they all can beat me. i mean, last time i fought blackknight, i couldn't beat his samus. maybe he deserves a higher rank. idk, but i'm just saying we need to do some sets for rankings... or i dunno, i'm not all that smart at this stuff lol

Tim, the only reason i could beat your other characters was because you haven't practiced with them as much as you have falco. do i have any characters that can beat your falco??? my ice climbers can't, my fox can't, neither can falco, or pikachu, or samus... i don't even know if my jiggly can lol. and i know the only reason others would think that i would deserve a better rank than you is cuz they've only seen you when you're not at your best. i only ranked high at T5 because i have experience with tourneys, and you didn't. but now you do, and i'm sure that you'll definately rank higher than me next time. you even beat b-will in a few matches, which i couldn't do... except once i think... or maybe that was a dream lol

oh and good news everyone!!!! i... just... got... my.......................................... PERMIT! i can finally drive!! well... sorta:chuckle:


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
Axe is the undisputed best here in SV Vec is like number 5, didnt you guys see those ranking I posted I wasnt kidding. Your rankings are way off there Vec you havent earned #1 Axe owns you and if I recall we didnt play any 1on1. The last time I checked everyone was beating you even Brian so in my book that puts you next to Black your tied with him....sadly enough your assumtions will cost you tonight

Anyways Black how can you be all butt hurt when your the one talking smack remember,
"Ill make you eat missles and beam cannons" something like that but you dont even show to back yourself up. Thats all im saying dont talk the talk....well im pretty sure you know the rest.

One more thing who's coming to the round robin on Sat?


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Lol I like you J... you always find the words that make me want to pount on you.. lol j/k.. yea.. that's crazy.. everyone has been beating me... that's good tho.. my ultimate goal was to make everyone around here better and it looks like it's goin pretty good so far.. ^^ as for.. ur rankings lol... NO.. yes everyone is getting better.. HECK EVEN YOU.. but u still can't beat any of my characters.... Idk about turnup.. and I've beaten jeff and brain w/o using Falco.. so... if you really want me to jus pwn you.. i'll use falco all nite.. but that's boring.. which is why i don do it.. unlike you.. LOL who do you have sheik and peach.. what more do u have?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
Axe is the undisputed best here in SV Vec is like number 5, didnt you guys see those ranking I posted I wasnt kidding. Your rankings are way off there Vec you havent earned #1 Axe owns you and if I recall we didnt play any 1on1. The last time I checked everyone was beating you even Brian so in my book that puts you next to Black your tied with him....sadly enough your assumtions will cost you tonight

Anyways Black how can you be all butt hurt when your the one talking smack remember,
"Ill make you eat missles and beam cannons" something like that but you dont even show to back yourself up. Thats all im saying dont talk the talk....well im pretty sure you know the rest.

{Black and Vec}
Last time i remeber you never beat tim only me, jeff, and brian you honestly suck in evryones eyes i was there last nite and hopefully tonite and you still got a a/s/s beatin comin so dont wrry all you are is talk, and how you got "bested" that nite from what i heard you caught a f/u/c/k/in beatdown so all i hear is noise from you j

for the record im not butt hurt cause why get mad at old news anyways (meanin you) this rivialry is gettin old and borin


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2007
Sierra Vista
well **** lol, this thread is funnier than i thought. im glad i stopped by haha. well ill agree with whoever said they should use more characters in there game. well atleast this is what i think. the reason i used to get beat all the time was because all i had was a falco who died with a punch at like 50 damage.but now i have characters that i use based on what characters the opponent uses. TAG's list of chars....falcon!, falco,shiek,fox,ice climbers

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
YAY for Tag's first post! i'm proud of you man =') lol jk. but it's cool to see a post of you, and nice kingdom hearts pic! anyways...

Mr. J, you know i can't resist going to any tournaments or round robins, so heck yeah i'm going lol. how much is it gonna cost me?

i wanna play tonight!! but i'm supposed to go to the mall..... but.... must play smash.... SMASH!!! but.... promised to go to mall...... SMASH!!! waaaa ='( i wish i knew the shadow clone jutsu

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
oh yeah, that's true. but the problem is that all my friends are going at night... unless there was a way i could smash now and mall later, but Vman's at work, so i know it couldn't work out :(


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Tag.........good to see you have an account now.. BTW awesome games last night OMG.. I can't believe we played till.................. 3:00 A.M. we played for 7 straight hours lol.. WOW... BTW awesome Falcon... and keep up the Falco.. ^^ I don like Falcon... ever since I played B-Will and Trevyn I haven't like Falcon and now you too. *cry* good job on the Falco dittos.. so many close matches w/us.. lol at Mewtwo on Falcon... i know u don like it. but ur falcon was pwning my Y link..

overall good games to all.. Jeff, Carlton.. everyone.. hope to see you guys later on

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
dang, 3 in the morning... i wanna play until 3 in the morning lol. too bad my mom's a poo, but o well :p i know Mr. j asked this already, but who's going to the round robin tomorrow?


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2007
Sierra Vista
oh and hell ye vect! those were some really good games omg!!! ye i may of got your young link lol but omg mewtwo on falcon makes me want to cry lol. its brutal.haha.....we gotta record....now! lol

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
umm well jeff, you are! anthony is! and i might show up if i can lol. JETS!!!
lol gotta love falcon:laugh:

yeah it'd be awesome if you went tag. can't go without my deodorant buddy lol. and vman, PLEASE go! i wanna see if you can get 1st or not lol. maybe you've gotten good enough to beat b-will now. you're suiciding a lot less which is good. and blackknight, you should go too. i love samus lol

and WAVE MANTIS!!!! you haven't even gone to ONE tourney! at least go to a round robin or SOMETHING! you really should go, it'd be a great experience for you

WOW this computer is making me REALLY mad... i can't log on to my msn messenger :(

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
dang, this sux lol. tag isn't picking up his phone, and me and mr j are kinda... lost lol. we don't know where his house is


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
Black ***....ht stop stop your making yourself look dumber now than ever. Just say Im better than you and ill leave you alone from now on.
never have and never will mr.j and you ever call me that again i will kill u :chuckle: your not black for 1, and 2 your a ignorant ****** anyways cause you bore me, mr. j when you stop talkin **** and jsut accept you suc then i will leave you alone i admit you were once number one but now that everyone is gettin alot better your fallin behind (too bad:ohwell:)

but you just don get it do you?

1 i never backdown
2 i never give up
3 i always try to better myself and everyone around me
4 and i never accept defeat
5 you must give respect to get respect

you have none of these while everyone else has all or more face it j
YOU ARE PITAFUL :chuckle::chuckle::chuckle:

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
dang, looks like something serious is going on between carlton and mr j... but then again, maybe that's a good thing, cuz that pushes them both to get better right? anyways...

if we were to have a tournament here in sierra vista, do you think anyone would come? cuz honestly, i'm pretty tired of having tournaments in small crowded houses lol. my parents always offer to host a smash tournament at my dads studio (cuz he's a business owner, he owns a martial arts studio :) so there's tons of room in there) but i always refuse them because i know that no one would come to Sierra Vista for a tournament. so since SV is starting to get a little known... do you think maybe we could try hosting a tournament here in sierra vista at my dad's studio?

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
well i remember talking to tim about it before. or... at least i think it was tim i was talking to, and he said that it wouldn't work out because no one from tucson would wanna come down to SV because it's not worth their time. but now that SV is a little more known to tucson, maybe they would wanna come down for the tourney

so if you guys wanna host a tourney down here in SV, just let me know what date and i'll tell my dad to reserve a date just for us


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
dang, looks like something serious is going on between carlton and mr j... but then again, maybe that's a good thing, cuz that pushes them both to get better right? anyways...

if we were to have a tournament here in sierra vista, do you think anyone would come? cuz honestly, i'm pretty tired of having tournaments in small crowded houses lol. my parents always offer to host a smash tournament at my dads studio (cuz he's a business owner, he owns a martial arts studio :) so there's tons of room in there) but i always refuse them because i know that no one would come to Sierra Vista for a tournament. so since SV is starting to get a little known... do you think maybe we could try hosting a tournament here in sierra vista at my dad's studio?
OMG.. Jeff... (I'm gonna pwn you) why didn't you say somethin like this earlier.... noob.... SUPER NOOB.. OMG ULTRA NOOB... ur a noob... OMG yeah that'd be a good idea.... And since you're making SV noticeable now... heck yea.. that would help... Ummm i'm gonna update the thread... We need to talk about holdin one... like now.. so everyone from SV get on and we'll work something out

EDIT: Jeff... i WIll pWN you.... NOOOOOBBBB lol j/k

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
lol I'M SORRY TIM!! haha i just thought that SV wasn't good enough to be known! lol i'm sorry!!! sorry sorry sorry but hey, at least i said something, right? lol. alright! so everyone just let me know what date you want it on so i can tell my dad

oh and LOOK! we're almost at page 100! =D

so i'm up for smash today... is anyone else up for it? (well actually, i'm up for smash EVERY day lol)


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
nooobbb.. shutup lol j/k.. well it needs to be at the end of july.. or.. beginning of August so we can give the rest of AZ some time to fit it in their schedules.. also.. will we do a round robin thing like B-Will or will we hold an actual tourney?

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
hmmm... crap i don't really know. i don't think i'd do a good job at hosting tourneys lol. but i have a place, so i guess i did my share, right? lol. jk, i'll still help with everything i can. i'm thinking that we should have it in July since WCC is gonna be in august, we don't want our tourney and WCC to be too close together


Smash Ace
May 2, 2005
Tempe, Arizona
well end of july is gonna be Evo East and also OC3, which many of us are gonna go, and then at the beginning of August is gonna be WCC in tuson... so i dont think those dates are gonna hold up vector


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Jeff.. i'm really gonna pwn you now. lol j/k.. ok ok.. so what would you all find as good dates then? The beginning of July or middle of July or something or what/
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