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Official SV AZ Thread - Brawl Sux (We <3 Melee!) Updated (6/08/10) - We Miss You Joey


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
Yeah another Round Robin in Tucson next Sun. Im going to this. I gotta practice up before the big one in Aug. So Black, Preist, Wave, and Vec you guys gave up smash, sad


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
lol... you would say i gave up smash jus cuz i don play as much anymore.. GOSH don worry J if you really need me to own you that bad don worry i will.Sheesh i know u missed it but dam.. lol.. (Dude I thought Mewtwo was hard to play and he still is but Pichu OMG.. wow i'm gonna do it tho) lol

PRIEST REVAN woot.. Good to see you bak.. lol Man too bad ur not actually bak yet.. LOL and jus look who knows you may find some competition.. n_n


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
lol.. you would say that... who tells you these things lol.. even if i didn't play i'd still hav a spot.. in my pwnage book for you lol

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
*gasp* i wanna go to the round robin!!!! Mr. J... i need a riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide lol.

*gasp* blackknight! geez! you haven't been on smashboards in like forever lol

*gasp* PRIEST REVAN! waaaaaaaa even though you were weird and had strange mindgames and rested your legs on me... i still miss you man :(

oh and by the way, i just got back to SV this morning :) it feels good to be back... in yet, still boring


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
lol I hav to give Mr. J his props too.. I admit.. He got WAY.. better.. OMG.. i used to be bored from playin him. lol but i hav to giv it to you J.. you got alot better.. you really did.. umm idc when we play.. tonite sounds good if ur down J?

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
hehe smash last night was fun lol. i'm up for smash again tonight... and tomorrow... and for the rest of the summer :p


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
I don understand this game anymore.. ; ; matches that i thought werent in my favor as an advantage are.. good.. yet matches that i counterpick and try to win with are bad.. WTF.. I don understand.. *sigh* Freakin Axe.. making my brain hurt more than it needs to ; ; neway man.. good games yesterday jeff that was fun.. it's great practice for me to play your IC.. I didn't get to play your pika that much tho.. lol at the y link link matches... close stuff.. and lol at falcon.. that knee is so funny to watch.. lol.. hopefully we can play more soon..

Good Games..


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Vec, I hope you are showing up to the round robin with the others from SV...
i'm gonna try and pull something off B-Will umm. i do have family and friends visitin atm but who knows maybe he'll roll w/us or something idk.. but i'll try and don worry if i can't Axe sure will.. He's gettin annoying w/how much better he's getting lol.. NOOB.. j/k but yea. i'll see what i can do

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
lol vman, YOU'RE the noob! jk, but yeah that was really confusing about the IC stuff lol. "oh i'll never EVER use falco against IC's" well... you might wanna reconsider that lol. i didn 't even get to play your pichu! i wanna play it, i'm not even sure if i ever have. we gotta have a pikachu pichu match.

i think everyone should try to go to the round robin :p

AND WTF WHY COULDN'T I BEAT BLACKKNIGHT'S SAMUS YESTERDAY??? he 2 stocked my fox WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!??!? but...but... alright that does it! man, i want a rematch!

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
lol you never lose the touch
i'll have you know that "touch" is one of the Axe sprays, so let me absorb you with my axe effect powers, RAWR


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
All you need lol, man your better at tellin jokes than playing smash.......
yeah just how you need to go get shaun and didnt come back.....too bad, samus wanted some of you to j. we didnt quit we are just chillin if you wanted a beatin just call tims phone hes been wantin to give you some and me...well lets just say your gonna be eat rockets for appitetzer and a tasty charge blast fo dinner :chuckle::chuckle:



Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
yeah just how you need to go get shaun and didnt come back.....too bad, samus wanted some of you to j. we didnt quit we are just chillin if you wanted a beatin just call tims phone hes been wantin to give you some and me...well lets just say your gonna be eat rockets for appitetzer and a tasty charge blast fo dinner :chuckle::chuckle:


Well, well aren't we the confident one lol. Well i hope that rust bucket you call a Samus can back that up......

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
lol it's funny how we always argue with each other on the boards when we're supposed to be a team. but then again, i don't think we can help it, we're trash talkers lol.

so is anyone up for any smash today? i haven't played you in a while Mr. J. turnip tosser either


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Well...you know what...I might as well be done with smash since nobody calls me anymore. Whatever though...I guess I am done. It was nice knowing you guys and we had a lot of good times together. It's a shame really...


AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ

cmon wave, you know that i miss smashing with you more than anybody else. you were always my favorite person to be around cuz you were always so funny lol. and i'd call you if i had your number. if you wanna smash... you should just call me, i'm almost always free 249-3743


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2006
High in the snowy Mountains
Well...you know what...I might as well be done with smash since nobody calls me anymore. Whatever though...I guess I am done. It was nice knowing you guys and we had a lot of good times together. It's a shame really...

Ok, *****y P.R. time.

1. Wave, shut the hell up. ****. You're always freakin' busy. What do you expect?
2. Don't you dare ****in' give up. I actually had fun fighting a good Kirby.
3. At least play Pokemon if your going to leave smash... ****.

BlackKnight, give this message to Wave.

(Or V3ctorman).

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
dark shiek has a good point, we really should call him more often. i dunno, it seems like we kinda just... forgot about him, you know? i haven't seen him since the smash tourney at school. wave, you should give us a call whenever you wanna smash, and everyone else should probably try calling him too. or give me his number so i can call him at least. i know everyone misses the funny things he used to say when we smashed with him, i know i do. haha i always think about the time when tim asked "Shaud, why did you start playing ness?" and he replied "cuz he reminds me of kirby" LOL!!! that cracked me up :laugh:


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
WOW.. ok, ok. ok.. i've got many things to cover... *sigh* ok.. first and most important.. shad none of us forgot you.. we never have and we never will.... We play, and we call everyone and such... it doesn't hurt if you give us a call for a change rather than us always havin to call you... i'm used to that.. I don call Jeff, J, Turnup, Black, you know why? they always call me... they WANT to play.. Just gimme a ring man.. i'll always pick up. I NEVER call them first. NEVER.. i always reply to them after they call.. Just call.. we are playin Friday.. so be at my house.. neway..

Mr J, Turnup... Axe,, Holy **** that was some fun **** yesterday.. (lol at J gettin mad at jeff's Fox infinite.. XD OMG Axe.. we have so many good times that we beat J, and Turnup with.. WTF Doc, and Mario, Falcon, and Ganon, Y-Link and Link, Fox, Falco, Pichu, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Jigglypuff.. lol... omg that was so fun yesterday.. we beat them at least once w/every set of those characters that was great.. Congrats to Mr. J, and Turnup they 2 stocked Mine and Jeff's Falco/Fox combination w/their gay peaches.. =( lol tho.. Mr. J. Turnup what happened to ur other chars.. I wanted to see ur Luigi, and Marth Turnup and Mr J. i wish i got to play ur Doc and ur Falco some more or something.. neway good games..

Last AXe.. YOU are OFFICIALLY gay.. lol I hate Samus... I couldn't beat ur Samus even once w/my Falcon *cry* I came close but close don mean **** My Y-Link vs your Samus was pretty dam close too.. lol.... I like our final match tho.. Your Pika vs my Falco.. Our mains' vs each other.. that was fun.. (Only game I won when u got mad and left) lol j/k XD (Grrr I hate playing Jeff) NOOB.. lol


Well yeah.. see you all this Friday...

EDIT: This Friday... I want to update the SV Rankings.. so please everyone show up at my place..

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
LOL dang guys, yesterday was one of the funnest days i've had in a LONG time! haha dang, i wish we could have more nights like that lol. i LOVED playing in every game, sweet! lol. anyways...

Tim... i seriously don't think we should tie for first in the rankings, i know that you're better than me. i mean... did you see what you did to me last night? dang man... i couldn't even move! but after last night, i was thinking... heh, for a while, i thought that maybe i was as good, or maybe even better than you. i don't know why i thought that, but honestly, for a little while, i did think that. but after last night, i realized that i'm not even close to being as good as you. and NO, i wasn't actually mad when i left lol, i was jk. but i really started thinking about it hard on my way home. heh heh man... you totally would've swept the floor with all those guys up in minnesota

but now that i realized that i'm still under vectorman... that just makes me wanna train even harder. but still... i don't understand it. i train nearly EVERY SINGLE DAY, even up in minnesota, i played almost every single day. and i remember when we played a few days ago Tim, you said that you haven't played in weeks... and i played every day... and you still beat me so easily. that makes me think... i don't understand it, how could i work so hard and still be so far below you? it makes no since, what do i have to do to get better? i would think that i have to practice, but i do... and it doesn't seem like it works. i just wish i knew how to get better. right now i'm thinking that i might not ever get to the level that you're at... but that doesn't mean i'm gonna give up, i'm still gonna try my hardest to beat you vectorman


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2006
Sierra Vista,AZ
We were bested yesterday but make no mistake we will get better. Those were some intense but very fun matches i have to agree will play again on Fri.

PS Fox sucks Jeff!


Smash Ace
May 2, 2005
Tempe, Arizona
it all depends on how you look at it axe, people that you fight a lot know your fighting style and such and some times they just know the advantages over you and u can figure them out some times. personally i do think your better then Vect, axe. you placed well and fought well in the T5 tourney.
but just because u can beat a certain person that you think/or is better then you doesnt mean that you are always at par or beyond their level in skill. ive seen some average players beat some good people but thats cause they just play them a lot and know them.

so im just trying to say is.... dont just think that if u "cant" beat vect, or you "can" beat him doesnt mean you havent gotten better or you arent good as him. you are good as hell axe and vect is good also, just dont look at it in one perspective


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
Blacknight=chicken baby lol ran scared all the way home
mr. j im gettin tired of your **** really your the only one who says anyhthing when you dont have any room to talk AT ALL i show up more than you do and stay whether im losin or not i stay, i was there anyways cause i told jeff to beat the f/u/c/kin s/h/i/t out of you j cause i wanted to do it i but had some serious family issues j plus my mom scares me more than you and she doesnt even smash so think before you call me a chicken baby, you bish
(don be like ok or calm down) cause you called it down j you will never be good to me lol


Dec 18, 2005
Palo Alto, California
mr. j im gettin tired of your **** really your the only one who says anyhthing when you dont have any room to talk AT ALL i show up more than you do and stay whether im losin or not i stay, i was there anyways cause i told jeff to beat the f/u/c/kin s/h/i/t out of you j cause i wanted to do it i but had some serious family issues j plus my mom scares me more than you and she doesnt even smash so think before you call me a chicken baby, you bish
(don be like ok or calm down) cause you called it down j you will never be good to me lol
Calm down both of you. So much hate in SV.

I'd also agree that axe should be #1 in SV. He performed very well at the last Tucson round robin and placed higher than Vec at T5. but that's just from what I saw. I guess I'll see what happens at this Sat's round robin. Vec, you are coming right? :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
*sigh* When do i ever call you? You always call me...Anyway, I GUESS i'll still play.
Only cause I had some serious nostalgia...or sumthin like that. I woke up this morning and played smash...and I forgot how much I missed it. I swear I almost cried and stuff. It was like kirby was talking to me and stuff. Man I forgot how fun it was to post stupid stuff on the boards...****it...
Jeff my number is 732-4426. So call me whenever you guys play...I get free incoming calls anyway...
yeah..................................................................****ing A!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
(Vectorman Speaking)

yeah.... thank you Dark Sheik.. Listen to what he said.... I mean.. he's right.. we don have much diversity here.. and you have gon to certain tourneys.... even at T5 you placed very very well... and that tourney in Minnesota you got what 5th place.... You have one thing that I don't have in terms of luxury Jeff.. andt that's DIVERSITY.. You've played... many, MANY different people while I've only played certain people in my area.. You have to consider what dark said too.... You have experience... Remember when i went to T5... Well it was my first major tourney... and I didn't do sooo hot.... of course now.. i'll be fine cuz i have experience and know what to expect of other people and such... but.... you have to consider other factors besides who i play... One advantage I have since we play so much... I'm good at learning styles.. so it helps me alot.. you know?

HONESTLY IN MY OPINION... if anyone is to be better it's YOU.. if not that then we are equals... but in terms. you have experience that I jus don have yet... remember you got 3rd at Gamer's tourney too.. so.. you're much better than you give urself cfedit for you know?

BTW Dark. *cry* you hurt my feelings.. ; ; lol I think ur right tho.. AXE.. is somethin else =)

EDIT: yea... I'm also leaning in B-Will's direction... I think Axe deserves to be placed in number 1 he has experience that i don have and he performs very well in tourneys.... YOU HAVE ONE THING I WISH I COULD HAVE MORE OF AND THAT'S EXPERIENCE.. so... As of now... Axe your #1... lol... don worry i'll find a way to take it bak tho.. n_n or I'll think of something... so what do you want me to do Jeff... i'm gonna put you at #1 or i'm gonna leave us tied... and leave it TBD.. What do you guys think? ALL OF AZ? help plz.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
OK...It's funny how Black and Mr. J are still going at after so long. WTF!!! LOL!!! At least our thread is alive again. I am missing Priest though...
yah but how bout I shut both of you up tommorow with the one and only Kirbsterooney!!! LOL!!! Trashtalking=too good <- ROFLMFAO x100.
*sigh* (I should so be in class right now...snuck out to go to the comp lab.)
WTF...r u guys playing right now!!! ****it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
OK...It's funny how Black and Mr. J are still going at after so long. WTF!!! LOL!!! At least our thread is alive again. I am missing Priest though...
yah but how bout I shut both of you up tommorow with the one and only Kirbsterooney!!! LOL!!! Trashtalking=too good <- ROFLMFAO x100.
*sigh* (I should so be in class right now...snuck out to go to the comp lab.)

lol Vectorman speaking

Good to hear from you again..

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